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The Dixon Brothers Trilogy: Hot Brits, Books 1-3

Page 22

by Anna Durand

  "Let's hold off on that until another time. I want to teach you all about sex. But for tonight, let me take the lead."

  "Okay. You're in charge, baby."

  My pulse speeds up, like it does every time she calls me that. "I love the way you keep calling me baby."

  "You've called me 'love' several times."

  "Have I? Maybe I fell for you at first sight after all."

  She slides a hand into my hair and pulls me closer. We kiss more, kiss like we mean it, like nothing else matters except this night, in this room. The rest of the world might as well have evaporated, because all that exists for me right now is Arden.

  I lay my body on top of hers.

  She whispers against my lips, "Condom."


  I jump off the bed, find my trousers, and dig a condom out of the pocket. When I try to open the packet, I fumble it. The condom flies out of my fingers and lands on Arden's belly.

  Laughing, she sits up and shimmies across the bed to sit on the edge. "Let me help. I've practiced putting condoms on a zucchini."

  "A zucchini?"

  "Mm-hm." She rips open the packet and begins rolling the condom onto me. "I knew eventually all that practice would come in handy."

  The feel of her delicate fingers on my dick is making me breathe harder. She's got a look of intense concentration on her face, but it gradually gives way to a hunger that makes my balls tighten. By the time she gets the condom on, I've lost my breath completely. She's stolen it, and I don't mind at all.

  Arden crawls across the bed on her hands and knees, giving me a perfect view of her arse---and her tits that hang down and sway with every movement of her body. She pulls the covers off the bed and lies down on her back.

  "I'm ready," she says, almost purring those words. "Are you?"

  "Ready, randy, and raring to go." I make my way up the bed to her, hovering over that luscious body, drinking in the sight of Arden for a moment before I lower myself onto her. "Am I too heavy?"

  "No, I like it. Make love to me, Reese. Please."

  She opens her thighs for me.

  Braced on my elbows, I ease inside her. She feels so damn good, the way her body fits me like a glove. I take my time, letting us both experience every sensation, watching her face while I push in and pull out. The scent of her desire fills the air and intoxicates me, so much that I want to go faster, go harder, make her bounce and scream. But I need this to last. I need to feel her around me for as long as possible so I can memorize every second of it. This time feels different, more meaningful, and I never want it to end.

  She wraps her legs around me, wraps her arms around me, and gasps every time I push inside her sweet, willing body.

  "Arden," I whisper.

  "Oh Reese, baby, I love you."

  Those words rush through me like the most addictive drug on earth. I accelerate the pace, taking her harder, pulling out further before I plunge into her again. She clutches me tighter, not only with her legs and arms, but with her inner muscles too. God, she's close. I could push her over the edge so easily, but I want this to go on and on.

  I rest my forehead on hers and force myself to slow down.

  Her eyes are half closed and glossy. Her breaths tickle my skin every time she gasps. And that's all she does now. Gasp. Moan. Gasp again. My name spills from her lips a few times, and the wet sound of our joining echoes through the room.

  Arden peaks in slow motion, her body clinching me tighter and tighter while her mouth falls open and her eyes flutter shut. When the full force of her release takes hold, she cries out and holds on to me with her entire body. I lift my head enough to see her face, so I can witness the intensity of her pleasure.

  "Reese," she says, and it's a strangled cry.

  I can't hold back any longer. I straighten my arms to get more leverage and thrust into her. Once is all it takes. I let go and lose myself inside her, pouring out everything I have while I shout her name.

  Then I fall on top of her. Not the most romantic ending, but I seem to have lost all control over my muscles.

  Arden combs her fingers through my hair, sighing with contentment. "You're the best lover in the world."

  I chuckle. "You've never been with anyone else. How do you know I'm the best?"

  "Because I do." She molds her lips to mine, but only for a moment. "I don't need to screw every man on earth to know that nobody else can compare to you."

  "All right, have it your way." I slide off her body to lie on my back beside her, then link my hands under my head and smirk. "I'm the best ever."

