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Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1)

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by Raso, Idalita Wright


  The Daughters of Saturn (Book One)


  Idalita Wright Raso


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Cover Art:

  Idalita Wright Raso

  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental.

  Solstice Publishing -

  Copyright 2016 Idalita Wright Raso

  For my muse


  I would like to thank the staff at the Euclid Public Library for their help and allowing me to borrow and insane amount of books while doing research for this book series. I would also like to thank my editor, Debbie Rowe for making this book better than it started out. A big thanks to Judy Allen, Joyce Ashman, Jessica Bolanos, Amber Chapmen, Eugene “Pumpkin” Harcum, Samantha Kain, Julia Lemieux, “Panda,” Janet Pedro, Antoinette Ponzo, Bonita Ponzo, Cameron Powell, Elana Reichenbach, Diana Rogers, and Rico Thomas for your unwavering support and guidance.

  Very special thanks to all my website members, Facebook friends, and Twitter followers.


  This novel’s setting for the Temple of Saturn is purely imaginary. I made up my own “Temple of Saturn,” to suit the purposes of this story. The Temple of Saturn does not, nor has it ever sat high atop Mulhacén in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The real Temple of Saturn, which is now a partially preserved pediment front portico, is in Rome.

  “In the beginning, Kronos the Titan ruled the entire ether; his star the far-seeing gods called ‘the shining one’.”[1]

  In ancient times, Saturn was revered by all mortals as the supreme god and ruler of all kings—the God of the Golden Age.



  After HIS long slumber, Saturn, the Great Father, awoke and opened HIS all-seeing Eye. Staring out into the black cosmic abyss, the god spoke in a thunderous voice.

  “Sapirla ne’kab vitoar zop’kab shael!” (Blood is the seat of the soul!) Saturn’s words had awakened the void and breathed life into the universe, thus marking the beginning of time.

  Saturn then waved HIS golden scythe, sending powerful lightning bolts streaking across the vast universe. Dust particles swooshed and swirled while elements joined together, until they formed an infinite number of luminous stars, nebulae, and planets. Saturn made HIS planet sixth—HIS sacred number, HIS seal.

  Everything in the cosmos bore Saturn’s seal. It was the number—six hundred and sixty-six. This sacred number was the very fabric upon which the universe was built. For it was a powerful, magickal mathematical equation.

  In some galaxies Saturn’s sacred number was symbolized by a six-pointed star, in other realms the sacred number was depicted as a hexagram, and in other dimensions, a black cube. No matter how it was perceived, Saturn’s sacred number was the perfect construct for an invisible, inescapable matrix—a prison that placed all beings great and small, rich and poor, free and slave under HIS control.

  To oversee the countless worlds in the universe, Saturn created a legion of gods in HIS image. They resided within the rings around HIS planet, forming the Council of Gods. Saturn selected forty-two principal gods to act as overlords, among them was Apollyon, whom the Great Father affectionately called, Pluto.

  Saturn extended HIS hand and a glorious band of light flooded the cosmos. Out of the wondrous light, a winged figure emerged. The majestic white wings of this magnificent being opened up like a blossoming flower—it was a woman. Her skin was a translucent, icy, blue. She wore a loosely draped, sheer white sheath that barely covered her flawless, round breasts. A halo adorned her head as her long white hair cascaded over her shoulders. Upon her neck she wore a gold six-pointed star.

  “You are my daughter, and I shall name you, Isis.”

  “Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI!” (Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn!) Isis said in Solsatihel, the language of her Father, Saturn—the first language of the gods and of the universe.

  Saturn stretched forth HIS hand and this time two winged, translucent, icy, blue figures emerged—Asira and Dusana. Asira, a raven-haired beauty and the taller of Isis’ two sisters, held on tightly to Dusana’s hand. The ethereal specters bowed before the Great Father and embraced their sister.

  “Daughters, I empower you with the gift of immortality, the power to heal, create, destroy, and the ability to travel through time and space. As my daughters, you are my messengers—my angels.”

