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Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World

Page 78

by Nicholas Ostler

  French Guiana 416

  French West Africa 418

  Friedrich II 337

  Friesland 313, 456

  Funan 204, 217

  Gabriel II, Orthodox Patriarch 92

  Gadsden Purchase 574n17

  Gaelic see Irish

  Galatians 293-294

  Galicia (west of Ukraine) 432

  Galician language of Spain 332, 382, 384

  Galilee 86-87

  Gallo-Greek 287, 293-294

  Gama, Vasco de, Portuguese mariner 385

  Gambia 508

  Gamío, M., Mexican patriot 375

  Gandhara 85

  Garcilaso, Inca see Vega, Garcilaso de la

  Gaspirali (Gasprinsky), Ismail Bey 440-441

  Gaulish 24n, 274, 282, 285-288, 289-295, 299, 301-304, 404

  Gallo-Roman inscriptions 287

  Gauls 183, 241, 243, 276

  end of Roman empire 305-307

  incursions 292-293

  Roman conquest 301-302, 556

  spread of Latin 304

  see also Celts

  Ge’ez 36, 92, 255

  Genghis (Chinggiz) Khan, Mongol conqueror 106, 142, 151, 425, 555

  Geoffrey of Monmouth, British chronicler 459n

  Georgia (Russia) 433-435, 442

  Georgians 50

  Gepids 310

  Germania (Tacitus) 273, 277, 280, 288

  Germanic languages 273, 277n, 278, 289n, 307, 314, 318, 320n, 400, 475

  have not often spread 306-308, 400, 447

  Germanic invasions 304-309

  German 317, 446-449, 472-473, 573n13

  colonizing language 325n, 492n

  Low German 312

  world language 404n, 528-529, 531

  Germany 12, 274, 277-278

  book-publishing 326, 412-413

  colonies 448, 508

  and North America 492

  Ghana 508

  Gibson, Henry, US comedian 541

  Gilbert, Humphrey, English entrepreneur 482

  Gildas, British chronicler 311

  Gilgamesh Epic 61

  Global navigation 538-541

  Gnostic sect 90n

  Goidelic languages 291

  Gök-Tepe (Dostoyevsky) 421-422

  Gold 1, 51, 58, 61, 127, 158, 160, 201, 227, 272, 293, 349, 350, 357, 382, 392, 394, 398, 426, 480, 482, 495, 511, 548

  Golden Horde 106, 426-427

  Gold rush (Brazil) 394, (California) 495, 574n28

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell) 490

  Gothic 20, 22, 307

  Goths 261, 400, 457

  Graddol, David 515, 516n, 544n

  Graeco-Roman 191, 293

  Gramalica de la lengua castellana (Nebrija) 331

  Grammatica Germanicae linguae (Clajus) 573n13

  Granada 99, 332-333

  Grant, Charles, British reformer 501

  Greece 39, 40n

  and barbarians 230, 232, 241n, 279, 423

  Christian Orthodoxy 264, 269-270

  civilisation 233, 268, 520

  coins 246-247, 249, 258

  colonies 239-243, 245-247

  culture 233, 235-238, 241-242, 245, 248, 250-254, 257, 266-268, 271, 298

  decline/revival 257-263. 265-266, 267-268, 300, 328

  emigration 262-263

  fascination with Rome 278-279

  Héllēnes 231

  Hellēnikón 232

  Hellenisation 245, 247-249

  influence 229, 232-233, 241-242, 298-299

  Olympic games 232

  Roman rule 252

  Slav incursions 261-262, 264, 309, 314

  trade 242

  Turkish domination 264-266

  see also Alexander the Great

  Greek 12, 20-22, 24n, 48, 49, 53, 71, 111, 120, 122, 179, 227-229, 234-238, 241, 248, 264-265, 269-270, 320n, 328, 555

