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The Dixon Brothers Trilogy: Hot Brits, Books 1-3

Page 20

by Anna Durand

  And there he is. The reason for my insanely intense lust. Standing there with nothing on but a pair of black briefs. Sure, I've seen him naked and explored every inch of that body, but something about Reese in those tight briefs makes me start to tingle all over in the best way. It feels decadent and naughty.

  He saunters across the hall to my room and leans against the doorjamb, tipping his head to the side while he regards me with nonsexual interest. "What are you doing? I don't know much about yoga, but that doesn't look like what you're about right now."

  Looking at him makes me lose my concentration, so I give up on finishing my routine. "It's tai chi, which is very relaxing and steadying. Some people call it meditation in motion."

  "You meditate?"

  I sit down on the bed. "Yeah. Why are you so surprised? Aren't crazy people allowed to seek a higher state of consciousness?"

  "Well, yes, of course." He ambles over to the bed and sits down beside me. "I've never seen anyone actually doing meditation or tai chi or anything like it. My family isn't into that sort of thing. Elena has Chance doing yoga, but I think he only goes along with that so he can use it to seduce her. I wouldn't mind watching a sexy girl twist her body into all those yoga poses."

  He winks at me.

  "Down, boy," I say. "Afraid I don't do yoga."

  "We can invent our own version."

  He's got that look in his eye, the one that makes me shiver in the most enticing way. But I agreed to celibacy, which was his idea, so he has no call to be looking at me like he wants to tickle my tummy and rip my clothes off.

  And he really has no right to be so hot and British.

  "You'd better stop talking," I tell him. "Your accent makes me horny, and I'm trying to stick to your no-sex plan. Better put on some baggy pants and a big old sweater too."

  His sizzling bod in those black briefs is making my mouth water.

  "I didn't bring any clothes like that," he says. "The weather's too warm, love."

  "Yeah, but I'm still obsessed with screwing you. Can't help it. You look so damn good in... everything. So it's really your fault I'm obsessed with sex."

  "I see." He slants toward me until his shoulder bumps into mine, and his voice goes all deep and sexy. "I can grow a thick beard if that will help."

  "That will take too long, and besides, I doubt it would alleviate the problem." I slide my fingers along his jaw, loving the scratchy feel of it. "You're way hotter with morning stubble. A beard would probably turn me into a wild animal."

  "But I might like that."

  I smack his thigh. "Cut that out. No more flirting until you're ready to get naked with me again. Capisce?"

  "All right, have it your way." He gets up and stretches, giving me a fantastic view of his body and the lump in his briefs. "What should we do today?"

  "Let's play it by ear." I stand and shoo him away. "Go get dressed, you steamy hunk of man candy."

  Reese grabs me, hauls me into that mouthwatering body, and plants a firm but brief kiss on my lips. "Anything you want, Luscious."

  Then he saunters back into his room and shuts the door.

  We make breakfast together---which, with this guy, means we spend more time laughing and kissing than actually cooking---and afterward we head out to my favorite art museums. It's the start of a week-long adventure consisting of visits to everywhere we can think of that sounds like fun. On day four, we visit Coney Island and have a total blast there. Bumper cars with Reese makes me laugh so hard my eyes water. On the roller coaster, I shriek and cling to Reese. He grins the entire time, keeping his arm around me.

  After that, we play games like Whac-A-Mole and Water Racer---and I win a stuffed giraffe, which I give to Reese. He does a formal, courtly bow when he accepts my gift. And of course, he kisses me---though he keeps it PG rated.

  I've never had such a good time. Ever.

  We go shopping too, and Reese buys me a Cyclone T-shirt to commemorate the day we rode that roller coaster together. I buy him a shirt with a mermaid on it. He promptly whips off the shirt he's been wearing and pulls on the new one, spreading his arms and grinning. I get that glowy sensation in my chest again, like I had the night we did the deed, the one that feels good and weird at the same time. At the aquarium, we watch the sea lions and the fish and all that stuff, but then Reese pulls me into a dark corner and kisses me. It's slow and sensual and not at all in line with his plan for celibate dating. At least, it seems that way to me. I love it anyway. Not only does he have a magic dick, but he's also got a magic mouth.

