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Falling Sweetly: Starling Falls II

Page 23

by Willows,Aidan

  “Monday? Why Monday? What’s wrong with tomorrow?” Aunt Deb crossed her arms over her chest.

  I gaped at her. “Tomorrow? But tomorrow is Sunday.”

  The assholes around the table started snickering unhelpfully.

  “The sooner, the better, Jacob! Time and tide wait for no man. There’s a lot to do and not a lot of time.”

  Remember 30 seconds ago when you thought working with your aunt would be good idea? Yeah, you were an idiot.

  “But… it’s Sunday,” I said, sad that my plans of spending the day in bed with Niki had been derailed. “Niki and I had plans.”

  “You must have a To Do list longer than your arm. Plans can wait until after you’re all ready for the grand opening. You understand, don’t you, Cutie?”

  Niki looked amused. I threw her a look which screamed ‘help me’ but the little minx merely shrugged and said, “Of course,” clearly choosing whose side she was on.

  I grumbled under my breath as Niki and Aunt Deb handed out plates of the dessert.

  Josh smirked happily. “Have fun, bro.”

  Aunt Deb frowned at everyone around the table. “I don’t know what all of you are looking so happy about. When I said we have work to do, I meant all of us. We’re all heading over to the restaurant tomorrow morning.”

  The loud groans around the table were silenced by a trademark Debbie Jameson glare.

  “You know, Aunt Deb, I would love to, but I have a lot of work to finish up at the shop,” Alex said looking devastated, which we all saw through immediately.

  “Alexander Jameson, if your butt is not at your brother’s restaurant with everyone else, there will be hell to pay.”

  He shrugged. “It was worth a try.”

  “Aunt Deb,” Niki said gently. “Why don’t we have breakfast at the bakery, and then all go over together?”

  Aunt Deb smiled fondly and stroked Niki’s hair. “Okay, Cutie. That works too.”

  What the fuck? And she says she doesn’t have favourites. The lies!

  She sat back down at the table. “Eat fast people.”

  I exchanged glances with the rest of the table who ranged from looking annoyed that their plans for Sunday had been changed (Josh, Alex and Nate), to amused that we were being bossed around yet again by Aunt Deb.

  Eating resumed, when Liya asked, “So, who did you find to decorate the place?”

  “Tisha’s friend is supposed to be showing me her ideas for the restaurant on Monday.”

  “Tisha has friends?” Josh asked, and Niki who was sitting next to him smacked him on the arm.

  “Be nice. Of course Tisha has friends.”

  I didn’t say it out loud, but I had been just as surprised by the fact that Tisha had other friends besides me and Martina.

  “Send her a message and ask if she can bring the designer to the bar tomorrow, pumpkin. If we can make plans to start on painting and decorating this week it would be great,” Aunt Deb ordered, and I sighed and pulled out my phone, knowing there was no point in arguing with her.

  “Yes, Aunt Deb.”

  That’s a phrase you better get used to saying.

  * * * * *

  Tensions were running high. Dinner had somehow turned into dinner and game night. There were two rounds of Pictionary left, and the score was tied.

  Caleb’s team consisting of Addie, Josh, Aunt Deb and a reluctant Nate were up next. Addie, by far the worst artist of the bunch, stepped up to a whiteboard and drew what looked to be a stick figure with three monsters, next to a blob with several rocks around them.

  “Jaws! Godzilla! A troll!” Josh yelled manically, and Addie shook her head vehemently.

  “Hansel and Gretel?” Aunt Deb guessed, and Addie pointed at the stick figure on the board.

  “Snow White?” Caleb offered, looking puzzled, and Addie rolled her eyes.

  “Could really use your help here, man,” Josh said to an amused looking Nate.

  “Zombie apocalypse?” he suggested, and Addie gaped at him.

  “Time’s up!” Alex said triumphantly.

  Addie groaned. “It’s obviously Cinderella! The theme was fairy tales! Since when does Godzilla and zombie apocalypses count as fairy tales?”

