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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 3

by Sarah Carter

  “You have a personal trainer?” Damien asks, looking a little shocked.

  The corner of Claire’s mouth twitches. “You could say that.”

  “What kind of training do you do?”

  Biting her lip, Claire says, “I little bit of this and a little bit of that. I train every day and run every morning. I’ll probably do that in a few hours.”

  “Oh, we aren’t supposed to shift while we’re here,” Damien whispers. “Way too many of us.”

  “I meant running as in running. Putting shoes on and going for a few miles. No shifting involved.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I like to run too actually. Usually it’s on a treadmill though.”

  She rolls her eyes. “There’s a huge difference between running on a treadmill versus open terrain. These woods will be an awesome workout. Probably the one thing I’m looking forward to. I was actually looking forward to running and then getting into that Jacuzzi, but obviously that’s not going to happen now.”

  “You can still use it,” Damien says with a huge grin. “You can get all sweaty and slide into the water.”

  “You wish,” Claire retorts. “I do have an awesome body, but I don’t think I’ll be showing it off here. There’s no point.”

  Damien laughs. “You have a rocking body huh? I could see that from the little bit of skin you had exposed.”

  “Oh, my dear boy. You have no idea.”

  Damien’s eyebrows go up.

  “What?” She snickers.

  “Nothing, I’m pretty sure my body is just as rocking as yours.”

  “Think you can keep up with me?” Claire snickers. “Want to go for a run?”

  He laughs, “We just ate.”


  There is a slight twitch to Damien’s smile. “You want to go for a run?”

  “I want to school you. That’s what I want to do.” Claire leans over the table. “Are you game?”

  “Sure. Tomorrow morning, we’ll go for a run. The workshops are starting in two hours. There are a few down in the gym, if you’re so inclined.”

  Claire shrugs. “I may run on the treadmill and do some lifting.”

  “Why not one of the classes?”

  “I don’t do groups. I’ve been forced to come here against my will. I’ll do my thing, which is exercising and writing, both solitary activities.”

  “What do you write?”

  Her cheeks light on fire. “Oh, I don’t really talk about that.”

  “You don’t talk about much do you?” Damien jokes. “No, seriously. I love to read. What do you write?”

  “Short stories for the most part.”

  Damien smiles. “Romances?”

  “Horror, actually.”

  “Seriously? That’s awesome. I want to read some.”

  “It’s all on my brother’s laptop. He keeps everything on there for me. If you’re bored sometime this week, you can read a couple.” Embarrassed, Claire stammers. “I mean, if you want to. You don’t have to. I won’t be upset.”

  Reaching across the table, Damien grabs her hand. “I would gladly read it.”

  A bolt of energy goes through them and it actually makes Claire gasp.

  Damien doesn’t let go. “This is extraordinary. Do you feel that?”

  Claire vigorously nods. “Oh my gosh—it’s too much!”

  Damien finally lets go of her hand.

  She shakes it and exhales. “That wasn’t like anything I’ve ever experienced before. It was incredible.”

  “That’s the sexual energy that we pass between each other. You seem to have high doses of it. Your first time is going to be out of this world. I’m talking fireworks and everything.”

  She blushes even more. Claire says, “I don’t know about all that.”

  “No, trust me. The stuff you can do harnessing that energy…”

  “Can we please talk about something else?” Claire snaps.

  Quickly, Damien shuts up. “Sorry. I’m a little frank with people sometimes. My mouth tends to get away with me if I’m really comfortable around someone. Usually, I’m picture-perfect manners, but if I like the person, I have no barriers. That isn’t a good thing.”

  “Why are you that comfortable around me?” Claire asks. “You don’t know me.”

  He looks up at her. “You know? I have no idea.”

  “Well, on that note,” Claire mumbles. “I don’t feel comfortable around you.”

  “Why?” Damien inquires.

  “Do you know who you are?” Claire retorts. “I attacked you, Master Damien. I deserve to be in jail.”

  With a heavy sigh, he says, “Damien. Call me Damien. I think we’re past the ‘master’ point.”

