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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 34

by Sarah Carter

  “We…should…get…back…to…dinner,” Damien stutters between breaths.

  “Yeah, before my pants come off,” Claire quips, sitting up.

  “You feel that too, huh?” Damien snorts. “I have never wanted to make love to someone more in my entire life.”

  They both start to calm down. Claire finally asks, “Do you believe in soul mates?”

  He turns and looks at her. “Do you think I’m your soul mate?”

  Nervously, she shakes her head. “It was a general question.”

  “Yes. I do believe there’s someone out there specifically for you.”

  “I didn’t believe in it before,” Claire exhales. “I love romances, but I always thought those were just that—stories. I didn’t think anything like that really happened because I had never felt it before.” She turns and looks at Damien. “But with you, I feel those things that I read about. The draw, the pull, the energy between two people.”

  Damien stares at her for a second and then whispers, “I’m going to make you run in about three seconds.”

  “Why?” Claire squeaks.

  Scooting over, he grabs her hands. “I…have never felt these feelings that I have with you. It made me see the light on something, and I don’t know how to say it.”

  “What?” Claire says. “Just tell me. I always want us to be honest.”

  He shakes his head and sighs, “It could ruin everything, but it needs to be said.”

  “Just say it, then,” Claire whispers.

  “This connection I feel with you, since the moment I saw you and heard you speak—it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It was like finding a piece of me that was missing. You’re what I’ve been looking for my entire life. You’re incredible and gifted, and I’m not talking about your abilities. You’re smart and witty, which I love. Claire, my life wouldn’t be the same if you left it.”

  “I feel the same way,” Claire whispers.

  Damien takes in a deep breath and says, “What I felt for Kayla wasn’t love.”

  “Yes it was.” Claire giggles. “You loved her.”

  “No, because in comparison, it’s not the same,” Damien murmurs. “This entire time of being here, I have stood by your side. I needed to make sure you were safe and everything was going to be all right. I’m very protective of you, except you don’t need be to be protected. I find that damn sexy. It dawned on me earlier while we were in the whirlpool, but I pushed it down and refused to believe it.”

  She pulls Damien closer. “What are you talking about?”

  “Claire…” Damien starts. “This is soon, probably too soon, but I know what it is. It’s love. I think I’m in love with you.”

  “What?” Claire gasps.

  Turning, Damien looks her right in the eyes, “No, I know I love you.” Sitting completely still, Claire just stares at him. “I don’t expect it back, and I hope it doesn’t make you run, but I love you. This feeling in my chest, in my heart, I never want it to go away. I never want you to go away.”

  Claire climbs onto his lap and straddles him. “Damien…it’s so soon.”

  “I know.” Damien exhales. “But when I see you a warmth spreads all over me. I can’t help but imagine your lips on mine. I want to see the twinkle in your eye when you laugh. I want to see the sheer determination on your face when you spar. I want you to write more so I can read it.”

  “Damien,” Claire interjects softly, putting her fingers on his lips. “Hush.” His shoulders fall and he looks down. “Don’t look down, look at me.” Damien moves his eyes up to hers. Claire gives him a soft smile. “Love is a scary thing for me. I’ve been so worried about getting hurt. Give me a little time.”

  He exhales heavily. “Wow, that’s the exact opposite reaction that a guy a wants to hear.”

  “Damien, stop,” Claire starts. “I care for you deeply. I do. I care more for you than I ever have of anyone before. You’re my match.”

  “But you don’t love me yet.” Damien sighs. “It’s alright. I just wanted to be honest with you.”

  “I’m not saying that I don’t, but I’m not saying I do. Give me time to figure what I’m feeling.”

  Nodding his head, Damien says, “Okay.”

  “Just…don’t stop loving me. Give me time to feel the same way. Please, don’t stop loving me,” Claire whispers.

  “I don’t think I could if I tried,” Damien replies softly.

  She bends over and kisses him.

  There is a knock on the door. Damien groans. “I bet that’s my father.”