  "Don't get cocky about it."

  "Why not? I'm always cocky, and you love it." I glance at her, still smirking. "Your grandmother thinks I'm amazing too."

  Arden rolls onto her stomach, propped up on her elbows. "I love everything about you, Reese. You're more than amazing in bed. You're amazing, period. That's why I love you, because you're so sweet and kind and smart and funny."

  "I love you for the sex."

  She elbows me in the side. "You're supposed to tell me all the things you love about me, not go all sarcastic Brit on me."

  "Maybe I should keep fucking you until you give up and admit that being British is what you love most about me." I palm her arse. "My accent is the reason you've never been able to keep your hands off me."

  "Never denied that." She tips her head down and looks up at me through her lashes. "Keep talking. Your accent drives me wild."

  I pull her on top of me. "Why don't I recite dirty limericks?"

  "Yes, please."

  I do that, and more.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The day after the night when Reese and I said the L word to each other, we fly to New Hampshire. On my grandmother's jet. She's coming to the wedding too, and no self-respecting billionaire travels commercial. Grams has the jet decked out with shades of pink and sunny yellow, including the seats. Reese doesn't seem to care about the girlie interior. He plops right down on the pink sofa, gesturing for me to join him.

  I do. Duh. He's gorgeous, sexy, and British. Of course I do whatever he wants me to do and love every second of it. Unfortunately, all we can do on the plane is sit there and talk. Grams and Reese trade racy jokes, and I laugh. I don't know any dirty jokes or limericks or anything like that, so I let them have their fun.

  Chance and Elena pick us up at the airport in a limo. We'll be staying at a bed-and-breakfast, since Chance and Elena's house isn't big enough to accommodate everyone. The rooms they do have are spoken for---by Elena's brother and his girlfriend, and by Dane Dixon.

  "Why did Dane get first choice?" Reese asks, pretending to be offended.

  At least, I think he's pretending.

  "He's older than you," Chance says, "and he's much less irritating. Besides, I don't need to listen to you and Arden getting stuffed every night."

  I raise my hand like a kid in school. "What does eating too much have to do with anything?"

  Chance bursts out laughing. So does Reese.

  Elena smacks her fiancé's arm. "It's not Arden's fault Reese never told her getting stuffed means having sex. You Brits have a responsibility to educate Americans in your bizarre language."

  Okay, at least I now understand what Chance meant. And yes, Reese and I agreed to act like mature adults and tell Chance and Elena we're sleeping together. We broke the news as soon as we saw them. They've been much cooler about it than I expected, but I guess they finally realized Reese and I are old enough to make our own decisions.

  The limo has two bench seats, so Reese and I sit on one side while Chance, Elena, and Grams sit on the other. Granddad went to Stockbridge to collect my parents, and the three of them are already here in New Hampshire.

  "Whatever you want to call it," Chance says, "I don't want to hear my brother and his girlfriend doing it."

  "Jealous, are you?" Reese says. "I've been declared to be the best lover on earth, so
you're right to feel inferior."

  "Who declared you're the best? That sounds like a rigged contest."

  I raise my hand again. "Me. I told him that."

  Elena rolls her gaze toward the roof and shakes her head, though it's sarcasm rather than annoyance. "Oh please, like you're an expert."

  "Tell you what," I say, leaning forward to give her my best look of mock seriousness, "I'll let you have sex with Reese so you can find out for yourself."

  Reese grins.

  Chance throws an arm around Elena and pulls her against him. "My fiancée is not having sex with anyone else. But I'll get a leg over with Arden to prove her wrong about my brother."

  Reese scowls, and I don't think it's sarcasm. "No, you will not."

  "Not grinning anymore, are you?" Chance says to his brother---with a smug smile on his face. "Calm down, Reese. I don't want to steal your girlfriend. Elena's all I need."

  Chance kisses Elena's cheek.

  Reese hugs me to him for the rest of the car ride.