  Claire shakes her head. “No, I’m sorry. You’re the son of the Merjyet line. You’re Master Damien.”

  “No, I’m Damien. Please. It would make me feel better. We’re going to be sharing a room for a week. I don’t want you feeling like you have to call me master.”

  She nods. “Alright. Damien it is, then. You know, I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “That was actually incredible. Where did you learn the energy point? Do you know all of them?”

  Claire shrugs slightly. “There are a lot of points to remember. So, I don’t know.”

  “Who taught you?”

  “I can’t really say. My teacher is very private.”

  Setting down his fork, Damien leans in. “I’m a council member. I can keep a secret.”

  “This isn’t my secret to share Master…I mean, Damien. Please, let it be.”

  “Okay, I won’t ask,” he assures her. “So, do you like the food?”

  With a slight tilt of her head, Claire replies, “Yes, it’s very good.”


  They sit in an almost awkward silence as they eat the rest of their food until two guys walk up next to them.

  “Hey, Damien,” one of them says.

  “Hi, Joel. Wayne. How are you doing?” Damien asks.

  Joel says, “Awesome. I’m pumped for these workshops.”

  “Me too,” Wayne adds. His eyes drift to Claire and he grins. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. This is Claire. She’s my roommate for the next week,” Damien explains with a smile.

  She forces a smile back. “Yes. It should be interesting.”

  “You’re one lucky dog,” Wayne says to Damien.

  Claire fights the urge to roll her eyes.

  Standing up, she picks up her tray. “You boys have fun. I’m going to my room. I need to send out a few emails and I want to work out.”

  Damien looks up at her. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  With a somewhat quizzical look, Claire says, “No, I think I can handle it. I’ll see you later.”

  For a split second, Damien frowns, but he quickly recovers. “Well, I’ll see you in a bit then.”

  “I’ll make sure to change in the bathroom this time,” Claire retorts, smiling.

  “Oh come on. I liked that surprise. What a way to meet a girl.”

  Claire can’t help but smile. She walks away with her tray and puts everything on the counter. Her mind races as she walks back up to their room. Damien Blakely is going to be her roommate. The son of the Merjyet line is staying in her room. Claire frowns when she thinks of taking Damien down.

  “I’m so lucky I wasn’t arrested,” Claire mumbles to herself.

  When she gets into the room, she sits down on the bed and starts up her brother’s laptop. She quickly types him an e-mail saying that she made it. Claire pauses for a minute, trying to decide if she should mention Damien.

  Staring at the screen, she finally types that she has an unexpected roommate, but it should work out. “I can handle my own,” is the last thing she types with a smiley face. She presses send and takes a deep breath.

  “I need to work out,” Claire finally sighs. “That will get my mind straight.”

  She goes to her suitcase and takes out h
er exercise clothes. Sauntering over to the bathroom, Claire shuts the door to get ready. A little while later, she walks out, pulling her sweat pants on over her exercise outfit. The computer pings, and she runs over to it and opens up the e-mail.

  It reads:

  Hey sis, I hope you survive this week. I think you’ll do fine. There may be some unexpected surprises. Just try to get along with people. Sooner or later you’re going to have to meet other people like us. It’s a fact of life. The boys you usually date just won’t work. Be smart and stay safe. I love you, and don’t kick too much ass. Ben.

  That makes Claire smile. She sighs and closes down the computer. The door opens, making her look up. Damien comes walking in.

  “Hello,” he chirps.

  “Hey,” Claire replies. “You can have the room. I’m going to the gym.”

  “Oh, wait. I’ll walk down there with you. I’m going to one of the workshops. Just give me a minute to change.”

  Claire looks at him. He has on designer jeans and a dress shirt. She wants to tell him to not change, but smiles instead. “Okay.”

  Damien nods and goes to his suitcase. He grabs out some clothes, and heads to the bathroom. Claire just watches him go. It dawns on her that she’s checking him out. She quickly looks away, blushing hard. Trying to think of something to do, Claire sits down on the floor and starts to stretch.