  “How the hell is that Cinderella?” Josh thundered, and he and Addie began their usual game night argument, as Aunt Deb spoke loudly over them. “Let’s take a break, shall we?”

  “Thank God,” I muttered as we all left Josh and Addie to their bickering.

  Deciding to get another conversation out of the way, I went searching for Nate and found him getting a beer from the fridge. He held one out to me, and I nodded my thanks.

  “Can I talk to you?” My older brother nodded and made his way to the backyard porch.

  “What’s up?” he asked, as he pulled the top off the bottle.

  “I’m being sued.”

  The bottle that was halfway to his mouth froze. “What the fuck for?”

  I explained to him about Douglas-The-Dick and what had happened outside the bar. His expression turned annoyed as I finished telling him what happened.

  “Niki didn’t show any interest?”

  I shook my head. “She was backing away from him, she was obviously not interested.”

  “What a fucking ass,” he muttered.

  “I agree. Anyway, do you know the number of a good lawyer?”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, I do. Come by the office tomorrow, and bring the papers with you. I’ll sort it.”

  “Thanks, Nate.” I sighed in relief. “Be honest, how serious is this? How much trouble am I in?”

  My brother’s stern expression softened, and he clapped me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Jake. It’ll sort it.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but I trusted Nate so chose to drop the topic.

  We both sipped on our beers, staring out into the darkness of the yard.

  “How you been?” Nate asked, surprising me as my older brother was not one for small talk.

  “Well apart from this fucking lawsuit, great.” I grinned. “Got my girl, got my restaurant. Things seem to be coming together.”

  Nate smiled one of his rare smiles. “Good. She makes you happy?”

  “Happier than I’ve ever been in my life.” Deciding to make the most of his temporary chattiness, I asked, “How ‘bout you, big bro? Been seeing any lucky ladies?”

  He snorted. “Yeah, that’s what I need now. A fucking relationship. I’ll pass thanks.”

  I studied Nate carefully. It was an unspoken issue amongst us, but we were all worried about him. If he didn’t let down those walls he’d built up, he would end up alone forever, a thought which troubled me deeply.

  I wanted to see my brother get the happiness he deserved. Our mother had managed to fuck us all up to some extent, but Nate had to deal with the brunt of her neglect.


  “Jake,” he said warningly. “Leave it alone.”


  “Got Aunt Deb bugging me. Don’t need it from you, too. Okay?”

  I nodded reluctantly. “Fine. But it’s not a bad thing to find someone to love.”

  He snorted again. “What’s with you guys? You start dating and suddenly want to play matchmaker.”

  “You deserve to be happy, bro. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Nate stared at me with an unreadable expression, and I shrugged.

  Aunt Deb poked her head out the door. “Break’s over. You’re up, pumpkin.”

  “Great,” I told her before turning to Nate. “Come on. Uncle Jeremy guessing fairy tales is not something you’re going to want to miss.”


  A month later


  “Jake?” My voice rang through the house, and Jake walked downstairs with a large cookie in his hand to meet me. I dropped the overnight bag that was in my hands when he gathered me into his arms and took my mouth in a kiss that left me panting for more.

  He bro
ke off, looking confused, but happy. “Hey, babe. What are you doing here? I thought I was going to pick you up and head straight to the cabin?”

  I smiled and he trailed kisses down my neck. “Liya came over for breakfast so she gave me a ride here on her way to work.”

  He pressed a final kiss on the curve of my neck. “Well, this is a nice surprise. You all ready to go?”

  The end of September had been unseasonably warm, so as an early birthday present, and a break before the restaurant opening, Jake had decided to take me away to a remote romantic cabin in the woods for a night.

  Being a nature lover, I was thrilled, and couldn’t wait to get up there to start our weekend.

  I gestured to my bag. “Yup. I pack light.” I tiptoed, balancing myself by wrapping my arms around his waist. “I’m so excited! I’ve never been to the trails on the southern part of the mountain range.”

  He pressed another kiss to my lips, and reluctantly pulled away. “Hmm, as much as I would like to drag you up to my room and turn this vacation into a staycation, we should get going. I just need to pack real quickly, and then we can go.”