  We get to relax for about an hour, lying in bed watching true crime shows because, apparently, that's the only channel our TV will let us watch. After that, I go with Elena to the dress shop where she bought her wedding gown so she can have the final fitting. She wants my advice about the veil---to wear one or not to wear one, how long should it be, et cetera---and I offer my opinions. Honestly, I think she wanted me here only because she's nervous. She adores Chance, but getting married is a big deal.

  And she misses her mom. I know she does. Elena's mom passed away years ago, but not having her around for the wedding is hard. Maybe a best friend isn't a substitute for a mother, but I do my best to make this special for my best friend and to fill in for what Elena's lost. Her dad left when she was little, so her only family is Kyle. My dad will give Elena away during the ceremony because my parents love her like she's their daughter.

  While I'm with Elena, Reese is with his brothers. Chance doesn't want a bachelor party, and Elena doesn't want a bachelorette party, so the groom is hanging out with his brothers and Kyle Linwood. They have a good time, based on how much those guys are smiling when Elena and I meet up with them.

  That night, Reese and I have our own kind of fun. He teaches me more about sex, and every lesson ends with me shouting his name. He hasn't taught me what I really want to know. In fact, he seems embarrassed every time I ask him about oral sex. He's not at all shy about that when he's giving it to me, but he doesn't want to talk about how I could do the same for him. Guys are so weird.

  The next day, we head to the wedding rehearsal. Dane is Chance's best man, and I get the feeling Reese is a little hurt by that. Reese will stand at the altar with his brothers, but he wasn't chosen to be best man. I'm Elena's maid of honor, but she doesn't have any other bridesmaids, so nobody's jealous of me.

  Later, we all head to a restaurant for the rehearsal dinner.

  I manage to get a few seconds alone with Chance and Elena, so I tell them I think Reese feels spurned. Maybe I shouldn't tell them that, but I can't imagine Chance wants his little brother to feel left out. It turns out I'm right about that, and Chance has a private conversation with Reese that makes him much happier. I don't know what Chance said, but I'm starting to see why Elena loves him. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. He loves his family, especially his brothers.

  Chance might be on my top ten list of nicest people, but Reese is the nicest. He'll always be number one on my roster.

  When we get back to the bed-and-breakfast, we're both so exhausted we strip off our clothes, crawl under the covers, and pass out.

  In the morning, I get to share a steamy shower with Reese. And I don't mean only that the water is hot enough to make real steam. We generate plenty of that on our own.

  Today is the wedding. My best friend, the woman who's like a sister to me, is marrying the love of her life. And I'm in love with her brother-in-law. Or rather, the guy who will become her brother-in-law later today. It all seems kind of like a strange dream, but one that's also so wonderfully perfect.

  I watch from the altar in the quaint little church while Elena walks up the aisle. Everyone in attendance is watching her because she's the most beautiful bride anyone could imagine. Her dress is lacy and swishy and makes her look like a princess---not that I've ever met a princess. I glance over at Chance and see him wiping at his eyes like he might cry at the sight of his bride coming toward him, about to vow to love, honor, and cherish him. He'll promise the same thing to Elena, and I know he'll mean it.

  Reese is wiping at his eyes too.

  Though I never would've pegged him as the sentimental type, I like knowing that he can get emotional when it's appropriate. It makes me love him even more.

  And yeah, I'm crying. It's no discreet tearing up, either. Uh-uh, I'm full-on crying with tears running down my cheeks by the time Elena reaches the altar.

  My gaze swerves to Reese right when he looks at me. He smiles and mouths, "You are beautiful." He's so full of it, because my eyes must be red and puffy, but I know he honestly thinks I'm beautiful, no matter what.

  We keep looking at each other throughout the ceremony. I hear the wedding spiel, but I don't really pay attention to it. I keep thinking about the past couple weeks and how my life has changed so much. I'm in love with a British guy. He lives in England. I live in America. Will he ask me to move over there to be with him? What will I say if he does? Do I want to leave my home country? It wouldn't be fair to demand he leave his country to be with me. I have no idea how we'll work this out, and honestly, it's too soon to be worrying about that. But I can't stop the thoughts, the worries, that ricochet through my mind.

