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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 26

by Sarah Carter

  “I can’t believe I did it! I can get to shima!”

  “I know, baby. It’s a huge step,” Damien says, as he spins her around.

  When he sets her down, Claire looks up into his eyes. Damien hesitates for a second and then bends down to kiss her. Claire eagerly meets him, and they kiss each other.

  After a minute, Damien pulls away. “Hold on, I want to try something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This.” Damien pushes his energy lightly into her.

  She pulls away from him. “No!”

  “No, just a little bit. I want to see if you have the same effect in here,” Damien says. “We’re in shima. This is where our energy lies. Let me see if you can draw it entirely out.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Claire whines

  Damien thrusts his hand out. “Claire, I order you to try.”

  “That’s totally unfair,” she snaps. Damien doesn’t say anything but puts his hand closer to her. Claire glares at him, but then finally takes his hand. “What now?”

  “I’m going to do it slowly,” Damien replies. A soft wave of energy flutters against Claire’s nerves. “Now, try to pull it in.”

  Clare closes her eyes and does just that. A few seconds later, her eyes pop open. “I can’t do it.”

  “Nope,” Damien laughs. “I’m going to try harder this time.”

  The wave that hits Claire is powerful. It actually makes her gasp. Concentrating, she tries to pull Damien’s energy inside her. Nothing happens again. Claire squeals and jumps into his arms. “I can’t do it. I’m normal in here.”

  “That’s awesome. Now, I really want to try something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This.” Damien kisses her.

  Claire eagerly meets him back. The next moment, she feels Damien push his energy into her. Claire hesitates but finally pushes her energy back. It’s like an explosion; every nerve in her body is on fire. Claire presses herself against him hard. They kiss each other frantically. Reality disappears.

  When they pull away, Claire exhales. “Wow.”

  “You can say that again,” Damien whispers.


  He laughs and looks at her. “I’m happy we found out we can be here and do this.”

  “I agree,” she giggles. Claire feels a little weird, and with a snap, she’s back in her body. She gasps and grabs her chest.

  “Are you alright?” Dr. Galliger asks.

  “Yeah,” Claire stutters. “It was just a shock. I didn’t try to come back.”

  Damien stirs behind her. “Hey, you just disappeared.”

  “She came back as soon as the extra energy was gone,” Dr. Galliger explains.

  “I didn’t sense you in there,” Alex states, looking at her.

  “I can block out pretty much about anyone,” Damien retorts.

  Alex furrows his eyebrows. “Yeah, but why did you block me out?”

  “Because I didn’t want Claire to be distracted,” Damien states, staring at him.

  “So, what was it like for you in there?” Dr. Rollins inquires, interrupting them.

  Claire turns and looks at Damien. “Well, I can’t suck anyone’s energy out while in shima.”

  “You tried?” Mr. Blakely gasps. “Damien.”


  “You tried…” Alex growls.

  Damien looks at him. “Yes, we did. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Damien, stop,” Claire snaps. “We wanted to see. It was an experiment. We do want to know what I can and can’t do.”

  “So, no energy absorption in shima,” Dr. Rollins mutters. “Interesting.”

  “And you, Alex,” Mr. Paulson starts. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine,” Alex answers.

  Dr. Galliger lowers his pad. “Your energy levels are completely back to normal.”

  “So, someone can easily recover from what I can do,” Claire states, actually happy.

  “Yes, I think that’s correct,” Dr. Galliger replies. “Though, I wonder how far you have to drain someone before they’re too weak to recover quickly.”

  “Let her try on me,” Alex suggests. “She can pull. I can go to shima. She can pull. I can go to shima. Then when I can’t, we know where that line lies.”

  Furrowing her eyebrows, Claire says, “That seems a little dangerous.”

  “It seems like the only way,” Alex counters.

  “That or we have to get a group of test subjects,” Dr. Galliger states.

  “I don’t want to pull energy from a bunch of strangers,” Claire mumbles.

  “Then let me do it,” Alex replies.

  Mr. Paulson sighs. “It’s up to Master Blakely.”

  “Thank you,” Damien says.

  “I meant your father,” Mr. Paulson says.

