charismatic politics: post-Communist. See also leader charisma/personality cult; mysticism; party charisma
Charter Czechoslovakia
Chávez, Hugo
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chernyaev, Anatoly
Chernyshevky, Nikolai, “Crystal Palace,”
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
chiliasms: Communist Manifesto; Communist Party; fantasies of salvation; Fascism; Leninism; revolutions (1989-91) and. See also eschatology; millennialism
China; anti-Fascism and imperialist propaganda of; Chinese propaganda; contemporary; Cultural Revolution; “High Stalinism,”; Leninist parties coming to power; mass murder. See also Mao Zedong
Chirot, Daniel
Chișnevschi, Iosif
citizenship: Communism abolishing; Fascism eroding; nationalist “thick” notion of; revolutions (1989-91) and rebirth of, 1901. See also civil society
civilization: Communism; Nazism
civil society: and anti-Semitism; Communist disintegration of; despotism's destruction of; dissidents and new epoch of; “institutional amphibiousness” causing; Marx on state and; nationalism competing with; post-Communism and; revolutions (1989-91) and; Russia's “gelatinous,”; sixties upheavals and; uncivil society. See also citizenship; civilization
class consciousness; Lenin and; Marx and. See also bourgeoisie; proletariat
“class genocide,”
“class instinct,”
class murder (“sociocide”)
class struggle; East European Communist leaders and; Gorbachev and; Leninist; Marxist; Soviet and Yugoslav visions; Stalinist. See also proletariat; revolutionary class
Clementis, Vladimir
Cohen, Stephen E.
Cohn, Norman
Cold War
Cominform (Communist and Workers' Parties)
Comintern (Third Communist International); Dimitrov; on Fascism; Geminder; propaganda machine
command economies
Communism; anomy; anti-Fascist; anti-Nazi resistance movements; The Black Book of Communism; conversion to; deradicalization; differences between Fascism and; as ecclesiology; evil identified by; ideology; l'illusion lyrique; intentionality; Jacobinism; leader charisma/personality cult; messianism; “mismemory of,”; and morality; neo-Communism; New Man; “People-as-One,”; public and private person; redemptive mythologies; revisionism; revolutionary passion; science and; similarities with Fascism; social engineering; three layers in societies of. See also Bolshevism; Communist criminality; Communist Party; Communist utopia; enemies; hegemony; internationalism; Leninism; Marxism; post-Communism; Soviet Union
Communist criminality: compared with Fascism; dissidents vs.; Gorbachev denouncing Stalin for; Khrushchev denouncing Stalin for; memory/amnesia/silence about; moral blindness toward; number of victims; post-Communism and; purges; radical evil; Romania; Soviet Union; Stalin's crimes against the party; suffering under; terror; utopia and; violence sanctified
Communist heroic ethos; Bolshevik; Leninism; Marxist; Stalinist; War Communism and “building of socialism,”
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels); vs. bourgeoisie; vs. capitalism; class struggle; Ianoși and; millenarian redemption; monism, proletarian development; social democracy and; violence glorified by
Communist Party: Albanian; Big Lie; Bohemia and Moravia; Cominform (Communist and Workers' Parties); Comintern and; Czechoslovak; German (KPD); ideological hegemony; Jews in; party charisma; Polish; post-Communism and; revisionism and; Romania; Russian; Russian Federation; Spanish; Western; Yugoslavia. See also Central Committee; Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); Congresses; factionalism; Politburo; vanguard party
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU): anti-Fascism; “capitalist encirclement,”; Congress of Victors (Seventeenth Congress); Gorbachev and; ideological hegemony; Institute of Marxism-Leninism; intraparty conflicts; Kommunist; power monopoly; resolution on energy resources to Eastern Europe; The Short Course of History of the CPSU; Twentieth Congress of 1956 (and Khrushchev's Secret Speech denouncing Stalin); Twenty-second Congress (1961); Twenty-seventh Congress (1986). See also Central Committee of the CPSU
Communist utopia; anti-anti-utopianism; anti-Fascist; armed; Bukharin committed to; criminality and; enduring magnetism of; Fascist similarities; ideology and; Leninist; Marxist; neo-Marxists and; revisionism and; revolutions ending (1989-91); shipwreck of; Stalinist; structural challenges
concentration camps. See camps
confessions: forced. See also show trials Congresses: Fifteenth Party Conference (1927); Third Party Congress of the KPD. See also Comintern (Third Communist International); Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
