Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires)

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Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires) Page 6

by Jessica McBrayer

  Fuck this.

  Diel roared again, this time in agony. Hades had been harrying Josephine but he was howling now. A deep melancholy howl that was killing me.

  I was helpless, barely able to stay on my feet.

  12. DIEL

  “Come on, Aidan. I need to get you somewhere you can rejuvenate so you can help me. Then Hades and I need to keep on their trail. Thank you for freeing me,” I said.

  Aidan looked like he was going into shock.

  “I can’t do a damned thing to help.”

  “Aidan, you can’t save everyone every time, my friend. You got me out of that fucking net which would have been the end of everything. Now I have to get my everything back,” I pretended not to hear my voice crack on that last part. I had to hold it together. Big ass Demon Duke felt like ripping his hair out and joining his dog, who was howling in pain.

  Aidan gripped my shoulder.

  “I’ve felt what you are feeling once. When a warlock was killing Lilith, slowly, I was out of my mind. We will get Hannah back.”

  Determination flared in his eyes and it bolstered me. I felt some of my self-control returning. I gripped the steering wheel harder and drove for the center of town where the most Demons would be at this time at night. Night clubs and coffee shops. I dropped Aidan off.

  “I’ll find you when I can. Good luck.” Then he was gone at a run into a club to soak up energy. He must have been close to ether by that time. I imagined he had stayed together by soaking up all the negative energy that had been around him. It must have been terrible. I owed that guy big time.

  Before I could start tracking Hannah I had to change and get my phone. Hades was impatient. He didn’t understand why we weren’t barreling after them. I felt it too. Something was wrong. Something they were doing to Hannah. I could feel it. I parked in front of the hotel and told the valet to keep the car right there, until I returned.

  “If you move it I will break your neck,” I snapped.

  “Yes, Sir!”

  I ran for the elevators and made my way to our room. As soon as I opened the door it hit me like a Mac truck. Her scent. The whole room smelled of my favorite lotion. It was a sandalwood scent and so erotic. My phone was ringing and I raced to it. Getting it just before it went to voice mail.

  “Diel, I’m so glad I caught you. Sorry it’s so late.” It was Dr. Hildebrand.

  “No, it’s fine. What is it Dr. Hildebrand?”

  “I’ve been trying Hannah’s cell phone because I thought it appropriate to give her the news first, but since I couldn’t reach her and I knew she would be sleeping tomorrow morning I thought I’d call you before you left.

  “Sure, Doc. What’s wrong?” My already twisting stomach felt on fire. What could be so important that he couldn’t call us top side?

  “Congratulations, Diel. You’re going to be a father.”

  I sat stunned.

  “Diel did you hear me?” He laughed. “Hannah is pregnant. About six weeks I’d say. She’ll need to come back in another six weeks for another checkup.”

  “Oh, my god,” I whispered.

  “Are you okay, Diel?” Dr. Hildebrand asked, concern creeping into his voice.

  “Yes, I mean of course, I’m thrilled. I have to find Hannah and tell her. Thank you Dr. Hildebrand. We’ll see you in six weeks. I’ll call and make an appointment.” I hung up then.

  My world was crashing. I called Aidan. He was the only friend I had right now.

  “Diel,” Aidan was succinct.

  “Oh my god, Aidan,” I choked out. “I just got a call from Dr. Hildebrand. Hannah is pregnant.”

  Aidan was silent.

  “Are you still there?”

  “Yes, my friend. I’m soaking up as much as I can but it’s a slow process. I don’t think I will be of any use for hours yet. Fuck! Diel, you can do this. Hold on to your love for her. Let that guide you. You have a child to use as a guide now too. Between the two of them you should have no problem finding them.” He was right. I was a tracker. Considered the best in hell and earth. That was my gift.

  “What do I do when I find them? It’s just me and Hades.”

  “You two make a formidable combination,” Aidan said, conviction ringing through his voice.

  “You’re right. We got this. Find us as soon as you can and watch your back, Aidan,” I said.


