His Town

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His Town Page 43

by Ellie Danes

  I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the numbers. If Melissa had left, she likely was already with the girls, hopefully back in the limo. I grabbed the plush pillow from the couch, ready to throw it across the room in anger as the silk black panties fell in my lap. I stared at them as I thought about Becca. They were hers from last night. Hidden under the pillow. They were smooth to the touch as I held them in my hand, bringing them close to my face. The smell of her perfume lingered on them. The smell had the same affect on me as it had last night. I felt the desperation sink from my body as I felt myself getting turned on at the thought of Becca and our evening together. I wasn’t willing to let Sara fuck up another good thing in my life.

  I scrolled through the numbers on my phone, pushed the call button and closed my eyes as the number rang. “Are the girls with you?” I could hear the window lower to the back of the limo over the phone as Cole hollered to them. “Everybody in?” Their voices echoed in the background together as they let him know they were all there. “Ok, all set.”

  “Good. Listen, I want you to take them to Paladium. Keep them there for a while and let them know you on your way…and do me a favor, don’t tell them you talked to me.”

  Cole agreed and I quickly hung up the phone, ready to make my way over the exclusive club. I stood as Sara burst through the door, a look of determination in her eyes. I quickly took the silk panties and slid them between the cushions of the couch and stood to meet Sara. Ready for yet another confrontation.

  Chapter Eight


  I was still nursing the pink clear liquid as Cole drove down us down the strip to our next destination. He wouldn’t tell us exactly where we were headed, but said we would be pleased. I took another sip as I stared at the girls. I was in a daze and pretended to have fun as much as I could, but the hurt was almost unbearable. I shouldn’t have been as attached to Chance as I was, but it happened. There was a definite connection between us, but I had to assume it was just how he played woman. Him being out in Vegas, this was probably a normal thing for him. Going all out for the tourist woman so he could land them and then send them on their way.

  Melissa and the girls laughed as they took a few more shots. I opted to skip the extra alcohol for the moment. I knew I had already had more than enough and I was planning on tonight being a long night. Originally, I had planned to have a drink with Chance. That was now out of the question. Melissa leaned back into the seat after slamming down her shot. It wasn’t much longer before she’d be married. She was lucky. Actually all of the girls were lucky. None of them ever seemed to have guy troubles like I did.

  Even Courtney’s on again and off again engagement seemed to appeal to me. He was definitely a jerk, but he was a jerk that took care of her. Courtney always seemed to find the right man at the right time. I giggled to myself, except for that one time in college and she’d never let us hear the end of that. That’s when she was in between men. Rough life for her. That’s actually when she ended up with Jeremy. He apparently makes a ton of money. Not the kind of money Chance makes, but lots of money and enough to keep her happy, which means something.

  Katie tossed back her shot and then chased it with a swig of beer as she shivered and shook her head at the burn of the alcohol. Just over five years ago we were all together at her wedding, acting crazy. Katie always had a wild side. I always said she was quietly wild, because you never really saw her getting crazy in public. It was only around her friends. I probably missed her really wild years when she was in college with her then boyfriend, now husband Jackson. Yet another perfect man that came from money and was as close to perfect as possible.

  You’re so pathetic Becca. Jealous of all of your friends.

  “Hey Becca? You ok or are you done for the night?” Melissa smiled with her wide eyed gaze. It was obvious she was feeling pretty buzzed.

  “I’m just pacing myself. I did get a head start on all of you.” I took a deep and another small sip of my drink.

  Melissa slid across the seat next to me.

  “Becca, maybe I was wrong. God, I'm so sorry. Maybe I didn’t see what I thought. It was so quick. She could have been his sister, or just an old friend that he ran into. Let's don't jump to conclusions.”

  Conclusions, I thought. Right. I knocked on the window and Cole lowered the partition. “Hey Cole, where are we going now?”

  “Paladium. It’s just off the strip. We should be there in a few minutes.”

  “What? The Paladium? I heard about that place,” Katie chimed in. I saw it on some travel show.

  “What's the Paladium?” I asked.

  “It's pretty posh, quite exclusive.” Katie looked at Cole’s reflection in the rearview mirror. “You can get us in there?”

  “It’s taken care of. You girls will enjoy your night. That's for sure.”

  Taken care of. I’d heard that phrase before when I was put on the plane out to Vegas. The image of Chance in his perfectly fitted suit ran through my mind. Yet another thing to remind me of everything I didn’t have. I didn't care where we were going. I was getting drunk. Things weren't that bad. Life wasn't over and I was going to have a good time, even if it killed me.

  A few minutes later we arrived at the glass-covered building. Lasers and lights reflected across the entranceway as a line formed behind velvet ropes to the side of the entrance. “I thought this was exclusive, seems you just have to wait in line.” I poked.

  “Those are people that are paying five hundred each for the right to come and party.” Cole chimed in.

  “I’d say that’s exclusive.” Melissa laughed.

  A short, stocky gentleman in a very expensive looking suit immediately opened the limo door as we stopped just feet from a red carpet. He extended his hand and helped each of us out. “Miss Allen, Miss Johnson, Miss Miller, and of course; Miss Carson, Welcome to Paladium. I'm Noah, and I'll be your personal VIP host for the evening. Compliments of Mr. Vaughn.”

