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A Wanton Woman

Page 10

by Thomas Henry

  A pair of hands grasped my shoulders from behind, and a firm pair of breasts pressed against my back. I smelled her distinctive fragrance a split-second before I heard her whisper in my ear. “Looks like the mating dance has started.”

  An image of Karen in the throes of passion with her new bull raced through my mind. My stomach tensed, and my balls tightened. I was speechless. I just nodded my head as Sally gently kneaded my shoulders. Finally, I managed to nod toward the attorney. “Is that who I think it is?”

  “Sure is. He and his wife are regulars. She’s quite a bit younger, you know, and he brings her here to be serviced. That’s her over there…the blond with the big guy.”

  The blond no doubt once had been a young trophy wife, but she was beginning to show her years. I figured she was in her mid-forties, which made her about my age…and probably around twenty-five years younger than her husband. She still was quite attractive, but her overly-enhanced bust and her short, skin-tight dress gave me the impression that she was desperately trying to hang onto the sex appeal that was her stock-in-trade. At that moment, she also happened to be hanging onto the arm of a huge dark-skinned man who looked to be Samoan.

  I remembered reading somewhere that Samoans are the largest people on earth. I don’t know if that’s true, but this guy certainly was anecdotal evidence of that theory. He was absolutely huge. He wasn’t obese like a Sumo wrestler. He wasn’t gangling like a basketball player. He was just damned huge. It was like someone had found a perfect specimen of a large man…say Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson…and had enlarged him by about 20 percent. This guy had to be well over seven feet tall. And, of course, that immediately made me wonder just how big his cock was.

  They say that a man’s penis isn’t necessarily proportionate to his body size, and I knew from personal observation that was true. I had seen big, fat guys with tiny genitals and small guys who were really hung. And I had read somewhere that Samoan men are reputed to have relatively small penises, which was supposed to explain why Samoan women had an affinity for black men. I had no idea if any of that was true, but if it was, maybe this guy’s cock wasn’t so big. Wishful thinking on my part, I supposed. I really couldn’t tell because he was dressed in loose-fitting pants. But…if his cock was proportionate to the rest of his body…then it had to be downright scary.

  The trophy blond was chattering at him and clinging to his arm. He was nodding and occasionally responding, but he wasn’t paying full attention to her. I followed his gaze. He was watching Karen. My stomach tied itself into a knot.

  “So,” I said, “Who’s the big guy?”

  “Oh, that’s Bodacious,” Sally said. “But most of us just call him Body.”

  “Bodacious? Really?”

  “Named after some bad-ass rodeo bull.”

  “You’re kidding. That can’t be his real name.”

  “No, you’re right. All the bulls use nicknames. This guy got his nickname from a husband who was a big rodeo fan. He started calling him ‘Bodacious’ one night after he saw Body with his wife, and it sort of stuck. But ‘Bodacious’ is like ‘Salacious.’ It’s hard to keep saying it. So now we mostly just call him Body.”

  “Sure is a big dude.”

  “Uh-huh. And the answer is yes.”

  “Answer to what?”

  “The question you’re not asking. Yes, his cock is huge, too.”

  My stomach twisted itself into another knot. “So…does the blond usually have sex with Body?”

  “Oh, not always. But he’s her favorite…and she’s one of the few who can handle him. She likes it rough, and he’s rough as…well…as the rodeo bull he was named after.”

  I had a vision of the blond on all fours, hanging on for dear life while Body slammed her from behind. “That must be something to see.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sally nodding. “Yeah, but maybe not tonight, though. Looks like he’s set his sights on your little friend Karen.” Sally squeezed my shoulders and put her lips right next to my ear. “Think I should set her up with him?”

  My stomach lurched. Oh, HELL no! Now I was imagining Karen on all fours, hanging on for dear life while Body slammed her from behind. I struggled to put the image out of my mind. I took a deep breath and, as nonchalantly as I could, I said, “I guess that’s up to Karen and Ted.”