  “I’d put money on it.” Claire giggles. He pats her on the leg and they stand up.

  They walk to the door and Damien opens it up. His father is in the hallway. “Can I speak to you both?”

  “Yeah,” Damien mutters, gesturing into the room.

  His father steps in and turns around, waiting for Damien to shut the door. When Damien does, his father takes in a deep breath. “Son, there are two sides to me. I’m the ruler of our people, but I’m also your father. Those two parts sometimes war with each other. The part of the ruler is winning on this one, and that’s only the case because I see the way you look at each other. Your connection is deep. Anyone can tell that. We’ve always expected you would bring someone special into the bloodline. It’s the best for our people. You’re expected to have children.”

  “I think I should have a say in that,” Damien retorts.

  “You don’t want kids?”

  “Of course I do, but I want it to be because my wife and I decide to. The council won’t make those decisions regarding my life.”

  “Claire is perfect for our bloodline. I urge you both to seriously work on this relationship.”

  Gesturing with his hands, Damien snaps, “Dude, Dad, chill out. We just started dating. You’re going to scare her away, and if you do that, I’ll quit the council.”

  His dad’s head jerks back. “You can’t do that.”

  “Well, you can’t decide important aspects of my life. If Claire and I marry, it’ll because we want to, not because we were pressured into it,” Damien declares harshly. “You need to back off!”

  “Damien Blakely,” his father bellows. “You will not show such disrespect.”

  “That’s enough!” Claire shouts. “How dare you speak about me without even asking for my input! If I didn’t care for Damien as much as I do, I’d walk out that door. You can’t order me into the guard. You can’t order me to use my abilities for anything! If this is what I can expect, I’ll walk…now.”

  Mr. Blakely shuts his mouth and puts his hands up. “I apologize tremendously Claire. This isn’t how I usually am. I just worry.”

  “About what?” Claire asks hotly.

  “What would happen if someone found out…” Mr. Blakely explains. “If you don’t marry Damien, you could marry someone else. They could find out about it. The succubus gene would pass down another family line. If the next succubus fell into the wrong hands, it could be dangerous. Think of it this way Claire: what if you weren’t the sweet, honest girl that you are? What if you were like the people that you’ll be going up against? A criminal with this power. The results could be horrible, especially with the new discovery of shifting into other people. The succubus could easily shift and get lost in a crowd. We’d never know where or who they are.”

  “Wouldn’t the council know about them? Get to them before they’re adults?” Claire inquires.

  Shrugging, Mr. Blakely says, “I have no idea. It’s been so long since last succubus. We’re going to have to see if there’s a gene tracker that pinpoints you and check your bloodline when children are born.”

  “Would you use them all as weapons?” Claire whispers. “Because I won’t force that on my children or any children from my line.”

  “No, of course not. We aren’t tyrants. The only reason you’re joining the guard is because of who you are. You want to do this Claire. You’re eager for it. This is a blessing on both of our sides. T
he amazing things we could do for each other. You’ll never want for anything and be exactly where you wanted to be—in the guard. We can use your abilities to bring peace to our people. We aren’t dictators. We use the guard to keep the peace.”

  Claire crosses her arms and sits down on the arm of the couch. She stares at the floor, deep in thought. “Fine.”

  “Fine, what?” Mr. Blakely says.

  “I’ll marry Damien.” Claire sighs. “It’s the safest route for everyone. I know my children and the next succubus will be protected. But this all depends on Damien. We need to make sure we work together emotionally, mentally, and romantically, and then he needs to ask me. But if he asks, I’ll say yes.”

  With a big smile, Mr. Blakely says, “Wise choice, my sweet girl. Wise choice.”

  They both turn to Damien. He has a completely blank look on his face. “You know…” he finally starts. “I thought asking a girl to marry me would be romantic. I never thought my dad would be the one asking for me.”

  Claire laughs. “Oh, I know you, Damien. I have no doubt you’ll sweep me off my feet.”