  “VIP host?” Katie giggled and then tried to calm herself down.

  “Yes. I will make sure that anything you need this evening is taken care of. Mr. Vaughn wanted to make sure you girls had a memorable night this evening.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about Chance’s surprise. He hadn’t mentioned anything about setting us up in some exclusive club and at this point, I was sure I wanted to owe him any other favors.

  Chapter Nine


  “Sara? Can't you just leave me alone?” I stood up, feeling like I was never going to get rid of her. I wondered whether she had seen me slip the panties between the cushions. I quickly met her on the way to the couch, stopping her short of approaching where I was.

  Sara stood with her hands on her hips. Her expensive handbag slung over her shoulder and fancy low-cut dress calling attention to every curve on her body. I was so used to her trying to get everyone’s attention I had become blind to it. Now I saw her in a different way, yet again. “Chance, what's going on with you? Why did you just leave like that?”

  I brushed past her.

  “What's happening?”

  She reached out for me and I pulled away. “What's happening? This has been happening for a really long time, Sara? You just chose not to see it. You are so wrapped up in everything else. Your social events, your shopping. Everything my family name can get for you. Stop pretending you really care about me.” I took a deep breath and stared at her. I was happy that I had finally built up the nerve to speak what was on my mind.

  “I know you love me Chance. You know you love me.”

  “No, no I don’t. I did. I don’t anymore. It's my dad that wants this, not me. I'm sorry. I have to go. You can stay, but not here in my suite. Talk to my father, I’m sure he’ll set you up someplace, but don’t plan on me making any time for you while you’re out here. I have things to get done.” Sara stood in the center of the room speechless. I gently guided her from the suite and shut the door behind us. “I’m sorry things are happening like this, I’ve
tried to tell you so many times.” I walked away, leaving her behind as I made my way downstairs into the lobby.

  “Chance, Howard is looking for you.” Mary rushed from the side hallway of the lobby. Our meeting nothing more than a coincidence, but an important one, as she attempted to head off my father before he reached me.

  I saw my dad turn the corner and the staff all tightened up, pretending to work harder than usual and willing to kiss his ass to make an impression. I was getting sick of all of this. He calls the shots, people jump. It wasn't too often that Dad made his presence known downstairs. Something was up.

  He walked toward me, with that power-trip walk of his. Shoulders straight, head high with his nose pointed to the ceiling. He looked at me, his eyes full of hate. Words began spewing from his mouth even before he reached me. I turned sideways, not wanting to hear his shit at the moment. I had other things on my mind.

  “Chance.” He barked my name and I could feel the eyes of everyone within sight looking at us.

  “Not now, I’m headed off to an appointment.” I kept moving toward the front of the lobby.

  “We are going to talk. Now.” His voiced echoed over the marble floors.

  “I really don't have anything to say if it's about Sara. I'm done with her. She's your choice for me, not mine.”

  Mary knew he was about to explode and she grabbed us both by the arm and led us into a nearby room. Guests didn’t deserve to see my dad come unglued. Mary spoke before I could even stop her. I could see it in her eyes.

  “Howard, what's your real problem? Why are you making such an issue of Chance and Sara? When will you ever learn?”

  I knew she had my back and in thirty years, I had never seen her correct or speak back to my father, at least in public..

  “Mary, this isn’t any of your business. I have things to say to my son.”

  Dad turned to me. Anger still filled his eyes.

  “This problem with Sara is a big deal. It's affecting your work. Your projects are late. You’re spending money like there’s an endless supply. I'm not pleased and things will change one way or the other. I'm having a board meeting about your future with the hotel.”

  My future? This had nothing to do with my future. It was his future imposed on my life.

  “You're meeting with the board because of Sara?”

  “I'm sorry, son. I'm sorry that it has come to this. She’s what’s kept you grounded. I thought you both had a future, but it’s obvious you’d rather spend your time doing other things.”

  He walked away, leaving me with a most stern look. He was dead serious. I watched as he strutted up the staircase. He must have felt such power, such satisfaction. I followed his trail with my eyes, and he looked down at me as he paused midway up. That stare was enough for me to know that he was serious as hell.

  Mary edged over to me, wanting to assure me that everything would be all right. I knew it wasn't. Dad was serious. I couldn't believe that my whole future rode on Sara. If he only knew the truth. What the hell was he so determined for me to be with Sara? I could feel Mary's compassion for me. She is such a sweetheart, always taking up for anyone in dad's destructive path.

  “Chance, just give him time. It will all work out.”

  “I don’t know this time, Mary.”

  I stood, frozen, looking down at the floor and then gazed across the lobby. The staff immediately pretended as if they weren’t watching the drama unfold in front of them. I thought about what he had said. My future was determined by whether I was going to stay with Sara or not. If I chose to live a life that made me unhappy I could be guaranteed anything I would ever want in the world. More money and power than I would ever know what to do with. At least until he died. I smiled briefly at the thought and then realized he had probably had ways to run my life even after he were dead.

