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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 32

by Sarah Carter

“Yes, roses,” Claire answers. “White or purple.”

  “Really? Roses?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “I think they’re beautiful and smell divine.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Damien chuckles.

  “What can I send you?” Claire says. “If I’m to receive beautiful bouquets.”

  A wicked smile crawls across Damien’s face. “Pictures.”

  With a curious expression, Claire says, “Pictures of me?”

  He nods. “Yes, pictures of you…in all that lingerie you told me about.”

  Claire rolls her eyes. “Keep dreaming.”

  “Only of you, baby,” Damien quips.

  “Maybe one day you’ll get to see the lingerie.” Claire sighs. “When you put a vine around this wrist.”

  “Is that all it takes?” he replies smoothly. “I’ll go get one right now.”

  Grinning, Claire says, “That’s a common theme for you. So, you’re going to keep me around for the rest of your life just for a few pictures?”

  “I have a feeling they’ll be great pictures.” Damien laughs. “You’re already the background on my phone. I need a screen saver, too.”

  “Next time I have on a sexy outfit, I’ll take a picture,” Claire declares. “That way you have a screensaver.”

  “Woo-hoo!” Damien cheers with a huge smile.

  Claire smirks at him. “So, tell me something about yourself that I don’t know.”

  “I played soccer for my short stint in high school,” Damien states. “I don’t like baseball. I’ll watch football on TV, but won’t play it.”

  “I was never one for organized sports,” Claire replies. “Just solitary training. I outdid everyone in gym class, though. But I wasn’t excellent at swimming. Don’t get me wrong, I can swim just fine, but I don’t excel there. I can dive like a champ, though.”

  “When it comes down to athletics, I doubt there’s much you can’t do,” Damien says.

  “Well, that’s true.” Claire giggles.

  Damien smirks. “So, tell me something about yourself.”

  She looks up at the ceiling, “Hmm, what should I tell you? I like to dance. I’m that goofy girl that will blare the music and dance around her room like a maniac.”

  “I’d like to see that. I think I’d find that very amusing.”

  “Amusing? I can really dance,” Claire counters with playful attitude.

  “I didn’t mean ha-ha amusing. I meant amusing, as in you’re dead sexy and it would be fun to watch.”

  Grinning, Claire says, “Well then, that’s okay.”

  “I’m very happy I have a girl who likes to dance. It’s one of my favorite past times. Kayla and Jackson too, so now I’ll actually have a partner when we go out,” Damien declares, smiling broadly.

  “Yes, you will,” Claire agrees. “Tell me something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “What kind of music do you like to listen to?”

  “Well, dance music, mostly. Some hip-hop. What about you?”

  Claire smiles, “I like that, but mostly rock. Pretty much anything I can train to. Dance or train, those are the two options.”

  “No romantic love songs?” Damien inquires.

  She raises her eyebrows. “I never needed those. I didn’t have strong feelings for my exes.”

  “Will you listen to them differently now?”

  “Love songs…maybe, it depends…” Claire says, leaning in closer to Damien.

  With a grin, Damien asks, “On what?”

  “How we feel about each other,” Claire whispers. “If what we have grows.”

  “So far, I like where it’s heading,” Damien says. “I say we keep going at this speed.”

  “Tell me something personal,” Claire murmurs, getting up on his lap. “Something no one else knows.”

  Smirking, Damien says, “A dark secret?”

  “Not dark, just something personal,” Claire replies.

  “I almost chose not to go to college,” Damien declares.

  “What?” Claire gasps.

  Nodding, Damien chuckles, “Yeah, I almost didn’t want to go. I graduated with honors so young. I had money and girls on me all the time. I knew what my future held. Why would I need to do something else? My parents are both surgeons, and my father still leads our people. I felt like I didn’t really need to have an actual job. Being the leader of our people brings wealth. I was young and super smart, probably too smart for my own good.”

  “You weren’t that young!” Claire laughs. “It was only a few years ago.”