  alphabet 156, 242, 251

  and Arabic 96-97

  Attic dialect 229-230

  bilingualism 246, 249, 251-252, 258

  borrowing words 269-270

  characteristics 234-238

  classification by Scaliger 277n

  dialects 232, 235-237

  and Egypt 129-134, 164-166

  Gaulish inscriptions 286-287

  grammar 180, 182, 235, 238n, 476

  inscriptions 83-84, 240, 242, 247, 249, 258

  literary heritage 254-257, 575n48

  New Testament 87

  and Queen Cleopatra 131n

  and Sanskrit 190-192

  scripts 173, 241

  spread of 76-78, 86, 96, 108, 229-230, 238, 239-254, 490

  world language 229-230

  Gregory of Tours, Frankish historian 315

  Grijalva, Juan de, Spanish explorer 348, 349

  Guadeloupe 415

  Guangzhou (Canton) 159-160, 334

  Guaraní 349, 361-364, 370-371, 376, 393

  Guatemala 183, 337, 339, 372

  Gubla see Byblos

  Gudea of Lagash 58

  Gurkhali 176

  Guru Granth Sahib 216

  Gutenberg, Johannes, German printing pioneer 326

  Guugu Yimidhirr 4

  Habiru 42, 70, 111

  Habsburg dynasty 448

  Haite 4151

  Hakka dialect of Chinese 147

  Hakluyt, Richard, English publicist 479

  Ham 35n

  Hamadan 43

  Hamito-Semitic languages 36, 97, 122

  Hammurabi, king of Babylonia 53, 61

  Hàn dynasty 118, 138, 140, 169

  Hangzhou 151

  Hannibal, Carthaginian general 77, 252, 294

  Hanno, Carthaginian explorer 75

  Harūn al-Rashid, Caliph 98

  Hasmonaean kingdom 248

  Hastings, Warren, governor-general of Bengal 497

  Hatshepsut, female pharaoh 151n

  Hattic 41, 41n

  Hattusas 41, 61-62

  Hausa 36, 97n, 101, 102n, 527n, 530

  Hawaii 509-510

  Hebrew 78-80, 93, 335, 520n, 537

  and Arabic 110-111

  archaeological finds 32

  copied texts 78

  deportations 65, 79-80

  gematria tradition 217

  grammar 68n

  Greek texts 248

  language survival 80n, 90, 93, 110, 217

  linguistic unity 20

  liturgical use 248

  people (Jews) 42, 44, 164, 166, 247, 537

  pronunciation 68n, 70, 73

  and Queen Cleopatra 131

  relative/similar languages 35n, 50, 60n, 70


  2 Kings 65

  Daniel 82

  Esther 81

  Ezekiel 68n, 73-74

  Ezra 80n, 82

  Genesis 58, 73

  Isaiah 79

  Jeremiah 81, 84

  Nehemiah 80n

  Psalms 80

  Heliodorus, Greek ambassador 192, 247

  Heliopolis 127

  Hélou, Charles 420

  Helvetii 286, 293

  Henry II, English king 460n, 464

  Henry the Navigator, Portuguese prince 382, 385

  Henry VIII, English king 465, 478

  Heraclitus, philosopher 234

  Heraclius, emperor 260-261

  Hernández de Córdoba, Francisco, Spanish conquistador 348, 349

  Herodotus 31, 130n, 228, 232, 243, 276, 335

  Hesiod 182, 236

  Hezekiah, king of Judah 78-79

  hieroglyphs see writing

  Higden, Ranulph, English chronicler 467

  Hildebrandslied 273

  Hindi 177-178, 223, 528-530, 536; see also Urdu

  Hinduism 21, 175, 178-180, 196, 198, 199, 202, 206, 207, 209, 214, 217, 220-221, 225, 504

  Hispaniola 337-338, 343, 346n

  Hispanización 373-377

  Historia Chichimeca (Ixtilxóchitl) 344

  Historia Francorum (Gregory of Tours) 315

  Hittite 24n, 31, 33, 39, 41, 44, 46, 50, 62, 67,
84, 196, 514

  Hmong 134, 141

  Hokusai, Katsushika, Japanese artist 22

  Holy Roman Empire 411, 447-448

  Homer, Greek poet 44n, 231-232, 236, 237n, 251, 474n

  Hong Kong 149, 507

  Horace, Roman poet 250

  Hossein Khan, Sied Gholam, Mughal historian 496

  Huastec 346, 355

  Huguenots 409, 412

  Hūna 106

  Hungarian 309n

  Hunni 106, 139n

  Huns, invasions by 261, 306, 309, 555

  Huron 412n

  Hurrian 33, 39, 41, 50, 62, 196

  Hyksos kings 119, 164

  I will Praise the Lord of Wisdom 30

  Iamblikhos, Greek novelist 68n

  Iamhad (Aleppo) 41

  Iberia 45, 99, 290, 299, 301, 307, 382

  Ibn Hauqal, Arabic historian 98

  Ibn Khaldūn, Arabic travel writer 100

  Ibn Wahab, Arab visitor to China 158

  Iceland 314, 447n

  Ika 363

  Iliad 44n, 231, 236

  Immigration see Population movement

  Imperial languages

  reasons for spread 380-381, 446, 576n70

  reasons for survival 444 446

  Inanna 49, 51-52, 55

  Incas 12, 21, 338, 342-343, 344-345, 348, 356-357, 360, 372-373, 377

  Index Librorum Prohibitorum 326

  India 34, 38

  Arabic 101

  bilingualism 497

  and Britain/English 12, 19, 108, 187, 223-225, 496-505 and China 147, 159, 192-194, 506

  civilisation 202-207, 222-226

  culture 179, 180

  demographics 530

  Devanāgari script 223

  English education 499-505

  French colonies 416

  and Greek 190-192

  Greek campaigns 245

  modern Aryan languages 177

  Muslim invasions 212-213, 222

  Persian language 99, 108, 187, 223, 497, 503 and Portuguese trade 334, 391, 399, 497

