Book Read Free

No Chance

Page 28

by Christy Reece

  Gabe nodded and stalked out the door. As was their way if Cole was around, Gabe took the stairs and Skylar got into the elevator with Cole.

  Skylar seemed to be in another world. She’d yet to say anything and she stared at the elevator doors with a sad, almost desperate look. Dammit, he really didn’t like to get involved, but he hated to see two people screw up so badly. Having once had the kind of happiness that every man longs for, he hated it when people were too blind to see it for themselves.

  “If it makes you feel any better, men in love often act like idiots.”

  She gave him a sideways glance and he was relieved to see her mouth turn up slightly. “You sound as though you’ve had experience in that area.”


  “You told me you didn’t have a family. You’re divorced then?”

  As was usual, pain shot through his head and his heart at the same time. But he was the one to start the conversation, so he owed Skylar an answer.


  A soft gasp. “I’m so sorry.”

  He only shrugged. Anything he said would be trivial.

  “Do you have children?”

  A deeper slice of pain slashed through him, and despite himself, he winced. “I did.”

  “My God, what happened?”

  “Home invasion. They came looking for me. Settled for my wife and daughter.”

  “Who? Why would anyone …?” She seemed unable to finish the sentence.

  His dry, cracked laugh held nothing but bitterness. “I was their history teacher … gave them a failing grade. They got kicked off the football team.”

  “My God.”

  Thankfully, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. He hated talking about the past. It wasn’t until recently that he’d even remembered that he had one. And there was still so much he didn’t remember. Damn stupid drugs.

  A couple of minutes later, Gabe met them in front of the elevator. He gave Cole a nod and Skylar a long look. Then, flanking her, the two men led Skylar outside to the waiting limo. All three solemn. All three strangely silent. All three hurting in their own way.


  William nervously chewed his lips as he waited for his wife to join him. Their guests would be arriving any minute now. Those guests would include Skylar and Gabe Maddox. Both healthy and both, more than likely, looking for any opportunity to bring him to his knees.

  The moment after hiring a hit on them, he’d suffered a pang of conscience. Especially knowing that he would be causing his dear friend Jeremiah James a great deal of grief. Then, when they’d escaped with barely a scratch, fury had replaced the guilt. Quickly followed by stark terror. They would know it hadn’t been a random shooting. They would know!

  He hadn’t given up. They still had no proof of his involvement. Going to the police would be pointless. Not only would they be laughed out of the building, he’d have his attorneys filing a defamation claim within the hour. Now it was a chess game.

  His lovely jewel had recently been moved to her permanent residence. And a few days ago, he’d made his very first visit to her. Having her so close, only a good brisk walk away, was heaven and hell. Heaven because he could see her so often; hell because he wanted to be with her all the time. It was always like this at the beginning. An obsession. He would glut himself on his new acquisition until the enormous lust he’d built up inside him had been released. And then, usually two or three visits a week would suffice. Somehow he thought this one might be different. She was so very special.

  Unable to stop himself, William dropped into the nearest chair and relived those moments of perfection.

  She was dressed in virginal white. Oh, he knew quite well she wasn’t a virgin. At least not in the regular sense of the word. But she was a virgin to his desires … a virgin to the lust that only she could appease.

  Sadly, they’d had to drug her a bit. Apparently she’d become quite violent the last time they filmed her. He’d seen a portion of that video and, despite himself, had thoroughly enjoyed those moments … probably more than he should have.

  When he entered the room, she raised her head from the bed the instant she realized she wasn’t alone. Her hazel eyes were slightly dazed and out of focus. Not too much, though. He wanted her aware … wanted her knowing.

  He started walking toward her and her smooth forehead wrinkled slightly in confusion. Yes … she was trying to remember him. She knew him … yet she did not.

  “Hello, my dear.”

  He watched her slender white neck move as she swallowed nervously. “Who are you?”

  “I’ve come to save you, Kendra.”

  She struggled to sit up, her eyes squinting slightly as if she was having trouble focusing. Then she got to her knees. Oh, what a pretty picture she made. Her nipples, dusky and dewy, pressed against the material as it tightened against her lovely breasts.

  “But who are you?”

  “You remember me, don’t you?”

  He stayed in the middle of the room. Let her come to him … let her seek him out.

  Throwing her slender legs over the side of the bed, she stood. Then she began to walk toward him, albeit a little unsteadily. The closer she got, the harder he grew. Oh, she was delectable … even more beautiful than he remembered.

  “You do look familiar. Are you really going to save me … take me away?”

  “Yes, my dear. I’m taking you away from all of this.”

  Grateful tears pooled in her eyes. “Who are you?”

  “I’m William.”

  Recognition came fast, followed by immediate joy. “You’re Skylar’s friend!”


  “Did she send you?”

  His smile was gentle, compassionate … loving. “Yes, Skylar sent me here to save you.”

  The gratitude and sheer happiness in her expression hit him as it always did, but this time it was even stronger. A surge of immense lust mingled with power. Unbelievable power. He felt omnipotent, invincible. She would do everything he told her to do. He was her savior, her rescuer. Having the connection of Skylar between them would make what they had even stronger. This might well be his most meaningful, fulfilling relationship ever.

