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To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 4

by Mardi Maxwell

  “If she refuses we’ll find someone else who will talk to you, but in the meantime you need to read some of my books, Addison. My e-book reader is in the drawer of the coffee table and it’s charged up and ready to go. Just pick a book and read it. They’re all good.” Jenna yawned then stood up. “Feeling better now?”

  “I always feel better once I set my mind on a plan.” Addison stretched, feeling her muscles begin to relax from the tension of the day. “I feel completely exhausted from all that’s happened today, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep yet. I think I’ll stay up for a while if you don’t mind?”

  “Make yourself at home. The bed in the spare room is made up,” Jenna told her as she yawned again then disappeared into her bedroom.

  Picking up her wine, Addison took a sip then opened the drawer and took out Jenna’s reader. Reading about each book, she chose the one about a woman who meets a Dom who owns a BDSM club. The picture on the front showed a naked woman kneeling with her hands bound behind her. In front of her were the legs of an obviously muscular, very naked man. Just looking at the picture made her heart pound.

  Hours later, she closed the book, ran her fingers over the man and woman on the cover, then began to pace the living room. Reading about the heroine being spanked and fucked for being a naughty school girl, she knew she would enjoy every moment of playing that game with Cade as the stern schoolmaster.

  Turning off the lights in the living room, she tiptoed to Jenna’s spare room, stripped, then breathed a sigh of relief when her rigid nipples slipped free from the lace cups of her bra. Standing before the full-length mirror, she examined her body as she never had before. Her waist was small. Her belly had a small curve to it, but it and her legs were toned from years of dance classes and riding. Her breasts were too big and they had large, rosy nipples, but at least they didn’t sag too much, she thought, thinking of all the hours she spent working out, trying to keep them perky.

  Turning, her brows drew together as she saw how round her butt was and how far it stuck out. She shimmied her hips and was relieved to see it didn’t jiggle like a big bowl of jelly. Facing the mirror again, she gracefully lifted her arms above her head, the backs of her hands curving toward each other as she undulated her chest and belly. She watched the muscles closely, then rolled her hips up then down and smiled as her long hair swayed across her back. She had taken hours of belly dancing classes with the intention of someday dancing for Cade. Until this moment though she had never realized how much pleasure she would feel dancing naked for herself. Smiling at the woman in the mirror, she twirled and shimmied and softly laughed with the sheer joy of being a woman.

  She and Cade had danced together but he had never seen her dance although she knew he loved to touch her legs. Whenever they were together he would inevitably pull her onto his lap and smooth his hands up and down her legs until she began to squirm with arousal. Then he would chuckle and pull her tight against him, whispering how much he wanted her and what he was going to do to her.

  After reading that book she thought Jenna had been right and she felt she had a clearer understanding of what it meant for Cade to be a Dom. From her reaction to the book, she was wondering if she was submissive. The woman in the book had been a lot like her, strong when it came to business but willing to let someone else take control when it came to pleasure. She had a long list of questions for Sherry Carlisle if she agreed to talk to her. But, just in case Sherry refused, she was going to research the Dallas area for BDSM clubs that she and Jenna could visit.

  Chapter Two

  The next evening, nerves stretched tight with anxiety, Addison waited in Jenna’s living room for Sherry Carlisle to arrive. Her hand crumpled the paper in her hand as nerves began to get to her. Smoothing it out, she ran her eyes over the list of questions she wanted to ask Sherry and wondered if she had forgotten anything vital. The sound of the doorbell startled her, and her stomach clenched as she moved to the door and peeked through the door viewer. A slender brunette with a pixie haircut and the most beautiful dark chocolate eyes she had ever seen looked directly at her and waved. Instantly relieved when she saw the woman’s infectious smile, Addison felt herself smiling as she opened the door.

  “Hi, I’m Sherry. You must be Addison. Jenna has spoken about you so often I feel I already know you,” Sherry told her as she passed by her in quick, bouncy steps.

