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Black Wings: A Dark Romance

Page 11

by Winter Fox

  I nodded back to him. I had to admit that he’d played a smart game—he’d won after all.

  “Better to kill a puppy, than to beat you, or kill you, eighty-eight,” he confided.

  “And there’s two left, as a deterrent for the future,” I said.

  “Let’s call those two insurance against further bad behavior, shall we? Can you do it? Can you be good for me this afternoon?”

  Taking a deep breath, and trying to push down the rising panic, I nodded again. “Yes.”

  His mouth twitched, and I couldn’t help but think that if he had let the smile broaden a little more, it wouldn’t have been a smirk of triumph. I was sure it would have been a genuine smile.

  “If you try to let yourself go, and allow the enjoyment of being pleasured by two very experienced lovers take over, then you will find it a much more gratifying experience.” He let go of my shoulders as he spoke.

  “I’ll try,” I said.

  “Good girl.”

  As Adonis spoke, the door clicked, and Erebus was back with us.

  “I am in control of this situation at all times, Erebus. Okay?” Adonis spoke seriously.

  “Of course, cousin.” Erebus smirked.

  Adonis walked across the room to the wall with the torture implements. His hand momentarily hovered over the various toys; before settling on a blue, satin blindfold. When he approached me with the blindfold draped over his hand, I almost took a step back in protest.

  Apparently noticing my hesitation, he spoke. “It will be easier to start with if you don’t know who is touching where. We’ll take it off once you’re a little more comfortable.”

  I didn’t reply; instead I turned my back to him, enabling him to wrap the soft material around my eyes, plunging me into a world of darkness.

  He leaned into my ear, and whispered, “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  Knowing whom I shared the room with, my instinct was to fall into a defensive stance. But wanting to avoid displeasing Erebus, I somehow managed to persuade myself to remain completely still. I listened hard, already noticing the subtle improvement in my hearing as compensation for the loss of one of my other senses.

  Soft footfalls approached me, and I felt the whisper of a single finger tracing along the line of my lips. When it reached my jaw, the hand drifted down my throat, and across my shoulder until the fingers hooked the strap of my teddy. I jumped as I felt a second set of fingers hook the opposite shoulder strap, but I dropped my shoulders compliantly, knowing what was being asked of me.

  I was being undressed.

  The hands worked together to pull the teddy down my body so that both of my breasts were suddenly freed. The men didn’t slow down, and with a smooth tug, the teddy fell past my hips, and puddled on the floor at my feet.

  I shivered. I was standing completely naked, before two men, who I couldn’t even see. I felt a tap on my right ankle, and understood the meaning instantly. Lift your foot.

  I lifted my right foot, and the anonymous hand unhooked the rumpled teddy, before removing my shoe. As I settled my bare foot on the wooden floor, I felt a second tap on my left ankle.

  As I raised my left foot for the process to be repeated, I wondered if one man was undressing me, or if each man had chosen a side of my body to reveal for themselves. Standing there completely exposed, I realized that Adonis had been right; I was grateful for the blindfold. It made it easier to pretend that Erebus wasn’t there.

  I suddenly gasped as I felt a warm mouth pressed over one of my nipples. The tongue flicked urgently over my hardening flesh, before the teeth gently bit down, and tugged the stiffening nub playfully. I was ashamed to feel a wetness growing between my legs.

  A second hand pushed my hair away from my shoulder, and another hot mouth pressed down against the skin of my neck. This mouth licked, and gently bit at my flesh. And when it paused on a certain spot, I realized the tongue was licking at the drop of blood from where I had wounded myself earlier. I flinched at the memory, and both mouths left my body immediately.

  Without warning two strong arms wrapped around me, lifting me off my feet. I uttered a small scream of terror, not knowing what was going to happen to me.

  Was I in trouble for flinching? Would Erebus punish me?

  “Shh,” the voice of my carrier whispered in my ear.

  Then I was gently laid on my back, on what I guessed was the bed in the middle of the room. I wriggled against the soft, silken sheets, enjoying the heightened feel of their luxuriousness against my naked skin.