  Saturn’s scythe began emitting beams of electrical energy. The rays of energy bathed the sisters in a blue light.

  “Go forth and transcribe my laws, sacred ceremonies, prayers, and spells into sixty Sacred Scrolls. So that every being in the cosmos may know that I am their god and how to exalt me, and keep my laws. You three shall become the guardians of the scrolls.”

  Saturn held out HIS hand to Isis. Sa’hal!” (Come!)

  Isis placed her trembling hand in her father’s and then vanished, arriving on Rhea, the planet Saturn’s second largest moon.

  “Isis, being my eldest daughter, I bestowed upon you all wisdom so that you may intercede on my behalf. I am entrusting you with all of my magickal knowledge,” the Great Father decreed.

  Isis listened carefully to her father’s words, meticulously recording HIS every magickal secret. She fashioned them into the Six Forbidden Scrolls. Raising her arms upward, Isis summoned the magick of the universe. Sorcery bound the scrolls and funneled them inside six solid gold cylinders. Sparks flew as an invisible hand engraved the cylinders with Saturn’s insignia—a scythe inside a six-pointed star resting on a flat, black, onyx stone.

  The Six Forbidden Scrolls had to be protected, for they held the secrets to the universe. Anyone armed with the scrolls’ magick could open Saturn’s all-seeing Eye and create or destroy an entire universe, transform beings, unleash the Judgment Seat to punish anyone who opposed them—or far worse! They would have the power to send Saturn into an eternal sleep and, ultimately, control the universe.

  Isis decided to hide the scrolls in the last place anyone would go looking for them—deep inside Pan, the oddly-shaped, innermost of the planet Saturn’s moons.

  Although Saturn had created an infinite number of planets, there was one planet, in particular, the Great Father favored more than the others—Earth. It was HIS grandest creation. Saturn generously filled the planet with animals of every kind, beast, and fowl. HE gave the lands life-sustaining water and lush vegetation, but something was still missing—a caretaker.

  Crafted in the image of HIS daughters—beautiful and beguiling—Saturn created woman and made her Earth’s mother. HE gave woman HIS sacred number—six, and vested her with a special gift, the power of creation. In time, woman gave birth to man, and like woman, man’s number was also six. Their off-spring was also given Saturn’s sacred number.

  Thus, the human covenant with Saturn, like all beings of the universe, was six hundred and sixty-six. The number of man’s Third Eye, his spirituality—his direct connection to the creator. Now man was a part of Saturn’s matrix.

  Isis, Asira, and Dusana obeyed their father’s commandment and taught man the importance of keeping Saturd
ay, Saturn’s Sabbath Day, Holy and Saturn’s sacred rituals, which often required human sacrifices and the drinking of blood.

  “Sapirla ne’kab vitoar zop’kab shael!” (Blood is the seat of the soul!)

  Saturn was so pleased with Earth and man, HE spent the first millennium residing on the planet as a man-god, making HIS home at the summit of the world axis—the North Pole. The time Saturn spent on Earth was known as the Golden Age. During this period, there were no wars, famine or disease. Mankind lived peacefully in lush fertile lands of flowing milk and honey.


  Apollyon sat alongside the other principle gods in the Great Chamber, anxiously waiting for his assigned planet. Finally, Apollyon heard his name called. This was the moment he had been waiting for. Then his heart sank. Apollyon thanked the Great Father and managed to plaster on a fake smile until Saturn left the chamber. Apollyon drew his face tight and clenched his jaw. He was furious.

  “Cheer up, Pluto, old boy,” Jupiter said, jokingly slapping him on the back. “Remember, it’s not the size of the planet that makes the god, but what the god does with the planet that counts.”

  “My name is Apollyon,” he snapped, brushing back Jupiter’s hand. “Easy for you to say. Saturn gave you the Red Giant, the largest and luckiest planet in the entire universe. My planet, if you can call it that, is nothing more than a tiny, cold, barren rock,” he scoffed.