  I was desperate to purge the image of Body and Karen from my mind, so I looked around for something else to focus on. I spotted two middle-aged white women dancing with a couple of twenty-something local beach-boy types. The women were sporting bright pink skin and wearing muumuu that matched the aloha shirts worn by a couple of middle-aged white men sitting at a nearby table. I nodded toward them. “So tell me about them,” I said.

  “Visitors,” Sally said. “On vacation from Iowa. One of the couples has been coming here every year for the past five years or so. The other couple came with them for the first time.”

  “I see. What about those three young women?” I nodded toward a trio of college-age local girls.

  “Oh…let’s just say that’s some kind of sorority initiation thing. I guess you’d say one of them is a pledge, and the others are sorority sisters here to witness her completion of the rite of passage.”

  “Pretty expensive initiation for a sorority.”

  “Well…they’re regulars. I mean, that sorority is. So I have a special arrangement with them. It’s good for business.”

  Another pair of women caught my eye, and I was about to ask about them, but a huge security guy handed Sally a cordless phone. She put it to her ear.

  “Yes? Who? Oh…okay. Right now? Okay, I’ll let him know.” Sally ended the call and handed the phone back to the security guy.

  “Well,” Sally said. “Looks like your little Karen is going to miss out tonight. Body’s been called away. Excuse me.” Sally gave my shoulders another little squeeze as she started across the room. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Body cocked his head and listened as Sally gave him the news. Then he shook his head and slapped a huge hand against his thigh. He obviously was frustrated. He said something to the blond as he peeled her hands off his arm. She looked equally frustrated. She lifted her hands palms-up as she stared across the room toward her husband and shook her head.

  Body lingered for a moment, running his eyes up and down Karen’s body. Then he shook his head and stalked toward the lockers. He spent a minute retrieving his possessions, and with a last glance back toward Karen, he slipped out the door.

  I was greatly relieved to see him go. But to be totally honest…I also was a little disappointed. The idea of that huge man pounding my Karen made my stomach churn. But it also caused my cock to twitch.

  I looked back at the two women who had caught my eye just before Body’s call came in. Both were talking with a good looking black bull.

  One was a cute, busty little redhead, maybe in her early twenties. She was wearing tiny white shorts that were all camel-toe and ass-cheek. Her top was so short that I got glimpses of bottom cleavage.

  The other was an exotic black woman who looked to be forty-ish. Her shaved head gave a masculine aura to what otherwise was a voluptuously feminine figure. She wore a lightweight, loose-fitting floral-print dress that struggled to hide her hardworking black bra and her Tina Turner thighs.

  After a couple of minutes, the black woman abandoned the other two and headed toward the bar. I continued to watch the young redhead. Even though I had never seen her before, there was something familiar about her. After a while, I realized what it was. Her face, and especially her bedroom eyes, reminded me of Lindsay Lohan.

  I studied her for a moment longer and then looked around for Karen. She was still dancing with the same handsome black bull. They seemed oblivious of everyone around them. I knew Karen had found her bull. Considering how Ted had reacted to Bill, I wondered if he would be on board with Karen’s choice.

  As I watched Karen grinding with the handsome black man, I began to imagine them in th
e throes of passion. As always, I had mixed feelings about Karen fucking another man, but this time the urge in my balls overwhelmed the knot in my stomach.

  I got so caught up in the fantasy that I was taken by surprise when a sultry voice next to me said, “Mmm-mmm-mmm! Too bad you ain’t black.” I tore my eyes away from Karen and turned toward the voice. The bald black woman was standing next to me, holding a drink and looking me up and down.

  I made a show of looking her up and down in return. “Well,” I said. “We could turn off the lights and pretend.”

  Her laugh revealed a dimple and a mischievous smile as she put her free hand on my arm. “No, no…it ain’t like that.”

  “So what is it like?”

  “See that little white girl over there?” She nodded toward the redhead. “She my wife.”

  The picture snapped into focus…sort of. They were a lesbian couple. Okay…but what were they doing at a sex club with a bunch of men? And why was it too bad I wasn’t black?