  He shakes his head. “This has to be the oddest situation that I’ve ever been in. I mean…I couldn’t pick a more beautiful and talented girl. You know I love you.”

  “Damien,” Claire hisses under her breath.

  His father says. “Well, this is splendid news, son. Especially if you’re already in love with her.”

  Damien puts his hands behind his head and lets out a big breath. “We’re still going to date. I’m not going to ask her right away. I want to be sure about our relationship just as much as Claire does. This does mean I’m transferring schools. If we’re getting this serious then we need to be near each other.”

  “Damien…” Claire whispers. “That isn’t necessary.”

  “It is,” Damien replies. “If this is what’s best for you and our people, than we need to take it seriously. I love you, Claire. That much I know.”

  She gives him a small smile in return. “We should keep this to ourselves,” Claire finally says.

  “I agree,” Mr. Blakely states. “We don’t want this getting out to anyone. Our people will think it’s too fast, and that may cause problems because of who Damien is.”

  Damien sighs, “I wouldn’t propose for a while, anyway. We’re only eighteen. That’s still young. We’re barely legal, by human standards.”

  Nodding his head, Mr. Blakely replies, “I understand that. I think this is for the best but I also want you to make sure this is what you want. Your marriage would be the best outcome for our people, but I do want to make sure it’s what you want.”

  Claire interjects, “I won’t do it if it doesn’t feel right, but I need my children and the succubus gene to be safe.”

  “That’s my thought exactly,” Mr. Blakely says.

  Everyone is silent for a minute.

  “This has been an odd conversation,” Damien finally declares.

  “I don’t want to pressure you. I just want to be smart about this,” Claire replies.

  “I understand. Don’t think for a second that I don’t understand where you’re coming from, Claire. It’s a bonus that I get to marry this gorgeous, talented, witty girl. What a hardship.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m sure you’re struggling.” Claire giggles.

  “Why don’t we go finish dinner?” Mr. Blakely suggests.

  Damien stands up and extends his hand to Claire. “Come on future Mrs. Damien Blakely.”

  “Ugh, there will be none of that crap,” Claire retorts. “It’ll be Mrs. Claire Blakely. That’s if I take your last name.”

  Mr. Blakely looks at her. “It would be unheard of for you to marry into our line and not take on the name.”

  “I was only joking, and besides we don’t have to think about it for a while.”

  “True. Let’s go back.”

  When they finally make it back to everyone else, Kayla asks, “Is everything okay?”

  “Yup,” Claire answers. “We’re good.” She sits down, and takes a bite of her food.

  Everyone is quiet as they eat. Finally, Kayla chimes in, “Can we come with you?”

  Claire stops eating and looks at her. “Where?”

  “Your home. We have nothing to do for the next few weeks. It would be fun.”

  Surprised, Claire exclaims, “Sure! That would be awesome. You can see me take the Ducati out.”

  “And where are you taking it out?” her grandfather inquires with a look.

  With her eyes darting to the ceiling, Claire says, “Nowhere.”

  “Where are you taking it Claire?”

  She finally mumbles, “The racetrack.”

  “Claire!” her grandfather yells.

  Putting down her fork, Claire looks at him. “What? I can join the guard and go on deadly, dangerous missions, but I can’t drive a motorcycle? I’ve been doing it for two years. I got it at the same time I got my driver’s license.”

  “You like motorcycles?” Mr. Blakely interjects.

  “‘Like’ isn’t the correct term,” Claire replies. “I love them. I have one, but Alex has a Ducati. It’s an older model, but still. It’s a Ducati.”

  Mr. Blakely smiles. “You should get one.”

  Claire says, “Hey, with my new salary, I could get one!”

  Nodding, Mr. Blakely states, “Yes, you can.”

  She rubs her hands together. “Sweet.”

  “I’ll arrange for you to get back to your house tomorrow,” Mr. Blakely declares. “If you need anything in the next few weeks, let me know.”

  Damien says. “Or let me know. I’ll probably be with you anyway.”