  That look of appreciation and gratitude lasted through the sumptuous hot meal he gave her. He fed her himself, insisting she was too weak. She accepted each bite of food like a little bird, her eyes gleaming with gratitude. After dinner, he ordered a warm bath for her, scented with the fragrance of gardenias. She seemed hesitant about him being there, but he told her he feared she was too weak to bathe herself. It had taken all of his considerable willpower not to bathe her himself. That would happen soon, but not yet.

  Just when he thought she might be getting concerned, he provided clothing for her. Real covering for her body. She hadn’t been clothed like that in weeks. Though there were still questions in her eyes, she was too grateful to ask them. She felt safe, warm, happy. Content.

  And then, when he had her where she needed to be in her mind, when she knew he was her only hope, her destiny, he’d painstakingly, but lovingly, showed her how to express her gratitude. Revealed to her what her real purpose in life was. Of course the tears had fallen again, but this time those tears had bathed his naked skin. Remembered pleasure shuddered through him.

  “William, are you all right?”

  Returning to reality was a slam to his senses. William blinked up at his wife of thirty-three years. “Yes, I’m fine. Just waiting for you, my dear.”

  Taking Margo’s hand, he walked down the stairs with her. His eyes roamed over the enormous entrance of his home. Five generations of Harringtons had lived here. His family was one of the oldest and most esteemed in the country. He had children he adored, a wife he loved, and employees depending upon him. He had too much to lose to allow his minor indiscretions to become public.

  As much as he hated to do it, especially with Jeremiah in attendance, another incident would take place. And this time he would make su
re that neither Skylar nor her low-class husband recovered from it.

  Skylar stepped out onto the small balcony of their bedroom. The lush scenery before her and the elegance of the bedroom suite behind her indicated they’d been given preferential treatment.

  Despite the seriousness of their mission here and the knowledge that Gabe didn’t want to stay married to her, she still couldn’t stop the little thrill of delight as Gabe came up behind her and wrapped her in a hard, warm embrace. He was here with her, and until that changed, she would take what ever joy she could get, for as long as she could get it.

  Snuggling her back to his front, she was gratified to feel the erection pressing against her butt. It was his usual reaction when he was this close to her … and one she wholeheartedly shared. The man could turn her on with a smile. Having his body pressed against her could quickly send her into sexual overdrive.

  Gabe’s hand moved her hair off her shoulder. When he pressed a kiss to her bare skin, Skylar shivered.

  But in spite of his iron-hard erection and warm embrace, his words indicated he had more serious things on his mind than making love to her.

  “I checked the room for bugs and cameras. It’s clean.”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “Worries me more than anything.”

  Unwilling to pull away from his arms, Skylar twisted her head slightly and look up at him. “Why does it worry you?”

  “He should want to know what our plans are.”

  “And the fact that he doesn’t tells you what?”

  “That it doesn’t matter what our plans are … his plans are to get rid of us either way.”

  Skylar shivered again, this time in fear. How could a man she’d known most of her life really be planning on having her killed?

  “I should never have agreed to let you come.”

  “You didn’t have a choice, Gabe. You wouldn’t have been invited otherwise.”

  He blew out a sigh. “You’re right. And as much as I don’t want you here, it could very well pay off. The man’s obviously got some damn good security. Outside and inside. He’s got things here he doesn’t want anyone to know about.”

  She turned in his arms to look up at him. “But you still don’t think she’s here at his estate, do you?”

  “No. That’d be too dangerous.”

  “Gabe, the properties around here are owned by some of the wealthiest and oldest families in the country.”

  “And your point is?”

  “There aren’t any abandoned houses or empty buildings where he could be holding her.”

  “Doesn’t mean he doesn’t own another property … under another name. She’s close, Skye … I can feel it.”

  Being a woman who believed in gut instinct and one who had total faith in the man in front of her, she drew in a long, controlled breath, trying her best not to get too excited.

  “So what are we going to do?”

  “You’re going to stick to me like flies on a watermelon.”

  She giggled. Gabe rarely used one of his homespun analogies, but when he did, she was delighted. And it had broken a bit of the tension, as he had planned.

  “Am I the watermelon or the fly?”

  His eyes darkening to midnight blue, he said, “You’re definitely watermelon. Sweet. Syrupy. Delicious.” His mouth covered hers.

  Skylar groaned under the scorching kiss. Timeless moments passed as they blocked out everything but the burning passion that could ignite so quickly between them.

  Breathless and glowing, she finally pulled away and said, “Once this is over—Kendra’s safe and William’s in jail—we’re going to talk about the future.”

  The words were out before she could stop them. How stupid. She’d seen the truth in his eyes earlier. Why open up the gaping hole in her heart again? Damn idiotic optimism. The blank expression that slid over his face was like another stab to her heart … one that had been damaged too much already.

  Pulling out of his arms, she put as much distance between them as the small balcony would allow and turned away. It was lousy timing, but suddenly she had to know for sure. And cowardly it might be, but she couldn’t face him as she said, “You don’t want a future with me, do you, Gabe?”

