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Rebellion MC 2: Ace & Mae's Story

Page 6

by Nicola Jane

  “Then I suggest you get your woman in order,” I hiss. “There’s no way I’d have my woman out of my sight with Lorenzo around.”

  Anton waves his hands. “Enough. This isn’t a pissing contest. You need to step up security around the club. We don’t know if he knows that Lucy has ties here, especially after you helped us out with him before.”

  When Tag was trying to help his father escape the mafia after wronging them before, we helped to pull off a fake murder to make Anton’s father believe he was dead so that Tag could step into his shoes. “Of course, it goes without saying. Tag, get Lucy back here. I’m putting the club on lockdown.” Groans erupt from around the table. “It’s to keep our women safe. We don’t know why he’s back or if he plans on trying to kill Tag again. Lucy is at risk, and the kid is at risk. We might all be at risk. Get word out to everyone about the lockdown.”

  I slam the gavel on the table and leave the room. I need to work off this stress and I can’t bother Mae again. Twice in so many hours is more than enough until she gets used to me.

  I go to the bar and Mae is behind it. She has a cloth in her hand and is chatting happily to her mom. She glances in my direction and I scowl, still playing the role of the annoyed President. “Whiskey, neat,” I grumble. She hesitates. “Which part didn’t you understand?”

  “Everything okay?” she asks and I glare at her. It’s something she would have asked me before we complicated everything, but I’m worried that people will guess when they see her concerned for me.

  “Get me the drink,” I snap, and she raises her eyebrows before turning away from me and getting my drink. Mae slams it on the bar and the amber liquid splashes, a few drops landing on the polished wood. I’m tempted to teach her sassy ass a lesson and have her lick the damn spill up, but she snatches the cloth from her shoulder and wipes it away.

  Bernie smiles weakly. “Kids,” she mutters, causing me to almost choke on my drink. It’s not what I need to hear after I just fucked Mae against my office wall.

  “We’re on lockdown, Bernie,” I growl. “Until further notice. Spread the word and make sure the club girls are on hand for the men; we’ll all need to work off our pent up aggression.”

  “You got it,” says Bernie.

  “Wow,” huffs Mae. “Work off pent up aggression? Will you be doing that, Pres?” It’s what I’d normally do, before her. But I can’t tell her that I’ll be taking my frustration out on her fine ass, not with her mother sitting right next to me. “It’s not fair on the ladies stuck here. What about me and Piper?” she goes on.

  “You want me to hire male gigolos?” I offer, adding a smirk.

  “Mae, please stop. What’s gotten into you today?” snaps Bernie. Her cell rings in her hand. “That’s Angel now, I’ll let her know to come here.”

  I wait until she moves away from the bar before I lunge forward, leaning across the bar and getting in Mae’s face. “Pushing your luck, baby. Keep running that smart mouth and I’ll be filling it up to keep it busy.” Mae’s face flushes. “And for the record, you spill my whiskey again like that and I’ll have you licking it up while I fuck you over this bar.” I want so badly to kiss her smart mouth. She’s pouting and it’s sexy as hell.

  “At some point, we’re gonna have to talk about what’s going on, Ace. I don’t want to label it or push you into anything, but I can’t watch you with the club girls.”

  I smile; she doesn’t even know that she’s completely bewitched me and it’s cute. “There’s nothing to talk about, Mae. You got me.” She looks confused and before I can clarify, Piper takes a seat next to me.

  “Lockdown, what the hell, Pres? I have college.”

  “Speak to your tutor; get them to send work, video seminars, whatever. Just don’t go sneaking off. I know what you and Lucy are like together.” Since they met last year, they’ve become real good friends. It’s nice to see and means Lucy is more likely to stick around. “No encouraging her either, Pip, this is to keep her and that little one safe.”

  Piper gives me her most innocent look, but I don’t fall for it; she’s the crazy one out of the kids around here. That thought sends a jolt to my heart and my eyes fall to Mae, who is wiping glasses and staring at Piper.

