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Off Course

Page 18

by Doug Farren

  Until today, AJ had never met Rafael Santho. He now understood why the man was so successful. There was an almost physical power in the way he looked at AJ. The man's gaze seemed to strip away all defenses, forcing AJ to answer his question with the utmost truth.

  “Short term,” AJ finally managed to say, “I would like to captain the ship that returns the Keldans back to their home world. I would like to make sure that the technology we've given them will allow them to save their people. I would enjoy showing the first Keldans their new home planet once one is found. After that, I would love the challenge of increasing the efficiency of your fleet.”

  Rafael leaned back in the chair, nodded his head and smiled. “I can see why my daughter fell in love with you.”

  “About your daughter …”

  Rafael held up his hand, stopping AJ from saying anything more. “You don't need to explain anything. I sometimes think I know my daughter better than she knows herself. When Heather first told me she’d fallen for someone but that he didn't know it yet, I suspected she had set her eyes on you. I fully support her choice.”

  Rafael stood up, causing AJ to quickly follow. Picking up his beer, he held it up and said, “Welcome to the Santho family!” Two beer bottles clinked together and a friendship was solidified.

  “She didn't tell me that you would be aboard the shuttle,” AJ said.

  “That was my idea,” Rafael admitted. “Heather's not the only one that likes to spice things up a bit. You handled the situation quite well.”

  “Thank you Sir.”

  “Drop the sir AJ. You and I are now family. You have proposed to her – haven't you?”

  “I … um … I was waiting to get your permission first.”

  Rafael clapped AJ soundly on the shoulder. “A man of tradition – I like that! Of course you have my permission.”

  AJ downed the rest of his beer then replied, “Thank you Sir … ah … Rafael.”

  Rafael helped himself to another Yuengling, grabbing another one for AJ as he did so. “Now – as for your earlier requests. I can guarantee that you will remain as captain of the Star-Pulse when she heads back to Ashnib. She's going to be fully loaded too. Once we clear the cargo from her holds, the ship is going to be packed with everything the Keldans need to help kick-start their technological revolution. There are donations coming in from every corner of the planet. Everything from small components to compact fusion power systems to entire shuttles are being donated.”

  AJ cracked the cap off the beer and took a small sip. “Have they found a suitable planet the Keldans can call home yet?”

  Rafael settled back into the chair he had originally occupied. “No, and it doesn't look like we'll find one in currently explored space. All of the known habitable worlds are spoken for with fledgling colonies already in place. Uprooting them would be a nightmare. Besides, it's a long haul from Ashnib to this part of space. The Keldans might want to find a place closer to their current system and there are plenty of people willing to help them look. Don't worry, we'll find a suitable planet for them.”

  AJ decided not to sit but instead, leaned against a wall. “When will I be heading back?”

  “I'm guessing about six weeks. The negotiations have to conclude first – a few days at most, the Star-Pulse needs to be properly repaired, and all the cargo going back with you will have to be loaded. Until then, I am ordering you and your entire crew to get some much needed time off the ship.”

  AJ stood straight up. “What? Who's going to oversee - - -”

  “A temporary replacement crew is already being selected,” Rafael interrupted. “Your crew will notice that a significant bonus has already been deposited into their accounts. As for you and Heather, you're going to need some place to hide out from the media. There's a very private resort on a small island off the coast of Africa that I own. I want you and Heather to accept my invitation to spend your leave there.”

  AJ was stunned. Rafael was also right about the media. “I would have to discuss it with Heather.”

  Rafael smiled and nodded his head. “That's something else I like about you – you're not the type of person to make an important decision without discussing it with your partner. She's already said yes.”

  “Well then – I guess I should pack my bags.”

  Chapter 25

  “Cargo offload is complete,” Second Class Petty Officer Jerome King announced.

  “Very well,” AJ replied.

  Unlike previous cargo offloads, this one had not been a race against the clock for the sake of efficiency. The ship had been packed beyond normal capacity and it had taken nearly six days to unload. The Keldans simply didn't have the storage space to hold so much material.

  Glancing at the time, AJ got up and said, “I guess I'd better get going. Jerome, you have the bridge.”

  “Aye Sir! Enjoy yourself.”

  “I'd rather be minding the store,” AJ said, not bothering to hide his dislike for where he was heading.

  Heather was in the shower when AJ walked into his stateroom. Popping his head in the bathroom he said, “Hey love!”

  Heather slid the door open a crack and peaked out. “I just got in – join me?”

  Although the shower was technically not built for two, AJ's uniform quickly hit the floor.

  “You're sure you're going to be okay?” Heather asked, the concern evident in her voice.

  “Are you kidding?” he light-heartedly replied, turning around so she could soap his back. “A handful of humans in a room full of giant spiders with me the guest of honor? No problem!”

  “You're worried, aren't you?”

  “Just a bit,” he replied, turning around and wrapping his arms around her. “But as long as you stick close to me I'll be just fine.”

  Heather gave him a squeeze then stepped back a bit. She looked down and said, “We don't have time for that. This dinner is for you and it wouldn't be a good idea for the guest of honor to show up late.”