  “Sounds like someone has planet envy,” Mars teased.

  The gods laughed.

  “Well, Pluto, you are Saturn’s favorite. What did you expect?” Mercury said.

  Apollyon stood up abruptly, his black wings unfurled. His right hand curled into a fist ready to strike Mercury square in the face.

  “Apollyon,” Venus said.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” The god turned his head, to look upon the goddess. She was the embodiment of femininity, grace, beauty, and love. Venus’ smooth, golden tones swathed Apollyon in a sea of calm. He relaxed his fist, bringing his arm to his side.

  “Saturn gave you the gift of death and rebirth. Perhaps you could use your talents to breathe new life into your planet.”

  “And why should I have to work so hard, while all of you rest on your laurels?”

  “Rest on my laurels? You must think it easy being the god of war,” Mars said, pounding the table.

  All the gods, except for Venus, burst into laughter.

  Apollyon vanished in a whiff of smoke.


  Earth during the time of the Golden Age in the fortified city of Khirbet Qeiyafa, near Jerusalem.

  Every tribe of man paid homage to the Great Father by erecting temples, appointing elders to oversee the shrines, and help to guide the faithful. The chief elders were given a six-pointed, gold star—Saturn’s talisman—HIS star. A few loyal servants won Saturn’s favor and was rewarded with HIS most precious gift—immortality. One such servant was Elijah. Saturn knew just how much Elijah loved his first-born son, Yosef. So Saturn decided to test the Chief Elder’s loyalty.

  “Brother Elijah,” Isis said, materializing before the Chief Elder. “Saturn feels you do not love HIM. Tell me Elijah, is there someone or something you love more than the Great Father?”

  “No, I can assure you Isis, I love no one more than I love Saturn.”

  “Then prove it. Sacrifice what you cherish most dearly, tonight at the harvest celebration. Do this and Saturn will reward you.” Isis vanished in a rolling cloud of smoke, leaving streaks of white and purple luminous radiation, evaporating in the air.

  Elijah knew what had to be done. He took a deep breath and called for his six-year old son, Yosef.

  “Yes, Papa?” The bright-eyed boy ran into his father’s arms.

  Once Elijah gazed into his son’s eyes, he could not bring himself to tell him the boy the truth, so Elijah lied.

  “My son, there’s a special celebration at the Temple of Saturn tonight to honor you.”

  The boy’s face lit up. “To honor me, Papa?”

  “Yes. You have won Saturn’s favor,” the Chief Elder said, casting his guilty eyes to the floor.

  Elijah covered his son’s head with a black hood and bound the boy’s wrists with thick ropes. He told his son it was part of the special celebration. They walked for an hour until they came to the mysterious temple.

  Rhythmic, tribal drums and the melodic tune of the lyre played. Worshipers, some completely naked, with arms outstretched to the heavens, exploded into a frenzy of elation as they paid homage to Saturn underneath the biggest and brightest harvest supermoon the world had ever seen. A mammoth golden statue of Saturn rested in the center of the courtyard. A gold breastplate and robe adorned the statue’s body. The figure held in its left hand a gold S-curved scythe, with a blade sharp enough to slice a man in half. Upon the head of the statue sat a jewel-encrusted, stepped crown. Lying majestically at the foot of the statue was a carved gold effigy of the bird of wisdom.

  Thick, black, billowing plumes of ash and smoke spewed out from the corners of the statue’s smiling mouth. Elijah glanced at the statue. He knew what was hidden behind the figure’s devious sneer—it was a brazier deep inside the statue’s belly that was designed with a dark purpose in mind.

  Elijah led his son up steep, uneven, stone steps to the statue’s smiling mouth. Still blinded by the hood, the boy stumbled a few times going up the uneven steps. Suddenly, they stopped walking. Elijah placed both hands firmly on his son’s back and positioned the boy, so he was facing directly in front of the statue’s gaping mouth.