  His ragged sigh gave her fair warning that his words wouldn’t be what she wanted to hear. Not that she really needed the warning.

  “This isn’t the time to talk about the future, Skye.”

  Willing herself courage, she whirled and said, “Answer the question, dammit. At least have the guts to say goodbye to my face this time.”

  “I’m not saying goodbye. And what do you mean, have the guts to say it to your face? I wasn’t the one who destroyed everything eight years ago.”

  “No, not yet you’re not, but you’ve made it pretty clear that when this is over, we’re over.” She straightend her spine and gathered her courage. She’d never said anything to him about this. It was time she did. “You knew where I was, Gabe. For eight years. That phone call and letter might have deterred you early on, but you had years when you could have gotten in touch with me. You never tried.”

  His jaw clenched, he snapped, “I tried and got my ass kicked. I told you that.”

  “You work for an organization that can infiltrate almost any company, any agency, so don’t tell me that in eight years you couldn’t get to me. I’m not buying it. Don’t act like an innocent victim. You abandoned me.”

  Ice couldn’t be colder than the expression on his face. “Blame me all you want, sweetheart. You’re the one who started it all with your lies.”

  Despair washed through her. He was right about that. She had started it all. But there were no longer any secrets between them and he still didn’t want to be married to her.

  “You’re right, Gabe. I’ve apologized several times already. Here’s one more … but it’s the last one.” She drew a breath. “I’m sorry … sorrier than you’ll ever know … that I didn’t tell you the truth. And if it makes it easier for you to blame me for everything, then go right ahead. I’m a big girl; I can take it.”

  Before she could belie those brave words by crumpling at his feet and sobbing her heart out, she glanced down at her watch. Though her eyes swam with tears, she could just make out the time. “We’ll be late for dinner if we don’t go down now.”

  She went to walk past him. In her peripheral vision, she saw his hand shoot out to stop her. She almost stopped on her own, but waited for his touch. It never came. He dropped his hand and said, “Stay close to me, Skye. Don’t let your anger put you in danger.”

  A thick, mountainous lump of emotion prevented her from speaking. She merely nodded and took another step toward the bedroom. The reminder had been appropriate. So what if she now had an empty space where her heart used to be? Saving Kendra and putting William away were the reasons she was here. The reasons Gabe was with her. When that was done, they were done.

  “One more thing. The necklace I gave you. Keep it on at all times.”

  She jerked around at his request. “Why?”

  “It has a GPS device. If we somehow get separated, I can track you.”

  Nodding numbly, Skylar escaped back inside the room before he could do any more damage. He’d already ripped her heart out by his rejection. How could he hurt her any more? But she couldn’t deny that he had. A gift she thought was given to her out of affection had actually been just a device to keep up with her. The protection might well be necessary but it didn’t prevent the crushing blow of the truth.

  His hand at her waist, Gabe led Skye into the enormous dining room of the Harrington mansion. Though only a hundred or so people were supposed to be in attendance, to Gabe there seemed to be a thousand times that number. The crowd pressed in on him, causing his pulse to race and his breathing to increase. Dammit, not now!

  “Are you all right?”

  Despite how he’d hurt this woman and her worry for her friend, she was concerned for him. Skylar James had more courage than most p
eople had in their little finger … including him.

  “I’m fine,” he said.

  Damned if he’d allow his weakness to mess up this operation. Skye had called him a coward earlier and she’d been right. He was too afraid to try to make a future with her.

  She’d been right on the money that he could have gotten to her. He should have … if nothing other than to end their marriage. But he had been cowardly in that as well. Because despite the fact that they hadn’t really had a marriage, if he’d sought a divorce, ended things permanently, that would have been a finality he wouldn’t have been able to face.

  Now he had no choice but to end it. The difference in their backgrounds couldn’t be rectified. Skye wanted him now, but what would happen when all this excitement had passed? When her normal life resumed? When she had to start telling people the truth about him? He couldn’t face her disillusionment when she realized her mistake. Better to face it now, before it totally destroyed both of them.

  “Would a drink help? Or do you want to go outside?”

  Get your head out of your ass and do your job. The snarling inner lecture centered him. He was here for a reason. Personal problems had to be put on the back burner.

  “No, let’s mingle awhile. Then we’ll see if we can do a little exploring.”

  Her smile was one he’d seen her adopt when she wanted to appear happy and serene, but Skye’s eyes told a different story. Concern for him, worry for Kendra, and heartbreak. Nevertheless, she knew her priority. She gazed around at the crowd and murmured, “Are we going to talk with William?”

  William and his wife, Margo, had greeted them when they first arrived. Both had acted as if they were welcoming honored guests to their home. No hostility, nothing clandestine. Which put Gabe on alert even more. Harrington thought he had all his bases covered.

  “Let’s not seek them out. If William wants to come see us, we’ll let him. If not, we’ll just socialize for a few minutes. Then we’ll pretend we’re so into each other we need to be alone for a while.”

  Her smile a bit strained, she said, “Sorry you have to pretend.”


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