Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires)

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Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires) Page 7

by Jessica McBrayer

  My face fell.

  “What’s the matter, dear?”

  “I’ve been feeding on students under the influence of drugs and I’ve been drinking.”

  “The baby is fine so far. But in this early stage it is very important and throughout the rest of the pregnancy to stay away from that,” he said.

  “I will. Diel may have to grab my dinner for me. I’m a better hunter than some, but I’ve needed them intoxicated to grab them in the past. It’s also kept me mellow. I’m afraid of what I may be like without it,” I said voicing my greatest fear.

  “Your love is the greatest equalizer there is, Hannah. You probably haven’t needed it for months,” Dr. Hildebrand said, squeezing my hand. “Call me after the Holidays and we’ll set up your twelve week visit.”


  Give up the ganja. Could I do it? After the shock wore off, I knew I could. Yes, for the baby I would, undoubtedly. Had my love changed me? Thinking back on the last six months I can say I have never been more relaxed and happy. Yes, I could do this.

  “Are you okay with giving it all up?” Diel asked.

  I smiled up at him, “Yes.” I took his hand in mine and laid them on my belly. “Yes.”

  He bent down and kissed me.

  “Let’s shower before Aidan gets back, honey. You have to call Lily too.”

  “Oh, I already forgot. There is so much to take in,” I whispered more to myself then to Diel.

  “We’ll love every minute of it,” he whispered back, rubbing my tummy.

  We showered and Aidan was waiting for us when we came out in the fine bath robes that had come with the deluxe suite of the hospital.

  Diel got naked and dressed much to my disgust and Aidan’s amusement. I took my things into the bathroom when Aidan raised an eyebrow, challenging me to follow suit. I dressed carefully, knowing I was doing this for Lily as much as me. I applied my black liner and smoky eyes again, the plum lip stain we had picked out together.

  I came out holding my jewelry so Diel could help me with it. The men gave me appreciative looks. Maybe I would integrate some of my new clothes into my wardrobe. Just for special occasions or when I went out and about with Lily. She would like that. I smiled to myself thinking about it, while Diel fastened my necklace.

  Now to call my friend.

  She screamed. Over and over. I told her it was a huge secret that I wanted to share with the family when we got there but she was screaming “Oh my Goddess, you’re pregnant!” at the top of her lungs. Everyone had to have heard her. I gave up and told her we would be there soon. Diel and Hades had eaten. We went downstairs to find Diel’s mother in a wheelchair, waiting to be discharged. Seems I gave her a concussion. Yay for Christmas miracles.

  “Diel, that abomination gave me a concussion. You have to kill it. If you won’t, your father will.” Diel’s father was shaking his head no in big wide arcs. He looked scared of his son and me.

  “Hannah is my mate mother. She and I will be together forever and what’s more we are going to be parents. Your actions this past week have made it an absolute certainty that you will never see the child or me again. If you come near my wife or my child, I will have you killed. Do you understand?” His hands were fisted and he was breathing heavily.

  “She’s pregnant? Oh, Diel. I’m going to be a grandmother.” She lit up like a Christmas tree. All her ill will forgotten.

  “I suppose we can try to come to some agreement, even if the baby will be half bloodsucker,” she said as she reached for my hand.

  Diel whipped my hand away from hers.

  “How dare you touch her,” he snarled.

  “No, Diel. I think we should try and make some amends, for the baby. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be cautious or forgive, but let’s try to get along. Say an uneasy alliance,” I said.

  “Yes, listen to her, Diel. Please, son. All I ever wanted was grandchildren. I don’t like this arrangement of yours but I will try not to have her hunted down. I promise,” Millicent pleaded her case.

  “You would have had me mated with a lunatic just to have grandchildren. You promise to try not to hunt my mate down,” Diel said quietly. I recognized that voice. It was his super angry voice. Super disgusted, I’m ready to kill you voice. I quickly took his hand and squeezed, hoping to bring him some grounding. It worked. He took a deep breath.

