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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 21

by Sarah Carter

  “Sounds like a plan.” Damien nods, and they turn to leave. “Please shut the door behind you. I want to talk to Claire alone. Alex can wait a few minutes.”

  “Very well,” Dr. Galliger retorts. He and Mr. Paulson leave and shut the door.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?” Claire inquires, curious.

  With a grin, Damien walks over and presses her up against the counter. “I wanted a free moment with you.” He gently grasps her face. “I can’t get you out of my mind. I can’t stop thinking of your lips.”

  “Oh,” Claire whispers.

  He bends down and kisses her. It’s soft, but it still makes Claire’s nerves tingle. She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Damien runs his hands down her sides and around to her back.

  Claire inhales a sharp breath and makes sure to shut down her energy. Damien’s embrace is thrilling for her. She’s never experienced anything like this before, never felt this pull toward anyone.

  Finally, she pulls back. “Whoa. Okay.”

  Damien breathes hard against her. “Yeah. Holy…that was intense.”

  “Mmhmmm,” Claire hums.

  “I could do that every day, all day,” Damien states, with a smile.

  Claire giggles, “Yeah, me too.”

  He leans forward and places his forehead on hers.

  She whispers, “I really like you.”

  Opening his eyes, Damien says, “The feelings are mutual.”

  “Good,” Claire sighs happily. “Can we just ignore everyone else?”

  “You want me to send Alex away?” Damien asks, sounding hopeful.

  “Oh,” Claire grumbles. “No, that would be wrong. We should let him in here.”

  Damien frowns. “I’d like to spend some time alone with you. Do I have to worry about Alex being attached at your hip?”

  “No,” Claire replies. “We just woke up and I don’t want to ditch him alone on the ship.”

  “He’s a guard member. He’s used to it.”

  Putting her hand on the side of his face, Claire says, “We can sneak in alone time later, or I can send you some text messages.”

  “Ooo. Yes, please. Okay, I’ll go let him in.”

  She nods and goes back to dicing peppers.

  A few seconds later, Alex is back at the counter. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yup,” Claire replies. “We just were going over what tests we’re going to do.”

  “I wish I knew why you had to undergo tests. I really think there’s something wrong and you aren’t telling me,” Alex mumbles, looking down.

  “There is something going on, but I can’t tell you,” Claire sighs, rolling her eyes. “We’ve covered this already.”

  “I know,” Alex exhales. “So, how is dinner coming?”

  “Yeah, do you even know how to work that stove?” Claire inquires. “I mean, is it even a stove?”

  Damien laughs. “Of sorts. The heat is instantaneous, so we have to have everything prepared. They already had diced chicken, so we’re good there. There’s also one good thing about being on the ship.”

  “What’s that?” Claire asks.

  “We can use any of our herbs that we want,” Damien answers, turning around to the cupboard. “No need to worry about any humans.”

  “That’s cool. Do you often use those at home?”

  He shakes his head. “No, just to be on the safe side. We have humans over to the house. It worries my mother. The only thing we have is kiej, because it helps keep us from shifting. That’s in a locked room.”

  “We have that too. I’ve just never needed it.”

  “Oooo, that’s a test,” Damien says. “Pump you full of kiej and see if that affects you.”

  “Yeah, that would be awesome. Maybe it’s in the journals.”

  Alex snaps, “If I can’t know what’s going on, can we please not talk about it?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry,” Claire mumbles. She finishes cutting the peppers. “What do you need me to do now?”

  “Nothing, everything is ready,” Damien chirps. “Now, you can watch me cook.”

  “Cool.” Claire’s phone rings. She looks down at it. “Oh, it’s Ben.”

  Damien nods. “Answer it, but pretend you’re still at the rendezvous.”

  “Okay,” Claire chirps. Answering, she says, “Hey!”

  “What in the hell, Claire? Where have you been?” Ben shouts. “I’ve been worried sick for the last three days.”

  “I sent you an email,” Claire replies. “I figured that would be okay.”