  Mr. Blakely laughs. “I think we should do this with Alex. If you sense he’s actually getting physically harmed, then we can stop.”

  With a nod, Mr. Paulson replies, “As you wish. Claire, Alex, whenever you’re ready. We’ll tell you to stop when necessary.”

  Claire walks over, hops up and sits in front of Alex, who Alex sticks his hands out. She nervously takes them.

  “Okay, ready?” Alex whispers.

  Claire nods, and a wave sweeps over Claire. Knowing what to do now, Claire draws it into herself easily.

  “Try to do it slowly,” Dr. Galliger instructs.

  Concentrating really hard, Claire tries to slow it down.

  “Very good, Claire,” Mr. Paulson says.

  She can feel the pressure build, but it’s a lot easier this time.

  “You’re doing it,” Alex murmurs. “Keep going slow.”

  Claire tries to steady herself even more. “Alright,” Dr. Rollins declares, “He’s at the halfway point. Keep drawing slowly. We’ll tell you when to stop.”

  The pressure keeps building and building, but Claire can handle it. Finally, Alex’s eyes start to flutter.

  “Stop, Claire,” Mr. Paulson exclaims.

  Quickly, she pulls her hands away. Alex slumps over and Claire tries to move off the table. Her knees give out, and she falls into Damien’s arms. Before she can stop, the energy built up surges into Damien.

  Damien gasps and falls with her.

  “Damien!” Mr. Blakely yells.

  Hands pull Claire off of Damien. She takes in deep, ragged breathes.

  “Damien, are you alright?” Mr. Paulson shouts.

  “Yeah,” Damien says. “Holy…yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Wow,” Dr. Rollins gasps. “Claire transferred some of the excess energy into Damien.”

  Looking up, Claire squeaks, “What? I didn’t hurt him.”

  “Oh…baby…that was the farthest thing from pain,” Damien mumbles and laughs at the same time.

  “He’s perfectly alright,” Dr. Rollins replies. “It wasn’t a large amount, but he’s fully charged now, so to speak.”

  “Incredible,” Mr. Blakely whispers, looking at Claire. “You’re going to be a great asset.”

  Alex stirs a little bit. “I feel woozy.”

  “Go to shima and regenerate,” Mr. Paulson instructs.

  Nodding, Alex closes his eyes. Mr. Blakely looks back at Claire. “I want you to try it again.”

  “What?” Claire retorts.

  Mr. Blakely waves at his son. “Take her hands and try it again.”

  “You’re going to let me?” Damien asks.

  Nodding, Mr. Blakely answers, “Yes. See if you can absorb more.”

  With a shrug, Damien reaches over and takes Claire’s hand. There is an instant spark between them.

  “Push it into me,” Damien instructs.

  She does and Dr. Galliger declares, “She’s doing it. That’s amazing.”

  “I feel it,” Damien states.

  “His energy levels are definitely rising. We should see how far she can take it. Push a little harder, dear,” Dr. Rollins says.

  Claire drives it int
o him, and Damien gets a heat to his eyes and they connect. Claire can feel the push-and-pull between them.

  “What in the…” Damien chokes out.

  “What’s going on?” Mr. Blakely snaps.

  “I’m not sure sir,” Mr. Paulson says. “It looks as though…they’re linked. The energy is freely flowing from one to the other, back and forth.”

  “Like…as in…” Claire stutters.

  “Yes,” Mr. Paulson says. “It’s what we do during intercourse, except you’re doing it just by touching him.”

  Claire’s breathing accelerates.

  “Maybe you should stop,” Mr. Blakely says.

  “Hell no,” Damien laughs. “This is awesome!”


  Gasping, Claire pulls her hands back. “That’s crazy.”

  “Damien’s levels are heightened, but not to a dangerous level,” Dr. Galliger declares. “How do you feel, Damien?”

  “Amazing,” Damien chuckles. “I mean, come on, wouldn’t you feel great after that?”

  “Damien,” Claire snaps. “Shut up.”

  “You still have heightened levels Claire,” Mr. Paulson says. “I’d love to see if you can push energy into someone without that happening, but I’m afraid for you to push anymore energy into Damien.”

  “Hey, I don’t mind,” Damien exclaims happily.