  “I’ve matured a lot in those few years. That’s neither here nor there. I got accepted into Yale, and I knew I had to make a decision.”

  “What finally swayed your vote?”

  “One day, I went to the hospital to see my dad, to ask him for some money, actually. That was before I had credit cards. Anyway, I couldn’t find him and I was told to go to this room. On my way there, I passed a little boy in a wheelchair. He asked me if I could tie his shoe. He was too weak to do it himself. I did it, and he asked what I was doing there. I said I was looking for my father, Dr. Blakely. He got the biggest smile. He told me my father saved his life. He had a huge tumor in his brain and my dad removed it. He asked if I was going to be a doctor like my dad. It was like a light going off in my head. I knew right away what I wanted to do. I wanted to help.”

  “That’s amazing,” Claire murmurs.

  With a smile, Damien says, “He was great. I was so proud of my father, and the kid recovered and is still alive.”

  “What a wonderful story.” Claire exhales. Her attraction to him becomes even stronger. She looks into his eyes and he looks back. They gaze at each other and slowly lean in closer and closer. Finally, they kiss, but it’s the sweetest, most emotional kiss that Claire has ever experienced. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him as close as she can. All she can do is pour her feelings into the embrace.

  “Claire,” Damien whispers against her lips.

  “Yes?” she replies quietly, pulling away only an inch.


  “Yes?” She exhales.

  Damien looks at her and tilts his head. “I…really care about you. I mean, truly care. What I feel around you, it’s not of this world.”

  Giggling, Claire says, “We aren’t of this world.”

  He rolls his eyes and laughs. “Yes, but that isn’t what I was talking about. We fit each other, like a puzzle.”

  “You think?” Claire says, with a smile.

  “I feel so at-ease with you and so connected. I was drawn to you the first time I saw you.”

  “I just thought you were hot,” Claire remarks back.

  Playfully glaring at her, Damien says, “Well, I’m glad I can entice you with my good looks.”

  She grins. “I’m only teasing. I was drawn to you, too. I just didn’t think I had a chance, but now that we’re together, I feel like we have a great future ahead of us.”

  “I think I’ll transfer schools. Stanford’s still a great college.”

  “Oh, no you won’t,” Claire snaps. “You’ll continue your education at Yale. You worked hard to get in there and to get good grades.”

  “Yes, well, I can get a good education at many places.”

  “No,” Claire retorts harshly. “I’ll break up with you if you do that.”

  Laughing, Damien says, “Oh, really?”

  With a nod, Claire snips, “Yes, I’ll break it off with you if you even try to transfer schools.”

  “Do you think a long distance relationship will work?” Damien counters. “We’ll be on other sides of the country.”

  “Umm, aren’t you rich? Don’t you have the means to fly to my side of the country whenever you want?”

  “We do have our own planes. I guess I can just keep one on call. Though I’m worried. What about all the wild parties and boys at Stanford. You’re gorgeous. Guys are going to be hitting on you left and right. That’ll make me
very unhappy.”

  “Girls must hit on you all the time, so, it’ll only be fair. You’ll just have to trust me, as I trust you. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “No?” Damien replies.

  Claire shakes her head. “No, I only want you.”

  “I’m glad,” Damien says, with a smile.

  “I want you,” Claire whispers, leaning in, “All to myself.”

  “I can probably do that.”

  Getting an idea, Claire grins. “I know what I want for my dorm room.”

  “What’s that? I’ll get you anything.”

  “A shirtless picture of you.” Claire giggles. “I mean, jeans hanging low on your hips, no shirt on, droolable hot picture. It’ll make all the girls jealous.”

  “Will you gaze at me before you go to sleep at night?”

  “Oh, you have no idea.”

  “Will I get the same in return? A picture of you in this swimsuit?”

  Claire laughs. “Do you really want other guys to ogle your girlfriend?”

  “Dude, I can be like, oh no, that’s not a swimsuit model. That’s my girlfriend. Of course, I’ll want normal pictures of you, too. Lots of them.”