  Without warning, Elijah shoved his beloved son into the mouth of the statute, down into the brazier. He stared coldly into the fire. Flames rose higher, popping and hissing until the red-hot demonic inferno had swallowed the small boy’s body. The mouth of the statue seemed to smile with delight, accepting Elijah’s sacrifice.

  Fifteen temple elders, dressed in hooded black robes chanted, “Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI!” (Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn!) Tribal drums beat faster and faster. The festivities came to a halt. Immediately, everyone turned and faced the statue and bowed. The elders led the processional into the shrine.

  Isis’ white, six-foot wingspan spread majestically as she hovered above the congregation. Ritual flames danced in a hearth illuminating Isis’ icy blue translucent body, giving her an angel-like appearance.

  “Greetings, faithful servants. Elijah, come forth,” Isis said.

  Elijah humbly walked forward and knelt. He bowed his head in reverence.

  “Your obedience has proven you worthy to receive Saturn’s greatest reward—immortality. You shall reside on Saturn’s planet and dine amongst the gods. Your descendants will be favored by the Great Father and receive special blessings. Arise, Brother and join the celebration.”

  Elijah raised his head and pulled back his hood. His head was bald and decorated with a hexagon tattoo. In the center of the design was an eye with a scythe for its pupil. The left side of his face also donned a tattoo—a bull’s head enclosed in a six-pointed star, encircled by an inscription written in Solsatihel, followed by ancient symbols.

  Dusana and Asira suddenly appeared. Worshipers and the elders fell to their knees, interlocking their arms, swaying from side to side chanting.

  “Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI! Salzol ShBThAI!” (Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn! Hail Saturn!)

  A haunting sound rumbled through the temple, growing louder until it vibrated the walls and floors. A mixture of fear and adoration could be seen on the faces of the worshipers. Shrieking sounds reverberated once more. This time with a near deafening pitch, followers began writhing in pain—blood oozed from all orifices—their eyes, ears, noses, and mouths and formed a single trail of blood that led outside to the foot of Saturn’s statue.

  “Blood is the seat of the soul!” the Daughters of Saturn chanted.


  The planet Nibiru, located just beyond Pluto in th
e Milky Way Galaxy.

  Apollyon sat high on his throne overlooking thousands of angry, grumbling, rebel gods that had gathered in the great hall. “Quiet down. Quiet down. We have much to discuss,” he bellowed.

  The gods ceased their discussions at hearing Apollyon’s order.

  “I trust everyone knows why I have called this meeting?”

  “To fight against our oppressor, Saturn.” the god, Stolas said.

  “Right you are. For a millennium, Saturn has lived on HIS beloved Earth amongst HIS precious humans, leaving us to run the universe, while HE gets all the glory,” Apollyon said.

  “Yeah, Saturn loves the humans more than HE loves us,” Malphas, the raven god said, as he unfurled his wings. “HE treats us like HIS slaves.”

  “That’s right, Malphas. It’s about HIM. HIS will. HIS laws. Just who the fuck does Saturn think HE is?” Apollyon roared.

  “A cold and heartless taskmaster, that’s who,” Shax chimed in.

  “Well, all of that is about to change. I’ll show HIM! This is about respect,” Apollyon said, adding fuel to the fire.

  The gods cheered.

  “Saturn has even granted some humans immortality,” Apollyon said, turning up his nose. “That should be a right only reserved for the gods... I say it’s time to test the loyalty of these humans. Let’s show them exactly how Saturn has deceived them all.”

  A massive god with three serpent heads stepped into the light. “Apollyon, how are you planning on doing that?” Thamuz, the snake god hissed. His black, forked tongue darted in and out of his mouth.

  “By controlling the Six Forbidden Scrolls and opening Saturn’s all-seeing Eye. Once HIS Eye is opened, I can send HIM back into an eternal sleep, breaking the illusion.”


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