  She quickly cleared up my confusion…sort of. “We want to have a baby. So we need a baby daddy. And that’s why we here.”

  “Um…okay. But why not just go to a sperm bank?”

  “We want to pick out the baby daddy ourselves. Make sure he up to standards. Besides, Amy want to conceive the old-fashioned way. So I brought her here to have her bred. And that why it too bad you ain’t black. You can’t be the baby daddy because the baby can’t be all white. It gotta look like me, too.”

  “I see.” I nodded toward the redhead and the black bull she was talking to. “So is he the sperm donor?”

  “Maybe one of ‘em. We looking for two or three. You know, just to make sure the job get done.”

  “Do these guys know what you’re doing…that you’re trying to make one of them a father?”

  “Yeah, but it ain’t no big thing. It not like we gonna ask ‘em for child support.”

  Strangely, I was vaguely disappointed that I wasn’t qualified to father their child. I’d never done that, and although I’d never wanted to have children, I’d begun to regret that there would be no one to carry my genes after I was gone. My eyes drifted to Karen. If she weren’t already married with children…

  “I’m Max, by the way,” the woman said. “My momma named me Maxine, but everybody call me Max. Sort of fits, you know.”

  I offered her my hand and introduced myself. She took my hand, but she also leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. Her big, natural tits brushed against my arm. A tingle surged through my balls, neither of whom cared that she was a lesbian. I was trying desperately not to look down the front of her dress, so I looked back over at Karen.

  Max turned and looked where I was looking. She put her hand on my shoulder and tilted her head toward me. “Mmm…mmm…mmm. Ain’t she something? She yours?”

  “You mean the brunette over there?”

  “Uh-huh. Who else? You can’t take your eyes off her. And I don’t blame you. So? She yours?”

  “Well…yes and no.”

  “What? How the hell can it be yes and no?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Honey, we gonna be here for a while.”

  “Okay, see that guy over there?” I nodded toward Ted. “He’s her husband, but…” I proceeded to give her a quick overview of my involvement with Karen.

  “You telling me the two of you can’t keep her satisfied? You gotta bring her here?”

  I explained why we were there and how the situation had come about, and I pointed to Crystal. “See that sexy little thing over there? She’s here with me tonight.”

  Max nodded. “Oh…so you like ‘em dark, too, huh?”

  “I have eclectic tastes.”

  “Uh-huh…” She looked back at Karen. “So…what’s the white girl’s name?”


  “Okay…and how does Karen feel about you bringing that other sweet young thang to this sex club?”

  “Her name’s Crystal. She and Karen know each other pretty well.”

  “Oh? Another long story, I suppose.”

  I shrugged.

  “Not gonna tell me?”

  “It’s longer than it’s interesting,” I said.

  For the next couple of minutes, we silently watched Karen. She finally was dancing with a different bull, but she kept glancing over at that first handsome one.

  “Look like Karen got the hots for PD,” Max said.


  “Yeah. Everybody call him that. Stand for Panty Dropper. ‘Cause when the women see him, they all drop they panties.”

  “I see,” I said as I imagined Karen bending over and sliding her panties down her legs.

  “We been looking at him, too.”

  “What? Oh…to be the father?”

  “Uh-huh. Um…let me ask you something…”


  “Ever fantasize about Karen with another woman?”

  “Not really.” I smiled to myself and waited for disappointment to register on Max’s face. Then I continued, “Don’t need to fantasize about it.”

  Max’s eyes widened. “You mean…”

  I nodded.

  “No shit?” Max gazed at Karen and slowly shook her head. “Mmm…mmm…mmm. Sure would like to get me some of that.”

  “How would your wife feel about that?” I looked over at the little redhead. She was dancing with a different black bull.

  “Ain’t nothing to her. Amy know how I am.” She took a deep breath. “Well, I better get back over there. We got a couple of baby daddies to pick out.” She squeezed my forearm. “See you later.”

  Max made her way back over to Amy, who had started chatting with yet another black bull. Max joined the conversation, but she kept stealing glances at Karen.