  I glance at Chance and Elena right as he puts the ring on her finger. He's already wearing his wedding band, so they kiss. It's the sweetest, most romantic thing I've ever seen. And I cry. Again.

  Then it's over.

  Reese and I ride in the limo with Chance, Elena, and Dane. My parents and Grams are in another car, so I don't see them until an hour later, what with all the guests at the reception and the food and the dancing and---Jeez, weddings are such a production. I dance with both Chance and Dane, as well as my dad and their dad and a few guys I've never seen before. Apparently, they're friends of the Dixon brothers. I don't get to dance with Reese until another half hour later, when he tracks me down at the buffet table, claims my hand, and leads me out onto the floor.

  It's magical, dancing with Reese. He keeps one hand on the small of my back, his other hand holding mine in the usual dancing posture. We spin around and around, floating across the floor inside our own little bubble, in time with the romantic music provided by a string quartet. He looks so dashing in his tux, like a prince or a duke or whatever they call those royal people over there in England.

  But the song ends, and Elena waves at me. It's more like flapping her hand wildly. She wants me to go over there.

  "The bride is summoning you," Reese says.

  "Yeah, I haven't gotten to talk to her since we left the limo."

  "Well, go on." He gives me a gentle push. "Don't leave the bride waiting."

  I kiss him and hustle over to Elena. "What's up?"

  "We haven't had time to talk about anything except the wedding since you got here. I wanted to catch up with you before Chance and I leave on our honeymoon."

  "You know I haven't been up to much. Decompressing after Ecuador, mostly."

  She gives me a funny look, like she's not sure if I'm full of shit. "What about you and Reese? How serious is it?"

  I'd guessed she would ask this question sometime, but I didn't think she'd do it tonight. I have to answer honestly, even if she thinks I've gone insane. "I love him, Elena."

  "Chance said Reese told him the same thing. He's completely in love with you and will do whatever it takes to make your relationship work."

  Whatever it takes? Reese said those words? My heart does a strange pitter-patter thing when I hear that.r />
  Then I remember something I've been meaning to ask her but haven't had a chance until now. I sidle up to her, hooking my arm under hers, and ask away. "Can I get your advice on a sex issue?"

  Elena laughs, though it's almost a whisper-laugh. "You know, I've been waiting for the day you'd ask me that, but now that you have, I feel a little weird about it."

  "If you'd rather not---"

  "Ask me, Arden."

  "Have you ever given a guy a blow job?"

  She's just taken a sip of her champagne and splutters, like a cartoon character. "What? Well, yeah, I have."

  My best friend is flustered by my question, but I charge ahead anyway. Desperate times or whatever. If Reese won't share the deets with me, I have to get them from Elena.

  "Does Chance like it when you do that for him?" I ask.

  Her smile is knowing, and she glances at her hubby who's across the room from us. "Oh yes, he likes it."

  "Good. Can you give me some pointers?"

  Her attention veers back to me, and her brows crinkle. "Pointers? We can talk about that another time, okay?"

  "Can't wait. I need to know how to give Reese a blow job tonight."

  "What's the rush? From what I hear, you two have plenty of fun already."

  Yeah, my parents and Grams have made sly comments about the noise coming from the room Reese and I are sharing. They're happy for us, but they can't resist teasing us about it.

  "Please," I say to Elena, "I need your help. A few pointers, that's all I'm asking for."

  "Okay." Elena leans in and whispers in a conspiratorial tone, "Here's how you make a man's eyes roll back in his head..."

  Chapter Seventeen


  I'm talking to Celeste Arnaud and her husband when her granddaughter waltzes up to me and says, "Come with me, please. Grams, you don't mind, do you? I need to have a private moment with my honey."

  Her honey? It sounds silly, but I like it. "Baby" is still my favorite thing Arden calls me, but I like any word she wants to apply to me.

  "Go on," Celeste says. "I've been wanting to chat with Dane, anyway. Oh, there he is at the buffet table. I'll go grab him before someone else does."


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