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Saven Deception

Page 29

by Siobhan Davis

  “Dante,” the king says. “Your brother is right. Put him in that chair.” He releases my chin and snags my arm. Thrusting me toward Logan, he says, “Secure her to the other chair.”

  Logan gently takes my arm. I glare at him. Not once did he mention the fact that The Hulk was his brother. “It’ll be okay, Sadie. Let me handle this. I won’t let them harm Jarod or you. I love you.”

  Dante drags two chairs from the table and positions them side by side. I stare blankly ahead as Logan helps me into a seat. Taking my damaged wrist between his fingers, he softly probes the swollen tissue at the bone. My eyes water as pain lances through me. Concern shimmers in his eyes but he hides it well. He ties my uninjured hand to the side of the chair as Dante pulls Jarod’s hands around the back of the chair and pins them together.

  The king looms over us. “Look at me,” he commands. Jarod’s head is tilted forward and blood pumps out of his nose. He doesn’t look up and I follow suit, staring defiantly ahead.

  A searing hot pain whips across my cheek, and my head flies back with the force of the slap.

  “Father!” Logan says. “Stop.”

  The king stares at him inquisitively. “Why?” He surveys his son as if he’s a foreign species he cannot understand. “You said you weren’t interested in her?”

  Logan clears his throat. “It’s not that. She’s already hurt and there will be questions asked if they arrive back in Thalassic City with obvious injuries.”

  “Who said anything about letting them go back? They’ve seen too much. They need to be eliminated.”

  Rampant terror washes over me.

  “King Adjani,” the VP speaks up. “I must protest. We’ve been screening highlights of ‘The Experimento’ throughout the nation, and both these young people are known to the populace at large. If either of them should disappear without explanation, too many questions would be asked. We can’t afford for anything to derail our plans when we’re so close to achieving our aims. Surely, there’s another course of action that can be taken.”

  “My esteemed King,” Logan says, bowing deferentially. “If I may pose a suggestion.”

  “Tool,” Dante mutters. Logan ignores him.

  “Continue,” the king replies, his mouth set in a displeased line.

  “Apply the targeted memory erase serum. Then anything they’ve witnessed will be lost to them and the operation will be secure. They can return to Thalassic City and no one will be any the wiser.”

  “What?!” I hope I’m screaming it at Logan. “Are you insane?”

  “It’s the only way, Sadie. You don’t know what he’s capable of. I do.”

  “It won’t work on her,” Dante says, directing his statement to his father. “I’ve told you she has adequately deflected mind implant, and her will is too strong. She should be terminated. The unknown is too much of a threat.”

  “Fuck you, Dante.” The words shoot out of my mouth.

  Dante crouches down in front of me. “Oh, sweetheart, I’d happily sign up for that.” He glances briefly at Logan and smirks. Super-fast—so fast I don’t see it coming—he reaches out and rips my top right up the middle, exposing my bra and oodles of naked skin. His hand slips into the left-side bra cup and he squeezes my bare flesh. My whole body trembles with fear and loathing. I puke a little in my mouth.

  Logan is on him in an instant, flinging him off to the side. He trembles with rage. Stalking toward his brother, they get into it straightaway, trading jabs and punches, both of them ducking and darting, slamming and crashing.

  “Isn’t this entertaining,” the king says, his eyes roaming the swell of my breasts.

  “Logan!” My heart thuds frantically.

  “Leave her alone,” Jarod grits out as Logan manifests in front of me. His hair is all messy and his cheeks are flushed from exertion. Shucking out of his sweater, Logan tenderly pulls it over my head. He threads my uninjured arm through the long sleeve, bunching it up to my elbow. His fingers brush the skin on my collarbone, and I jump from the contact. “I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and I intend to keep that promise. Trust me, Sadie.”

  “This is an unexpected development,” the king says, pondering his son. “Have you chosen her after all?”

  “Not exactly,” Logan replies with a neutral expression. “It’s a little more complicated than that.” Jarod risks a quick peek at me, and I have to smother my anguished gasp. His nose is still oozing blood, and he has several lacerations and cuts to his face.