  “Thank you, for coming tonight,” Addison told her as she turned, trying to keep up with the small brunette. “I was so relieved when Jenna told me you had agreed to talk to me. She’s in the kitchen opening a bottle of wine, and the pizza just arrived a minute ago.”

  “Great! Let’s eat in the kitchen. I’m starving,” she told Addison as she walked through the living room. “Did Jenna tell you how busy we were today? That big car wreck on the interstate kept us so busy none of us had time for lunch.”

  “She mentioned it. I know how that is. I just opened a boutique in Rendezvous and some days I barely have time to grab a yogurt.”

  Sherry glanced at her. “Since your shop is in Rendezvous then you probably know about Club Mystique, right?” she asked as she entered the kitchen and greeted Jenna who was busy placing the food and wine on the table.

  “Hi, Sherry, grab a chair and let’s eat while the pizza is still hot.”

  Addison placed a slice of pizza on her plate then poured herself a glass of wine. “I just found out about the club yesterday. I also found out that the Ramsey brothers, including my fiancé Cade Ramsey, are the owners and they’re Doms.”

  “My husband, Mark, has known Cade for years. They went to university together. In fact, we’ve been to Club Mystique several times, mostly for special events and things like that.” Sherry placed a slice of pizza on her plate. “So, Jenna said you want to learn about the D/s lifestyle.”

  “Yes, I do.” Deciding to trust Sherry, she put the slice of pizza down and took another sip of wine. “Cade has kept this part of his life a secret from me and it really bothers me that I can’t figure out why. But, from what I’ve read in books and on the Internet, I finally understand a lot of the things that have puzzled me in the past about Cade and his behavior.”

  Sipping her wine, Sherry leaned forward, her soft brown eyes looking earnestly at Addison. “I’ve spoken to Mark about you and what’s happened.” Seeing Addison’s look of alarm, she added, “I had to get his permission to come here tonight and talk to you about this, Addison. Mark is not only my husband, he’s my Master, and I don’t usually talk to strangers about our lifestyle.”

  Realizing how big a favor Sherry was doing for her, Addison told her, “I understand and I appreciate any help you can give me, Sherry, and it will be kept strictly confidential. I promise.”

  Sherry nodded then smiled at Addison. “First I have to know what you would have done if I hadn’t agreed to talk to you?”

  “Actually, I found some BDSM clubs in the Dallas area on the Internet and I had planned to go to some of them if it was the only way I could learn about this lifestyle.”

  “Mark was afraid of that,” Sherry told her. “So, knowing that, I have permission to tell you that Mark has decided that we should help you. I can answer your questions but to really understand the D/s lifestyle you need to experience it in a safe environment. So, we may eventually take you to our club, Club Elysium here in Dallas.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Addison told her. Taking another sip of wine, her cheeks turning pink, Addison leaned toward Sherry. “How did you know you were submissive?”

  Sherry shook with laughter, her dark brown eyes shining. “Mark told me. He said the minute he looked into my eyes he knew he had found the woman he wanted as his wife and sub. I never intended to marry and I definitely didn’t intend to have children. But, here I am, ten years into a D/s relationship and married for six of those years with two children, ages four and two. If there’s one thing Mark’s never wrong about, it’s knowing a submissive when he sees one.” She grinned. “Like Jenna

  “I am not submissive,” Jenna insisted. “I’ll go along with Addison while she learns about this lifestyle but there’s no way I’m letting some guy boss me around ever again.”

  Addison reached over and grabbed Jenna’s hand. “Again? You holding out on me, best friend?” she asked, thinking to herself that finally Jenna was going to tell her the truth about her relationship with Jackson Ramsey.

  Shaking her head, Jenna denied it. “I meant that I’ve had bossy boyfriends and that’s not what I’m looking for in a man.”

  “It’s not like that, Jenna. If you knew how amazing letting go and submitting to a Dom can be you’d already be out looking for a Dom of you own.”

  Thoughts raced through Addison’s mind. She wanted with Cade what Sherry and Mark had, a marriage with a D/s relationship, and eventually children. “I just realized last night that Cade has always been in control of me and our relationship. There are so many things I don’t understand about the”—when Sherry nodded, Addison continued—“D/s lifestyle?”