  “We have to get on top of getting those done, because I’ll want them too.”

  “Do you realize we’re laying out our future here? This is months away. You have no problem with that?”

  “No. Do you?”

  “Not at all.”

  Claire pulls herself closer to him. “I’m happy about that.”

  He nuzzles his nose against hers. “Are you sure I can’t just transfer schools?”

  “No. Come on, don’t be silly.”

  “Stanford is a great school,” Damien states. “It’s not like I’m going to go to a community college. It’s Stanford.”

  “Damien,” Claire sternly replies. “We’ve known each other less than a week. You can’t transfer schools because of me. That’s ridiculous. What if we don’t work out? You’d be stuck at school with me.”

  Shrugging, Damien says, “But I was thinking of it anyway. That’s where Jackson and Kayla are going to be.”


  “Really, in the end, it’s not your decision. It’s mine.”

  “Give it a semester,” Claire says. “Let’s see where we’re going first.”

  “Fine, but if it’s going well, you won’t object if I transfer?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but I don’t want it to be because of me. That’s a lot of pressure.”

  “It’ll have something to do with you,” Damien replies. “But more that I’ll know someone. Neturu; you, Jackson, and Kayla. That’s important to me.”

  “Do you think there are other Neturu at Stanford?” Claire inquires softly. “That would be cool.”

  “There are some Neturu at Yale,” Damien says. “All girls…who want me.”

  “You can transfer!” Claire exclaims. “Right now! Go make a phone call!”

  Damien snorts. “I have absolutely no interest in them. Actually, one of them is Violet Wilds.”

  “I’m glad I declared myself your girlfriend, then. Violet Wilds sounds like a stripper’s name, anyway.”

  Damien busts out laughing. “Oh my gosh, I never thought about that. Yes, yes it does. I was elated when you said you were my girlfriend.”

  “Now I can say it and mean it.”

  “You could have said it and meant it then and I wouldn’t have cared,” Damien chirps. “You really did have me at day one.”

  “I’m just glad you looked past me putting you on the ground in the first hour of knowing you,” Claire mumbles in humor.

  “I deserved it. I shouldn’t have made that insinuation.”

  Claire smirks. “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  “You took me by surprise. That’s for sure. I was so awestruck that first day. You were incredible. Beautiful and talented—you were so damn talented. You just naturally kick ass.”

  “Yeah, I thought I was a deadly weapon before. Now, I’m the deadliest Neturu.”

  “Very true. Don’t let it go to your head.”

  Claire tilts her head to the side. “I’ll try.”

  They both laugh and stare at each other. “How’s my secret weapon feeling? Better?”

  “Yes, this is incredible. I love talking to you. I never really talked to my exes. Not on this level. It was nothing deep.”

  “I have a feeling we’re going to spend many nights sitting up talking to each other.”

  Smiling, Claire says, “We have so much to learn. Like, boxers or briefs?”

  “Boxers,” Damien chuckles. “And you, what kind of undergarments do you wear?”

  “Depends on the day. Usually something lacy. I have a credit line at the lingerie store.”

  “Do you really wear that stuff?”

  “Sometimes,” Claire replies. “I look at it this way. I don’t sleep around. I obviously can’t do drugs or drink.”

  “We do have our versions of those, and we’re technically legal. Wanna get drunk?”

  She rolls her eyes and says, “No. What I’m saying is that I don’t do anything bad. I’m very disciplined and get great grades. The one thing that I do is show off my body. I’ve worked my entire life to be this athletic. Why can’t I show it off?”

  “You’ve been in jeans this entire time. There’s nothing wrong with the way you dress.”

  “Did you see what I was wearing at the club?” Claire quips, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “I have it on my phone.”

  “Wait until you see the rest of my wardrobe.”

  Leaning closer to her, Damien says, “I want to see the leather outfits.”

  “You will, don’t worry.”

  “Tell me something else,” Damien instructs. “I want to know you better.”

