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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 13

by Sarah Carter

  “That’s so cool!” Damien exclaims. “I need to learn this stuff.”

  Claire hits one more point and Damien moans. She smiles and then starts to rub his shoulders. “Now it’s easier to actually get the tension out.”

  Hanging his head down, Damien sighs. “That feels really good.”

  “Well, you did fairly win the bet, and I pay up on things like that.”

  “I’ll be sure to remember that,” Damien chuckles. Claire starts to rub her fingers along his spine. “Were you taught to do this?”

  “Yeah, sometimes my grandfather works us really hard. We need to make sure we don’t hurt ourselves.”

  Damien turns his head. “I think everyone should learn to do this.”

  “But then I wouldn’t be massaging a hot guy in a Jacuzzi,” Claire giggles.

  “There you go with that hot thing again. You’d think you were attracted to me.”

  She looks at him and says, “I thought we already established that.”

  “Well, that’s a two-way train,” Damien murmurs as he hangs his head back down.

  Claire continues to massage him. After a while she gets up on her knees to massage his neck better.

  “You know,” Damien starts. “Whoever you end up with is going to very lucky that you can do this.”

  She shrugs. “Usually it’s Alex and me doing it.”

  “Not exactly what I want to hear.” Damien laughs. “Kills the mood.”

  Claire laughs with him. “What mood?”

  “A very attractive girl is massaging me in a hot tub,” Damien replies. “Talking about doing that with another guy…not very relaxing.”

  “No more talk about other boys then. So, when was the last time you were in a hot tub with a girl?”

  Looking up, Damien says, “I have no idea. It’s been over a year since I did anything with a girl, period.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How do you go from being such a playboy to not doing anything?”

  His shoulders shake from laughing. “Easy. Finding out what love feels like. I want that with someone special. The other stuff was empty and hollow. I want someone who fills my soul.”

  “Wow,” Claire exhales. “That would be nice.”

  “Now, can I ask you a question?”

  Claire smiles. “No.”

  Damien turns and looks at her.

  Claire giggles. “Just kidding. You can ask me anything.”

  “What was it like for you with Alex?”

  The smile disappears from Claire’s face. “You mean, was it hollow?”

  “Not hollow…but, you care about him, and I wonder what that was like,” Damien states.

  “It was nice and I enjoyed it, but…it wasn’t what I expected. I thought I’d feel more emotionally, and I didn’t. I always thought my first time would be heart-pounding. It wasn’t. I’d never tell Alex that, and part of me wishes I had waited. No—all of me wishes I wish I had waited.”

  Damien turns all the way around and kneels in front of Claire so they’re face-to-face. “Then why are you considering dating Alex?”

  “Because…” Claire whispers, looking down. “I want someone to care about me who knows my secrets. He sees past everything. Plus, unlike humans, with a Neturu I don’t have to hide what I am.”

  “A guy can see past your shifting quandary.”

  Claire looks into his eyes. “Damien, that’s hard to hear from you. It’s hard to take that statement seriously.”

  “Why wouldn’t I date you?” Damien inquires, looking at her thoughtfully.

  “You need someone who can change into more than one thing. Actually, you need someone who can change into as many things as you or more.”

  He shakes his head and sighs. “I’m not that shallow.” He puts his hands on the sides of her face. “You’re a beautiful and out-of-this-world talented girl. Your issue isn’t even a blip on anyone’s radar. It’s so easy to see past that. You need to understand that.”

  Staring at him, Claire says, “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Don’t be with Alex because you think he’s your only choice,” Damien murmurs. “You’re worth so much more than that.”

  “He’s been the only one who has ever showed interest,” Claire breathes out.

  Bringing his thumb over, Damien runs it across her lips. “I don’t know about that.” Slowly he leans into her. Claire closes her eyes and tilts her head. When she feels his breath on her skin, she leans forward.

  There is knocking on the door. They both freeze. “There’s someone here.”

  “Ignore it,” Damien retorts, “They’ll go away.” He pulls her close but is interrupted by knocking again.

