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The Morning Myth

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by Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

  MBA students study, 94–96

  Medications. See also Sleep aids anticlotting, 169

  antidepressants, 155–156, 161–162, 182, 201

  antihistamines, 162–163

  corticosteroids, 139

  modafinil (Provigil), 72–73

  opioids, 40–41

  as quick fixes, 201–202

  that interfere with sleep, 182

  Meditation, 149, 195–196

  Melatonin, 57, 168–170 and aging, 70

  and blue light, 69

  production of, 57, 68, 168, 179

  in treating delated sleep phase disorder, 72, 75

  Memory, 87, 145, 147

  Metabolic syndrome, 53

  Millennials, 207

  Mind-body connection, 106–110

  Modafinil (Provigil), 72–73

  Montelongo, Armando, 127

  Mood, 132, 139, 140, 145

  Morale, with flexible work schedules, 204–205

  Morning people. See also Early rising brain structures of, xiv

  circadian rhythms of, xvi, 67

  creativity in, 119

  envy and insecurity in, 84–85

  genes of, 68, 117

  health of, xi, xiv

  incomes of, xv, 83, 86

  late-afternoon slump for, xvii

  myths about, 36

  night owls' advantages over, 211–212

  perceived as winners, 36–37

  as percent of population, 33

  proactivity of, 46–47

  school and work schedules tailored to, 40, 89

  school performance of, 89

  self-righteousness of, 66

  studies favoring, 43–50

  superiority complex of, 26

  virtues associated with, 19–21

  Mortality, 55, 83–84

  Musk, Elon, 99

  My Grandfather's Son (Thomas), 27

  Naps, 175–176

  Natural and herbal sleep aids, 163–170 kava, 165–166

  magnesium, 166–168

  melatonin, 168–170

  passionflower, 164–165

  valerian root, 164

  Natural sleep patterns, 64–65. See also Circadian rhythms for children, 64

  and health, xvii–xviii, 51, 54

  and melatonin/cortisol balance, 57

  and productivity of night owls, 110–111

  Navy JROTC, 5–6

  Networking events, 124, 125

  Never Cold Call Again (Rumbauskas), 23, 121

  New experiences, openness to, 87

  Nicks, Stevie, 159

  Night owl(s). See also specific topics achievement and success of, ix, xiv–xvi

  advantage over early risers, 211–212

  author's story of being a, 1–13

  brain structures of, xiv

  circadian rhythms of, xvi, 67

  genes of, 68

  health of, xi, xiii–xiv, 87, 88

  hyperproductivity of, x

  incomes of, xv, 77, 83, 86–88

  intelligence of, xiv, xv

  morning people's suspicion of, 28

  others' impressions of, ix–x

  as percent of population, 33

  work schedules for, xi–xii

  Norepinephrine, 137

  Norton, Nick, 154–155

  NyQuil, 162

  Obama, Barack, xv, 37, 99, 202

  Obesity, 53, 54, 139, 148

  Ohanian, Alexis, 99

  Online universities, 14–15, 44–45

  Opioids, 40–41, 153, 160

  Osteoporosis, 139

  Passionflower, 164–165

  Patience, 147

  Peigneux, Philippe, 112

  Peretti, Jonah, 100

  Performance research, 44–50, 83–84

  Perina, Kaja, 93–94

  Personality and Individual Differences, 56

  Personality traits: and creativity, 119, 121, 122, 125

  Dark Triad of, 56

  of night owls and morning people, 89

  Phase delay chronotherapy, 71–73

  Philips Hue lights, 107, 180

  Phototherapy, 70–71, 73–75

  Piffer, Davide, 94–96

  Ponzi, Davide, 94–96

  The Power of When (Breus), 102–103

  Prednisone, 139, 169

  Presley, Elvis, xv

  Procrastination, 48

  Productivity loss, 147, 208

  Productivity of early risers, 61, 81–82, 115

  Productivity of night owls, x, 101–113 due to working hours available, 77–78

  and happiness, 110–111

  and mind-body connection, 106–110

  and sleep pressure, 111–113

  Proust, Marcel, xv

  Provigil, 72–73

  Pseudoephedrine, 182

  PTO days, 208

  PubMed, 55

  Randler, Christoph, 39, 40, 46–48

  Reddit, 99

  Referrals, closing rate for, 124

  Relationships, sleep deprivation and, 147

  Relaxation, 133–140 coffee and early rising as stressors, 135–138

  cortisol levels when rising early, 138–140

  lavender oil for, 200

  for lowering cortisol, 195–197

  “Relieve Anxiety with Medical Hypnosis”, 197

  REM sleep, 182–183, 190

  Research, 43–50. See also individual subjects

  Resnick, Brian, 29, 150–151

  Richards, Keith, xv

  Rigby, Amy, 82

  Roberts, Richard D., xv

  Rophonyl, 152

  Rotary Club of Dallas, 134, 135

  Rotating shift work, 55

  Ryan, Paul, 202

  Sales managers, 143–144

  Sapienza, Paola, 94–96

  Sarno, John E., 105–106

  Schmidt, Christina, 112

  School schedules, 14–15, 40, 44–46, 50, 89

  SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus), 68

  SDPA (controlled sleep deprivation with phase advance), 72, 73

  Seinfeld, Jerry, 37

  Self-hypnosis, 197

  Self-marketing, 78, 126

  Sgroi, Daniel, 110

  Shah, Dharmesh, 99

  Shakespeare, William, 86

  Shaming of night owls, 37–41. See also Sleep-shaming

  Sharma, Victoria, xiv

  Shellnut, Kate, x

  Shift work, 53, 55

  Sick days, 208

  Silicon Valley, 39, 88, 127, 128, 205

  Simple Habit, 196

  Sinatra, Frank, 156

  SJL (social jetlag), 52–54, 57

  Sleep aids: drug-based, 152–155, 159–163

  natural and herbal, 163–170

  used to counteract caffeine, 154

  Sleep Cycle app, 107, 180

  Sleep debt, 147

  Sleep deprivation: and aging process, 28, 70

  and cortisol levels, 200–201

  health effects of, 53, 145–148, 200

  and need for sleep rebound, 98

  in parents of infants, 19

  Sleep habits. See also Better, deeper sleep customizing employee profiles based on, 13–14