  “You are a sick, sick Demon and just as mad as Josephine was. You will not be seeing the child. I don’t trust you. Sorry, Dad. If you come top side sometime for a visit, you can see us,” Diel said.

  Then he wheeled me out, Aidan at our side, Hades giving them a last growl before trotting ahead of us. We found the SUV that Aidan had summoned waiting and we all climbed in. Diel was treating me like I was made of glass. It was sweet but it was going to get old. I would have to put a stop to it soon.

  We went to the public portal again. Aidan sent our luggage home. Diel walked to the front of the line and got preferential treatment. Again.

  “I’ll see you top side,” Aidan said and blinked out.

  Diel put a protective hand around me, resting it on my belly. I crowded in and held onto Hades and we jumped. Again Diel tightened his grip mid-jump. I smiled internally. I had a really special guy and I knew it.

  We jumped out at Arrivals, Hades and Diel causing a stir. My face it seems had hit the papers on this side too. Enough that Demons were staring and pointing. I walked with dignity beside my Duke. I was a Duchess after all. Ha! Like I would ever get used to that.

  Aidan was waiting for us and took Hades leash keeping him from tripping me up. Hades had taken a more protective role.

  We exited the Pink Lady warehouse and Aidan sent the BMW SUV we rented home. Then we joined hands and were sent flying to the manse.

  16. HANNAH

  We landed just outside the front doors, where huge wreaths hung stuffed full of treats for the birds. I could hear classical Christmas music flowing from the mansion. It felt like coming home In fact everything about the scene was soothing. It was overwhelming to be back. The smell of the ocean, the sight of the manse, Lily’s Prius, the big cherry wood doors and the knowledge that Andrew would be opening them when we rang the bell.

  Diel took my hand and led me up the stairs. Aidan had Hades by his collar when he rang the bell. Andrew must have been hovering because he answered almost immediately. Liam was hot on his heels. Andrew took one look at me and got all teary eyed.

  “Oh, Ms. Hannah. What a blessing. What a dear, dear blessing. I’m so happy for you. Liam and I are going to be the best uncles you’ve ever seen, just wait,” he said hugging me gently. Oh no, not him too. I would have to make an announcement that I could bounce with the best of them.

  Liam was next to give me a hug. He winked at me and let me go as we heard clacking heels come skidding around the corner and a squeal that announced Lily.

  “OMG, OMG, you’re here, finally! I could hardly wait. Hannah, Diel, I love you both so much. Hannah, I’m so excited. I’ve already done a ton of research and know everything to expect. I’m sooo excited. Thank goodness for Voogle,” she said without taking a single breath.

  “Whoa, Girlfriend. You already probably know more than me,” I said laughing.

  “I’ll fill you in,” she said crushing me in a real hug. Thank the Goddess, she wasn’t afraid to give me a good firm squeeze. I knew I loved her.

  “Let’s go to the library, I’m sure everyone else is eager to see her too,” Aidan said smiling lovingly down at her. She looked up at him all gooey-eyed. Aidan looked shocked for a second and then his smile broadened. I thought he had just gotten his Christmas present.

  We made our way to the library where Sebastian and Julian were so busy at the computers that they didn’t even realize we had come in. Helena did. She floated over to us the way only a really old Vamp could.

  She took me up in her arms and held me close for a while. It was so comforting. Helena had that effect on people.

  “May the Goddess bles
s you and your child,” she said as she traced a sigil on my belly. “That is my gift to you tonight.” I felt a surge of warmth run through my body and settle in my belly.

  “Thank you, Helena,” Diel said quietly. I know he was as thankful as I was. I hugged her again and so did Diel.

  Julian looked up, realized we had arrived and nudged Sebastian who looked like he had been concentrating hard.

  “Hannah, ma petite. Diel, Joyeux Noel. Come, I want to hug the petite Maman,” Sebastian said sauntering to my side in in his easy, sexy way. He hugged me like I was a delicate china doll.

  “Okay, that’s enough! I will not break. All you men, treating me like I’m going to shatter if you look at me the wrong way. For goodness sake I had four broken ribs, a broken arm and a concussion yesterday and I’m fine!”

