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To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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by Mardi Maxwell

  The Doms of Club Mystique

  To Love and Obey

  Addison Mathews is the only daughter of a famous mother and a billionaire father. She learned at an early age to be wary of people until she met and claimed Cade Ramsey when she was too young to understand what love was all about. Since then Cade has been her protector and he is one of the few people she trusts as well as the only man she’s ever loved.

  Cade is a former Green Beret who works for a global security company. He’s also a Dom who believes that love can’t be trusted. He and his four brothers co-own Club Mystique, an expensive and exclusive BDSM club. When Cade decides to give up the Dom lifestyle and settle down he chooses Addison as the perfect woman to be his wife and the mother of his children.

  Things begin to go wrong when Addison discovers Cade’s secrets. Intrigued by the D/s lifestyle she decides to prove to him that she would be the perfect sub as well as the perfect wife. Addison and Cade are two strong willed people, each with their own ideas of what their future should be. Just as it looks like things are working out for them an enemy of Cade's decides to take his revenge by going after Addison. Cade finds himself fighting to save her and their future together.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 81,172 words


  The Doms of Club Mystique

  Mardi Maxwell


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by Mardi Maxwell

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-882-0

  First E-book Publication: Month 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For the people in my life who never give up. You taught me to never give up either. For my BFF—you always believe in me.

  For JWC. You are the rainbow at the end of the storm.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  About the Author


  The Doms of Club Mystique


  Copyright © 2013


  Valentine’s Day

  Eager anticipation glowed in Addison Matthew’s periwinkle-blue eyes as she waited for the ornate wrought-iron gates to open. Beyond the guarded entrance stood the house Cade shared with his four brothers. His latest assignment for The Larkin Agency, a Dallas-based security company, had kept him away for three weeks. The days had crept by, each one seeming to last forever. His call last night saying he was on his way home had sent her into a frenzy of elaborate Valentine’s Day plans. His second call earlier today letting her know he had just arrived home and was too tired to see her had been devastating. Refusing to accept defeat, a grin curved her lips as she wondered when Cade would realize she was a woman who always had a backup plan. Missing him and determined to see him, the decision to make the hour-long drive to Rendezvous had been an easy one to make.

  She tapped her rosy-red fingernails on the steering wheel and hummed along with the love song on the radio, her voice off-key as she impatiently eased her car forward. She waited another moment then sped through the gates and recklessly increased her speed until she reached the circular drive in front of the house. At the last moment, she slammed her foot on the brake and her car screeched to a sudden stop inches from the back bumper of a bronze sports car. With a silent sigh of relief at another narrow escape she threw her car into park and turned off the engine.

  After releasing her seat belt she flipped the visor down and checked her makeup in the lighted mirror. She had spent the morning at a local spa being buffed and oiled until her skin was smoother than a rose petal. Her reddish-gold hair hung down her back in soft, shiny curls ending a couple inches above her waist. Her makeup was so expertly applied that she couldn’t tell she was wearing any other than the rosy-red gloss on her lips that exactly matched the dress and shoes she wore. As she moved, the expensive silk of her dress slid over her legs and she giggled still slightly embarrassed after experiencing her first Brazilian wax yesterday.

  Smoothing her hands over her breasts, making sure the low neckline was still in place, she enjoyed the sensuous feel of her nipples tightening and pressing against the cloth. What would Cade think of the figure-hugging dress, she wondered, especially when he saw the bow that rested on the low-cut back, just above the curve of her butt? The dress made her feel like a gift she hoped Cade would unwrap tonight. She’d waited years for this night, ever since she’d developed a wild crush on him when she was still a kid. When he’d finally asked her out a year ago, she’d known her dream of being
with him was going to come true. A happy grin kicked up the outer corners of her lips as she decided that spending tonight with Cade was going to make this the best Valentine’s Day celebration ever.

  Cade was the most masculine, sexually appealing man she’d ever known. At six foot four he towered over her, and she loved the feel of his sleekly muscled body rippling and flexing beneath her hands. His emerald-green eyes, surrounded by straight black eyelashes, often sent her a come-to-me-baby demand or occasionally a-you-better-run-now warning. They glowed when he was happy, glared an intense green when he was angry, and became absolutely mesmerizing when he was aroused.