  Claire looks up and thinks about it. “I have a fear of flying.”

  There is a pause and then Damien replies, “But you don’t have a fear of heights? You trapezed across the ceiling.”

  “I have control over that. An airplane? I have no control.”

  “Just airplanes, or our ships too?”

  “I haven’t been on one of those before.”

  “We haven’t crashed one since we’ve been here. So you’re safe,” Damien states. “I promise you that.”

  “Well, planes freak me out,” Claire reiterates.

  Damien furrows his eyebrows. “So, how are you coming to Yale then?”

  “That’s why I said you can come to me. I’m not flying to you.” Claire laughs. “No way, no how.”

  “Okay, what about one of our ships?”

  “You can’t do that,” Claire replies. “Misuse of your power.”

  “Well, if I have to do it, then that’s what I’ll do. I want you to come to me.”

  Glaring at him, Claire says, “I won’t let you do that.”

  “Claire, you have to come to Yale at least once,” Damien states. “You’ll be on one of our ships. I can have it checked a hundred times before takeoff.”

  She stares at him for a few seconds. “Can someone fly with me?”

  “Kayla and Jackson. I’ll have them come with. It can be a little group vacation.”

  “Do you live in a dorm there?” Claire asks.

  He gives her a look. “No, I have a small apartment. It has a spare bedroom, so the terrible twosome can crash in there.”

  With a grimace, Claire inquires, “How many girls have you had sex with in your bed?”

  “None,” Damien replies. “I haven’t done anything with anyone in over a year. I have people over there but no one has slept in my bed but me.”

  “So, I don’t have to worry about any after thoughts of stuff that you’ve done?” Claire asks.

  “Nope,” Damien answers. “Nothing to worry about. Though, we could make some real memories in that bed.”

  Claire leans into him and brings her lips to his. “You think we should?”

  “Of course,” Damien replies, brushing hi
s lips against hers.

  “You want to make love to me in your bed?” Claire whispers.


  She playfully bites his lip and then says, “Maybe someday we could.”

  “Damn, I was hoping it would be tomorrow.” Damien exhales, before he pulls her close and kisses her.

  Giggling, Claire kisses him with all the passion inside of her. When she pulls away, she says, “Let’s play a game.”

  “What kind of a game?” Damien asks curiously.

  “For you and I to get to know each other better,” she answers. “It’s a game my friends and I used to play when we met new people. It’s called fifteen fun facts.”

  “How do you play?”

  “There’s no breaking, no pausing, no asking questions,” Claire states.


  “One of us starts by saying a weird fact about ourselves, and then the other one goes. You go back and forth fifteen times. You get to know someone really well and it can be hilarious.”

  Shaking his head, Damien chuckles. “Okay, you go first.”

  “I’ve been humped by a dolphin.”

  “What?” Damien yells. “How…what…why!”

  “No. No asking questions. It’s your turn.”

  Damien rolls his eyes. “When I was 13, I fell asleep at my friend’s house. He and his brother drew a pair of boobs on my forehead with a permanent marker. My parents were pissed.”

  With a snicker, Claire says, “I rode a single roller coaster 53 times in one day. I felt like I was still on it when I was trying to go to sleep. It made me so sick.”

  “I used to love to make snow angels in the winter,” Damien states.

  “When I was little, I always wanted my parents to order all the lobsters at the restaurants, so I could set them free. They never did.”

  “I have a tattoo,” Damien declares.

  “What?” Claire exclaims.

  “No, no, no. No questions,” Damien counters.

  “That isn’t fair!”

  He smiles. “Your rules, sweetheart.”

  “There are pictures of me in lingerie,” Claire whispers. “But only I know where they are.”

  “Say what?” Damien exhales.

  “Your turn.” Claire laughs.

  “The night after we first met, I dreamed about you.”

  Claire grins. “Let’s see. I always hated going to the zoo. It was a reminder of what I couldn’t do. So I faked being sick when it was field trip time.”


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