  Mae, Piper, they’re all kids from the club. It’s how everyone sees them. What the hell’s everyone gonna say when they find out about me and Mae? I shake the thought away. I can’t worry about that shit now, not when we have Tag’s father running around like a crazy idiot. One thing I know I can’t do is stop. It feels right, even though all the signs are pointing to wrong.

  Mae catches my serious expression and without words, tips her head and mouths the question, ‘Are you okay?’. I nod, but she doesn’t look convinced. She grabs the whiskey bottle and tops up my glass, smirking and spilling extra on the bar top. I quirk my eyebrow and she presses her lips together, stifling her grin. All kinds of images flash through my mind, mostly of her naked and me licking the amber liquid from various parts of her anatomy. “Whoops, silly me. Sorry, Pres.” She lifts my glass and wipes the spillage again. “I’ll pay for that later.” My eyes shoot to hers in surprise and she grins. “I have no change on me right now but seeing as it’s the second spill, I’ll cover the cost of one shot.”

  “Don’t be silly, Mae, accidents happen. I have a few jobs stacking up in my office that you can do instead. Especially if we’re locked up for the next few days.” I take my glass from her and head back to my office, trying to hide the smile on my face.


  “Oh my god, you’re fucking the Pres!” Piper whisper-hisses. My face instantly

  burns a deep shade of red. “When did that happen?”

  “What?” I say innocently. “No, of course not, what are you talking about?”

  Piper leans closer, her eyes wide. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Mae Molly Grain. I’ve known you my whole life and I know flirting when I see it.”

  I try to come up with excuses, but my mind draws a blank and my mouth opens and closes like a fish. “Oh god, Pip, please don’t tell anyone,” I whisper. The last thing we need right now is to be the gossip of this place. It’ll spook Ace and then he’ll end it. My heart can’t take it when he keeps giving me hope with little hints and possessive remarks.

  Piper covers her mouth. “Jesus Christ, I’m right?” What the actual fuck, Mae?” she growls. “He’s old!”

  “Not that old,” I argue.

  “He knew your dad.”

  “When you put it like that, it sounds bad, but my dad died a long time ago. I really

  Like him, Pip. I tried not to, but I just couldn’t help it.”

  “People used to say he had something about him that would make girls instantly

  fall in love, and now one of my own girls has fallen for it. What is your mom gonna say, and what about Lucy?”

  I grab ahold of her hand and practically squeeze it in desperation. “Please Piper, whatever you do, please don’t tell anyone. We’ve barely made it to twenty-four hours and I don’t know if it’s going anywhere yet. But if you tell anyone then we’ll be over before we’ve even begun.”

  Piper sighs. “Okay,” she mutters. “I won’t tell a soul.”

  I sigh with relief. “Pinky promise?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She sighs, holding out her little finger. We hook together and then smile. “Is he big?” she asks, adding a giggle.

  I shake my head and scowl. “No dirty questions, have some respect.”

  “Fuck respect. If I’m keeping secrets, I want to know everything. It’s the least you owe me, and I need to understand what makes you fall for a guy of his age.”

  I laugh and grab us a bottle of wine. If we’re gonna be locked up for a few days, then we may as well make the most of it.



  “Pres, you might wanna get out there soon. It’s getting outta hand,” shouts Hulk from outside my closed office door. I chuck my pen down on the pile of papers.

��Why can’t you sort it out, Hulk?”

  “Because it’s the women, Pres.”

  I roll my eyes and sigh heavily. “You pussy. Get out there and sort it out. If you can’t pull the women into line, then what fucking hope have you got of dealing with heavy shit? If Tag could hear you now…”

  “Fuck you,” he yells, cutting me off. I smile to myself. Hulk hates it when I say shit like that about Tag. Being compared to the Mafia is insulting to him.

  I groan. I was sick of going over the books anyway. I open the door and Hulk looks surprised. “Oh, I didn’t think you’d actually come out.” Usually I wouldn’t, but it’s been a few hours since I’ve seen Mae and I miss her. I sound like a bitch, a pussy whipped bitch.

  I follow Hulk with Dodge hot on my heels into the main room. It’s busy now that we are on lockdown but, because of the time, at least the kids are in bed.