  mortality and time spent in bed, 83, 84

  natural, see Natural sleep patterns

  shifting, 46

  things to avoid for better sleep, 181–191

  trying to change, xii–xv

  Sleep hygiene, 170–181 avoiding blue light at night, 174–175

  avoiding daytime naps, 175–176

  daytime exercise, 176–177

  daytime sunshine for, 177–179

  going to bed at the same time, 180–181

  proper lighting for, 170–172

  sound, 171–172

  temperature, 172–173

  therapy light when waking, 179–180

  Sleep masks, 170–171

  Sleep pressure, 111–113

  Sleep quality, 53, 140, 190–191

  Sleep rebound, 98

  Sleep-shaming, 142
–145. See also Stigmatization of night owls and depression, 151–156

  need for end to, 37–41

  and productivity, 104

  unintended, 149–150

  Smoking, 54, 190

  Social jetlag (SJL), 52–54, 57

  “Social Jetlag, Chronotype, and Cardiometabolic Risk”, 51–54

  Social Market Foundation, 110

  Social skills, 89–90, 123–124

  Sound, when sleeping, 171–172

  Southampton University, England, xiv

  Southern New Hampshire University, 14

  Standard of accommodation, 83–84

  Starbucks, 26, 58, 61, 186

  Stigmatization of night owls, 17–30. See also Discrimination against night owls; Sleep-shaming and cult of the early riser, 27–30

  and longer circadian rhythm as “disorder”, 65

  and the morning trap, 24–26

  and myth of night owl “laziness”, 18–19

  society's negative attitudes toward night owls, 19–24

  Stress: and back pain, 105, 106

  caffeine-induced, 186–187

  chronic, 138–139

  from coffee and early rising, 135–138

  managing and reducing, 202

  relaxation techniques for, 195–197

  self-hypnosis for, 197

  Stroke risk, 57

  Success: BBC on, 87–88

  early rising touted as key to, 23, 27–28, 36

  with flexible work schedules, 11–13

  of night owls, ix, xiv–xvi, 36–37, 77–90

  and social skills, 89–90

  Sudafed (pseudoephedrine), 182

  Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), 68

  Teenage night owls, 88–89

  Temper, 145

  Temperature, when sleeping, 172–173

  Tension myositis syndrome (TMS), 106

  Tesla, 99

  Thatcher, Margaret, 86

  THC, 189

  Therapy lamps, 70–71, 74–75, 169, 179–180

  Thomas, Clarence, 27, 28

  Thought Catalog, 41

  Thurber, James, 157

  TMS (tension myositis syndrome), 106

  Tolkien, J. R. R., 100

  “Total and Cause-Specific Mortality of U.S. Nurses Working Rotating Night Shifts”, 55

  Trazodone, 161

  Trump, Donald, 202

  Turnover rates, 207–208

  “The Ultimate Guide to Being a Morning Person”, 149–150

  Unisom, 163

  United Kingdom, average workweek in, 25

  United States: average workweek in, 24

  back pain and legend of early risers in, 105–106

  presidents of, 28, 81, 136, 202

  work schedules in, 127–128, 203

  U.S. Air Force, 89

  University of Liege, Belgium, xiii–xiv, 97

  University of Madrid, 88–89

  University of Southampton, 89

  University of Westminster, 138, 139

  Valerian root, 164

  Valium, 152, 159

  Van Dogen, Hans, 119

  Vitamin D, 177–178

  The Vitamin D Cure (Dowd), 178–179, 29

  Vozza, Stephanie, 49

  Waking up. See also Early rising; Sleep hygiene alertness after, 34, 35

  changing time for, 67

  cortisol levels and, 60, 133, 134, 138–140, 200

  at earlier time than your natural rhythm, 158

  Franklin's advice for, xiv, 33, 86, 87

  during the night, 169

  as people age, 69–70

  time needed for, 107–108

  using caffeine when, 34

  when caffeine-free, 35

  Walker, Matthew, 33

  Warfarin, 169

  Weight, sleep deprivation and, 146

  Weil, Andrew, 196–197

  Wellbutrin (bupropion), 182, 201

  Wellness programs, 13–14

  Whately, Richard, 21

  Why We Sleep (Walker), 33

  William, David K., 48

  Williams, Alex, 36

  Women, circadian rhythms of, 65

  Work schedules, 13–14, 33, 40 in Agrarian Age, 24

  average workweek, 24–25

  of CEOs, 40, 129–132

  flexible, see Flexible work schedules

  health risks of, 52–55, 58–62

  for night owls, xi–xii

  and research on performance, 44–50

  and social jetlag, 54

  in the United States, 127–128

  Xanax, 152, 153, 155, 159, 160

  Yogic 4–7–8 technique, 196–197

  Z-Drugs, 152, 159–161

  Zingales, Luigi, 94–96

  Zuckerberg, Mark, 36–37, 100, 130

  Zyrtec, 163


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