  I hung up and changed into jeans and a tee shirt, barely taking the time to shove my wallet and phone in my pocket, before racing back downstairs. I had no patience for the elevator. The SUV was right where I had left it with a nervous valet keeping watch over it. Hades was howling again, eyes glowing green. He stopped when he saw me and realized we were on our way. He jumped in the front seat and was ready for action. I started the car and tires squealed as we left the hotel.

  13. HANNAH

  I knew Diel would find me. But I wanted to even the odds before he got here. If I could only kill one of them. I knew breaking their neck would do it. Brandon being the most obvious choice. He still had that ridiculous knife to my neck as Josephine drove. We were headed up into the mountains. I had no idea where or for what. My suspicions were that we were headed to their Voodoo doctor. I was only alive because they needed me as bait for Diel. He would know if I died and would come to kill them. He would never mate with Josephine then. The bond would have to be broken first. I knew he wouldn’t mate with her even then.

  Brandon, the pussy, was losing his focus. I could feel the blade drooping as he watched the passing countryside. I stayed still as only a Vampire can. When I was sure he was distracted. I twisted so fast that he never knew what happened. Josephine didn’t know until she heard the crack of his neck breaking.

  “NO!!!!! You fucking Vampire, sucking scumbag! You killed my baby brother! I will kill you painfully and slowly for this. Once Diel comes for you I will draw it out. Cutting off each limb and letting him watch you bleed out.” She was driving all over the road as she screamed this. She forgotten that I had the knife now and the strength of a Vampire.

  I plunged the blade deep through the seat into her heart. She coughed blood through her mouth. The car went out of control and we headed towards the edge of the drop off. I didn’t know how far down it went and I didn’t want to find out. I leaned up front and grabbed the steering wheel trying to steer us clear of the railing. The car scraped the guardrails, sending sparks flying. I got it back on the road but I over corrected and it headed for the side of the mountain. There was nothing I could do but take cover and hope the car didn’t go up in flames.

  14. DIEL

  I sensed her and locked on. We headed towards them. East out of town. Towards the mountains. That was not good. The Witch doctors and Voodoo doctors lived in the mountains, east of town. I raced along the highway, to the foothills. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain. Something was very wrong with Hannah. Oh gods. I pushed the car to the limit to climb the mountain faster. I knew exactly where to find her now. Hades was whining. I knew she was alive because I would have felt it if she hadn’t been, but something was badly wrong.

  We reached a bend in the road and I saw the wreck. I floored it, waiting to hit the brakes right next to the car. I tore out the door but Hades was ahead of me. I heaved the crunched in door open. I saw Josephine with the point of a knife sticking out her chest. Hannah must have done that, that’s why they crashed. Oh my brave girl. Please let her be okay. Let them both be okay. She doesn’t even know yet.

  I tossed Josephine’s carcass out the door after pulling the knife out. I saw Brandon in the back seat but I couldn’t find Hannah. Hades let out a howl. He was several yards in front of the car. Hannah was crumpled on the road, unconscious. I scooped her up and carried her to the SUV. Hades leaped through the window and we raced back down the curving, hairpin roads. I called Dr. Hildebrand on the way and explained what had happened. He took a moment evaluating the situation. Some pretty powerful Demons had been killed tonight. He then told me to take her straight to
the hospital. He would meet us there. Then I called Aidan.

  “Aidan, I found her.”

  “What’s wrong, Diel? Dammit. I can hear it in your voice. What’s happened?” he shouted.

  “She killed Josephine and Brandon while they were driving up the mountain and the car crashed. She was thrown from the car. I’m taking her to the hospital now. Dr. Hildebrand is going to meet us there. Can you meet us there too?”

  “Yes, I can’t transmanifest but I can conjure some money for a cab. I’ll meet you there soon.” He hung up.

  We pulled into Emergency parking and I carried her in with Hades on my heels. Everyone started yelling about the dog until they realized it was a Hell Hound and that it was me. Then they shut the hell up. Dr. Hildebrand was waiting for us with an emergency team and started Hannah on a blood drip. They were able to get her in a private room for special patients and gave her a thorough exam away from prying, spying eyes.