  I spot the girls that Hulk’s referring to because of the loud giggles and yelling coming from the bar area. Mae sways with a bottle of wine hanging loosely in her hand. Piper is sitting on the table talking animatedly to her. Lucy is watching the pair intently, her head going back and forth between them. “Well, they don’t look too outta hand from here,” I say.

  “Man, you didn’t see them on the table dancing. If they weren’t part of this club, I’d have offered them all a job in the strip bar.”

  I raise my brows and make a mental note to get Mae to show me her moves later. Arms wrap around my neck and from the scent of her strong, overpowering perfume, I know that it’s Angel before I’ve seen her face. We haven’t spoken since she pissed me off in the nightclub, but she holds a drink out for me, which pretty much means she wants to forget the argument and move on.

  I take it and she works her way around my body until she stands in front of me. Her hands rest against my chest, but I make no move to touch her back. Instead, I stare her down until she finally breaks. “Oh, come on. Are you still grumpy over the whole Mae thing?” I don’t respond, and she reaches up and places a kiss on my cheek. “I’m sorry, Pres. Please forgive me.”

  “Get lost, Angel,” scowls Hulk. “He doesn't want you anymore.”

  “What do you know?” she snaps.

  “That’s enough,” I growl, noticing Mae’s attention on us.

  “Well, tell her to fuck off then. You gonna claim her and make her my step-mom? Of course you aren’t, so get rid of her.”

  Angel glowers at him. “You are so annoying.”

  “Jesus, the pair of you are behaving like kids,” I snap, removing her arms from my chest and stepping away from the pair of them.

  I go over to Mae. “You causing trouble in my club?” I mutter, making sure the other girls aren’t paying any attention to us. “I hear you’ve been showing my guys what you can do?”

  “I was dancing. It’s not my fault your guys are like dogs in heat.” She quirks a brow at me; it’s sexy and I smirk.

  “You can show me later. I’ll judge if it’s appropriate for you to behave like that when you belong to me.” I carry on towards the bar, feeling her eyes burning into the back of my head. None of this is like me. The possessive feeling I’ve felt these last few days towards Mae is new to me.

  The last relationship I had was with Hulk’s mom. She was strong and the type of woman that would handle a guy like me, but there was something missing between us. We didn’t have that spark that everyone talks about. When Hulk’s mom disappeared, leaving Hulk with me at just five years old, I vowed to never let a woman into our life like that again. I couldn’t handle putting us through that pain a second time.

  These days, with Hulk being a grown ass man, I don’t have to worry about him getting attached but I still haven't met anyone that piqued my interest enough to want to keep them for myself. Until now. The funny thing about it is that Mae’s been there all along, I just didn’t see it.

  I end up back in my office. I finish off the books and when I resurface many hours later, the place is quiet. Most have gone to bed and the main room is completely empty with the lights turned down low.

  I go upstairs and head straight for Mae’s bedroom. I have an idea, but I’m not sure how adventurous she is. I tap lightly on the door and a minute later, she opens it wearing just a shirt. I take her hand. “Where are we going?” she whispers.

  “I warned you what would happen if you spilled whiskey again,” I say quietly.

  We sneak down the stairs and into the main room. It’s still dark and peaceful, much to my relief. “You can’t be serious, Ace,” she hisses, trying to pull her hand free.

  “Deadly,” I smirk, leading her to the bar.

  I take down the bottle of whiskey and hand it to her. “Do it,” I say and she takes the bottle from me warily.

  “This is crazy. What if someone catches us?” she argues.

  “Pour the damn drink, Mae,” I growl. I watch as she unscrews the bottle top and as she removes it, I unfasten my belt. She eyes me nervously. I nod my head towards the bar and she sighs before tipping some of the whiskey out onto the bar top. Without warning, I bring my hand down across her thighs and she hisses before jumping away from me.

  “What the hell was that?” she growls, rubbing the sore spot. I pop the button on my jeans while smiling at her. I lower them to rest just under my butt and pull out my erection.