  Sherry put down her wine. “Okay, I’m going to give you the short and sweet version, sort of a D/s 101. The number one rule is safe, sane, and consensual. Nobody is allowed to force or coerce you into doing anything you don’t want to do. Good clubs like Club Elysium and Club Mystique have a club safe word, usually ‘red,’ and if you yell it, the monitors, who walk around the club keeping an eye on the guests, will come running to help you.”

  “Good to know,” Addison told her. She had been worried that she was getting in over her head. She knew, considering her age of twenty-five and her level of inexperience, she had a lot of work ahead of her to become the kind of woman Cade needed.

  “There are a few terms you need to know. For instance have you read anything about limits?” When Addison and Jenna both nodded, she continued, “So you know hard limits are things you absolutely will not do. Things you wouldn’t find arousing, while soft limits are things you’re willing to do and include things you might be willing to try. Something, for instance, like anal sex. A good Dom will push your boundaries and get you to try something at least once. And, remember you can always use your safe word to stop the scene if you don’t like it. That’s why a sub is really in control of what happens. She can call a halt to whatever’s going on at any time with the safe word.”

  Jenna leaned forward. “I’ve read that clubs have a system so the Doms will know what a single sub is willing to do. Is that true?” she asked, even though she had sworn she wouldn’t.

  “Yes,” Sherry told her. “For single subs most clubs have a system of some kind. Club Elysium uses colored ribbons they tie around a sub’s wrist. Each color represents something the sub is willing to do or try. If she’s not wearing the ribbon then she’s not willing to try it or at least the Dom has to try to negotiate with her, or him, to try it.”

  Jenna nodded, then seeing Addison’s puzzled look she told her, “There are male subs, too, Addison, just like there are female dominants. They’re called Dommes.”

  “Apparently, I need to read more of your books, Jenna.” Noticing the necklace around Sherry’s neck she asked, “What about collars?”

  Hooking a finger under the necklace, Sherry held it out, showing them the heart-shaped charm with a keyhole in the center of it. “I always wear the collar Mark gave me. He has the key and only he can remove it. Temporary collars for single subs are sometimes provided by the club. They let the other Doms know the sub is under the protection of the club. Sometimes a Dom will give a sub he’s mentoring a collar with a charm with his initials on it. That let’s the other Doms know that the sub is under his protection.”

  “What about the rules I read about, like keeping your eyes down and not talking without permission?”

  “I’ll teach you more about that before we go to Club Elysium. But, the most important rule is to always show respect for a Dom by addressing him as Sir or you’ll find yourself with a sore bottom.”

  Laughing, they finished the pizza and the wine, then Sherry’s phone buzzed and she told them the limo was downstairs waiting for her. Addison walked with her to the elevator and Sherry told her they would get together again soon.

  * * * *

  Two weeks later Addison examined herself in the mirror in Jenna’s spare room. The dark lavender, four-inch open-toe stilettos on her feet made her legs look long and sleek. The sheer lavender miniskirt she wore stopped only an inch or so below the bottom of her butt cheeks, and when she spread her legs it rode up. Cheeks rosy with embarrassment, she couldn’t help but admire the white custom-made corset she wore. It cinched in her waist, giving her an hour-glass figure and leaving a tempting amount of cleavage on display. Running her fingers over the tops of her breasts, she gave herself goose bumps and felt her nipples harden. Damn. For once I look really, really hot. She smiled as she wondered if Cade would approve of the new person she was becoming.

  Turning then bending over, she glanced over her shoulder into the mirror. The skirt rode up, revealing the beginning curve of her butt. She bent over a little more and was glad Mark had given her permission to wear a thong even if it was so sheer it didn’t really cover anything. Blushing, she grabbed her makeup bag and applied a smoky lavender shadow to her eyes then a light layer of waterproof mascara. A swipe of sheer, rosy gloss completed her makeup, and she brushed her hair, then formed a ponytail at the nape of her neck and secured it with a white silk ribbon.