  “We should really get that.”

  Growling, Damien lets her go. “Fine. Go answer it.”

  Claire stands up and climbs out of the Jacuzzi. She grabs a towel to wrap around herself. Turning, she sees Damien sit back down in the hot tub. He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow. Claire sighs and turns to the door.

  When she opens it, Alex is standing there. He looks like he’s about to say something and then freezes. His eyes scan her body, and then he peers into the room. Claire following his gaze to Damien, who waves his fingers. Alex quickly turns on Claire. “What in the hell? Why are you naked, Claire?”

  She looks at him and retorts, “Naked?” Claire glances down at herself. Unwrapping the towel, she shows him her bathing suit. “Not naked. See? Properly clothed.”

  Alex glares at her. “I came to talk to you, but obviously I’m interrupting.”

  “Yes, actually, you are,” Damien replies.

  “Damien.” Claire snaps. “Shut up.” She looks at Alex. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “I was hoping we could do that privately,” Alex whispers.

  Rolling her eyes, Claire says, “Fine.” She steps out into the hallway and shuts the door. “Now, what did you want to talk about?”

  “I’m sorry about class today,” Alex exhales heavily. “I just—I’ve wanted this thing with you for a while, and being that you aren’t as enthusiastic about it sucks. I see Damien as competition.”

  “Why?” Claire replies nervously. Her thoughts drift to what just happened, or almost happened.

  With a shake of his head, Alex says, “It’s the way you’ve bonded to him so fast. You protected him from me, and you’ve only known him for two days.”

  “I was trying to save you from being put in jail or executed,” Claire growls. “You can’t be that stupid around him Alex.”

  “I know,” Alex groans. “I got talked to already. I don’t know if I can be around him.”

  “He’s my friend now,” Claire retorts sharply. “You’re going to have to deal with that.”

  Taking a deep breath in, Alex says, “Alright, I just need to ask one question.”

  “What’s that?” Claire sighs.

  “Are you even considering dating me, or are you just trying to not hurt my feelings?”

  She looks at him and raises her eyebrows. “Alex, I don’t know how I feel yet. You have to give me time, but if you want an answer now, then yes, I’m thinking about it.”

  “Good,” he replies, with a smile. “That’s all I needed to know.”

  “But I’ll tell you one thing,” Claire starts. “You being a jerk is really unattractive.”

  He hangs his head. “I know. I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” He looks up and locks eyes with her.

  Claire rolls her eyes. “Of course I forgive you.”

  “Good,” Alex says. He grabs her and pulls her against him. She tenses up, but that doesn’t stop Alex. Almost feeling guilty, Claire kisses him back.

  The door next to them opens, and Damien is standing there with a towel around his waist. He raises an eyebrow. His eyes drift to Claire. “I’m going to take a shower, just so you know.”

  “Yeah,” Claire whispers, backing away from Alex. “I need to take one too.”
br />   “With me?” Damien retorts with a devilish grin.

  “What?” Alex snaps.

  Damien looks at him. “Do you have a problem with that Alex?”

  Alex glares back. “I’ll be respectful to you, Master Damien, but I hope you would show her as much respect.”

  “It’s Claire’s business who she spends her time with and what she does.”

  Alex closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. “I agree. Claire is an adult, she can make her own decisions.”

  Damien looks at Claire. “I’m going to hop in the shower. Kayla wants to know if you want to do dinner in an hour.”

  “Yeah, totally,” Claire replies, putting her hair behind her ear. “We need to get ready after that to go out.”

  Damien smirks. “Did you bring something to wear to a club?”

  “You have no idea,” Claire retorts with her own devilish grin.

  “Oh, dear lord,” Alex groans. “Do I even want to know?”

  She turns to him. “You’ll appreciate it.”

  “Me and every other guy in the club,” Alex says, giving her a look. “It doesn’t matter. I’m going just so I can punch guys in the face.”

  “Now, see—I can appreciate that!” Damien exclaims. “If you punch them out, I’ll bail you out of jail and pay for your lawyer.”