  Ben sighs. “I haven’t heard from Alex either and I was worried something happened.”

  “Alex got called away for something with the guard,” Claire replies. “I’ve been hanging out with my new friends.”

  “You made Neturu friends? Wow.”

  “Yeah, Damien, Kayla, and Jackson. They’re awesome. Kayla is the Morrae that turned into a dragon and bit that guy in half.”


  “Mmmhmmm,” Claire hums. “She rocks.”

  “Awesome, I’m happy for you. Is Damien staying out of your pants?”

  “No, we had sex,” Claire replies. “That’s secretly where I’ve been. Damien and I have been doing it for the last three days straight.”

  “Sweet.” Damien laughs.

  “Funny,” Ben replies. “I just want you to be careful.”

  “I’ll tell you all about it when I see you. I have a feeling I’ll have a lot to tell you.”

  “Okay. So, I think grandfather went back to work.”

  Biting her lip, Claire mutters, “Why do you say that?”

  “He was here and we were training last night. He got a phone call and left immediately. Wouldn’t tell us anything, just said it was an emergency.”

  “Weird,” Claire whispers.

  “The only time he didn’t tell us what was going on was when it had to do with work. Why would he go back?”

  “Maybe he missed it?”

  “I have no idea. It’s just weird.”

  “Well, out of everyone, you would know what weird is.”

  “Yeah, because I have to deal with you.”

  Claire rolls her eyes. “You’re so funny.”

  “You started it. You know you can’t win when it comes to witty repartee.”

  “And you know you can’t win when it comes to fighting,” Claire counters.

  There is silence, and then Ben says, “Touché. Well played, little sister. Well played.”

  “Hey, I take it easy on you once in a while, so you think you win,” Claire states, grinning.

  “Oh, come on. I know what I’m doing. Just because I’m not you or Alex doesn’t mean I can’t fight.”

  “I know,” Claire sighs. “But you started this little battle.”

  “No, you did,” Ben replies.

  “Well, I’m ending it, like everything,” Claire says.

  With a snort, Ben retorts, “I was going to say I’m glad that you’re okay, but I’m starting to think it would be alright if you were eaten by a pack of wolves.”

  Glaring, Claire snaps, “That isn’t nice when all I can turn into is a rabbit.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. That was mean. So, back to the original subject, you’re fine? You’re having fun?”

  “Yes. I like having new friends. Neturu aren’t so bad.”

  “See? Mom was right. This week wasn’t a total bust.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” Claire replies. “I’m really happy I did it.” Her gaze drifts to Damien and she smiles. He winks back at her. When Claire glances at Alex, he’s glaring at Damien. She rolls her eyes. “I should get going, though. Things to do.”

  “Alright. I’ll tell mom you’re alive and breathing. Just, please, make sure you don’t let Damien in your pants.”

  She cocks her eyebrow. “Isn’t it my choice who I let in my pants?”


  “Ben,” she retorts.

  There is an
exasperated exhale on the other end of the phone. “Do whatever you want. I’m not your keeper.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on sleeping with anyone for quite some time. Unless I get married in the next few weeks.”

  “Good girl,” Ben says. “That’s what an older brother likes to hear.”

  “Bye Beeeennnn,” Claire says.

  “Stay safe.”

  “I will, bye.”


  Claire hangs up the phone. “Well, that went well, but you aren’t allowed in my pants, Damien.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he replies with a sinister grin.

  “Excuse me?” Alex seethes.

  Turning to him, Damien asks, “Do you have a problem Alex?”

  “No.” He turns his stare to Claire.

  She nervously pushes the pepper pieces together. “So, show me your cooking skills.”

  Damien cooks them dinner and amuses Claire. As they eat dinner, Claire finds it so delicious that she actually moans.

  “Like it?” Damien laughs.

  “It’s wonderful,” Claire replies. “Bravo.”

  “Thank you. Thank you.” Damien takes a bow.

  “So, tell me something about yourself?”

  “What would you like to know?” Damien responds.