  Reese insists on buying me dinner at a pizza restaurant, which is delish, then we walk along the boardwalk hand in hand while we watch the sun dip lower and lower in the sky. Once it's dark, we head for the Wonder Wheel. I haven't been on a Ferris wheel in ages and ages. When I told Reese that earlier, he insisted we must ride one today. After we climb into a car, he slips his arm around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. It feels nice and comfortable, like we've known each other for months instead of days.

  As soon as the wheel starts moving, Reese nuzzles my cheek and whispers, "I'm not afraid of having a relationship with you."

  My breath catches. Dating is one thing, but a relationship would take us to the next level. Is he really prepared for that?

  I turn my face toward him, and our eyes meet. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

  "Depends what you think I'm saying." He drags his fingertips down my cheek. "I want to get involved with you, Arden. Seriously involved."

  My voice refuses to work. Stunned speechless? Me? Wow, it's hard to believe.

  Reese brushes his thumb over my lips. "Do you want that?"

  "A relationship? With you?" I smile. "Yes, I'd love that."

  He smiles too, but it's no exuberant grin. It's sweet and tender.

  "Don't relationships involve sex?" I ask.

  "I, uh, guess so." He bows his head, scratches the back of it, then looks at me again. "But we shouldn't. Not yet."

  "Okay, fine, we'll stick to celibacy." I slump on the seat and throw him a sideways glance. "It's not fair to be so irresistible when you refuse to have sex with me."

  "I'll make it worth the wait, I promise."

  Our car reaches the ground, and we climb out of it.

  Reese slings an arm around me. "How about ice cream?"

  Yeah, that's what I'm hungry for right now. Ice cream. Sheesh. Maybe if I get to lick it off him...

  But we stay platonic for the rest of the evening and go to sleep in our separate rooms.


  Chapter Thirteen


  Spending this much time with Arden has proved a hard test for my willpower. She's so sexy, even when she's shoving huge bites of pizza into her mouth. To survive a week with her, I've had to put up some walls between us. Real walls. The kind that separate my bedroom from hers.

  Why can't I shag her again? I know there was a reason, but it's fading from my memory.

  Did I actually tell her I want a relationship? Yeah, I did. And I meant it. Dating seemed like a huge step, but a relationship feels like jumping off the Empire State Building. I love that feeling. It's the best high in the world, next to making love to Arden. Which I can't do. Because I said we shouldn't.

  Why did I do that?

  I get a reminder the next morning when Chance rings me---to check up on me, naturally. I can't be trusted not to deflower every virgin in New York City.

  When I answer my mobile, I speak before Chance can. "No, I'm not having sex with Arden."

  "Good day to you too, Reese."

  "Don't pretend you aren't ringing me to make sure I've kept my randy paws off your fiancée's best friend."

  "Maybe I am, but that's not the only reason I rang you."

  I sigh, leaning my head back against the sofa. I've been sitting here while I wait for Arden to wake up and emerge from her room. "What else do you want, Chance?"

  "Elena ne
eds Arden in New Hampshire on Wednesday instead of Friday. She needs help with some sort of wedding dress crisis. It sounds like nothing to me, but Elena's having an anxiety attack."

  "Aren't you loving all the feminine bollocks that comes with a wedding?"

  "What would you know about it? You've never proposed to a woman in your life---and proposing a one-night stand doesn't count."

  I scratch my neck and my cheek, because I've suddenly developed itches all over my body. "You make me sound like a right bastard. If you think I'm such a dick, why haven't you flown over here to drag me away from Elena's best friend?"

  "Relax, Reese, it was a joke. You're not a dick." He hesitates before asking, "Do you like Arden? Really like her?"

  "What, are we children now? Do I like her. What an asinine thing to ask." I have no idea why the question makes me uneasy, or why I get snarky with Chance because he asked it. I also have no bloody clue why I say, "Do you think Elena would mind if I wanted to, um, date Arden?"