  I quietly listened to rustling noises which I knew were the sound of Adonis and Erebus undressing. They were about to take things up a level. I felt the murmur of a panic attack winding its way through my body. My breathing sped up, and my heart began to race.

  I can’t do this.

  Then two firm hands gripped each of my thighs, pushing them roughly apart; before one of the warm mouths from earlier fell hungrily upon my wetness. Every ounce of worry, and fear fell away, as I writhed and bucked in pleasure beneath the attentions of the expert tongue.

  He pressed his mouth over my clit, then gently sucked the whole, throbbing bud inside his mouth—tonguing it over and over again. With each stroke of his tongue, I was consumed by an unbearable wave of pleasure, until I couldn’t take any more. I tried to wriggle up the bed, away from him.

  My retreat was stopped by the pressure of the other man straddling my chest. He used his hands to gently press down against my collarbone, rendering me unable to escape the beautiful torture which was being relentlessly unleashed on my soaking, wet pussy.

  I whimpered in pleasure, and despair. The second man didn’t seem to hear me, or he didn’t care. He tapped a finger gently against my lips, and once again it surprised me how easily they communicated with me, without the use of words.

  Open your mouth.

  I knew what he wanted, and I didn’t want to give it. But I had promised Adonis that I would be a well-behaved slave. I slowly opened my mouth for him, and prayed that I wouldn’t freak out and bite his cock.

  He must have known what was going through my mind, because he tapped his finger twice against my two front teeth. It was a warning, letting me know that there was to be no biting.

  I nodded my compliance.

  As he slowly pushed the length of himself toward the back of my throat, I realized that this man was slightly smaller than Adonis had been. Meaning that I was currently wrapping my mouth around Erebus’s cock.

  I swallowed back the initial urge to push him away from me; in no way wanting to piss him off. And, I had to admit that he was being much gentler than I had expected. If I did anger him, I suspected I would lose this unexpected sensitivity.

  At that moment, Adonis lifted his mouth away from my clit, and slid two fingers firmly into my wet opening. Then he resumed his previous position, and began flicking his tongue across the hyper-sensitive bud in rhythm with the thrusts of his fingers.

  The overload of pleasure from between my thighs, pulled a moan from the back of my throat. Erebus obviously felt the vibration of the sound, and it dragged a groan from his own throat as he pushed himself deeper into my mouth.

  In that moment, I allowed myself to be dominated by the ecstasy which roiled through my body like a storm of sensuality. I made a conscious decision to just let go, and take as much pleasure as possible from what was happening. That was what Adonis had told me to do.

  Lifting my hand, I found the base of Erebus’s hard cock, and steadied it so that I could find a rhythm; sliding my mouth back and forth. When he was just at the point of leaving my mouth, I used my tongue to flick teasingly across his tip—which was already moist with pleasure.

  Erebus moaned in delight, and Adonis rewarded me for my efforts by speeding up the thrusts of his fingers, and intensifying the pressure of his mouth. I writhed beneath them both, knowing that I was going to explode.

  Then with a cry of unbridled euphoria I reached my release; every single muscle of my core cont
racted over and over, as waves of heat washed through me. The blindness had only heightened the sensations of their touch on my body, and I thrust my hips up to meet Adonis’ mouth, while I hungrily took all of Erebus deep to the back of my throat.

  After a brief moment of silence—in which I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my own ragged breathing—I heard Adonis speak.

  “Good girl, slave. Good girl.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  If I had thought that they were finished with me, I was hugely mistaken. I lay on the sweat-damp bedding, trying to get my breathing back under control—and they did permit me a few minutes to catch my breath. I hadn’t been given permission to remove the blindfold, and I actually realized that I almost preferred having it on. It meant that I could pretend. So, I left it in place.

  I heard a few strange noises on my left, and I vaguely wondered what was happening. But then someone lifted my head from the bed and pressed a cold bottle of water to my lips. It was another silent communication.