  Claire bites her lip. “Hmmmm. Since I already know you’re going to Yale, what made you decide to go there?”

  “It’s Yale,” Damien laughs. “I had the grades and the means to do it. Who could pass up that opportunity? I graduated young, I had to do something.”

  “How’d you graduate so young?”

  “I’m a very driven person. When I want something, I get it, and I don’t mean that in a materialistic, spoiled child sort of way. I want to succeed in life, to make my family, my people, and myself proud of my accomplishments.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Claire sighs. “Props to you. Props to your cooking and your successes in life.”

  Damien gives her a genuine smile. “Thanks, love. Honestly, I want to use my intelligence to help the human race. I feel like I could bring a lot to the field of neurosurgery, so that’s what my goal is.”

  “Wow,” Claire exhales. “And I want to join the guard.”

  “Hey. I’m part of the guard,” Alex snaps.

  “The guard is so important,” Damien declares. “Don’t think less of that. You protect our people and give balance to our world. There would be a lot of upheaval if it wasn’t for the members of the guard.”

  “It’s nothing compared to neurosurgery,” Alex grumbles.

  Looking at him, Damien says, “Yes it is. You protect us. You protect me so I can become a doctor and help the humans. I need protection because of who I am. You’re so gifted and talented that you were chosen to do this job. People try out and fail all the time. Alex, you’re known for your fighting skills and you’re a new member. Be proud of who you are. There’s a lot to be proud of.”

  Alex stares at Damien with a shocked expression. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “Why?” Damien asks.

  “I thought you were some stuck-up jerk and…you’re not.”

  With a light chuckle, Damien replies, “No, really, I’m not. I can be snarky, but underneath it, I’m a really nice guy.”

  “Huh,” Alex barely whispers.

  Claire smiles and hopes that this makes Alex see Damien in a different light.

  “Honestly, I strive to be the best fighter I can, but I’m nowhere near the level that you’re at. I’m jealous. You’re extraordinary, as is Claire. I was hoping that Claire would take me on as a student.”

  “Me?” Claire chirps.

  He nods. “Yes, you. I’ve seen what you’re capable of and I want to learn.”

  “Wow. Okay,” she replies quietly.

  “I figured I can help you with your situation and you can teach me to fight. We can trade.”

  Claire giggles. “You just want to spend time with me.”

  Damien shrugs. “Maybe.”

  Claire smiles.

  Alex snips, “You’ll have to ask her grandfather first.”

  “I don’t have to ask much of anything of anyone,” Damien retorts, “But, of course, we’ll ask him.”

  Alex frowns and stares down at his plate. They sit there in awkward silence for a minute.

  Claire breaks the tension by standing up. “We should clean up so I can go to the gym.”

  “We have staff who does that,” Damien says, getting up himself.

  “Damien, we should do our own dishes. Don’t be silly.”

  “It’s what they get paid for,” Damien says. “I’m not trying to be lazy. It’s their job. If we do it, they’ll have nothing to do. We’re the only guests on the ship right now.”

  Claire mumbles, “It feels wrong, but whatever.”

  “Come, darling.” Damien laughs. “Let me get you to your room. Our luggage arrived today.”

  “My stuff is here? Awesome. I can get out of these horrible clothes.”

  Nodding, Damien replies, “We laundered everything because we didn’t know what was dirty or not. So, you have all clean clothes.”

  “Thank you.” Claire grins.

  “Well, let’s go get ready.” Damien holds his hand out and looks at Claire. She hesitates, then takes it. Damien smiles and leads her out of the room. He turns around to Alex. “Your stuff is here, too. For tonight, you guys will have to stay in the medical wing to be monitored. Maybe tomorrow you can get regular rooms. I’ll let you shower in my suite, though, Claire. It’s much nicer than the ones in the commons.”

  “Wonderful,” Alex grumbles.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Claire sees Damien smirk. When they get back to the medical wing, Damien shows Claire where her room is. “This time try to remember where it is instead of pummeling the first guard you see.”