Conquest, Robert
“conspiracy of academicians,” See also intellectuals
conspiracy theories; East and Central Europe; Islamist; about Jews; nationalist; Russian; similarities between Communism and Fascism; Stalinist
Constantinescu, Miron
Constituent Assembly, Lenin disbanding (1918)
constitutionalism: post-Communism. See also democracy
constitutions, Soviet
cosmopolitanism: Jews accused of; Răutu's “Against Cosmopolitanism and Objectivism in Social Sciences,”; rootless; Soviet terror vs., See also Zhdanov, Andrei/Zhdanovism
Costea, Mirel (Nathan Zaider)
Council for Economic Mutual Assistance (CEMA)
Courtois, Stéphane; The Black Book of Communism
criminality: number of victims. See also Communist criminality; dehumanization of the enemy; evil; genocide; purges; terror
Croatia: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Croatian Spring; president Tudjman
Cuba: Castro; mass murder; revolution
Cultural Revolution: Chinese; Soviet
culture of responsibility
Czechoslovakia; Charter; Communist Party; ideological apparatchiks; neutrality of intellectuals; People's Democratic Republic; socialism with a human face; Stalinist purge vs. Jews; velvet divorce. See also Czechoslovakian dissidents; Prague
Czechoslovakian dissidents (1987-89). See also Havel, Václav; Patočka, Jan
Czech Republic; Bohemia; lustration law
Dahrendorf, Ralf
Dan, Fyodor
Daniel, Yuli, Sinyavski-Daniel trial
Danubian confederation, Communist
Dawisha, Karen
Declaration of Moscow Conference of Socialist Clubs
Declaration of the Rights of Toiling and Exploited People (1918)
Dedkov, Igor
dehumanization of the enemy; Communist; Fascist; “objective enemies,”
demagogy: dangers of; messianic; nationalist; xenophobic
de Maistre, Joseph
democracy; anti-Fascist; Bolshevist; Communism vs.; delegative; dissidents; electocracies and; Fascists vs.; Gorbachev and, “grayness,”; illiberal; intraparty; liberal; “managed,”; nationalism and; “people's,”; post-Communist threats to; post-democracy; proletarian; revisionism and; revolutions (1989-91) and; Western. See also pluralism; social democracy
deportation: Nazi; Soviet
deradicalization, Communist
Deutscher, Isaac
devil: in history See also evil
dialectics; Diamat (dialectical materialism); of disenchantment; refunctionalization
dictatorship: Bolshevik; consensus; “democratic,”; of “foreigners,”; over mind and body; over needs; of proletariat; pro-Nazi; of purity; repressive ideocratic; of ritual. See also Hitler, Adolf; Mussolini, Benito; Stalin, Joseph
Dictatorship over Needs (Heller, Fehér, and Márkus)
Dimitrov, Georgi
Diner, Dan
di Palma, Giuseppe
disenchantment: with Marxism; with Nazism; post-Communism
dissidents; conflicts among; Gorbache
v and; Lenin for persecution of; one of three layers in Communist societies; samizdat; Soviet Union; Western Europe. See also resistance; revolution
dissidents of East and Central Europe (1987-89); vs. Communist criminality; intellectuals; lack of influence after 1989; post-Communism; reinvention of politics; revisionism and; and revolutions (1989-91). See also Czechoslovakian dissidents; Polish dissidents
diversity: revolutions (1989-91) leading to,. See also pluralism
Djilas, Milovan “doctor's plot,” Stalin and domesticism
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Demons
double-talk and double-think. See also amnesia; falsification
Dubček, Alexander
Dubiel, Helmut
Durkheim, Emile
East and Central Europe; anti-Fascism; anti-Nazi resistance movement; civil society; “competitive authoritarianism,”; de-Bolshevization; de-Stalinization; domesticism; Europeanization; ideological apparatchiks; vs. Jews; law of political synchronization; Leninism; post-Communism; post-Leninist; reinvention of politics; revisionism; Sovietization; Stalinist; uncivil societies. See also dissidents of East and Central Europe; revolutions (1989-91); individual countries
East Germany (GDR): civil society; dissidents (1987-89); ideological apparatchiks; Leninism; Modrow; national Stalinism; Party of Democratic Socialism
economics: bourgeois capitalist entrepreneurs; CEMA; de-Stalinization and; East and Central Europe; forced labor; Gorbachev and; Leninist; Marxist; of mass killing; Pauker-Luca sabotage; privatization and; recession; revolutions (1989-91) and; Short Course of Political Economy. See also class struggle; economies
economies: command; globalized; market, See also capitalism
Ehlen, Peter
Ehrenburg, Ilya; The Black Book of Nazi Crimes against Soviet Jews
Eichmann, Adolf
Eisenstadt, S. N.