  After a moment of hesitation, then Alex agrees, “Deal.”

  “Grow up, you two.” Claire rolls her eyes.

  “Never,” Damien replies.

  Claire turns to Alex as she pushes Damien into the room. “We’ll meet you downstairs in an hour.”

  “Okay,” he says apprehensively.

  Damien waves and then shuts the door with a bang.


  “Whaaaaaaat?” he draws out.

  “Do you have to push him like that?” Claire snaps.

  He looks up as though he’s thinking. Finally, Damien answers, “Yeah, I have to. Now the question is, are you joining me in the shower? You can massage out more kinks in my back.”

  “No. Go shower by yourself.” Claire can’t help it and laughs, pointing to the bathroom.

  “Fine,” Damien sighs. “You’re the one missing out.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go.”

  He winks and heads into the bathroom. Claire palms her forehead and exhales.

  Chapter 7

  “Claire?” She hears through the door. “Are you even close to being ready?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Alex is here,” Damien says with a very sarcastic tone.

  Giggling, Claire checks herself out in the mirror. “Perfect.” With a huge grin, Claire walks over to the door. Smoothly, she opens it and leans in the door frame. “All set.”

  Damien’s eyes get huge and Alex closes his.

  “What’s wrong?” Claire chirps. She looks down at her outfit: heeled boots that come past her knee, a pleated black skirt that barely comes down her thighs, and a halter shirt that wraps around her chest, back around her ribs, and ties in back. “I see nothing bad about my outfit.”

  “Your brother will kill me if I let you go out like that,” Alex groans.

  “Let me?” Claire retorts.

  With an exasperated exhale, Alex says, “You know what I mean. Claire, he hates when you wear things like that.”

  “Then don’t take pictures,” Claire quips as she walks into the room.

  “Can I take pictures? Lots of pictures?” Damien asks. “Sitting on the bed preferably.”

  Alex growls. “Master Damien, I’m trying really hard here to bite my tongue.”

  “I could really piss you off and say I want to bite Claire on all her flesh that’s showing,” Damien retorts.

  Alex clenches his fists.

  “Damien,” Claire snaps. “Stop picking on him.”

  “Sorry,” Damien sighs. “I don’t plan on biting her anywhere, but I do have one question for Claire.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Will I be receiving any…texts…or a certain text in particular this evening?”

  Claire laughs. “No. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  Damien snaps his fingers, “Damn.”

  “What text?” Alex interjects.

  “Nothing,” Claire replies. “Should we go meet everyone downstairs?”

  Crossing his arms and staring at her, Alex says, “You really brought nothing else to wear?”

  Shaking her head, Claire goes, “Nope.”

  “Alright,” Alex sighs. “Let’s go.”

  Claire walks over and grabs some money out of her wallet. Turning around, she shoves it in her bra. “I’m ready.”

  “Really, Claire? I’ll pay for you,” Alex groans.

  “I was going to do that,” Damien states. “My father taught me to never allow a beautiful girl to buy her own drinks.”

  “I’ve been doing it for a long time, and I’ll continue to do it,” Alex growls.

  The corner of Damien’s mouth pulls up. “Did I stutter, Alex?”

  “Damien,” Claire sighs.

  He looks at her. “And I mean no questioning from anyone, including you.”

  “I think I can make the decision about who buys my drinks.”

  “Well, I expect something in return,” Damien states.

  Raising her eyebrow, Claire inquires, “And what is that?”

  Damien walks over to her. Bending over, he whispers in her ear, “A dance and some texts to keep me entertained.”

  “I can do that,” Claire replies back quietly.

  “Should I even be here?” Alex growls.

  She looks at him. “He just wants a dance. Calm down. You won’t dance with me.”

  Alex just frowns. “Whatever, let’s go.”

  Turning quickly, Claire grabs her cell phone. When she gazes back at Damien, he gives her a devilish smirk and winks.