  Drink. You’re going to need it.

  I gulped the water down greedily, feeling its cold journey through my body as it simultaneously cooled me down, and relieved my thirstiness. Then the bottle was removed, and my hands were grabbed.

  It was time to get up.

  I was led across the floor by one of the two men, until a single hand pressed against my chest, indicating that I should stop walking. I stood silently; waiting for my next instruction. It didn’t escape my attention, that I was actually shaping up to be quite a good slave.

  Thoughts of my unexpected obedience were cut short as each of my arms were taken, and raised over my head. Each hand was placed into a cuff, which securely fastened around my wrists. The cuffs were set to just the right height, so that I was still able to stand with both feet firmly planted on the floor.

  Another brief feeling of panic washed over me, as I allowed myself to really think about my current situation. I was tied up, naked, and completely vulnerable. If I had been alone in the room with just Erebus, I knew I would be hysterical right now. It was only due to Adonis’ presence, that I was calm. With a jolt of confusion, I realized that I trusted my kidnapper.

  I’m even more fucked up than I’d thought?

  A hand reached out to brush over my left breast, eliciting a shudder from my traitorous body, and making my nipple immediately harden in response. Even though I was still blindfolded, I closed my eyes in shame. My body should not react to these men in this way.

  Suddenly, I felt my left leg lifted up, and manipulated so that it was facing outward from my body, to the side, and bent at the knee. A piece of material was trailed beneath my thigh, and then pulled until it was secure. My left leg was now lifted off the ground, but fully supported by the soft fabric.

  Hands then grasped my right leg, and the process was repeated in exactly the same way; leaving me suspended in the air, with my legs held apart in a position that was not dissimilar to the splits—except for the bend at the knees. In that instant, I was grateful for my natural flexibility.

  I wrapped my hands around the ropes which attached to the cuffs on my wrists, trying to steady myself against the slight swaying movement of my body in the swing. I could feel the cool air of the room caressing the still wet opening between my legs. I was exposed, and open, and I had a feeling that I knew what was coming next.

  I felt the closeness of one of the men standing behind me, he wasn’t touching me. He simply stood near enough that I was able to feel the heat from his body, and the tickle of his breath against the back of my neck. Then, the other man closed in on the front of my body, and I found myself sandwiched between their silent warmth.

  One of them must have given a signal, which I was, of course, unable to see. One man pressed his tongue to the hollow at the base of my throat, and started to tickle his tongue slowly down my body. While the other man started at the back of my neck and licked a trail of heat down the sides of my back, and across my ribs.

  I shivered in delight as the first man’s tongue flicked over one nipple. I had never experienced pleasure like this, and it was intoxicating.

  This could become addictive. I realized.

  They deliberately coordinated the end of their journey simultaneously, and I gasped as one mouth found my wet pussy, while the other began to tease the puckered flesh of my ass. The man in front of me flicked his tongue across my already too sensitive clit, while the man behind eased his tongue inside my ass, and completed small circles inside me.

  “Please?” I whispered hoarsely, unsure if I meant please stop, or please fuck me.

  I was answered with silence. And instead subjected to another full minute of sensual licking and sucking. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, they both stopped what they were doing; before stepping in close enough to my body that I could feel the heat of them once more.

  “Oh,” I murmured, as the tip of a rock-hard penis pressed against the wet pucker of my ass. He pushed just enough to force the strong outer muscles to give way a little; permitting him a couple of centimeters of depth inside me.

  I had been no virgin when I arrived here, and I had also indulged in anal sex before. But I was pretty certain that the man in front of me was going to follow suit very soon, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about fucking both men at literally the exact same time.

  The hard tip of the second penis settled itself at the wide-open entrance to my vagina, and I whimpered in both fear, and anticipation. I felt fingers hook underneath the blindfold, and start to lift it up and off my eyes.

  Adonis spoke. “Sorry, slave. This is purely selfish of me. I want to see the look in your eyes while we fuck you.”