Eisner, Gerhart
Ekiert, Grzegorz
Eley, Geoff
Éluard, Paul
enemies: of Communism; constructing; evil; of Fascism; “objective,” See also aliens; bourgeoisie; conspiracy theories; dehumanization of the enemy; Jew
Engels, Friedrich; Marx-Engels Archive. See also Communist Manifesto
engineering. See social engineering
English, Robert
Enlightenment: Communism and; Fascism and universalism of. See also humanism
epistemic infallibility
eschatology: Communism similar to Fascism in; Communist Party; Marxism-Leninism; post-Communism; revolutionary. See also chiliasms; millennialism; redemptive mythologies; salvationism; utopia
Estonia, Soviet/Russian occupation
The Eternal Jew
ethics. See morality
ethnic cleansing. See also genocide
ethnicization: of memory; of terror. See also biological distinctions
ethnocentricity: nationalist. See also ethnic cleansing; ethnicization; racialization/de-racialization
“European civil war,”
Europeanization, East and Central Europe
European Union (EU)
evil; Bolshevik New Faith and; Communism “more evil” than Nazism; of Communist regimes; enemies of Communism and Fascism; Kant's “Concerning the Indwelling of the Evil Principle with the Good, or, on the Radical Evil in Human Nature,”; Nazi enemies; salvationism and; Stalinism and; traditional morality. See also criminality; devil; falsification; radical evil
Evola, Julius
experiments, on human beings
exterminist policies: extermination camps; Leninist; Nazi; Stalinist. See also genocide; purges
externalization, of source of failure
Fabian, David
factionalism, Communist. See also Mensheviks; Trotsky, Leon / Trotskyites
Falcon, Irene
Falk, Barbara
falsification: East and Central European regimes; homo prevaricatus; of idea of good; Marxist “false consciousness,”; Putin regime; Short Course of History of the CPSU; Stalinist. See also amnesia; Big Lie; fantasies of salvation; truth
fantasies of salvation
Fascism; vs. Bolshevism; Communist anti-Fascism; differences between Communism and; ideology; Italian; leader charisma; and morality; party charisma; post-Communism and; redemptive mythology; revolutionary movement; revolutionary passion; similarities with Communism; Stalinism syncretized with; ur-Fascism; utopia of; violence sanctified by; Western anti-Fascism. See also enemies; Mussolini, Benito; Nazism
Fehér, Ferenc; Dictatorship over Needs (Heller, Fehér, and Márkus)
Field, Noel
Figes, Orlando
Final Solution. See Holocaust
Fitzpatrick, Sheila
forced confessions. See also show trials
forced labor. See also gulag
France: The Black Book of Communism; Bonapartism; Solzhenitsyn and; Sorbonne occupation
Franco, Francisco
Frankfurt School
Frank, Semyon, Vekhi (Landmarks)
freedom; anti-Fascism; The Black Book of Communism and; dissidents and; easier to gain than to guarantee; kingdom of; Kolakowski on; leap from necessity into; Lenin and; Luxemburg on; Marxist; Nazism and; October Revolution (1917); painful leap into; party charisma; post-totalitarian; of press; reinvention of politics; revisionism and; revolutions (1989-91) and; species. See also human rights; “rights talk”; salvationism
Freedom House
French Revolution (1789)
Freud, Sigmund
Fritzsche, Peter
Frolov, Ivan
Fromm, Erich
Furet, François; Passing of an Illusion/Le passé d'une illusion; “Sur l'illusion communiste,”
Garton Ash, Timothy; The Magic Lantern; Ottomanization
gas chamber. See Holocaust
Gauck, Joachim
Gellately, Robert
Geminder, Bedřich
genocide; “class genocide,”; Communism similar to Nazism in; Marxism and; Nazi; Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. See also Holocaust; purges
Gentile, Emilio
Georgescu, Teohari
Geremek, Bronislaw
Gerlach, Christian
Germany: Berlin Wall falling; The Black Book of Communism; Communist Party (KPD); Communist Writers' Union; “loss of utopia,”; memory of evil; Merker. See also East Germany (GDR); Nazism
Getty, J. Arch
Geyer, Michael
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe
Gide, André
Gill, Graeme
Gioventù fascista
Girard, René
Goebbels, Joseph; Michael: A German Destiny
Goldmann, Lucien
Gomulka, Wladislaw
good: Bolshevik New Faith and; falsification of idea of; freedom as; Kant's “Concerning the Indwelling of the Evil Principle with the Good, or, on the Radical Evil in Human Nature,”; post-Communist competing visions of the common good; salvationism and; shared vision of public good; Stalinism and; traditional morality. See also morality; truth
Gorbachev, Mikhail; and democracy, frankness and truth; glasnost; Gorbachev effect; Leninism abandoned by; perestroika; revisionism; Stalin condemned by; “What to Do with the Party?” (with Mlynář); “young policy academic elite,”
Gorky, Maxim
Gorshenin, K. P.