  “What if Damien expelled the energy?” Claire suggests.

  “I know how I can do that,” Damien teases, winking at her.

  His father roars, “Damien Blakely!”

  “What?” Damien quips with a grin.

  “Shift and see if that helps,” Dr. Galliger says.

  Shrugging, Damien shifts into a lion.

  Mr. Paulson shakes his head. “Shift again, your levels are still high.”

  Damien shifts into a wolf next, then into a gorilla.

  “Still too high,” Mr. Paulson mumbles.

  When Damien shifts into a white rabbit, Claire glares at him. “Not funny, Damien.”

  Damien shifts back into himself. “I thought it was.”

  “Your energy levels are back to normal. Shifting into four things and your levels are still fine,” Dr. Rollins whispers. She looks at Mr. Blakely. “Do you know what this means?”

  “That we have a very powerful weapon,” Mr. Blakely murmurs, looking at Claire. “You can sap someone of all their energy and recharge others.”

  “Plus, have some real fun with me,” Damien quips. Mr. Blakely shoots him a look, and Damien shrugs.

  “I don’t know how I feel being used as a weapon,” Claire mumbles.

  Mr. Blakely squats down in front of her. “You could be the most powerful member of the guard.”

  “Really?” Claire squeaks.

  “You wouldn’t have to guard anyone. We’d just use you as needed. Or you possibly could be my personal bodyguard. I wonder if you’d be able to learn to draw energy from someone without them pushing it into you.”

  Claire raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know.”

  “Get me a guard member,” Mr. Blakely states.

  Mr. Paulson nods and walks to the wall.

  Damien stands up. “I don’t want her doing that with someone else.”

  “We need someone who doesn’t know what she is,” Mr. Blakely replies. “I have to see what she’s capable of.”

  Glaring at his father, Damien crosses his arms. “I understand that, but I don’t like the idea.”

  “Yeah,” Claire agrees. “It’ll be weird.”

  “Please, just try,” Mr. Blakely says. Claire reluctantly nods.

  A few seconds later, there’s a knock at the door. Dr. Rollins opens it. Lucas is standing in the hallway. “I was informed that I’m needed.”

  “Yes,” Mr. Blakely replies. “Please come over here and stand in front of Claire.”

  Lucas nods, and does just that. Mr. Paulson taps some things on his pad. “His electrodes are on and working.”

  Gesturing with his hands, Mr. Blakely tells Claire. “Go ahead, dear.”

  Claire takes in a deep breath and then puts her hand on Lucas’s chest. She closes her eyes and tries to sense his energy. After a few seconds, Claire shakes her head. “Nothing.”

  “That’s a slight disappointment,” Mr. Blakely sighs.

  Biting her lip, Claire says, “I want to try something.”

  “Go right ahead,” Mr. Blakely says.

  “Damien, you should probably look away so you don’t get pissed,” Claire instructs.

  “Why would I get pissed?” Damien snaps.

  “Yeah, what’s going on?” Alex says.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Lennox. How are you feeling?” Mr. Blakely inquires.

  “Fine,” Alex replies. “Now, why would Damien be pissed? What’s going on?”

  Claire clicks her tongue. “Both of you should close your eyes.”

  “Just go ahead,” Mr. Blakely urges.

  “Alright,” Claire exhales. She goes up on her tip toes and puts both her hands on Lucas’s face. He gives her a dumbfounded look before Claire brings her lips a centimeter away from his. Gently she breathes out and pushes a little bit of energy into Lucas. Then, like a flicker, Claire feels Lucas’s energy react. She grabs ahold of it and pulls.

  “She’s doing it!” Dr. Rollins yells.

  After a few seconds, Lucas drops to his knees, making Claire let go. She inhales sharply, as he slumps over.

  “Check him out!” Mr. Blakely shouts.

  Shaking her head, Claire concentrates really hard on holding the energy in.

  “Claire,” Mr. Paulson says. “Expel the energy.”

  “No—I want to see if I can hold it,” Claire hisses. She holds tight as the energy swirls around in her. After a minute, Claire slowly looks up. “I think I have it.”

  “You’re containing it,” Dr. Rollins says. “I can’t believe you’re holding that much energy in you.”