  The ride downstairs is a quiet one. When they get off the elevator the lobby is full of teenagers dressed to go out. As Claire walks closer to the crowd almost every guy stops and stares at her. Holding her head up high, she makes her way over to Jackson and Kayla. They both gawk at her, slack-jawed.

  Kayla finally exclaims, “I so want your body. You look like a sex goddess.”

  “Kind of am a sex goddess,” Claire giggles. “I’m only kidding.”

  “Wow, you need to teach me how I can be that toned,” Kayla sighs.

  Claire shakes her head. “You have a beautiful body and are gorgeous. You don’t need to change a thing. I honestly want to dye my hair a different color like yours.”

  “Oh!” Kayla says. “I can help you do that.”

  “I want blue—like electric blue,” Claire declares with a smile.

  “She had that in her hair when we first met,” Jackson chuckles.

  Kayla looks at her. “I’ll totally do it.”

  “Awesome—or hot pink.” Claire exclaims. “It would match my motorcycle.”

  “Your motorcycle is pink?” Damien laughs.

  Alex chuckles with him. “Yeah, she conned her grandfather into a special paint job. It’s black and hot pink. Very girly.”

  “Yeah, but sexy girly, not prissy girly,” Claire retorts.

  “No baby pink and white?” Damien says.

  Claire shakes her head. “Noooo.”

  He laughs, and Wayne walks up to them. “You guys ready?”

  “Yup,” Damien answers. “We’ll follow you.”

  “How are we getting there?” Claire asks. “I don’t have a mode of transportation here.”

  “I can only take two people,” Damien declares. “It’s a sports car.”

  “I’m riding the Ducati,” Alex says.

  Claire spins on him. “You have the Ducati here?”

  “Yup. How did you think I got here?”

  She shakes her head in shock. “I figured your car. I’m riding with you!”

  “In a skirt?” Damien asks.

  Pulling up her skirt, Claire shows him. “Boy shorts.”

“Still…I mean…” he returns with a curious expression.

  “As much as I would enjoy that,” Alex adds on, “I don’t want everyone to see up your skirt. We can go for a ride tomorrow. I’ll even let you take it out on your own.”

  Kayla sticks up her hand. “I want to go on a ride. I love motorcycles.”

  “Okay,” Alex laughs. “I’ll take you tomorrow, too.”

  “You get her hurt and I will find a way to kill you.” Jackson points his finger at Alex.

  “Alex is a great rider,” Claire retorts. “He races sometimes, which he never lets me do.”

  Leaning over, Alex kisses Claire on her cheek. “Remember, I promised to take you to the race track for helping.”

  “That’s right,” Claire giggles. “I’m so excited. I’m going to book it.”

  “Is that safe?” Damien asks, with a somewhat worried expression.

  Alex nods. “Yeah, she’s really good rider.”

  “Okay, that’s all fine and good, but let’s go,” Wayne interjects.

  “You can come with me,” Damien says to Claire.

  She smiles, “Okay.” Alex huffs, which makes her sigh.

  “Let’s go, then,” Jackson waves his hand.

  They walk outside with the rest of the teenagers. It turns out that Damien’s car is parked next to the Ducati. A bunch of guys are standing around both of them. Damien hits a button on his key fob and the lights flash. All the guys back up. Alex looks at the car. “A Porsche Carrera GT…nice.”

  “I like it,” Damien chirps.

  “Okay, I may love motorcycles, but anything with power turns me on. You have to show me what this can do,” Claire says, looking inside of it.

  “Wanna drive?” Damien inquires with amusement.

  Claire stands up and grins. “Seriously?”

  “Sure,” Damien retorts, tossing the keys to her. “I suspect you know how to drive stick.”

  “My car is a manual, yeah.” Claire holds the keys to her chest.

  “What did you say the name of this place is?” Damien asks Wayne.

  “The Edge, I think,” Wayne replies.

  Damien reaches in and puts the top down on the car. “Claire, get in and start it please.”

  Practically skipping, she goes around and gets in. When the car starts, she actually groans. “I want to drive this so badly.”


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