  “Explain,” the king demands.

  “She’s my Eterno,” Logan says, exuding superiority. “She can’t be harmed.” He shoots a warning look at Dante.

  The king staggers back, a mixture of shock, awe, and horror on his face. His mouth hangs open. “It can’t be, Logan. She is human!” His jaw slackens.

  “I don’t claim to understand it, Father, but I’ve told you the truth. Check for yourself.” Logan steps forward, his posture stiff.

  The king fixes his large hand over Logan’s forehead, and his brow furrows in concentration. He stumbles back, astounded. “It’s true. The first in … How can this be?” He looks to Logan for answers.

  “I don’t know, Father. But you’ve verified the truth for yourself. Sadie is my intended, and from this point on, she has the protection of the Eterno Commandments. She cannot be harmed. I formally accept responsibility for her.”

  My head is swimming with the revelation though I barely understand a word of it. Irrespective of the exact specifics, he has openly declared himself in front of his father. At any other time, I’d be swooning. But it rather pales into the background when there’s such a direct threat dangling over my head.

  The king clasps Logan’s hand and bows. “I confirm formal responsibility. However, I request that you refrain from accelerating the Eterno process until we’ve had some time to digest this news and opportunity to research the implications. I take it you’ve not had sex with her yet.”

  Logan’s fists clench by his sides. “No, sir.”

  Anger and humiliation churn in my gut.

  “Can you keep your hands to yourself?” the king inquires. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Commissioner Williams smirking. Dante looks like the dog just chewed his favorite toy. My cheeks flush.

  “I am in control, sir, and I’ll treat Sadie with respect.”

  The VP looks decidedly on edge. Jarod growls and I caution him with my eyes.

  “Good. Until further notice,” the king says, eyeballing Haydn and Dante, “Sadie is protected by the Eterno Commandments. This will remain a private matter for the time being. When confirmed, it will be announced via public edict. In the meantime, this is strictly confidential. You can inform Neve.” He faces Logan. “Sadie is to receive the memory erase serum for her own protection.”

  Logan’s father bends down, inspecting me with shrewd eyes. His fingers flit through my hair and he looks pensive. When his eyes zone in on my lips, I have to fight my visible trembling. His cold eyes soften at the corners as he kisses me on the cheek. Inwardly, I cringe. “I look forward to getting to know you, my dear.” He pats my hand and straightens up. “Take some blood, from both of them. And fix their injuries.”

  Logan opens his mouth to object, but the VP gets in there first. “Is that really necessary?”

  I can’t see the king’s expression from this position, but it’s obviously enough to quell any objection and the VP clams up. “Let’s be done with this,” the king says. “I have a prior engagement arranged, and I need to return to my quarters.” He wipes his hands in a cleansing gesture.

  Logan removes the cuff around my injured wrist and carefully helps me pull my arm through the other sleeve of his sweater. He sets a light kiss on my forehead. “I will take care of you,” he says publicly. In private, he says, “I’ll explain everything to you later. For now, please go along with this.”

  The king smiles down on us. Dante sulks in the corner, quieter than a mouse. His eyes flit to mine, and for once
, he isn’t sneering or scowling. If anything he looks … lost, wounded, like he’s in pain.

  Logan walks around the side of the table and retrieves a small black case from the floor. Opening it, he extracts two thin needles filled with shimmery bronze-colored liquid and two other needles with empty vials. Jarod and I trade worried looks. Haydn secures Jarod as Logan sticks the first needle into his neck. Jarod’s eyes flutter open and shut and then he slumps forward, totally unconscious. Logan takes a blood sample and hands two tubes to Haydn. “Apply the healing salve to his face.”

  My heart pounds in protest as he walks toward me. “You’ll only feel a tiny pinch and then you’ll sleep. Be brave, my love.”

  I close my eyes as Logan sweeps my hair back and smooths a hand over the delicate skin at my neck. My flesh tingles at the contact, and the usual wave of electricity weaves through the air.

  “Incredible,” the king says.