  “Maybe you should try and give some back to Lucas,” Damien mentions, pointing to the crumpled figure on the ground.

  Claire bends over and places her hand on Lucas. Carefully, she pushes the energy back into him. His eyes flutter open and then he jerks upright. “What in the hell is going on?”

  “Lucas,” Mr. Blakely says. “It’s not something you need to know right now. I’d also like to remind you of your oath to not say anything to anyone.”

  Cautiously, Lucas looks Claire up and down. “What are you?”

  “Dangerous,” Claire replies. “But in a good way.”

  “Are you fatigued at all, Claire?” Dr. Rollins asks.

  She shakes her head. “No. If anything, I feel energized.”

  “How far did she bleed Lucas before he passed out?” Mr. Blakely asks.

  “He had about twenty percent of his energy left,” Dr. Rollins replies.

  “Let’s see if that goes for everyone,” Mr. Blakely says. “As long as he’s alright, Lucas can leave now.”

  “I’ll take him in another room for observation,” Dr. Galliger says. “Come on, Lucas.” Lucas stands up and they leave the room.

  Mr. Blakely waves his hand at Alex. “As long as you’re alright with it Mr. Lennox, I’d like for Claire to drain you.”

  “Umm, sure?” Alex replies slowly.

  “I’ll put it back into you,” Claire says. “I promise.”

  Alex nods his head. She reaches her hands out and puts them on Alex. Softly, she pushes her energy into Alex. His reacts and she snares it. With some concentration, Claire pulls it out slowly. It builds inside of her and then Alex falls over.

  “Well done, Claire,” Mr. Blakely says.

  “Put it back inside of him,” Damien suggests. “Or leave him. He can stay unconscious for three days again.”

  “Not funny, Damien,” his father scolds.

  Claire giggles and puts her hand on Alex. She pushes the energy back into him. It takes a second, but he finally stirs.

  Turning onto his back, he says, “Good job.”

“How do you feel?” Claire asks.

  “Alright, surprisingly enough,” Alex replies. “Maybe a little fatigued.”

  “She didn’t put a hundred percent of your power back in,” Mr. Paulson says. “I think it may take her time to control that skill. Though with how fast she’s adapting, I don’t think it’ll take her long to harness her powers.”

  “That’s a good point,” Mr. Blakely says.

  Mr. Paulson lowers his tablet. “It was around twenty percent for Alex, too. That seems to be the magic number. Though, I think that’s enough for today. Everyone needs to eat and rest. I don’t want us to push you too far.”

  “I’m starving,” Claire exclaims. “I swear I could probably eat a whole cow myself.”

  “Yes. We don’t need you getting sick,” Mr. Paulson states. “Your body is showing signs of fatigue. Your energy is keeping you active, but it’s taking a toll on your body.”

  Claire rubs her hands together. “Time for some serious nourishment.”

  “I think I need to take a nap first.” Alex yawns.

  “We’re going to keep the electrodes active so we can monitor you, just in case,” Dr. Rollins says.

  “Come on, dear. Let’s get you some food,” Damien says, sticking out his hand.

  Smiling, Claire takes it. She turns and looks at Alex. “Find me when you wake up.”

  Alex stares down at Claire and Damien’s interlocked hands. He barely whispers, “Yeah.”

  Quickly, Claire withdraws her hand from Damien’s. “Okay, see you in a bit.”

  Alex nods. Damien gestures to the doorway and they walk into the hallway.

  “How are you doing, baby?”

  “I feel alright,” Claire answers.

  Damien smirks. “No, I meant, how are you doing? This is a lot to take in.”

  “Honestly,” Claire starts. “I think it’s kind of cool. I mean, think about all the stuff that I can do as a guard member. It’s like a dream come true.”

  He nods. “You’ll be a great asset. I’ll worry about you, though.”

  “Listen, Damien. I’m an extreme fighter. I can take the energy out of a Neturu. Who knows what I can shift into with all the pent up energy? Maybe I could try a dragon—ooooh, or a T-Rex. I can eat people!”

  “That’s a little gross,” Damien laughs.

  “But so cool,” Claire emphasizes.

  “My girlfriend is excited about eating people,” Damien snorts and chuckles at the same time.


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