  So, Adonis was the man in front of me, and Erebus was currently slipping slowly deeper inside my ass. As the blindfold came off completely, I was surprised by how dim the lights were in the room. It meant that I didn’t blink too hard against the sudden brightness, and it also meant that I was staring right into Adonis’ fire-blue eyes.

  He actually smiled, then. It was a wicked, evil, but smolderingly sexy smile, and my own lips took on a life of their own; responding by curving up slightly at the corners.

  Without a second of hesitation Adonis grabbed hold of my hips to steady me, and thrust his full length inside me, unforgivingly deep and hard. At the same time, Erebus wrapped his arms around me, placing his warm hands over my full breasts; before he too thrust forward, until he buried the whole of his cock within my ass.

  They both became as still as statues, as Adonis seemed to take a moment to study my face. My mouth flew open at the sudden intrusion, and I sucked in a loud breath of shock. The pain of the brutal thrust into my ass, was quickly replaced by a feeling of fullness, which was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. I could feel each man’s cock pushing against the other through the thin wall which separated them.

  Then, “I hope you’re ready for this, eighty-eight.”

  Adonis didn’t give me a chance to respond, he pulled himself out until he was just teasing me with his tip, then he plunged himself back inside me. Erebus, fell into an opposing rhythm alongside Adonis, so as Adonis pulled out, Erebus thrust himself back inside my ass. It was a delirium inducing carousel of one in, and one out, meaning that the pressure, and the pleasure never faded away for a second.

  It took me less than a minute to announce my oncoming orgasm, by throwing my head back and howling to the rooftops. I would have expected this orgasm to have been less fierce than the first—but the polar opposite was true.

  The heat which had built up inside me, seared its way through my entire body, leaving me writhing in an agony of desire and ecstasy. Both men changed their rhythm slightly when they felt my muscles start to contract, and they were suddenly both pounding their hard cocks into me at the exact same time.

  The new rhythm was even more unbearably filling and sensational than the last, and even though I still couldn’t breathe through the pulses of bliss which fired their way repeatedly thro
ugh my whole body, I suddenly found myself balancing on the edge of a third orgasm.

  “Please?” I begged again, as I gazed into Adonis’ eyes.

  “Please what?” He growled, between thrusts.

  But the words wouldn’t come. They were replaced instead by an animalistic wail which tore its way into the air from my throat. This orgasm was so powerful, so unlike any feeling I had ever experienced before. I felt as though I was dying of euphoria. My hands gripped the ropes so tightly, that I knew they would mark my skin for days. The air in front of my eyes began to swim with the fireworks of a thousand tiny stars, as I still couldn’t find a way to breathe through the continuous torrent of bliss, which consumed me.

  Both men stiffened at the exact same instant, and I knew that they had reached their own climaxes. Each slowed their thrusts—still maintaining the same rhythm. I hadn’t thought it possible to feel any fuller than I had before. But as they both stopped moving, keeping themselves buried within me, while they spilled their seed deep inside, I was paralyzed by elation.

  None of us moved for what felt like hours, they remained where they stood, all three of us still connected while we fought to catch our breath, and find our way back down to Earth. Erebus was the first to break away from me, and he didn’t say a word to either of us as he got dressed, before heading for the door.

  “Erebus?” Adonis called after him.

  The other incubus paused with his hand on the door, but didn’t turn around. “I’ll catch up with you in an hour.” Then he was gone, and the door was clicking closed behind him.

  I couldn’t give a shit about Erebus, but his behavior made me feel so thoroughly used and cheap after the elation of earlier, that I felt the beginnings of tears prickling my eyes.

  Adonis started unfastening the ties which held my legs in place. He’d pulled on a pair of jeans while I was distracted, and I felt embarrassed at the way I was still hanging in the air with everything on show, even though his modesty was covered.

  Once both of my legs were free and my feet were back on the floor; Adonis untied my wrists, and I almost hit the ground as my legs collapsed beneath me. I was saved by his strong arms, which caught me before I fell. He lifted me up easily, cradling my body against his chest.


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