  I stole the last half of the cookie from his hand, and he arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Okay no problem, I’ll just hang out in the kitchen until you’re done.” I started to move away when he pulled me back for another kiss. “Jake,” I laughed. “At this rate we’re not going to make it to the cabin before nightfall.”

  “Okay, okay,” he grumbled heading toward the stairs. “Oh while you’re in there try the lemon bars I made, babe, and let me know if you think there’s too much lemon.”

  “Yes, sir.” I licked the crumbs from the cookie off my thumb, and sent him a playful wink, which turned into a wide grin when he groaned, and I heard him mumble about me being a tease as he stomped up the stairs.

  I sauntered into the kitchen feeling rather good about myself.

  Tease is a title I could get used to.

  As the thought popped into my mind, it dawned on me just how much I’d changed in the two months Jake and I had been dating.

  The same old insecurities echoed in my head from time to time, but Jake had become adept at recognising the look in my eyes, and before I could become fixated on my flaws, he would distract me.

  My face heated as I recalled exactly how inventive he had been with his last distractions. I was still in mourning for my favourite pair of underwear that had been torn beyond repair.

  I reached out and took a bite of a lemon bar on the counter, eyeing the brownies next to them as well.

  I turned when Nate came into the kitchen with an overnight bag slung over his shoulder. I rapidly tried to chew and swallow the mouthful of cake I’d taken. “Hi, Nate.”

  The corner of his mouth curved, which I took to be a smile. “Hey. You excited?”

  I nodded. “Can’t wait! I love hiking, and the trails there are supposed to be gorgeous.”

  He nodded and there was more silence. “So where are you going?” I gestured to his bag.

  “Chicago. Client issues.”

  “Oh. Everything okay?”

  “It will be,” he said curtly.

  “You’ll be back for the opening of the restaurant next weekend though, right?”

  “Yeah I will. Have fun,” he rumbled and turned to leave before he stopped and turned back to me. “Happy birthday for tomorrow.”

  With a sudden burst of confidence, I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I smiled to myself when he stiffened and patted me awkwardly on the back.

  “Thanks, Nate.” I released him, tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. I was treated to a rare Nate Jameson smile before he left the kitchen.

  Feeling rather happy with myself, I wandered back to the counter and picked up another brownie.

  In for a penny…


  Niki flipped through the channels on the radio. “How long is the drive?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Aaand how long have we been in the car?”

  I frowned, but looked at the time on the dashboard. “About half an hour.”

  “I feels like it’s been sooo much longer,” she sighed slouching in her chair.

  I’d been rather pleased with myself and my choice of gift for Niki as, according to Liya, it was the perfect gift since her sister loved “all that nature crap.”

  I’d managed to get her sister’s blessing to steal her away for her birthday, and had a day of hiking planned, followed by a night of being with my girl naked in an outdoor hot tub under the stars.

  Though the way she was acting had me worried. She seemed bored but was fidgeting too. Her fingers were tracing the lines on the glove compartment and her seat before she turned to the windows, tracing invisible shapes on the glass.

  “Babe. You feeling okay?”

  “Mmmhmm,” she purred. “Oh wow. The leaves have changed colour. Look how pretty the colours are!”

  Niki turned back in her seat and made her fingers walk up my arm, and she pressed on my nose. “Just. Like. You. So handsome.” Her fingers started trying to undo the top button of my shirt.

  “Whoa. Niki, I’m driving.”

  “So? Are you opposed to a little fun while driving? Maybe I can persuade you,” she said saucily, and my heart stuttered as she massaged my cock through my jeans.

  The car swerved slightly before I managed to get it under control, and I pulled over at the side of the road.

  I gaped at her. “Niki! What the hell is going on with you?”

  “I dunno. I feel sorta funny, but good.” I peered into her eyes. The beautiful chocolate browns orbs seemed slightly glazed over.

  “Baby, are you drunk?”

  “Nuh-uh! It’s the morning. Who gets drunk at 10 am? I haven’t had anything to eat apart from toast and the lemon bars and brownies you made…Those brownies were gooood.”