  Since we're already in a relationship, why do I need to ask permission? If Elena vetoes the idea, I won't stop dating Arden.

  But I want to know what my brother thinks of it.

  Yes, I'm an idiot.

  "Date? You?" Chance laughs, but it doesn't sound like sarcasm. "Never thought I'd see the day. I'll ask Elena."

  I hear a noise like he's holding the phone away from his face, then he shouts his fiancée's name.

  "Chance, I didn't mean you should actually ask her---"

  But it's too late. He's not listening to me anymore, and I hear Elena's lovely laughter when he asks her, "Would you mind if Reese dates Arden?"

  "Of course not," she says. "As long as he behaves."

  "I'm afraid that's not at all likely."

  "That's not funny," I say so loudly I'm almost shouting. "You two are off my Christmas list. And forget birthday presents too."

  Elena laughs again, and Chance joins her this time.

  The bloody pair of them. I'm seriously concerned about whether Elena and Chance mind if I date Arden, and they're laughing at me.

  "It's okay," Elena says. "But Arden's the one you need to ask for permission."

  Maybe I should admit to them I've already done that, she's already said yes, and we're already dating and in a relationship. No, that would be too much honesty.

  Some sort of movement catches my attention out the corner of my eye, and I glance toward the hallway.

  Arden has come out of her room wearing nothing but those damn plaid knickers and a bra so thin I can almost see through it.

  "Got to go," I tell Chance and Elena. "See you in New Hampshire."

  I hang up and jump off the sofa. "Good morning, Arden."

  "Morning." She yawns, holding a hand over her mouth. "What were you yelling about?"

  "Nothing. I was on the phone with Chance and Elena."

  "You should've let me say hi too."

  "Sorry. They were in a sarcastic mood, anyway."

  Arden strolls over to the sofa but sits on the coffee table instead. She yawns again. "How's the happy couple?"

  "Irritating and nosy."

  She tilts forward to touch my knee. "Did you tell them anything about us?"

  "If you mean did I tell them we slept together and it was the best sex ever, no." Now I'm squirming, because her hand on my knee has suddenly become the biggest turn-on in history. Her lack of substantial clothing doesn't help either. "But if you mean did I tell them we're dating, the answer is yes. I asked if Elena would mind that."

  "What did she say?"

  "That I need to ask your permission, not hers."

  Arden smiles in that way, the one that dimples her cheeks and makes me want to drag her into my arms for a kiss so deep it'll be almost like sex. "You already have my permission, Reese, for dating and a relationship. Date me like crazy, date me like you really mean it, like you---"

  "I understand." And I'm positive whatever she'd wanted to say next would've diverted all the blood in my body to one particular region. "Let's go out for breakfast this morning."

  "Ooooh, I'd love that."

  "You should pick the restaurant, love. I don't know what's good around here."

  She rubs her palms together, her tongue poking out between her teeth while she considers the options.

  And I want to fuck her. On the coffee table.

  Instead, I tell her, "Why don't you think about where you'd like to eat while you get dressed?"

  "Okay." She hops off the table and heads for the hallway, but she stops halfway there to glance back at me. "I really like you, Reese. You're lots of fun and so sweet. Not at all what I thought a player would be like."

  She goes into her bedroom and shuts the door.

  Arden likes me.

  Chance had teased me about whether I like her, and I'd gotten snarky about it. How do I feel about Arden Clover Pesti?

  I like her too. A lot.

  For some reason, I feel the need to change into nicer clothes, so I hurry down the hall. My old jeans and T-shirt don't seem good enough for a formal breakfast with Arden. Unless she plans to take me to a fast-food restaurant. Then I'll be overdressed.

  I freeze halfway down the hall. What am I going to wear?

  Oh no. I've turned into a woman.

  The door to Arden's bedroom flies open.

  She's standing there wearing denim cut-offs that barely cover her arse and---what do they call those things?---a tube top with the tiniest sweater I've ever seen. It covers her shoulders, though barely, and stops a few inches past her underarms. The thing looks like it shrank in the wash, or maybe it's a doll's clothing.