  Protestantism 499-504

  spread of English 503-505; second-language speakers 515

  trade 199-207, 536

  see also Sanskrit

  Indian Ocean 416-417, 419, 446

  Indic scripts 85n, 156, 202-203, 211-212, 223, 246

  Indiká (Megasthenes) 191

  Indo-Aryan languages 41, 196

  Indo-China 178, 203, 206, 207, 215-216, 380, 400, 413, 417-419, 520

  Indo-European languages 23n, 41, 42-43, 183, 195-196, 214, 289, 292, 301, 554-555

  Indo-Greeks 192, 257-258

  Indo-Iranian languages 176

  Indo-Portuguese Creole 390

  Indonesia, 147n, 161, 191, 380, 400, 403, 506n, 532

  Indradevi, Cambodian queen 206

  Insubrians 285-286, 288

  Interpreters 3, 75, 82, 131, 192, 335, 341-343, 344, 355, 357, 363, 365, 388, 440, 497

  Interracial families 308, 313, 343-344, 376, 414

  see also Mestizo

  Introductiones Latinae (Nebrija) 345

  Investment see Trade

  Inyotef, pharaoh 127

  Ionic dialect of Greek 236, 237n, 242n

  Ionians 236, 237n

  Ipuwer, Admonitions of 163-164

  Irakli, Georgian king of Kartalina-Kakhetia 434

  Iran 21, 38, 43, 47-48, 86, 96, 257

  and Arabic 98, 101

  see also Parthia, Persian

  Iranian languages 109, 186, 219, 246, 258

  Iraq 35, 55

  Ireland 290-291, 518

  emigration to America 491

  and the Normans 464

  Norse language 447n

  plague 313

  Statute of Kilkenny 464

  Irenaeus (Saint), Christian apologist 299

  Irish (Gaelic) 274, 276, 300, 464-465, 469, 517

  Isis 255

  Islam 22, 49, 94, 96

  Arabic script 97n

  auxiliary languages 106

  banned by Spain 333

  spread of 10, 95, 98-99, 101, 108, 110-111, 134, 158, 159, 164, 209, 213, 216, 307n, 377, 537

  Isidorus of Charax, Greek travel writer 258

  Italian 331, 528-529, 531

  Italic languages 273, 291n

  Italy 240-242

  and French 410

  and Latin 12, 293-294, 535

  population 153, 153n

  Romance languages 320

  see also Oscan

  Ivan III, Tsar 426-427

  Ivan IV (’the Terrible’), Tsar 426-427, 431, 440

  Ixtilxóchitl, Fernando de Alva, Nahuatl historian, 344

  Jainism 189-190

  Jamestown 477n, 479


  Buddhism 178

  and China 147-148, 162

  colonial wars 450-453

  demographics 530

  and Dutch trade 398

  Kōminka 449-455

  and Korea 450-452

  Pacific empire 451

  population 153n

  Portuguese trading posts 387

  and Russia 433, 452

  Japanese 46n, 138, 528

  kana syllabary 116, 156, 210-211

  kanbun tradition 476n

  spread 450, 453-455

  Sino-Japanese 162-163

  Jaqaru 357

  Jaqi 357

  jargons 10

  Jataka tales 201, 208

  Java 147, 149, 201, 203, 204n, 205-206, 213, 389, 398-399, 402, 564n30

  Javanese 208, 498, 514, 528, 532

  Jefferson, Thomas, US President 488

  Jérez, Rodrigo de, Spanish interpreter 335

  Jerome (also Hieronymus) (Saint), Bible translator 294

  Jerusalem 79-80, 129, 248

  Jesus of Nazareth, Jewish prophet 86-87

  Jevons, Stanley 511

  Jews see Hebrew

  Jiménez de Quesada, Gonzalo, Spanish conquistador 363

  Jingpo 134

  John of Ephesus, Byzantine historian, 262

  John of Salisbury, English monk 408

  Johore 148

  Jolliet, Louis, French explorer 412

  Jones, Sir William, English scholar 185, 224

  Josephus, Jewish historian 71


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