  The sound of his deep, gravelly voice whispering to her on the phone last night as he had told her in shockingly explicit detail what he wanted to do to her had made her come. The unexpected suddenness of the orgasm had her crying out in pleasure, the sounds echoing into the phone. Cade had growled her name, his voice sounding tortured, as she had panted and tried to catch her breath. In tears from the intensity of the orgasm, she’d been almost mute with amazement and embarrassment. He’d spoken to her for a few more minutes, calming her, then said he’d see her today and hung up.

  He wanted her and she had made sure he knew she wanted him but after a year of dating they still hadn’t gone to bed together. His behavior puzzled her. He would kiss and caress her for hours while playing with her pussy, fingering her, whispering obscene, exciting things to her, but when she begged him to fuck her, he would cover her mouth with his then rush her toward an explosive orgasm. Anytime she reached for his cock, desperately wanting to pleasure him, he would move her hand away then take her home, his cock still hard.

  Hoping to change that tonight, she grabbed the small basket of goodies she had packed for this evening and stepped out onto the gravel drive. Walking toward the house, she reviewed her plans to wreck his formidable self-control. He loved to hold her on his lap while he touched her so tonight she was going to step it up a notch by straddling his lap. The position would push her dress up to her thighs and possibly even expose her bare mound to him. It would definitely give him free access to her pussy while she fed him the chocolate-covered strawberries and other bite-sized nibbles she had prepared. She loved him and she believed he loved her too. She just didn’t know why he was holding back.

  Hunching her creamy, bare shoulders against the cold February wind, Addison climbed the steps to the wraparound porch and saw that the front door was slightly open. Turning, she looked to see if anyone was outside, then seeing she was alone she entered the house and closed the door behind her. Shivering from the change from the cold wind outside to the warmth of the house, she dropped her keys on the hall table then stood still and listened. She heard muffled sounds coming from the back of the house and smiled. Knowing the Ramsey brothers as well as she did, they were probably in the family room, watching sports of some kind and arguing over the outcome of the game.

  Following the picture-lined hallway, heels softly tapping on the glowing hardwood floor, Addison stepped into the archway of the large family room. The sight that greeted her froze her in place, and she blinked her eyes in disbelief as her stomach rolled and the bitter taste of bile filled her mouth.

  Eyes wide with surprise, Cade’s twin brothers, Logan and Luc, stared at her, speechless. Logan’s girlfriend, Linda Boyd, was bent over the back of the couch while Luc screwed her and Logan stood next to him, watching. His hand was wrapped around his cock, stroking it. Linda’s head bobbed up and down as she sucked on the cock of the man standing on the other side of the couch. His head was tipped back, eyes closed, as his hips pumped, moving his cock into and out of Linda’s mouth.

  Feeling the blood draining from her head, she swayed and her hand loosened on the handle of the basket. It hit the floor, the bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine she had chosen so painstakingly for Cade bouncing from the basket. It made an overly loud rumbling sound as it rolled across the floor then bumped into the couch. The cork exploded from it, spraying the floor and the feet of the four naked people in front of her.

  Addison looked up, her stunned blue eyes meeting Cade’s dark emerald eyes for a moment, before she dropped her gaze back to his lower belly, where his cock appeared and disappeared as Linda continued to suck on it. A soft, heartrending cry escaped her lips when she saw his hands clenched in the other woman’s dark hair.

  Shaking her head, telling herself that what she was seeing wasn’t real, she took several steps back, then turned and ran. Behind her she heard Cade yell her name. Looking back, blinded by the pain of his betrayal, she ran into the hall table, lost her balance and fell. The antique table wobbled and the large pottery lamp tumbled from it, shattering as it hit the floor. Her plans to wreck his control flashed across her mind and she giggled hysterically as she realized she was wrecking his home instead. Covering her mouth to smother the sound, a tremor of fear rushed through her as she heard Cade yell her name again. Scared he would catch her before she could get away, she grabbed for her keys and felt a pottery shard stab into her palm. Cursing she jerked it from her hand then climbed to her feet and ran from the house.