  She had a broken arm, several broken ribs and a bad concussion. That was the reason she wasn’t waking up. I ran my hands through my hair.

  “What’s happening to her right now, doc. Is her body healing itself? Will the blood help?”

  Aidan knocked on the door then and I let him in.

  “She will heal. The blood is helping. It’s human. We keep some on hand for visiting Vamps,” Dr. Hildebrand explained. “Now I need to do an ultrasound to check on the baby. I imagine she would want some privacy,” the good doctor said raising an eyebrow at Aidan.

  “Oh, of course. Will you be able to hear the heart beat?” Aidan asked.

  “Yes, at this age we will,” the doctor answered.

  “Diel can I stay behind the curtain. I just want to hear everything is okay and it would mean more than anything to me to hear this baby’s heart beating,” Aidan pleaded with his eyes, words and heart. There was no way I was saying no.

  “Yes, brother. Just stay behind the curtain,” I warned. I got the biggest damn smile I’d ever seen from Aidan. He nodded and disappeared.

  The doctor took a probe attached to a portable ultrasound machine and explained it had to be an internal ultrasound this early in the pregnancy. He pulled the machine so I could see and then everyone went quiet.

  I saw a lot of static and then a little white bean showed up. He froze the screen and printed a page.

  “That is your child, Diel. I printed a picture so you had proof to show Hannah when she wakes up. Now let’s hear the heart beat.” He turned up the sound and there it was.


  I was unembarrassed that my eyes filled with moisture. I wished Hannah had been awake to experience it with me. It was so unfair.

  “Dr. Hildebrand, you have to do this again for Hannah tomorrow when she wakes up, please.”

  “Of course, Diel. I wouldn’t want her to miss this,” the gentle man said, smiling. He cleaned up and left with reassurances that Hannah would probably continue healing through the night and be right as rain by the time she awoke in the afternoon.

  “Can I come out now?” Aidan asked.

  “Come see the first picture of your godchild.” I was laughing.

  Aidan stared at the bean in fascination. We looked at each other and then at Hannah. She was so lucky to be alive, to be a soon-to-be mom. I was so lucky to have her.

  “Diel, you’re exhausted, climb in the guest bed and get some sleep. You’re both safe now. I need to go out and finish replenishing. After you cross the portal, I want to zap you all home so we’re in time for the Christmas party because we all have a lot to celebrate this year.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I am beat. Go eat, Aidan. You know, what you did, I can never repay. Wake me when you get back, brother.”

  “I will.” He squeezed my shoulder, turned and left.

  I wanted to climb into bed with Han but I knew she needed to heal so I took off my shoes and climbed into the guest bed they have in these rooms. I lay for quite a while thinking about the sound of that heartbeat.

  15. HANNAH

  I woke up slowly. Every bone, joint and skin cell ached. I was alive so to speak but disoriented. When I saw Diel and Aidan smiling down at me, I knew I was okay.

  “I love you, Ganja Girl. I’ll just give you two some privacy,” Aidan said before he stepped out of what I now realized was a hospital room.

  “Do you know where you are?” Diel asked softly.

  “The hospital. Am I okay?”

  “How do you feel?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.

  “I feel achy but otherwise okay. I was so pissed last night. Are you okay? Is Aidan?”

  “Yes we are both back to normal. I love you so much. I was so worried about you.” He kissed my forehead, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I pulled his lips to mine. We kissed for a long time, reconnecting.

  “I have something to tell you,” he said seriously.

  “What is it?” My stomach clenched.

  “We’re going to be parents, Babe.” He grinned. “You’re pregnant.”

  The words reached my brain but they made no sense. Diel’s smile widened as he saw the news dawn on me.

  I started sobbing.

  He chuckled and drew me into his arms rocking me to and fro. Whispering soothing sounds to me. Eventually I stopped. It’s just all that had happened could have hurt the baby and then there was the BABY. Oh my god. A baby. I had always wanted to be a mother. I couldn’t believe it. I pulled away from him smiling, so widely, my face felt like it was going to crack. I couldn’t contain the glee inside of me.

