His Town

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His Town Page 44

by Ellie Danes


  I rehearsed what I was going to say over and over in my head on the way to the club. I wasn’t sure what exactly Melissa may have told Becca, but I knew regardless, I wanted the truth out. I fought my way through the club with ease and saw Noah talking to one of the VIP’s. “Noah!” I motioned for him to come over and he quickly excused himself from the shaggy haired twenty-something kid that obviously was a member due to his father’s deep pockets. “I appreciate you taking care of my friends. Everything is set?”

  Noah nodded and smiled. “Yes, Mr. Vaughn. I have them in the private platinum suite. I had to bump one of our celebs, but I took care of them. Your friends are out on the dance floor now.” He motioned to the gyrating crowd and I immediately spotted the girls in the center of everyone. I thanked him and made my way toward the group. I immediately noticed that Becca was nowhere to be seen, giving me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  Melissa spotted me first, and immediately stopped dancing. She said something to the rest of the girls and they immediately paused, staring in my direction. She hesitantly approached and I immediately knew the answer as to whether she had actually seen the kiss between Sara and I.

  Melissa pursed her lips and seemed to have trouble looking me directly in the eyes, finally giving in and offering a meek “Hello.”

  “Is Becca here?”

  “Yes, she said she needed some air, she may be back in the suite by now, I’m not sure.” Melissa looked up toward the direction of the platinum suite, but neither of us where able to see clearly into the room because of the elaborate lights of the club.

  “Listen, Melissa…what you saw…” I fumbled for words even though I had practiced everything I had wanted to say over and over. Katie and Courtney approached and I held back, wondering how much they actually knew. I look at Melissa and then the other girls, waiting for some queue whether I should continue.

  “They know everything. Becca knows everything as well.” Melissa shook her head as the two other girls shook their heads in disagreement together.

  “Listen, I just want to clear some things up.” I knew this was going to take some serious convincing and I wasn’t sure whether they would actually believe me or not. “Melissa, the woman you saw was my ex-girlfriend…and as you saw, she’s a bit aggressive, and doesn’t like that we are no longer together.”

  “I see.” Melissa said with a smirk. The other girls rolled their eyes and pulled away from the conversation with Melissa and I as they whispered to themselves. “Chance, I like you. You seem like you could be a nice guy, but this is really a conversation you need to have with Becca.”

  “Your right.” I glanced back up towards the suite and then immediately made my way up the stairs and into the room, leaving the girls to their gossip. I busted into the room, only to find it empty with the exception of Diana.

  “Mr. Vaughn, good evening.”

  “Diana, there was another girl here. She’s–”

  “She’s on the roof. She needed some air and I offered her my key. I hope it’s alright, I know it’s closed but–”

  “It’s ok Diana. Thank you.” I quickly ran to the elevator and swiped my card, hoping that Becca was still there.

  The doors opened and the dim elevator light cast just enough light across the rooftop terrace to see Becca across the way. As I stepped out and the doors closed her silhouette was outlined by the lights of the cityscape in the distance. I hesitantly approached her from behind as she stared off into the distance. “Becca?”

  “Chance?” She turned around, a look of surprise plastered on her face. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to talk, to explain things.” I slowly moved closer as if I were worried that she might run and I would need to scramble to catch up. “I spoke with Melissa.”

  “Yeah, me too Chance. I – I don’t know if I want any explanations.” Becca wrung her hands together as she continued. “Melissa saw you kissing someone else. And I saw that text on your phone. You have a girlfriend? A wife?”

  “No! No, that text was from my ex-girlfriend, Sara, she was also the girl Melissa saw kissing me. But I wasn’t kissing her back. I’m done with her.” I could hear the desperation in my voice. I needed her to believe me.

  “You expect me to believe that?”

  My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the rooftop and I was able to see the sadness in her eyes. Her mouth quivered ever so slightly as I felt my heart sink into my stomach. It was almost immediately overcome with rage as I thought about how Sara caused all of this. “I can’t force you to believe me. But I swear what I’m saying is the truth. Sara and I were together for three years, but I ended it. I wasn’t happy.” I reached for her hand as she quickly pulled it away from me.

  “Yet she kissed you?” Becca snapped back, angrily.

  “Yes, she did. She doesn’t want our relationship to end. Sara hasn’t accepted that I broke up with her. She always has to get her way. But I promise you that as far as I’m concerned the relationship is over.” I reached for her hand again and this time she allowed me to hold it.

  “I don’t know Chance.” She said shaking her head. I moved closer and touched her shoulder gently and looked into her beautiful deep blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

  “Becca, if it wasn’t over with her…if I really cared about her…would I really be standing here with you right now? It’s you that I care about Becca.”

  I took in a deep breath and let it out. My fate was now in her hands.

  Chapter Three


  The warmth of his hands sent electricity through my body. I wanted to believe him. My heart was begging me to believe him, but all of my past experiences pushed me to suspect that he was lying. His strong hand on my shoulder had sent another shiver through me. His eyes were intense and pleading. It was possible that he was telling the truth, very possible. Everything he said to me made sense. Why would he be here, talking with me, if she were in Vegas too?

  It didn’t seem like Sara was finished with Chance, even if he was finished with her. Deep inside, I knew that didn’t really matter. It was up to him to make the decision of who he wanted to be with. I squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes. “Chance, this is all so confusing. I really do care about you. More than I should, considering we hardly know each other.” I paused, his eyes sown with hope, he moved in closer. The scent of his cologne was enough to take my breath away.

