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Sharing Shelby

Page 4

by Pepper North

  When her shirt was in place, Jeremy moved his hands under the fabric to wrap around her ribcage. “You’re shivering, Shelby. Are you cold?” When she shook her head silently, he pulled her toward him for a hug. “Do you like the feel of Daddy’s hands on your body, sweetheart?” When she nodded against his shoulder, he raised his hands to cup her breast encased in the plain white bra.

  Shivering against his strong body, Shelby gasped as his thumbs brushed her clenched nipples inside the lightly padded cups. “Daddy,” she moaned, lifting her lips to his.

  Jeremy took control of her offered kiss and swept his tongue into her mouth, raising the level of passion between the two of them. He loved the feel of her body surrendering and softening into his. His Little girl knew he was her Daddy. She submitted without hesitation to his touch.

  Jeremy stepped away from her temptation. “Little girl, we have things to do today. Let’s go put your shoes on. Are they in your bedroom?” He took her hand and guided her to the short hallway he suspected led to her bedroom.

  Tugging her gently to the side of the bed, he started to have her sit on the bed when he saw the vibrator on the bedside table. Picking it up, he held it to his nose, smelling the sweet fragrance of her arousal. Unable to resist, he ran his tongue along the shaft of the electronic device, tasting the remnants of her pleasure. Opening the drawer in her bedside table, Jeremy checked for other toys. He pulled out a small anal plug still encased in its cardboard and plastic packaging and a bottle of lubricant. Seeing no condoms led him to suspect that his Little girl did not invite men to her bedroom frequently. He laid his two finds on the bed and handed the vibrator to Shelby before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

  “Go wash the vibrator, Little girl. It is important to keep toys clean. I will wait for you here,” he said without emotion.

  “I…I can explain,” she stuttered.

  “Go clean the vibrator and come back here, now,” he sternly instructed.

  Shelby practically flew from the bedroom to the bathroom. She turned on the hot water to clean it but couldn’t resist lifting it to her nose to smell it like he did. Her face flushed red as she inhaled her aroma. There was no mistaking what she had done. She cleaned the thin rod carefully. Her mind tried to come up with a good explanation, but nothing she thought of was believable. After drying the vibrator, she walked slowly back to join him with her eyes lowered to the carpet. She placed it in his outstretched palm and watched him store it back in her drawer.

  “Come to stand between my legs, Little girl.” He guided her gently into place and held her firmly in front of him with a strong hand on each side of her pelvis. From his seated position, he could look into her flushed face. “Did you know that touching yourself was not allowed?”

  He held up a finger to stop her as her mouth opened to talk. “Just nod, yes or no. I do not want you to get yourself in more trouble by lying and telling me that you played with your toy earlier in the week. We both know you used it to pleasure yourself last night. Now, yes or no? Did you know that your Daddy would control your pleasure and that you shouldn’t touch yourself?”

  Freezing in place, she started to plead ignorance. As she looked into his shrewd eyes, she knew he’d be able to tell if she lied. Slowly Shelby nodded her head that she had known.

  “Good girl. It is important to always tell Daddy the truth. How many times did you pleasure yourself, Shelby?”

  “I didn’t touch myself!” she told the truth, trying to keep her eyes on his. It was a technicality she knew he would not allow as an excuse. Her fingers might not have actually touched her skin, but they had directed the vibrator.

  “I didn’t ask how many times you touched yourself, Little girl. How many times did you pleasure yourself, Shelby?”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at him. She wanted to look away, but his stern, brown eyes held hers captive. “I… twice,” she admitted unhappily.

  “How did you pleasure yourself, Shelby? By touching the vibrator on your clitoris or by pressing the vibrator into your vagina?” he asked, pushing her into giving him the details. Jeremy would learn a little about what brought her pleasure while teaching her that no subject was off limits between a Daddy and his Little girl.

  “I used my diaper,” she said, desperately trying to change the conversation.

  “Very good, Little girl. Now answer Daddy’s question: how did you pleasure yourself?” he asked, holding her gaze.