  “Shut up,” Claire laughs. She sees her suitcase sitting on the counter. “Oh, sweet, different clothes.”

  “I’ll let you get changed,” Damien says. “I won’t be exercising with you today. I’m too exhausted. I’ll probably pass out as soon as I hit the pillow tonight.”

  “You’re so sweet to have sat with me the whole time.” Claire smiles at him.

  Damien gives her a killer smile back. “I’ll always be there for you, babe.”

  “I plan to work out too,” Alex growls. “I’ll go change.” With that he turns and walks out.

  When he’s gone, Damien goes and shuts the door. “He may turn into a problem.”

  Claire sighs. “I know. What do we do, though?”

  “We need to keep it a secret for now, but sooner or later, we have to tell him.”

  She nods. “I know.”

  “That’s not important right now,” Damien replies. “I’m going to leave you to get ready. I’ll go contact everyone who needs to be there.”

  “Okay. Can I have a kiss first?” Claire gives him an innocent smirk and bats her eyelashes.

  Damien chuckles. “Oh, I think I can manage that.” He walks over and wraps his arms around her. “You’re beautiful.”

  “So are you,” Claire whispers. The corner of Damien’s mouth twitches as he bends down to her. Their lips meet and Claire presses her body against his. They kiss each other slow and deep. She’s never felt this with anyone. Claire could get lost in him.

  After a few minutes, Damien pulls away. “Okay. You need to get ready.”

  “Mmmm, forget the gym,” Claire murmurs, pulling him back against her.

  Damien laughs against her lips. “Claire, you’re making it difficult on me.”

  “It’s just as difficult on me.”

  “Get ready,” Damien orders. “Unless you want me in here while you change.”

  Claire rolls her eyes. “No.”

  “Didn’t think so,” he replies. “Get changed. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  “Okay,” Claire sighs.

  Damien gives her a swift kiss and leaves. She turns to her s
uitcase and takes out her exercise shorts and top. A sink sits on the opposite wall, so Claire goes over to it and washes up a little bit.

  “I need a shower,” she grumbles to herself.

  A few minutes later, there is a knock at the door. Claire opens it. “You know, you said ten minutes.”

  Alex is standing there. “Sorry to disappoint you. I’m not your boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend?” Claire gasps. “Why do you think Damien is my boyfriend?”

  “Who said I was talking about Damien?”

  “Who else would you be talking about?”

  Cocking his eyebrow, Alex says, “I could simply be stating that I’m not your boyfriend.”

  “Oh, shut up, Alex. You were insinuating about Damien,” Claire snaps. “He’s not my boyfriend.”


  “You sound guilty, Claire,” Alex replies, with a cold tone.

  “Alex.” She points her finger at him. “You’re sealing our fate right now.”

  He puts his hands up. “Okay. Sorry.”

  “What makes you think I’d want to date you if you’re this jealous all the time?”

  “Good point,” Alex sighs.

  “You’re making this impossible, Alex. You’re pushing and pushing. You’re just going to end up pushing me away. Then it’ll be uncomfortable between us. I don’t want that. I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “You won’t. I apologize. Damien just…has so much to offer. How do I compete with that?”

  “If I end up with you, it’s because I want to. If I ever ended up with Damien, it isn’t because he’s somehow better than you.” Claire glares at Alex and presses her lips together.

  “Sorry.” Alex puts his hands up farther. “I apologize.”

  Claire crosses her arms and huffs.

  Stepping up to her, Alex puts his hands on her arms and rubs them. “Claire, please. I apologize.”

  She looks up at him. “I don’t know about this Alex.”

  Sighing, Alex says, “I know. Just give me a little more time, please.”

  “We’ll see, Alex,” Claire whispers.

  “What do you not understand about direct orders not to touch her?” Damien yells from behind them.

  Alex steps away from Claire and puts his hands down.

  “Damien,” Claire sighs. “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not,” Damien snaps. “This is insubordination. You’ll be held accountable, Mr. Lennox.”


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