  Leaning forward, she stared into her blue eyes as a wave of doubt rolled over her. She knew she was ready to experience Cade’s no-longer-secret lifestyle, but she wished he was with her tonight. He was going to be so surprised when he got back from his latest assignment and she presented herself to him. Sherry had taught her how to gracefully drop to her knees then spread her knees wide and place her hands on her thighs, palms up. She had practiced in front of a full-length mirror and she knew exactly how to put her newly waxed pussy on display. A giggle escaped her as she thought about how much money she had spent on a small finger vibrator and batteries for it in the last two weeks. Sherry had been a great teacher and for the first time in her life Addison felt like a sensual woman.

  Even Mark had taught her a lot. Watching him and Sherry together, and seeing them not only as a married couple but as a D/s couple, had made her eager for Cade to return. She wanted with Cade what Mark and Sherry had together. Mark, or Sir as she had been told to call him tonight when they were at the club, had refused to answer any of her questions about Cade. In fact, the only information she knew about him, Sherry had let slip when she had mentioned that Cade enjoyed spanking and fucking a sub in front of other people. When Addison had asked Sherry if he shared his subs, Sir Mark had walked into the room and stopped her before she could answer. Addison was pretty sure Sherry had been punished for talking to her about Cade and she couldn’t help but feel it was her fault Sherry had been disciplined. Giving herself one last glance in the mirror, she wandered out to the living room just as Jenna rushed from her bedroom.

  “Wow! You look amazing, Jenna.”

  Jenna winked. “These old rags?” she asked, pointing to the sheer green shirt she wore without a bra over a black leather miniskirt and the highest stilettos Addison had ever seen. “This shirt actually has a camisole that is supposed to go under it but Sherry threatened to sic Mark, uh, Sir, on me if I even tried to wear it.”

  Addison laughed then checked her phone. Cade never called her when he was on an assignment, no matter how long he was gone, but she still hoped that someday he would. She saw the empty screen and cynically thought “out of sight out of mind” and struggled for a moment to force the negative thoughts away. She turned to Jenna. “That color is really pretty on you and it makes your eyes sparkle.”

  Smiling back at Addison, Jenna looked her over. “Thanks. You’re looking really hot tonight, too. I don’t think you have any idea how truly sexy you are, Addison. You never notice the men who look at you but believe me there are plenty of them. I’d kill to ha
ve your figure.”

  Blushing, Addison laughed then turned around and wiggled her butt. “Does this too tight, slightly obscene miniskirt make my butt look big?”

  Giggling, Jenna told her, “Just the right size for a really hot spanking.”

  “I’m feeling a little nervous about going to the club and how Cade’s going to react when he finds out I know what’s been going on.”

  “You and me both, friend,” Jenna told her, remembering Cade’s reaction to a lot of their past shenanigans. “In a way, Addison, this is Cade’s fault, too. Between him, Cooper, and the security team they put on you everywhere you went, even through college, you didn’t get the chance to live a…a—”

  “Normal life.” Addison provided the words for her, running her hands nervously over her hips to the hemline of her skirt.

  Jenna nodded, looking worried “Yes, exactly. Cooper let Cade take over and protect you because he knew if something happened to you it would make him look bad. Cade took control because even back then he didn’t want anything or anyone happening to you.”

  “I’m probably the only twenty-five-year-old almost virgin on the planet,” Addison told her, trying to make a joke about her circumstances, but Jenna knew her too well to fall for it.

  “Well, it’s time Cade learned you’re a grown woman and if he isn’t going to give you what you need then some other man will.”

  Addison’s phone rang before she could respond to Jenna. “Sherry and Mark are waiting for us downstairs.”

  Jenna pulled two lightweight trench coats from the hall closet. She handed one to Addison and slipped into the other one herself. “Don’t worry about it tonight, Addison. Let’s just go and have a good time. Okay?”

  Addison nodded and led the way out of the apartment. She was determined to learn as much as she could before Cade returned.

  * * * *


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