  “Hmmmm…” She tried to delay her answer, but his eyes did not allow her to. She pushed the words from her mouth, “I came twice. Once from the vibrator on my clitoris and the other from inserting the vibrator.” Once she started talking, the words tumbled rapidly from her mouth in a jumble.

  “Inserting the vibrator in your vagina or your rectum?” he pushed her a bit harder.

  “In my vagina,” she replied, shocked.

  Her emotion betrayed her interest in anal penetration, which Jeremy stored away for later. “Thank you for telling Daddy the truth, Little girl. By admitting that you knew you were acting against my unspoken wishes, you have lessened the punishment you have earned.”

  He began unbuttoning her jeans. When her hands rushed to stop him, he continued, “I could always change my mind and increase your punishment if you prefer.” He waited for her to release her grip and ever so slowly drop her hands down to her sides. Those small fingers were clenched in tight fists.

  Jeremy continued unfastening her jeans. As he pushed them over her hips, he spoke again to distract her. “The usual punishment for touching yourself without Daddy’s permission is thirty spanks. Since we had not discussed this openly, I will reduce it to twenty. I will also reduce the number of spanks because you admitted the truth. Had you told me before I discovered your toy, I would have taken another ten off the total. Because you answered truthfully only after being confronted with the vibrator, I will reduce your spanking to fifteen with another consequence for your poor choice.” He watched her eyes dart to the anal plug and lubricant next to him.

  “Lie over my lap, Little girl. It’s time for your first spanking. After your punishment, Daddy will put your second toy into your bottom as a reminder to behave as you know Daddy would want you to behave. Your pleasure is for Daddy only. Do you understand?” he asked softly.

  She nodded as her eyes filled with tears. Slowly, she leaned over his lap, fighting her embarrassment over being so exposed to his view. Finally in position, she closed her eyes waiting for the first blow. Nothing could have prepared her for the flash of pain. She kicked up her legs in reaction, feeling his free arm press across the small of her back holding her securely in place. Again and again, his hand landed on her tender bottom. Tears fell freely to the carpet below her as she begged him to stop.

  When the fifteenth spank landed, Jeremy lifted her easily to sit on his knees as he held her tightly to his body. “Very good, Little girl. You took your punishment very well. Now, let Daddy hold you.”

  “I’m ssso-sorry, Daddy,” she cried against his chest. Without thinking, Shelby called him the name she had been using in her head since seeing her nursery.

  “I know, Little girl, being Little is hard. There is always a first spanking. There will be a second spanking as well. Daddies know Little girls remember better if they have a sore bottom to remind them to behave. Will you remember your pleasure is now Daddy’s responsibility?” Jeremy asked sternly.

  “Yeeeessss!” she said emotionally.

  “Very good, Little girl. Now, are you ready for the second part of your punishment?”

  “I’ve never…” she began before looking at the anal plug lying on the bed beside her.

  “That makes Daddy happy, Little girl. He will take care of this for you,” he reassured her as he helped her rotate over to lie on her tummy once again. Holding her securely in place with his forearm, Jeremy opened the package, watching her bottom contract with each rustle of the cardboard and plastic. Setting it to the side, he picked up the lubricant and flipp
ed the lid open. “Relax your bottom, Little girl. This is a very small plug. It will go inside you easily if you relax your muscles.”

  He spread her full cheeks, exposing the small brownish opening hidden between them. For a slender young woman, Shelby’s buttocks were nicely rounded and plump. He enjoyed the sight and feel of her body under his hands. He poured a little of the slippery lubricant on her anus and quickly began rubbing it around the tight, muscular ring with one long index finger pressing in shallowly. Her sweet sounds of muffled protest brought a smile to his face.

  Adding a bit more lubricant, Jeremy pressed his finger deep into her rectum. He held his finger in place, allowing her to adjust to the feel of something in her bottom for a few seconds. Almost immediately, Shelby panicked.

  “Please, please, Daddy, take it out! Please!” she begged, trying to wiggle away.