  “What brownies?” I frowned, trying to recall what she could be talking about.

  She gestured pointlessly with her hands. “The ones you made in your kitchen.”

  “Niki, I never made any… oh shit.” I pulled out my phone and dialled my twin’s number.

  He answered just before it could go to voicemail. “Hey bro, shouldn’t you be on your way to the sex cabin?”

  “The brownies on the counter… did you bring them home?” I growled wondering if it was Josh or Alex that I should be making plans to maim.

  “Yeah…” Josh said slowly.

  My grip on the phone tightened in anger. “Were they pot brownies?”

  Josh laughed. “Yeah, special delivery from old man Miles as a thank you for fixing up his car for free.” He paused, sounding concerned. “Oh shit. You didn’t have any did you?”

  I started planning several ways to get revenge on Josh. “Not me, fucker. Niki! You didn’t think to put a sign on them or something?”

  “Oooh, is that Josh? I wanna talk to him!” Niki tried to wrestle my phone out of my hands. She fumbled but managed to get it out of my grasp.

  “Hey, Josh! Jake is being a grouch. I think he needs one of those brownies to cheer him up.” She batted away my hand when I tried to take the phone back from her.

  “Stop it, Jake. I’m trying to talk to your brother. Mmmhm. Mmmhm.” She nodded her head in agreement to whatever Josh was telling her.

  “You are so right! Cheetos are the best. They’re like crispy like sticks of happiness. Oh boy, now I really want some Cheetos. Jake, can we stop for snacks? Oh, wait. We’ve stopped already. Why have we stopped? I see no snacks! Oh, I think I have a candy bar in my purse.”

  The phone dropped from her hand as she rooted around in her bag, and I grabbed it from her lap, wishing I could go through the phone and strangle my twin.

  When I put the phone to my ear, I heard his manic laughter. “I’m glad you think this is funny, asshole.”

  “Oh god, she’s cute when she’s high. Listen, brother, I don’t think they’re strong, it should wear off soon. Just kee
p her hydrated, and for the love of God, get the woman some Cheetos.”

  The ass hung up on me before I could yell at him anymore.

  “Niki, baby, I need you to focus for me. Can you do that?”

  She unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled over to straddle my lap. “Sure, big guy. I’m all yours.”

  Not now, Little Jake!

  “Baby, how many of those brownies did you have?” I asked putting my hand on her hips to still the grinding motion.

  “Dunno. Two?”

  I heaved a relieved sigh that she hadn’t eaten many. “You’re high.”

  “I don’t understand what you mean… your eyes are so blue. Did you know that? They’re like chips of the ocean in your face.” She started tracing lines over my face, stopping at my lips.

  “Annika. Focus. The brownies you ate… they had pot in them. The reason you want snacks right now is because you’ve got the munchies.”

  Her jaw dropped as my words slowly registered.

  “Pot? You mean like marijuana?” she asked slowly in a loud whisper as if someone was listening.

  I nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah.”

  “I’m high? Oh god.” She looked panicked. “I’ve never been high before. What do I do? Am I going to start hallucinating?”

  “I don’t think so. Josh says they aren’t strong. There’s nothing we can do, babe. Just got to let it pass.”

  She huffed. “Well that sucks. And I’m still hungry. Can we find a gas station to stock up at?”

  She moved back to her seat and put her bare feet up on the dashboard, leaning back in her chair.

  “Should we go back?”

  “No way, José! It’s my party, and I’ll get high if I want to,” she started giggling manically at her own joke, poking me when I didn’t laugh along. “Oh come on! That was funny!”

  I let out a reluctant laugh, and rested my head on the steering wheel. “I don’t know what call to make here, babe.”

  “I do!” she protested. “Snack, then cabin, then hiking, then naked sexy times in yond hot tub! That ‘twas what was promised to me, Sir! You said it shall passeth in a few of hours, correct? And you are with me.” She beamed brightly at me. “Thus I am safe. Onwards, good sir.”


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