  With a smirk, Claire exhales. “Oh, okay, if you must.”

  He grins back at her. “I know. It’s such a hardship for you now.”

  “It is!” Claire giggles.

  They all laugh. Damien sighs. “I do have my sister’s competition. I can’t miss that.”

  “Oh, I want to come see her ride,” Kayla states. “I miss Victoria.”

  “You’re more than welcome to come,” Mr. Blakely offers. “I suggest going to Claire’s for a few days, then coming to our home after that.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Claire agrees. “It should be a relaxing three weeks.”

  “We’ll make it great,” Damien murmurs back. He bends over and kisses her. Claire eagerly meets him.

  * * * * * * * *

  “Mom!” Claire yells. “I’m home!”

  “Claire?” her mom calls out. “You’re home early.” She comes around the corner and falters. “Master…Master Damien.”

  Damien bows his head. “Hello, Mrs. Livingston.”

  “Mom,” Claire interrupts. “This is Damien, and that is Kayla and Jackson. They’re going to be hanging out with me for the next three weeks.”

  “Master Damien…is in my house,” her mother stutters. She looks at Claire. “You could have warned me!”

  “Oh, please,” Damien starts. “Don’t make a big deal about this. We’re staying in a hotel nearby.”

  Claire’s mom shakes her head. “What are you even doing here?”

  “Well…” Claire murmurs. “Umm, Damien and I are…”

  “Dating,” Damien finishes for her. “Claire and I met at the rendezvous. We ended up sharing a room.”

  Her mom’s eyes narrow. “You shared a room?”

  “In separate beds!” Claire exclaims. “We didn’t have sex.”

  “Well, this suddenly became awkward,” Jackson mumbles. Kayla jabs him in the ribs with her elbow.

  Taking in a deep breath, her mom says, “Alright, well, you’re more than welcome to stay here. We have enough room.”

  “We don’t want to impose,” Damien replies.

  Mrs. Livingstone shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. We’d be happy to have you here.”

  “Very well,” Damien says. “I’ll get our bags. Jackson.”

  “Damien,” Jackson retorts with a smile.

  “Come help
with the bags,” Damien instructs, rolling his eyes. Jackson only grins. Damien grabs him and shoves him toward the door.

  When they exit the building, Mrs. Livingston looks at Claire. “Can I talk to you for a second, please?”

  “Sure,” Claire says. She turns to Kayla. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” Kayla mumbles, widening her eyes.

  Claire and her mom walk down the hallway and into the library. Her mom spins around. “What’s going on?”

  “What?” Claire retorts. “I brought some friends home.”

  “You go from hating the Neturu to dating the son of the Merjyet line. How does that happen!” her mom yells.

  Sticking her hands out, Claire says, “I don’t know! We just ended up getting really close.”

  “Claire, I would never say this around him, but…he doesn’t have the best reputation,” her mother whispers.

  With a roll of her eyes, Claire groans. “I know mom. He isn’t like that anymore. I’m the only girl he’s kissed in a year. Damien is different now.”

  “Well, I hope so,” her mom snips. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes,” Claire emphasizes. “I really care about him.”

  “Alright.” Her mother sighs. “Let’s show them to their rooms.”

  “Damien is going to stay with me,” Claire states. Her mom gives her a stone-cold stare. “Mom! I’m eighteen. We can sleep in the same bed.”

  Mrs. Livingston crosses her arms. “I thought you stayed in separate beds.”

  “We did, but come on. We’re adults. I can sleep with a boy in my bed. We aren’t going to do anything.”

  “Whatever.” Her mom exhales, “You can make those decisions. Come on, we don’t want to leave them standing in the foyer.”

  They make their way back to the entryway. “I’ll show you to your room,” Claire states to Kayla and Jackson. She leads them to the staircase and upstairs.

  “Where’s my room?” Damien asks in a mischievous tone.

  Claire turns around. “You’re staying in my room. I already got crap for it.”

  “Wait until your brother finds out.” Damien laughs, wiggling his eyebrows.


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