  He held her firmly in place. “Relax your bottom, Little girl. Daddy needs to prepare you for the plug,” he explained as he withdrew his finger, pressing two back inside immediately to begin to scissor in her bottom, stretching the tight passageway.

  “Relax, sweetheart. Take a deep breath. Now exhale and relax,” he coached her. Jeremy worked patiently to help her relax her muscles. Her bottom was very tight. He would need to dilate her bottom to allow her to accept an intrusion from anything larger than the small plug he had found in her nightstand. Finally, when he felt she would accept the plug without pain, he removed his fingers and substituted the plug. Sliding it smoothly into her bottom, Jeremy adjusted it in place so her muscles could tighten around the indentation near the exterior flange.

  Tenderly, he lifted her body for a second time to cuddle her on his lap. Concerned, he wiped her tears with a handkerchief. “Sweetheart, are you in pain?”

  “No,” she sniffed, wiggling uncomfortably as her weight pressed the plug further into her bottom. Tears ran slowly down her cheeks as she looked anywhere but his face.

  His hand captured her chin and raised her face so their eyes could meet. “Why are you crying, sweetheart?”

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she wailed.

  Leaning in to press his lips firmly against hers, Jeremy knew his Little girl needed a distraction. The tip of his tongue traced her inner lip, coaxing her lips apart. When she stubbornly kept her lips closed, he began to jiggle his thigh under her hips. The slight motion wiggled the plug inside her, causing her to gasp against his lips. Taking advantage of her open mouth, Jeremy began to seduce and woo his Little girl. While his mouth explored hers, one hand shifted her thighs apart and slid in between her parted legs to explore the moisture collecting in between.

  He smiled against her lips. His Little girl might be embarrassed, but she was also thoroughly turned on as well. He slid his fingers through her slick folds, exploring her body. As Shelby tried to squeeze her legs together, he tapped lightly on the red flesh of her spanked bottom, reminding her who was in charge. She yielded immediately.

  Shelby held her breath. Jeremy showed her repeatedly that she followed his directions—that he was the Daddy and she was the Little girl. Her natural submissive traits roared into life. As much as she wanted to protest, she loved everything he had done to her body. His fingers played her, touching every sensitive spot. The anal plug she had ordered through the internet, so she didn’t have to look at an actual person as she paid for it, had tempted her for weeks. She had been too scared to even open the packaging. Jeremy had used it without a second thought. Her mind raced to imagine what other things he would consider normal to add into their lives.

  As the tip of his finger began to circle her clitoris, she reached to stop his hand. Moving quickly, he caught and transferred her hands into the tight grasp of his other behind her back. She struggled briefly but realized very soon that her Daddy was in charge. She rotated her hand to be able to wrap the fingers of one hand around his forearm. The feel of his warm flesh under her palm seemed to steady her. His exploring touch began once more, and she felt him trace the edges of her inner labia, creating a path back to that bundle of nerves that craved his touch. Her legs spread apart further as she began to lift her hips toward his touch.

  Dropping her head against his shoulder, Shelby closed her eyes as the touch of his fingers became more electric than the vibrator seemed last night. She squeezed her bottom, feeling the plug invading her. A deep moan involuntarily whispered from her tight throat as two fingers slid into her vagina. The slick passageway felt even smaller due to the anal plug. His fingers traced the metal invader inside her body through the thin tissue separating the two channels.

  When his thumb rotated to begin pressing against her clitoris, Shelby’s eyes flew open as her body seized with pleasure, causing her body to wiggle against him. The feel of his stiff erection pressing into her hip combined with the tenderness of her spanked bottom and the anal plug all pushed her climax higher.

  “Daddy alone is in charge of your pleasure, Little girl,” his deep husky voice whispered into her ear, making her body tremble at the promise in his statement.

  Chapter 8

  Jeremy took her to breakfast, then out of the city to a vast piece of land that he and a group of friends had purchased together. It was beautiful and remote. They had already built a tall fence around the property to provide safety and privacy to those who would live inside.