  Reaching her car she tugged the door open, collapsed onto the seat, and jabbed the keys into the ignition. Reflexes on automatic, she stomped on the gas pedal, the car fishtailing as the tires spun on the loose gravel. Speeding down the drive she passed the sensor that triggered the gates. Ahead of her they began to open and without hesitation she drove through them, scraping the sides of her car on the gates, the sound of paint being peeled away barely registering in her mind. She glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Cade run from the house, dressed in blue jeans, his chest bare.

  Gasping sobs filled the car but no tears appeared in her eyes as she tried to think of somewhere safe she could hide from him. She couldn’t go home. He would find her there. For the first time in her life, she didn’t want to see him. Didn’t want to face him and have to acknowledge what she’d seen. What he’d done. Speeding down the road, the gas pedal pressed to the floor, she caught a glimpse of the softly lit white monument in the distance. Without thinking she drove toward it, stopping her car at the security device at the entrance.

  Hand shaking, she keyed in the security code, heard a beeping sound as a red light lit up, and tried again, this time getting it right. The gate slid open and she drove through it and followed the road up and around the hill to the private Ramsey cemetery. She put the car in park then stared at the grave markers and the open-sided marble monument with its shadows and soft lights. A sob of cynical laughter filled the car as she thought that at least now she knew why Cade never wanted to make love to her.

  The life-sized statue of her beloved stallion, Diablo, glowed in the soft light of the monument. Next to the statue was a bench made from the same ebony marble. She knew from sitting there that a person could see a 360-degree view of the Ramsey Ranch. As she stared at the statue, she wondered how Cade could care enough about her to build this monument for her and yet be the same man who had crushed her with his betrayal tonight.

  Everything he had done in the past had led her to believe that she belonged here on this land with him. When her father had died, Cade had insisted that he be buried here, where only the Ramseys who had lived on this land for almost two hundred years were buried. He’d even had a memorial plaque in memory of her mother, Fiona Matthews, placed on one of the monument’s pillars.

  Feeling drawn to her father’s grave Addison left her car without a thought for the cold wind-driven mist that surrounded her. She read her father’s name and the dates etched into the stone and for the first time since she had met Cade she felt lost. She seemed to have a bad habit of loving people who didn’t love her, she thought, lost in the misery of this new betrayal. The rustling of the bare branches of the vining roses that climbed the pillars of the monument drew her to the statue of Diablo and she ran her hands over it. She leaned against it then rested her cheek on the lifeless ebony marble, pretending for a moment that he was still alive. Sh
ivering in the cold, misty wind she lowered herself to the bench. The icy marble sucked the warmth from her body and she shivered again then leaned back, not caring.

  Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she pressed her hands against her waist, feeling the cut on her hand sting as blood soaked into her dress. She moved her injured hand to her lap, cupping it protectively and watching as blood pooled in her palm. She should be crying or screaming or something, she thought as the cold air swirled around her, and goose bumps slid over her arms.

  Seeing the softly lit porcelain picture of her mother, Fiona Matthews, Addison frowned. Her mother had been another person who hadn’t loved her. It hadn’t been easy being the only child of a woman the world had worshiped for her beauty and exquisite singing voice and a man who’d had the Midas touch.

  From the outside they’d been the perfect celebrity family. The truth was they’d been three strangers with the same last name. Once a year her parents showed up at her home in Ireland and she’d been trotted out like a show pony. Dressed like a princess and told to behave, she’d smile for the camera and play along, all the while knowing her parents would fly away as soon as the last picture was taken. They flew back to their jet-setting lifestyle, and Addison and her nanny, Maggie Lamont, settled back into their quiet life in the Irish countryside.

  Addison wrapped her arms around her stomach, and curled into herself protectively as a deep, low moan of grief slid from her lips, then another and another. Minutes, hours later, she was exhausted and gasping for air, her throat raw and aching, when strong arms slid around her and lifted her. Screaming with terror, she struggled against the arms holding her, clawing at them and kicking her legs to get away.


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