  A few minutes later, Damien comes out of the bathroom. “Are you ready?”

  “Sure,” Claire replies, standing up.

  Damien waves his hand to the door and they walk out. Claire is quiet as they ride the elevator down to the basement. When the door opens, it leads into a vast room. There is the usual exercise equipment on the left and three doors on the right.

  Claire smiles at Damien. “Have fun.”

  He smirks, “Thanks.”

  They start to walk past the first door.

  She looks down to see her shoe untied, so Claire bends over to tie it. In the distance, she hears, “So, they just let anyone come to this thing. Gosh, you’d think they had more taste.”

  “What in the hell?” Damien whispers, looking through the door. “Who’s that?”

  “I tell you…sometimes people are oblivious to their surroundings, especially so those who are trained so well.” The voice taunts. Claire furrows her eyebrows and looks to her right. A guy is standing there and he snaps, “Claire, are you with us? Hello?”

  Squealing, Claire jumps up and runs to the guy. She leaps into his arms and screams, “Alex!”

  He swings her around and says, “Yup. Seriously, you aren’t paying any attention.” Alex sets her down. “How you doing, baby?”

  She leaps up and kisses him on the lips quickly. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.” Claire senses Damien walking up beside them. “You’re my salvation in a week of torture.”’

  Alex picks her up and hugs her close. “I can’t believe Ben didn’t tell you I was coming. He said he wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “And what a glorious surprise it is,” Claire giggles. It’s then that she steps back and checks him out. At 5’ 9” Alex is only an inch taller than her with blonde hair that falls down into his ocean-blue eyes. Claire can’t get over him. “You look hot in your guard uniform. Look at you, all impressive in your new job. La-dee-frickin’-da!”

  “Shut up,” Alex growls playfully. “So, are you here to show off your stuff?”

  Glaring at him, Claire says, “No.”

  “Come on. You have to help me demonstrate, please.”

  “No.” Claire’s eyes drift to Damien. He has the most bewildered look on his face.

  Crossing his arms, Alex says, “Come on. Pleeeease?”

  “No,” Claire hisses.

  With a slight glare, Alex snips, “I’ll bribe you if I have to.”

  “With what?”

  A wicked grin passes over Alex’s face. “I’ll give you the best night of your life.”

  That makes Claire burst out laughing. Damien looks at him and says, “Excuse me.”

  “Oh, it’s fine,” Claire snickers. “Alex, you aren’t offering anything I couldn’t get if I wanted to in the first place.”

  He puts up a finger. “I won’t take offense to that, but I would add on…that…you could drive…my Ducati.”

  Claire’s jaw hits the floor. “You’d let me ride your motorcycle? No way. Like ride it without your annoying voice telling me to slow down?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. If you help me demonstrate, I’ll let you have it for a night,” Alex replies. “You just can’t tell Ben.”

  Damien looks at Claire. “You can ride a motorcycle?”

  “I have a motorcycle,” Claire replies. “It’s just not his Ducati.” She looks back at Alex. “You promise? Pinky-swear on it, Alex.”

  Alex holds out his pinky, Claire takes it with hers and they shake. “I promise. Now let me demonstrate on you.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. There will be none of that,” Damien interjects. “Claire, he’s one of the best fighters we’ve had join the guard in the last ten years. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  She snorts, and with a little bit of attitude, says, “I won’t be the one getting hurt.” She turns back to Alex. “Let’s get this party started.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows, Alex winks at her. He claps his hands. “Alright boys, be ready to get your asses kicked, because this isn’t for the weak. We’re going to work you to the bone. You need to have some martial arts background to get anything out of this.” Alex turns to Claire, “Are you ready?”

  She nods.

  “Alright. To demonstrate exactly how well I can fight, I’m going to spar with Claire.”

  “Claire, this is a bad idea,” Damien murmurs, pulling on her arm.

  She only grins in reply. “He’s the one who needs to worry.”

  “You’re going to fight a girl? You aren’t much bigger than her,” a guy laughs.