  But it's her feet that make me choke on my own tongue.

  She wears heels so slender I can't imagine how she stays upright, and so high that I think she might be taller than I am while she's wearing those shoes. They have thin straps to hold them on her feet, and to show off her lavender-painted toenails. Those high heels are the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

  And I want to lay her down on the floor, toss her legs over my shoulders, and take her right here. I want that even more than I did a few minutes ago. So badly that I'm fisting my hands and gritting my teeth.

  "Ready to go?" she asks. When she looks down at my feet, she says, "You might want shoes."

  "I know." The words come out as a growl. "I was going to change into something... else."

  "Don't bother." She scans me up and down, her lips curving into a sensual smile. "You look plenty hot already. I can feel my panties melting as we speak."

  I cough into my fist, mumble something even I can't understand, and rush into my room to get my shoes. When I return to Arden, she's leaning back against the wall beside her bedroom door, swinging a tiny lavender purse in one hand.

  Somehow, I prevent myself from mauling her and offer her my arm like a gentleman would, though my feelings toward her at this moment are the exact opposite of gentlemanly.

  Chance and Elena are fine with me dating Arden, so maybe they won't mind if I...

  No, no, no, and absolutely fucking no, you flaming arsehole.

  I ignore my carnal urges and escort Arden to the cafe she's chosen for us. It's a casual place, so I fit right in. Arden couldn't fit in if she tried, and I don't want her to. It's not because she's "kooky," as she calls it. She's a stunning woman, and whenever she smiles, the entire world lights up. Her laughter should be patented as a cure for depression. It makes me feel good every single time.

  While I listen to Arden ordering our breakfast, I can't help smiling. She's thoroughly adorable. And yes, I let her order for me, because I'm that sort of modern man. You know, the type who lets women do everything for him, not because he's lazy but because he knows that's what women like. I respect female power and all that bollocks. I'm an evolved man.

  All right, the real reason I let her order for me is because I love the sound of her voice.

  But I do respect her, which feels strange. I l
ike her, I respect her, and I want to shag her. Maybe I have evolved.

  We eat crepes filled with sliced bananas and served with caramel sauce on top. I'm not sure about this meal, but I give it a go---and end up liking it. Arden makes me want to try new things. I gave her a new experience too, but I'm not sure sex is as important as trying new foods or going to new places I never would have visited on my own. Like the science museum. Or Coney Island.

  The thought stops me. I'm holding a forkful of banana-filled crepe to my lips but can't move another millimeter to eat it. Going to a museum is better than sex? Did I just think that?

  "Are you okay?" Arden asks. "You look kind of pale all of a sudden."

  I shake off my disturbing thought and look at her. She's so bloody beautiful. And sweet. And clever. She's the most perfect woman I've ever met.


  "Sorry, fine, yes." I shove the forkful of crepe into my mouth and chew it while I try to figure out what's happening to me. Once I've swallowed my mouthful of food, I attempt to speak without sounding like an idiot. "There's nothing wrong with me. I had a strange thought, that's all."

  "What were you thinking about?"

  You. But I don't say that. I can't. My vocal cords refuse to produce any sound. I shrug and eat the rest of my breakfast, consuming bite after bite without any space between bites so I can't be tempted to blurt out stupid things.

  Arden watches me for a moment, seeming a bit suspicious, but soon she goes back to eating her crepe. She doesn't ask me about my strange thought anymore.

  I let her take me wherever she wants to go. We visit every tiny, off-the-map tourist spot in the city, and some in New Jersey too, and I love every second of it. Arden can turn anything into a wildly entertaining experience. I even agree to pose for a selfie with her, like we did at the science museum, because she seems to love those. I slip an arm around her waist and smile while she takes the picture.

  And I haven't even thought about shagging her in at least two hours.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When we get home, after a day of sightseeing and eating and laughing and kissing, I text Elena the selfie of me and Reese that I took today. She responds a few minutes later with a series of emojis that all include hearts or kissing lips. I'm not kissing Reese in the photo, so I have no idea why she's doing that.


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