  The choice seemed clear. All I ever knew was this life.

  Chance Encounter 4

  Chance Encounter Series, Book Four

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes

  www.Ellie Danes.com

  Chapter One


  We followed Noah into the building as the thumping of the bass echoed through the large front doors. The line of people wound down the sidewalk, roped off with thick red velvet ropes. “Wow, we get to cut ahead of all of those people?” Courtney laughed as she stared at the crowd.

  Noah chuckled. “Those are people that are standing in line for a chance to pay a hundred dollars just to stand in the other line to get in. Ladies, Paladium is the most exclusive club in all of Vegas. Our members pay over fifty grand just to be able to come here.”

  He led us through the main entranceway where several large security guards in dark black suits and earpieces lined the walls. They looked us up and down as we passed and I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. “Why all of the security?” I yelled to Noah, probably louder than I needed to, but the alcohol flowing through my body had taken over my senses.

  “We have a big name DJ spinning tonight. All of the celebs will be here, so things are bound to get out of hand with all of the onlookers.”

  Noah pushed through the scattered crowd as we all looked around. Katie elbowed me as we passed a VIP section that was filled with girls in tight dresses. They surrounded and hung all over the attractive blonde guy in the center of the group. “Becca is that…?”

  “It certainly looks like Tyson Johns…no it couldn’t…”

  “It is.” Noah chimed in. “Get used to it tonight, there will be plenty of people here and he’s just a b-lister. The big names won’t show up until the main event. You’ll want to be in your suite when that happens.”

  “Wait… what? Suite?” Melissa spun to look at me with wide eyes and then turned her attention back toward Noah. “We have a suite?”

  “Yes, Mr. Vaughn wanted to be sure you ladies had fun tonight and had great seats for the show.” Noah continued towards the large staircase that overlooked the dance floor and stage.

  I felt sick to my stomach thinking of what Chance had done and was still trying to bribe me, or whatever this was, to make me feel better. Melissa seemed to have forgotten what she saw, but between the news of my job and Chance, I was ready to just go back to the hotel.

  The entire club was lit up in multicolored lights. Gold curtains framed every archway and surrounding the large crowed dance floor were large luxurious gold couches for those who wanted bottle service. Our suite overlooked everything and was closed on three sides and open to the dance floor below. It was almost like a private balcony. The room was much too large for just four women, and there was a whole buffet of hors d'oeuvre set up as well as a small bar with a friendly bartender waiting to make us drinks.

  The girls were so happy and giddy that I didn’t want to voice how uncomfortable I felt about it all. This was all so nice, but I couldn’t get into it. I knew I had said I wanted to have fun, but after seeing all Chance had done for us I was just more confused.

  I watched as Noah whispered something to the bartender and then came toward us. “I’m going to take care of some other business, but please, just ask Diana for anything you need.” Noah motioned toward the petite bartender at the back of the suite. “DJ Sly will be on in about an hour. Enjoy the show and have fun.”

  “No way!” Courtney yelled, looking down at the DJ’s booth. “Becca, he came through again, who cares what he did.”

  The girls were definitely riding a good buzz. I had, by this point, actually sobered up quite a little. I sipped champagne as I watched the growing crowds below and listened to the girls pointing out celebrities in the adjacent VIP rooms.

  “Becs? You doing ok?” Melissa edged closer to me. “You should at least try to have some fun. You know, he did set all of this up, whether you like him or not right now, take advantage of it.”

  As much as I wanted to, I really just wanted some quiet, if only for a few minutes. “I think I’m going to get some fr
esh air first.” I slammed the remainder of my champagne and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “What!” Katie yelled, wrapping her arm around me. Her voice was barely noticeable over the thumping music. “Come dance with us!”

  “I will, I just need a breather.” I said forcing a smile. Melissa looked at me, with her alcohol flushed face and I could tell she understood. Even when intoxicated she always managed to stand up for me.

  “Come on Girls!” She said grabbing Courtney and Katie, “Let’s go dance!”

  As they made their way down to the dance floor I smiled and waved at Melissa who blew me a kiss.

  “If you want to get some fresh air, and some privacy, I would suggest going up to the roof.” The bartender said, walking over to me and handing me a small key. “It’s a great view, quiet and safe.”

  “Really? That would be ok?” I asked surprised.

  “Sure, just make sure to give the key back to me after you’re done. I’ll be here.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “No worries,” She winked. “Just follow the corridor outside and take the elevator to the roof. It’s closed right now, but you’ll be fine.”

  I nodded and made my way to the elevator, swiping the keycard and pushing the button for the top floor. The doors opened to an amazing view that overlooked the mountains and the strip. It was stunning and quite quiet. Only the faintest thumping from below could be heard. It appeared the rooftop bar was just finishing renovations, much like the Viridian. I imagined this was likely one of Chance’s little projects as well.

  The cocktail tables lined the glass wall and provided an excellent view of the entire bar and cityscape. I perched myself on one of the stools, closed my eyes and massaged my temples. I wished for everything to just be fine again. I continued rubbing them to the rhythm of the music vibrating the floor below, and contemplated my next move.

  Chapter Two


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