  Sebastian let out a low growl, there was a hard glint in Julian’s eye.

  “What the hell has been going on while you were away?” Sebastian demanded.

  “Sit down everyone, we’ll fill you in,” Diel said in a weary tone.

  We gathered around the fire and Andrew served us mulberry wine.

  “Ah, none for Hannah, Andrew. Do you have any apple cider around?” Diel said. I smiled when I remembered why I couldn’t drink it. Thank goodness that Diel was on top of it.

  “We do, actually. Liam has a taste for it. I’ll heat some up in a jiffy. Don’t start without me!” Andrew said as he ran out of the room. Soon he was back with a mug of hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick for garnish, of course. It smelled wonderful.

  “Now tell us what’s been happening, Diel,” Julian asked.

  Diel went through everything including our secret doctor’s appointment to the end in the hospital room. Lily burst out sobbing and Aidan was the first to provide a shoulder to cry on.

  “I can’t believe that evil woman. You could have lost your precious gift.” Lily’s fangs slid out. Sebastian shifted in his chair and cracked his neck. It always did something to him when she showed fang.

  “It’s over now, bestie, and we are home. I have to go back in six weeks but we aren’t going to tell the in-laws about that visit. If I’m correct I will have to give birth in Hell though.”

  “Yes, babe. But I think we can induce labor if you want and arrange for Hades to bring over a few people to attend,” he said smiling at me.

  “It would be so nice to have family there. If we can do that would any of you want to come?”

  They all spoke at once and I laughed. I guess that was a yes.

  “Hannah, you haven’t received my gift yet,” Julian said.

  “Oooh, present time,” Lily said.

  “But we don’t exchange presents,” I said confused.

  “This is a special occasion, Little Mother,” Sebastian said.

  “Here, Diel and Hannah, I’ve named a hundred stars after the baby. You will have to send in the official name when you choose it,” Julian said. “Then they will register it legally.”

  It was such a thoughtful gift. I could just imagine looking up at the night sky with my baby and telling him or her that one hundred of those stars belonged to her. I felt my eyes burning. Dammit. Diel hugged me.

  “Thank you, Julian. An everlasting gift for a new immortal,” Diel said.

  “It will last as long as our child…” I mused. Diel tightened his grip on me.

  “You haven’t got my present yet,” Sebastian said. He went to the printer set up in the corner, and took the top sheet off and handed it to me.

  It was a bunch of names of corporations and numbers. I didn’t understand any of it.

  I handed it to Diel, confused again.

  Diel’s eyes popped out as he read it.

  “Sebastian, this is quite a generous gift. Thank you. If we manage this well it will be around as long as our child, too. Very thoughtful,” Diel said in awe.

  “What is it? I didn’t understand a thing,” I said.

  “It’s a portfolio set up for your child, Hannah. I started it for your sweet babe with a million dollars,” Sebastian said.

  “Sebastian,” I couldn’t say anything more. I broke down and had to bury my face in Diel’s chest. All this kindness, all this generosity. It was overwhelming and I felt I was at the limit of what I could handle.

  “She’s overwhelmed. It’s been such an eventful day and the doctor said her hormones would be up and down. She also can’t partake in anymore ganja infused feeding. So I think the mood swings will be a little more pronounced for a while,” Diel explained as he held me. I peeked out at my friends, they didn’t laugh, they all looked concerned.

  “I’m fine,” I said getting myself back under control.

  “I’m afraid to give you my gifts,” Lily said. “Besides they aren’t here yet. Nothing is open on Christmas day except for Amazon!” she exclaimed clapping her hands together. She pulled a stack of papers she had printed out in full color.

  They were pictures of a complete wardrobe in my style of maternity clothes. Skulls and zombies prevailed. I hugged her. She threw her arms around me and hugged me hard, back.

  “Just wait until we do the nursery,” she whispered. I giggled.