  Jeremy drove Shelby around the property in a utility vehicle that was stored in a shed just inside the stone gate entrance. She loved riding in the vehicle that could drive through everything. Once Jeremy heard her squeals of delight, he altered his original plan of sticking to the paths they had cleared. Jeremy grinned at her on particularly big bumps when she moaned deeply. That plug in her bottom was making itself known when she bounced down into her seat.

  Enjoying their time together, he drove her to the remote areas of the property through creeks and over ravines as she held on to his arm and the side of the UTV. After a couple of hours, he reluctantly returned to the cleared entrance to set up the picnic lunch he had brought with them.

  He and Shelby sat on a thick blanket on a hillside just inside the stone gate. Keeping his Little girl close, Jeremy enjoyed feeding her bites of fruit and cheese along with other morsels of food that filled the picnic basket. When Shelby stretched out on the blanket with a sigh of contentment, using his muscular thigh as a pillow, Jeremy brushed his fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes, enjoying his gentle touch. They sat quietly for several minutes, both enjoying the quiet of the countryside.

  Shelby’s eyes flew open as Jeremy lifted her from the blanket to set her on his lap. His lips covered hers in kisses that began with sweetness and gradually grew in heat. Squirming on his hard thighs, Shelby held onto his wide shoulders as he pressed his lips to her sensitive neck and throat. She felt the fingers of one hand lifting her tee shirt from her body. His kisses were interrupted as he removed it over her head. She felt his fingers sweep over her ribcage and up to cup her breasts as he held her leaning against him. “Jeremy…” she moaned as he lightly pinched her erect nipples.

  “Daddy, Shelby. You need to call me Daddy. Let Daddy see his Little girl,” he instructed as he unfastened her bra with nimble fingers, removing the shoulder straps and cups from her breasts. His fingers cupped the newly exposed soft flesh. He lowered her carefully to the blanket and shifted to lie over her body.

  Feeling his warm breath on her throat as his lips began to kiss down her sensitive neck, Shelby shivered in reaction to the arousal taking over her body. Her fingers began to unbutton her Daddy’s shirt but were quickly restrained above her head as his lips kissed along her collarbones then moved down her body. Shelby lifted her chest upward when his lips wrapped around her beaded nipple. As he rolled the tip between his lips, his hand caressed her neglected breast. The tender handful of soft tissue filled his hand perfectly. When his teeth nipped at the sensitive peak, Shelby gasped at the thrilling jolt of pain that made her tighten her thighs together as her body began to yearn for his special touch

  Jeremy kissed a slow trail over to her other breast and repeated the caresses to drive up his Little girl’s pleasure. He held her hands tightly in one of his as he enjoyed the sight and taste of her pale, white skin. He unfastened her jeans and spread open the fly. Sliding his hand into the opening, Jeremy ran his fingers over her cotton panties softly before raking his fingers across the fabric. Those damp cotton panties provided proof of her desire. He groaned at the heat gathering between her thighs.

  “Little girl, you need to let me know if you’re ready for Daddy to love your beautiful body,” he said huskily against her stomach. He looked up her slender body to meet her dazed, blue eyes heated with passion.

  She bit her lip and nodded shyly, unable to say the words. When he slowly smiled in delight at her reserve, she forced herself to be brave. She whispered, “Please, Daddy, let me please you.” She tugged at her hands, trying to free herself so she could touch his hard body.

  “I want to enjoy my Little girl. Can you be strong and let me please you first? Then, I promise, I’ll let you show your Daddy how he makes you feel.” He held her eyes captive until she nodded hesitantly. “Good girl!” he praised her as he pressed her hands down to the soft blanket above her.

  “Keep your hands right here until I give you permission to touch me.” She nodded as she bit her lip in an effort to follow his directions, and he released her hands to sweep his fingertips over her exposed torso. Gripping the waistband of her snug jeans, Jeremy easily pulled them to her ankles before removing them completely along with her shoes.

  Thrilled by the look of lust covering his face, Shelby wiggled in anticipation as he looked slowly from her long, thin feet over her thighs. She watched his eyes focus on the small patch of wetness growing on the front of her panties. His eyes only dallied there momentarily before lingering over her flat stomach and small breasts to meet her eyes.


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