  For the next while, I sat and watched as Karen and Crystal moved from partner to partner, dancing and chatting with them. Even though she spent time with quite a few guys, it was pretty obvious that Karen’s attention was on PD. If Crystal had a favorite, she didn’t let it show.

  I no longer wore a watch, and my cell phone was locked up, so I couldn’t check the time, but my internal clock said it was about nine when Sally sidled up to me and said, “Your ladies are very popular tonight. All the bulls want a shot at them.”

  My stomach twisted into a knot as I once-again imagined the bulls lined up, stroking themselves as they waited their turns with Karen. I couldn’t help but worry about what was going to happen in her scene. She had agreed to let Ted chose what kind of scene she would be in. She figured it was his fantasy, so he should be the one to decide. He hadn’t said anything to me about what he was going to have Karen do, and the uncertainty made me uneasy.

  Crystal was another matter. I didn’t want to pressure her into anything that made her uncomfortable, so I told her that she should decide on the scene, and whatever she decided would be fine with me. I had no idea what she had decided, but the uncertainty didn’t bother me at all.

  “When does the show start?” I asked Sally.

  “In a few minutes. I just need to know what kind of scene you want and which bull or bulls are your first choices.”

  I told Sally to ask Crystal about her scene. I almost asked if she knew what Ted had decided for Karen, but then I thought better of it. I’d just wait and be surprised…and hopefully not disappointed.

  Sally made her way around the room to find out what everyone had decided. Along the way, she had a little chat with Crystal.

  The music stopped, and Sally clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, everybody. It’s time to get started. Ladies…If you’re doing a scene, follow me. Everyone else take a seat in the Voyeur Room.”

  As Ted and I made our way toward the Voyeur Room, I noticed that the bulls were disappearing through another door. I guessed it provided access to their own backstage dressing area.

  Once we were in the Voyeur Room, I looked around for Max, wondering if she might sit with us. But I spotted her going through
the door to the dressing rooms with Amy and the other women who were doing scenes. All three sorority girls went through that door as well. I wondered what that was all about.

  We men got settled in the Voyeur Room. I took a seat at one end, next to a chair with a “Reserved” sign on it. Ted sat down next to me. Sexual tension was palpable as we all gazed at the opaque glass wall and waited for the first scene to start.

  We didn’t have long to wait. Sally returned to the Voyeur Room and took the “Reserved” seat next to me. On her other side was a bank of switches and knobs. Sally flipped a switch. The opaque glass wall went dark for a few seconds and then turned clear. Now we theoretically could see into the Showroom, but it was in total darkness. My stomach did a flip-flop as I wondered which woman would be up first.

  As it turned out, two women were up first. Sally flipped another switch and the speakers in the Voyeur Room came alive. The lights in the Showroom came up slowly, revealing the two haole tourist women in bikinis, lying face-down on chaise lounges as if they were sunning themselves. Two beach-boy bulls, clad only in loose-fitting shorts, were rubbing suntan lotion on their shoulders.

  The scene unfolded pretty much as I expected. The bulls untied the women’s tops so they could rub lotion all over their backs. They worked their way down to the women’s waists. They didn’t pull off their bikini bottoms, but they slipped their fingers down inside the waistbands and over the women’s behinds. Then the bulls went to work on the women’s legs, occasionally slipping their fingers high between the women’s thighs or up under their bikini bottoms.

  Before long, the bulls had the women turn over, revealing their bare breasts. One of the women had been artificially enhanced, and she clearly was proud of those babies. I assumed that she was the one who had visited Sally’s Club before. She seemed totally relaxed as her bull rubbed lotion on her bulbous bare breasts.

  The other woman’s breasts were natural and sagged to either side of her chest. Her skin was a bit loose and wrinkly, as if the breast tissue inside had shrunk. It reminded me of a woman’s stomach just after she has given birth, when the skin is still loose and wrinkled. She quickly covered her breasts with her hands and pushed them together. Her bull had to pull her hands away, one at a time, so he could rub lotion on one breast and then the other.


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