  Taking her by the waist, I spin her around so her back is to me. I pull out a silk scarf I found earlier and place it over her mouth. I tie it at the back and then smack her ass again. This time, she jumps but doesn’t make a sound. I rub the area before reaching for her shirt and pushing it up above her ass. I step back and take in the beautiful sight before me. Her round ass is begging to be fucked, but for now I settle for her wet pussy. I drag two fingers through her folds and she bucks against me, groaning deep in her throat. “Shh, baby. You need to be quiet,” I whisper.

  I dip my fingers in the whiskey from the bar top and then pop them in my mouth. I hum my approval. “I need to bottle that,” I groan. “Your pussy and bourbon is the best taste ever. My new favorite.”

  I line myself up with her entrance and push straight in. Mae is shoved forward and slams her hands onto the bar to catch herself. I feel my orgasm rushing forward but I’m not ready to stop yet, so I pull out. I dip my hand in the whiskey again and rub it along my erection. Mae eyes me excitedly; so far, she hasn’t sucked my cock but after her behavior tonight, she’s gonna get on her knees.

  I pull the scarf from her mouth and hold it tight around her neck. “I’m gonna let you lick my cock. Suck it like your life depends on it, Mae,” I warn, and she nods eagerly.

  She lowers to her knees and takes my shaft in her hands. Running her tongue over the head, she licks away the bead of pre-cum. She places her lips over the tip and I watch in awe as she takes in my length, inch by inch. When I hit the back of her throat, she takes a breath in through her nose and then pushes a little further. It feels fucking amazing and I close my eyes in pleasure.

  I resist the urge to fuck her mouth, preferring to let her lead at her own pace. Her cheeks hollow with each suck and her head bobs up and down. I’m close and I grip the scarf and pull it tighter when I see her busy fingers rubbing her pussy vigorously.

  A sound from the kitchen causes us both to freeze. The door opens and Hulk’s shadow stumbles into the main room. I remain still, not wanting to bring his attention this way, but Mae decides it’s the perfect time to run her greedy tongue down my length and over my balls. I curl my hands into tight fists and bite my lip when she pulls me into her mouth again, proceeding to suck me with the skill of a vacuum.

  Hulk is stumbling towards the stairs, and I pray for him to get a move on because I feel the explosion rushing through my body. I begin to shake, my legs almost giving way. I spill my cum into her mouth, biting so hard on my lip that I taste a tinge of blood.

  Mae swallows my seed as it spurts into her mouth in what feels like the longest orgasm I’ve ever had. Hulk closes the door behind him and I almost
fall against the bar, gripping the edge to steady myself. I suck in a few deep breaths.

  “Fuck, Mae,” I groan. She smiles up at me with an innocence that only virgins can claim. “You’ll pay for that,” I pant.


  I never behave like this. Something about being around Ace brings out this daring, crazy person from deep inside me and it feels exhilarating and exciting.

  I smile all the way back to my room. Ace decided to stay back and clean the bar. He didn’t want to risk us bumping into Hulk in case he hadn’t quite stumbled into bed yet.

  I shower with a wide smile on my face and choose a silk night dress to wear for bed. A change from my usual comfortable pajamas or t-shirts.

  I check my cell; there’s a text from Ace saying he’s been delayed but he’ll be with me shortly. I climb into bed and settle down.

  I love the feel of the butterflies that dance in my stomach at the thought of being with him again. When he said I belonged to him earlier tonight, I wanted to kiss him there and then. Those were words I never expected to hear from Ace. My eyes grow heavy and I begin to drift in and out of sleep.

  Some hours later, light shines onto my face, disturbing my slumber. I stretch out and open my eyes. I know instantly that Ace isn’t here and when I glance at the clock, I’m disappointed to see that it’s almost nine in the morning. Ace never came to me. Whatever happened last night must have been important and I find myself dressing quickly, hoping that it isn’t bad news for the club and that everyone, including Ace, is safe.

  Downstairs, I find my mom in the kitchen chatting happily to Queenie. Piper is reading a newspaper at the large dinner table and Angel is staring down at her cell phone. My mom smiles. “Coffee?” she asks and I nod as I take a seat next to Piper. Nothing too bad could have happened or they wouldn’t be acting so normal.

  “It seems quiet in here today; did I miss the breakfast rush?” I ask.


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