Gorz, André
Gottwald, Klement
Gouldner, Alvin W.
Gramsci, Antonio
Grand Narratives
Gray, John, Black Mass
Great Patriotic War for the Defense of the Motherland
Great Terror, Stalinist
Griffin, Roger
Grillparzer, Franz
Grossman, Vassily; The Black Book of Nazi Crimes against Soviet Jews; Forever Flowing; Life and Fate
Grósz, Károly
gulag, Soviet; as fratricide. See also camps; terror
Gyurcsányi, Ferenc
Habermas, Jürgen; The Structural Transformation of the Publ
ic Sphere
Hager, Kurt
Halfin, Igal
Hannah Arendt Award (2000)
Hanson, Stephen
Haraszti, Miklós
Harrington, Michael
Hassner, Pierre
Havel, Václav; Czech presidency; dictatorship of the ritual; “existential revolution,”; Klaus as rival; living in truth; post-totalitarian system; Power of the Powerless; Prague Declaration; reinvention of politics; self-empowerment through citizenship; shared vision of public good; teacher Patočka
Hegel, G. W..F. “litany of lamentations,”; Marxism influenced by; real as rational; world-historical events
hegemony: Communist parties; Communist regimes; ideological; Lenin cultural; parallel; radical Left; Soviet Union's reassertion of. See also political monopoly
Heidegger, Martin
Hellbeck, Jochen
Heller, Agnes; Dictatorship over Needs (Heller, Fehér, and Márkus)
Helsinki Agreement (1975)
Hendrich, Jiři
Herf, Jeffrey
heroic ethos: Bukharin case; dissident as hero; Fascism; Western anti-Fascism. See also Communist heroic ethos
Himmler, Heinrich
Hirschman, Albert, The Rhetoric of Reaction
Hitler, Adolf; defeat; vs. democracy; enemies of; leader charisma; mission; plot against (1944); redemptive mythology; reinvention of politics; self-entitlement; Strasser brothers disenchanted with; takeover of power. See also Nazism
Hobsbawm, Eric
Ho Chi Minh
Hodos, George H.
Holier, Denis
Holocaust; comparing Nazism and Communism and; hypermnesia about; Manea; memory of; Soviet countries impacted by; Stalinist anti-Semitism obfuscating; Stockholm international conference (2000)
Holquist, Peter
homo prevaricatus
homo sovieticus
Honecker, Erich
Hook, Sydney
Horkheimer, Max
Horthy, Miklós
Howard, Dick
Howard, Marc
Hoxha, Enver
humanism: Bolshevik; Communist pretense; Marxism and; Nazis and; revisionism and; secular; Western. See also Enlightenment
human rights; post-Communism; Soviet movement
Hungary: Civic Union (FIDESZ); Democratic Forum (MDF); Democratic Opposition; de-Stalinization; dissidents (1987-89); Grósz; Gyurcsány; “High Stalinism,”; Horthy; Hungarian Committee; Kádár's; not exactly totalitarian; Orbán; political turmoil and antigovernment demonstrations (2006); post-Communism; Rajk; Révai; revisionism; Revolution (1956); routinization engineered by pragmatic elites. See also Budapest
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