  “Show some respect,” Damien snaps. “Or you can leave. He’s one of the best fighters that we’ve come across in a while. Exactly why this is a bad idea, Claire.”

  Stepping away from him, Claire laughs. “Watch and learn, my boy.”

  She walks over to the wall, takes off her t-shirt, and then her sweat pants. When Claire turns around, every guy in the room is staring at her. It makes the corner of her mouth twitch. She’s only wearing very small exercise shorts and a sports bra top.

  “You can look, but don’t touch.” She taunts as she walks over to Alex. Claire quips, “Ready?”

  “Distracting me with your looks, huh?” Alex chuckles.

  “You’ve seen me in less than this.” Claire grins.

  Alex snickers. “Yeah, that bikini your brother made you change out of. That’s a little hard to forget.”

  “Mmhmm. Stop talking. Let’s go.”

  “Claire,” Damien sternly says. “This is a bad idea.”

  With a heavy sigh, Claire turns to him. “If you yell stop, I will. Just watch before you speak. Deal?”

  Damien narrows his eyes, but nods. Alex waves his hands for everyone to clear the floor. He and Claire walk to the center of it.

  She sticks her fist out. “Ready?”

  “Yup.” Alex bumps his fist to hers. He takes a starting stance and Claire takes hers. With a quick nod, Alex jumps at her. Kick after kick, and punch after punch, Claire dodges each advance. They come fast, but she moves faster. Finally, Alex growls, “Fight back, girl.”

  “You asked for it.”

  In two seconds, she’s on him. Their blows are fast. Claire knows no one is probably able to keep up. They fight back and forth for a while. Claire finally backs him toward the wall. When she gets him there, she takes a deep breath.

  Claire jumps at him, plants her hand on his shoulder, then jumps against the wall and flips, grabbing his shirt as she goes. As Claire falls, she twists her body and twists his shirt at the same time. When her feet hit the ground, she spins and sweeps Alex’s legs from underneath them.
He falls, and his shirt comes off in the process.

  Claire jumps on top of him and presses her fingers into his chest with a grin. “And that’s the killing blow.”

  Alex growls but laughs at the same time. “Damn it, girl, you’re the ultimate turn-on.”

  “Really, Alex?” Claire giggles as she falls over. “Shut up.”

  She kips back onto her feet, and she turns and looks at the rest of the guys. They all stare at her a little slack-jawed.

  With a huge smile, Claire says, “And that’s how you kick a guard member’s ass. See ya later.” She bends down and picks up her clothes. With a little bit of a saunter in her step, Claire walks out of the room.

  When she gets around the corner, she hears, “Claire, wait.”

  She turns around to find Damien behind her. “What’s up?”

  “What’s up?” Damien retorts sounding dumbfounded. “What in the hell was that?”

  “Uh, I took down one of your precious guard members. He’s a good friend, though, so no hard feelings there. I’ve done it before. Many times,” Claire replies.

  Damien stutters, “How…I mean…where did you learn to do that?”

  “Family secret,” Claire replies, looking at the floor.

  “Claire, you have to tell me. You’re one of the best fighters I’ve ever seen. That was insane. Who’s your teacher?”

  Biting her lip, Claire says, “My grandfather.”

  “And who’s that?”

  “Kaleb Hardrick.”

  Damien’s jaw drops. “The Kaleb Hardrick, as in the leader of our entire guard for the last thirty years?”

  “He retired two years ago, but yes. He’s my grandfather and my teacher.”

  “You’re incredible. I mean, that’s an understatement. I don’t even know a descriptive word for what you are.”

  Laughing, Claire says, “Usually I say badass, or awesome.”

  “I didn’t even know he had a granddaughter,” Damien exhales. “Where have you been hiding?”

  Claire stares down at the ground. “I keep to myself, but I’ve been learning since I was five. I practice two hours every day and run an hour to keep up my stamina.”

  “Well, it shows,” Damien chuckles.

  Alex comes up next to them. “Okay, here’s the thing. The guys in there want to learn, but they want you to help teach.”


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