  There is a small, sharp twinge and my eyelids grow heavy. Then the world fades out.


  When I come to, I’m seated beside Logan on the moving Subvee. His arm is fitted securely around me, and my head is slumped against him. I shift slightly and he flinches. “You shouldn’t be awake so soon. You need to pretend you’re asleep at least as long as Jarod is.” Logan strains his head forward. “He’s still unconscious.”

  “Okay. What was all that stuff back there? What’s an Eterno?”

  Logan stiffens underneath me. “You remember that?”

  I almost nod until I remember I’m supposed to be asleep. “Yes. And we also overheard the conversation before we were captured. What’s going on in Sector Twenty, and what do they have planned for the Outer Circle residents?”

  Logan holds himself tensely. “This is insane, Sadie.”

  “Our ability to telepathically communicate?”

  “Not that. That’s standard where there’s an Eterno connection. I’ve sensed the ability in you for weeks. I meant you being resistant to the memory serum. That’s never happened before. My father can’t find out, Sadie. This has got to be our secret. You can’t tell Jarod, and you’ll have to be careful what you say around him because he won’t remember the last twenty-four hours. You cannot let anything slip out or both of you are in grave danger. Tell me you understand.”

  “Logan, I don’t understand. I don’t have a frigging clue what’s going on.” I shift anxiously in my seat, and he drops his other hand to my lower spine, gripping me in place.

  “Don’t move! Dante is watching us like a hawk.”

  “Sorry. I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll protect you. Always.” His lips brush my cheek and heat replaces the chill in my bones. “We should stop talking in case we give ourselves away. Try and go back to sleep.”

  I try but it’s futile. I’m so wired from the events of the last few hours that I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anytime soon.

  Jarod is still out for the count when we arrive back in Thalassic City so I pretend the same. Logan scoops me up into his arms, and I let my head loll flimsily. He carries me to the waiting vehicle. “Son,” the king says once Logan has secured my harness. “I sense the strength of the bond you share with this girl, and I’m genuinely pleased for you. However, this is unprecedented, and I don’t know how our people will respond to the news that their crown prince has Eterno connected with a human. We need to tread carefully.”

  “Of course, Father.”

  “I’ll talk to my advisors and update you thereafter.”

  “As you wish, my king.”

  “Dante appears to be making good progress with his preferred earthen. He tells me it’s only a matter of time before the transfer is complete. This could well be the makings of your brother.”

  Logan coughs but makes no comment.

  “We will confer tomorrow. Goodnight, son.”

  “Goodnight, Father.” Logan slides in beside me.

  Horrific pain explodes in my stomach. “Was he talking about Jen?”


  “You have to save her!”

  He hauls me protectively into his side. “There’s nothing I can do. It’s too late to save Jenna. Her fate is already sealed.”


  Jarod wakes up halfway through the journey, utterly confused. I pretend to wake too and follow his lead, frowning and scratching my head. Logan convinces Jarod we’re on our way back from the movie theater and both of us had fallen asleep. It doesn’t look like he buys it, and he slants suspicious glances at Logan the entire trip.

  Jarod drags me out of the elevator on his floor. “Be careful, Sadie. I don’t trust him.”

  Of course, he doesn’t remember that he’s already shared what he knows. “I’ll be fine. He won’t hurt me. We’ll talk tomorrow.” I smile reassuringly at him, but he still shoots daggers at Logan before walking away.

  I attempt to engage Logan in conversation once we’re back in my apartment, but he rejects it outright. Apparently, it’s too dangerous to openly discuss stuff.

  “We can talk in our heads.”

  “Look, Sadie, I know you’re scared, and I understand that you need to know the truth. But I can’t tell you like this. We’ll go to the cave in the morning and I’ll fill you in.”

  “Promise? For real this time?” I stifle a yawn.

  “You can ask me anything you want, and I’ll answer honestly. But for now, you need to sleep.”

  “I don’t want to be on my own. Will you stay?” I look at him anxiously.

  “You’re not afraid of me?” He looks incredulous.