  “Tell me everything!” I said.

  So he did. Then he showed me the picture and I started crying again. My fingers trembled as I traced the little spot of white in the ocean of black. Diel held me tight.

  “I know,” he said, his voice cracking. I held his hand tightly.

  Diel called Dr. Hildebrand, who said he had been waiting for me to wake up. He’d be up in a minute.

  Diel called Aidan back in.

  “Congratulations,” Aidan said. I started to cry again. Aidan moved to my side and held me. “Oh, my love. You will be the best mother.”

  “I hope so. I’ve wanted to be for so long. I never thought I would be able to have a child.”

  “And I never thought I would be a part of so much love. Thank you for that,” Aidan said. His voice filled with most unJinni – like emotion. Djinn feed on emotion they don’t usually feel it. Aidan had experienced love when he met Lily. The habit just grew on him. He was now one of the most caring creatures I knew.

  “Aidan, I love you. Thank you for being with us when we need you,” I said, hugging him.

  “My pleasure. Lilith is going to have a kitten you know,” he said and chuckled.

  “I should call her. Or do you think it would be better to tell everyone at once?” I asked Aidan.

  “She has been so low lately.” I nodded. Lily was seldom down. I remembered how determined she was to be happy for me on the shopping trip. “Maybe you should call her. A little news exclusive from her best friend might be just what she needs,” he said, his brow wrinkling.

  “I need to pay closer attention to her. I know she’s had a hard time since everything happened between you and Sebastian but I’ve been distracted with my own happiness and didn’t realize it was affecting her this much. I’ll call her right after I see the doctor.”

  “Good. I’m going to pop to the hotel and get your things. What would you like to wear today, love?” Aidan asked.

  “I want the black and white Armani and matching shoes. They should be together. Lily picked them out for Christmas. And I want my black diamond necklace and matching earrings from Diel and my makeup case, if that wouldn’t be too much trouble,” I said sheepishly, realizing I had given him quite a list.

  “Not at all. I think you need to look stunning for the amazing news you will be delivering.” He turned to Diel. “Diel? What do you want?”

  “My shaving kit and jeans, a white shirt and my black Armani jac
ket. If my girl is wearing Armani than I should too.” He winked at me and I melted a little.

  “Excellent. I think I will wear Armani as well. Let’s do this up right.” He snapped his fingers and he was in a striking navy blue Armani suit that rivaled the color of his eyes. I could see why Lily had a hard time choosing between the charming, gorgeous Djinn and the seductive, equally gorgeous Sebastian.

  “You look dashing, Aidan,” I said, as Dr. Hildebrand came in.

  “That’s my cue to leave. I’ll bring back your change of clothes and some food for Hades and Diel,” he said.

  Diel’s stomach growled.

  “You’re a life saver, bro,” Diel said. Aidan winked out, startling the doctor.

  “Was that a Djinn? Never saw one before. Fascinating.” He pulled over a large machine with a monitor attached to it.

  “Hannah, I need you to put your feet in the stirrups. This is a transvaginal ultrasound.” UGH!

  “Okay, could have warned me, Diel,” I said. He smirked.

  “This will only take a minute. It may be a bit uncomfortable but well worth it. There you see the little white spot there,” he said as he pointed to a little bean that was fluttering on the screen.

  My baby.

  Then he turned the sound on and I heard the heartbeat. It was the most beautiful heartbeat I had ever heard. I started crying again.

  “Why am I crying so much? I mean I’m happier then I have ever been, but I’m not a crier.”

  “That will be the hormonal changes. You will experience some mood swings. Hopefully mild. How have you been so far?” the doctor asked.

  “It has been pretty mild so far.” I looked up at Diel for a second opinion and he nodded.

  “Good. That’s a good sign. Now here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts. Do feed more often. Don’t drink alcohol or feed on someone that has been under the influence of alcohol or drugs.”


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