  “I can't help it,” AJ smiled. “You bring out the best in me.”

  “Hurry up and rinse so I can wash my hair. It's going to take me an hour to get ready.”

  During their five and a half month absence, the Keldans had made remarkable progress in understanding and assimilating human technology. They had built and tested several gravitic-based devices and were in the process of building a factory to mass produce them. A prototype fusion reactor was under construction and plans for several different types of Keldan ships based on the new technology were well under development. Construction of their fleet of ships had been halted until it could be determined if they should be modified or scrapped in favor of a new design.

  In addition to the tremendous outpouring of donations stuffed into the cargo hold of the Star-Pulse, three high capacity cargo shuttles had been donated. The shuttles were not capable of hyperjump travel and had to be transported to Ashnib by AJ's freighter. Because of their size, they could not simply be attached to the hull since they would impinge upon the hyperjump drive field. To allow the Star-Pulse to transport the shuttles, the freighter had been modified. The hull was altered to provide a recessed area for each of the shuttles. Of course, this had necessitated a three week delay in their departure from Earth.

  Each of the shuttles had also come with a crew of three which required a change in berthing assignments for the return trip. Heather, now officially AJ's fiancé, moved into the captain's stateroom. Following their lead, Lora moved in with Patrick. The Star-Pulse was equipped with three spare staterooms and, since three of the new passengers were women, it only made sense for all the men and two of the women to double up leaving one of the women, chosen by lottery, to occupy the remaining room.

  The Keldans were free to use the three shuttles in any way they deemed necessary. Within hours of this news, all work on Keldan launch vehicles was halted – their chemical rockets having been instantly rendered obsolete. The Star-Pulse would remain in orbit around Ashnib to act as a refueling and repa
ir station for the shuttles until the Keldans could build their own.

  Three exploration vessels were also dispatched to the Keldan star system to begin the process of finding them a new home planet. Two had already arrived with the third expected to jump in-system within the next day. It was fully expected that more help would be arriving as soon as word of the Keldan's situation spread to other systems.

  The incredible outpouring of assistance stunned the Keldans. Their only experience with another species had been with the Akuta and that had left them with such a bad memory they naturally expected the other races to turn a blind eye to their plight. After recovering from their shock, the Keldans decided to show their appreciation by hosting a party for the humans.

  Heather was putting her earrings in when the intercom whistled for attention. AJ tapped his wrist-com and said, “AJ here.”

  “Sorry to bother you Skipper,” Jerome's voice issued from the tiny communications device. “I think you should get up here.”

  “We're about to leave for the party,” AJ replied a bit annoyed. “What's wrong?”

  “An unknown ship jumped into the system about 30 minutes ago. At first I thought it was the other explorer but when I didn't pick up an identification beacon, I sent them a query. I just got their reply – it's the Ba'Rutu.”

  AJ shot up out of his chair so fast he nearly pulled a muscle. Heather dropped the earring she had been trying to insert into the hole in her earlobe and looked at AJ, her face ashen.

  “On my way!” AJ yelled into his wrist-com. Looking at Heather he said, “Come on.”

  The immaculately dressed couple appeared on the bridge in under a minute. AJ did not bother to take the time to close the hatch behind him. “Replay their message,” he ordered.

  Jerome had anticipated the request and had his finger poised above the appropriate button. Before the Captain had completed his sentence, the message from the Ba'Rutu was playing. “I am Captain Arua Tarsonit of the Ba'Rutu. Although the ship I am commanding is a warship, our intentions are peaceful. We are approaching Ashnib and will hold position one-hundred thousand kilometers from the planet. We would like to speak to the leader of the Keldans as well as a representative from any other species that may be present. I await your reply.”

  AJ's lips were pressed tightly together. Coming to a quick decision, he said, “Computer!”

  “Yes captain?” the machine replied through a speaker on the command console.

  “Tell the Keldan computer to locate President Betreath and ask him to establish a communications link with us as soon as possible. Tell him it’s an emergency.”

  “Acknowledged. The Keldan president is currently at the airport where you are scheduled to meet him. He will be available in a few moments.”

  “What the hell do they want?” Heather asked. “It seemed pretty clear to me when we first met them that they wanted nothing to do with us or the Keldans.”

  “I have no idea,” AJ replied. “Jerome, have you picked them up on radar yet?”

  Jerome turned and checked his console. “I do have a faint contact approaching at high speed. From the inconsistent radar image I would say that would be them. Distance is 183 thousand kilometers.”

  “Captain,” President Betreath's voice issued from the speaker, “I've been told you urgently need to speak to me.”

  AJ quickly briefed the President and replayed the message again for his benefit. “Our computer can multiplex our communications so the Ba'Rutu can speak to us at the same time. Are you ready to proceed?”

  “I am.”

  “Jerome, give us ship-to-ship on an open mike.”

  Jerome made the required adjustments and said, “Link open.”

  “Ba'Ruta warship, this is Captain Zak of the Earth freighter Star-Pulse. I’ve been designated as the acting human ambassador to the Keldans. The Keldan President has been linked into this communications channel. Are you receiving us?”