  “And last but not least,” Aidan said. He waved his hand and behind him appeared a mass of baby equipment. Top of the line everything I could imagine and in black and leather where appropriate. I loved it. Stroller, baby bag, toys galore, things I didn’t recognize that I had to research. Voogle was going to get hit hard.

  “I am completely overwhelmed. I love you all so much and want you all to be part of our child’s life.”

  “You couldn’t keep us away, I’m afraid. Such a blessing is so rare. We are so thankful to be a part of it and share in your joy,” Helena said, smoothing my hair.

  Hades took a shine to the baby’s toys breaking up our tender moment. Aidan quickly sent them home and delivered a pile of treats and toys for Hades’ Christmas.

  We were truly blessed.


  Diel and I were wearing new black leather pants. He had on a form hugging cashmere sweater, me a corset blouse, I could loosen the cords to account for the little bean already starting to make things a little snug, and of course my combat boots. I could no longer dye my hair so it was its original black. I did have on my black diamonds, though and I held a beautiful crimson rose that was so dark it looked black.

  Lily, Sebastian, Julian, Helena and Aidan surrounded us.

  We were at the San Francisco City Hall.

  Diel surprised me with a huge black diamond ring to go with the plain platinum bands we had picked out.

  It was beautiful and somehow so me.

  It was a quick ceremony but it was legal and that was all that mattered to me. I was married before my child came into the world.


  This book just flowed out of me. It was time to write it, I think. I love these characters so it makes it easy to write about them. I have to say that I always have help though, no matter how effortlessly the writing happens. Much thanks goes to my writing partners Reina Williams and Marik Berghs. They critique, edit and egg me on. To my new Thursday Writing Salon where this story started, thank you. And to my family that continues to be my steady anchor.

  A special, heartfelt thank you to all of you that have read the books. I love hearing from you.

  If you liked this one, please consider leaving a review. It’s what keeps us Indie authors going.


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  If you enjoyed “Suckers Go To Hell,” you will like the rest of

  the San Francisco Vampires Series

  Book one: San Francisco Vampire Series

  Sucking in San Francisco

  Working at a Suicide Prevention Center in San Francisco, Lily Goodwill thinks she’s heard it all—then she gets a call from a man about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Something about the caller, maybe his yummy British accent or Lily’s ability to understand his c
rushing ennui, makes her break all the rules and rush to meet him. After all, she is a vampire and if she can’t talk him down she can glamour him.

  But things don’t go according to plan. Her caller glows with blue fire and turns out to be a vampire-hating Djinn. Suddenly, for the first time in centuries he’s found something intriguing. Is Lily really a vampire with a conscience and an obsessive-compulsive disorder, involving Handi-wipes and Lysol, or is she just another bloodsucker?

  Add in another vampire, with a history of female lovers stretching over three centuries, who swears he’s reformed and declares his undying love for Lily. Stir in a mean pair of witches and a vicious warlock, who are staking vampires around the city and you have a recipe for riotous adventure of supernatural proportions.

  Lily Goodwill is a quick thinking, smart-talking vampire who’s still figuring out how she feels about dining al fresco in the City by the Bay.

  Available now, at your favorite online book store in ePub or Mobi formats. Also available as an audible book.

  Between-Quel: Hellhounds are for Suckers

  Book Two: San Francisco Vampires

  Vampire Hannah’s best friend has coupled up and Hannah is feeling alone and lonely. One night on a stroll through her favorite grave-yard she is be-hounded by a small growling fur ball. The puppy refuses to leave and reluctantly she takes him in. She soon needs expert advice because the puppy won’t eat any of the expensive dog chow she buys and he burps fire.

  Hannah consults her vampire friends and a friendly Jinni and finds out she’s got herself a hell hound. And more, the Jinni warns, there is sure to be an owner in the background somewhere. When a gorgeous Demon shows up pounding on her door wanting his dog back, Hannah is suddenly in the middle of a humorous predicament. This between-quell, the second episode of the Vampires of San Francisco series, is a novella of 60 pages.

  Available now, at your favorite online book store in ePub or Mobi formats. Also available as an audible book.


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