  “No.” I should be afraid of him. Terrified, even. But I’m not. After all that’s gone down tonight, I figure he’s the least thing to be concerned about.

  “You’re amazing.” He holds his arms out for me in open invitation. I like that he’s left the choice up to me, and I willingly step into his embrace, nuzzling into him like a cat. His arms loop my waist and he holds me tight.

  We don’t speak but there is no need for words.

  Tiredness sweeps through me and I yawn. Taking that as his cue, Logan moves me gently toward the bathroom.

  When I emerge a few minutes later, he’s already tucked up on his side of the bed. We have sides? The concept cheers me up more than it probably should considering I’ve just found out that he’s buddies with E.T. I’m waiting for the screaming and shrieking and freaking out; however, inexplicable acceptance is the most that I’m feeling.

  I slip into the bed and Logan draws me to him, wrapping his arms around me. His soothing comfort lulls me into silent slumber.


  The tantalizing aroma of bacon wakes me bright and early the next morning. Rubbing my eyes, I climb out of bed and pad into the small kitchen.

  Logan is humming quietly to himself as he transfers food from the pan to plates. It’s such a human thing to do and I can’t help smiling. His hair is unkempt and he looks adorably ruffled. He smiles cautiously when he spots me approaching. I figure he’s still waiting for the freaking out malarkey. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Famished.” My stomach gurgles in confirmation. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “I wanted to. I like cooking. It relaxes me.” He shakes off his embarrassment.

  A huge smile curves up the corners of my mouth.


  “It’s such a human thing to say.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No!” I reassure him. “I’m surprised, that’s all. You sure you don’t have some human DNA running through your veins somewhere?” I’m only half-teasing. Either Logan is the best actor ever or there’s something inherently human buried within his makeup. I ponder the thought, wondering if I’ve hit the nail on the head. Is that how he appears so human?

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Walking toward the table, he looks on edge. He places the plates down and faces me. “Come here.” He holds his arms out, and I all but hop, skip, and jump into his embrace. Burying his head
in my hair, he relaxes.

  The delicious aroma breaks the spell. “We should eat before it gets cold.”

  We make quick, quiet work of breakfast.

  Aftewards, I take a bath while Logan cleans up.

  We’re preparing to leave when I’m waylaid by the neglected flashing message on my D-pad. Shoot, I’d forgotten about that. “Hang on a minute,” I say, as his hand curls around the door handle. “I need to check this message.”

  I plop down on the couch and click on the link.

  From: LOwens

  To: SOwens

  Sadie. Please stop submitting Videocon requests to your father. It’s pointless. The dead can’t respond.

  I shriek in horror, dropping the D-pad on the ground. Logan comes rushing over. “What’s wrong?”

  “My mom. She said … my father …” Logan retrieves the D-pad and sits beside me. His worried expression meets mine.

  “I need to read the rest of it.”

  Gently, he eases us into the back of the couch and wraps his arms around me. I reopen the D-pad and read the rest of the message.

  Your father registered for the government’s Good Death program before he was aware you’d signed up for Thalassic City. If you’d shared your plans, then perhaps he wouldn’t have made such a drastic choice. He did it for all of us … to secure our future. Didn’t he explain this to you the day of your video chat? He’s gone, and he’s not coming back. I’ll see you in a few months. Your mother.

  I bang the lid closed and toss it away. I snuggle into Logan and squeeze my eyes shut.

  “I’m so sorry, Sadie.”

  “There you go again,” I mumble numbly. “Such a human response.”

  He doesn’t reply. I’m not sure how I feel or how I should feel. I’m an emotionless vacuum on the inside. My hands scramble around his neck as I bury my face in his shoulder, inhaling his grounding scent.

  “Why did he do it?” he asks.

  “For the currency.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Opening my eyes, I stare numbly at him. “I guess you grew up in some mansion without wanting for anything, but that wasn’t my life. All six of us worked, but we barely scraped by. This program offered a substantial lump sum in compensation for death. Still, I can’t believe he willingly signed up to die. We discussed it when the government first announced the initiative five years ago, but my mother was steadfastly opposed to it.”


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