  “We are receiving you. Please direct your computer to initiate a data interchange request using any form of communications desired. While the computers establish a method of exchanging information I will explain why we are here.”

  AJ signaled for Jerome to carry out the command. “Our computer will begin communicating shortly. Why are you here Captain?”

  “I have a message from my central government which I’ve been asked to play for you.” There was a short delay and then another voice began speaking.

  “My name is Voshni Plern. I represent the central government of the Ba'Rutu. Centuries ago, our race, along with two other technologically equal races, established a relationship with a less advanced civilization called the Akuta. After several decades of peaceful coexistence, the Akuta turned on us. A terrible war resulted lasting several hundred years. Many millions of people lost their lives.

  “We felt responsible for what the Akuta had become and laws were passed prohibiting our race from interacting with other cultures less technologically advanced than our own. We have placed monitoring stations in thousands of star systems. Our computers use these stations to alert us if the Akuta return. These same computers have listened in on your communications which is how we know your languages.

  “When we learned of the impending destruction of the Keldans, a race we had saved from the Akuta, we realized our policy of isolation is flawed. We reviewed the records, which we’ve ignored until now, from our monitoring stations and were surprised to learn that several cultures have been living peacefully together for a number of years.

  “The Ba'Rutu are ashamed. In our ignorance, we could have allowed an entire race of people to be utterly destroyed. We did not know of the existence of the approaching brown dwarf. Had we maintained even minimal contact with the Keldans, we would have known of this and possibly helped them evacuate their people.

  “We are in the process of reviewing and revising our laws. While this is being done, we have authorized Captain Arua Tarsonit to provide you with information which should enable you to construct a hyperspace transceiver. We will also provide you with a detailed map of all the stars we have in our database. Do not attempt to approach any that are identified as belonging to any other race.

  “As soon as he has delivered this information to you, he will depart. Rest assured, the Ba'Rutu will no longer ignore the existence of other cultures. We will contact you again when we determine the extent of our involvement in your affairs.

  “Captain Tarsonit will not respond to any further communications from you. For now, please accept our gift. End transmission.”

  There was an audible click and the communications console indicated that the link had been cut. There was silence on the bridge until the President's voice rang out, “Captain?”

  AJ was jolted back to reality. He was still trying to digest what the Ba'Rutu had said. “I'm here Mr. President.”

  “Am I to believe that the Ba'Rutu have given us the means of locating a new home for my people?”

  “Indeed they have,” AJ replied. “They've probably surveyed every star system in this part of the galaxy. If there are any habitable planets nearby, I'm sure they will know about them.”

  “This is exceptionally good news!”

  “I agree. I also believe the hyperspace transceiver they mentioned will enable us to communicate across interstellar distances. We humans have been searching for a way of doing that for a very long time.”

  “It sounds like we have a lot to celebrate,” Betreath said. “I hope you’re still planning on attending the celebration.”

  “I’ll be there,” AJ replied.

  After the link with the surface was cut, Jerome said, “Captain, the computer is using six high-speed com channels.”

  “Computer – status.” AJ ordered.

  “A data interchange protocol has been created between myself and the Ba'Rutu computer. Data transfer is in progress.”

  “Well,” AJ said, getting up from the command chair and extending a hand towards Heather. “The Keldans are waiting
. Shall we go?”

  Heather performed a partial curtsy, took AJ's hand and replied, “By all means my love. I believe our chariot awaits.”

  Chapter 26

  The intercom on AJ's desk gently beeped. Pressing the top of the small device he said, “Yes?”

  “Your wife is on hypercom channel three,” a female voice replied.

  “Thank you Tanya.”

  “You're welcome Mr. Zak.”

  No matter how many times he tried to correct his staff, they still insisted on calling him Mr. Zak – he had learned to accept it. AJ activated his desktop and touched a series of controls that seemed to float on the surface. A moment later, the video monitor to his left came to life. Heather's smiling face greeted him.

  “Kisses!” he said, smiling back. “Heading home yet?”

  Heather pursed her lips, “Kisses! I should be able to catch the next ship out. The Keldans have agreed to the forest deal – the company now owns all the harvestable trees on Ishneb. I should have a deforestation schedule in a day or so, and then I can head home.”

  “Good job! It still doesn't seem right though.”

  “Why not?” Heather cocked her head to one side. “The entire planet is going to be destroyed anyway. Why not strip it of everything we can before then? Besides, you know as well as I that it makes good financial sense.”

  Heather, of course, was correct. Trans-Stellar Cargo had dedicated four freighters to the evacuation of the Keldans from their doomed planet. The company was simply looking for ways to recover the lost revenue from those ships.

  “It might make financial sense,” AJ replied, but it still seems wrong.” AJ pulled up a schedule on another monitor. “Looks like the Milwaukee is the next ship scheduled to depart for Earth. She's due to arrive soon but won't be leaving for another week.”

  “Don't worry, I'll be on it. What about you – will you be there when I arrive?”


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