  “So you feel it to, this connection between us?”

  I bit my lip as I contemplated whether I should really give him the answer he wanted to hear. “Yes, I do.” I hesitated as I stared at him, feeling the growing attraction. “I want to believe you.”

  “It’s the truth, Becca.” Chance brushed his hand against my cheek as he pleaded. “I promise.”

  I could feel the intensity of the situation building. The attraction I had felt all along had overtaking my gut reaction to run from the situation. The voice inside of me said I should go, my body said I should stay and my heart said I wanted both. I leaned in and gently kissed him on the cheek. “Ok.”

  We both stood on the rooftop, enjoying each other’s company, without saying a word, the constant thump of the music vibrating the floor and my body. I felt his hand brush gently against the small of my back as he leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Would you like to go downstairs, I have a private suite myself, we can relax and just talk.” Without waiting for my answer Chance took my hand and led me to the elevator.

  His private suite was one floor above the suite where the girls were. The plain black door hid the elegance that was just inside. As the thick black door swung shut I immediately noticed how quiet everything was. There wasn’t the faintest sound of the club or music entering the suite at all. Several plush couches were lined in front of a wall of glass that looked out over the club, stage and dance floor. An enormous pool table filled the backside of the room, directly in front of the full bar. I watched as Chance grabbed a re
mote from the edge of the bar and clicked a button, turning on the full wall of monitors, each displaying a different view of the club.

  “Hey! That’s Melissa and the girls!” I pointed to the center display.

  “This is tied into the security system so I can see everything that happens in the club. I used to be here a lot when it first opened, but I have different priorities now. I only come here on occasion to relax.” Chance opened the large steel refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of champagne, popping the cork and pouring two glasses.

  I turned and watched the dancing crowd, only the very faintest sound of music could be heard. “Here.” Chance pushed a button on the remote and the music filled the room through the speakers. “No crowd noise, just the DJ.” He smiled and handed me a glass of champagne as I stood in front of the windows.

  His breath was hot on my neck as he slid in behind me and kissed me just behind the ear. “Chance, they’ll see us.” I motioned towards the window that provided a full view of the club below.

  “No. They can’t see a thing. The windows are tinted and mirrored privacy glass.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me again, this time I let myself go. I turned my head to the side, exposing my neck as he continued to kiss me, moving down to my shoulder.

  He turned me around so we faced each other and I was locked in his gaze. I stared at his full lips and couldn’t resist the intensity that was building between us. I moved in, locking my lips on his, the sweet taste of champagne on them. Chance’s tongue gently probed my mouth, dancing with my tongue and I felt myself slipping away, wanting nothing more than his hands all over my body.

  Our kiss deepened and I could feel the heat spread through me. Leaving the kiss with a gentle nibble, he began to make his way down my neck. I gasped with pleasure as his teeth grazed my skin. He slowly unzipped my dress and I felt a bit reckless, standing in front of the windows, as if everyone could see us.

  “Chance.” I moaned as my dress fell to the ground revealing my lace thong. My bare breasts exposed as he gently kissed down my chest, his hot mouth glancing over my erect nipples. I took in a shuddering breath as I unbuttoned his shirt. His muscular and tan body felt amazing to touch. I ran my hand down his sculpted abs and looped my fingers inside the top of his pants, pulling him close. I slid my hand down over the front of his bulge, feeling his hardness in my hand. The memory from the other night came screaming into my mind as I deftly unbuttoned his pants allowing them to fall to the floor. He pulled me close, only the bit of nylon from his briefs, and silk from my thong keeping us apart.

  I could feel my nipples growing harder as we lay down on the couch. My thong was completely wet as his hands explored my body, his mouth kissing all of the right spots. He pulled down my thong with his teeth. I gasped as he gently began to move his fingers around my clit. I began to squirm against his touch. A steady heat was increasing between my legs.

  My leg wrapped around his body as I pulled him upward on top of me. His hardness pushed against me as I grinded into his body. My hands clawed at his strong back as I whispered his name. I felt him slowly enter me, my body begging for more of him. He cupped my breast in one hand as he tongue flicked at my nipple and then his hot mouth covered it. He slid into me further and harder and I moaned with pleasure, wrapping my legs around his body.

  I turned my head to see the dancing crowd beneath us, pulsing to the rhythm of the DJ, and felt as if I were performing for them. A quiet, wildness released inside of me as I drove my hips into his body and clawed as his back. I reach down and grabbed his firm ass and pulled him towards me, wanting him harder and faster. My body pulsed with excitement as I tossed my head back on the couch, Chance’s hot mouth on my nipple and then neck. I let out a scream, which turned into a throaty moan as I climaxed, my body tightening around his, not letting him loose.

  “Don’t stop!” I cried. My body felt like it was on fire. I didn’t want it to end. I never wanted this to end. He drove into me hard and faster until I fell limp on the couch. He pulled out of me, finally exploding all over my body and then collapsing next to me. Our bodies trembled as the music continued to pound into the room, almost in sync with my racing heart.

  Chapter Four


  We rested on the couch, naked as we held each other and drank for at least another hour. Only a few inches of tinted glass separated us from everyone else. We sat there, exposed and vulnerable. I had never been comfortable enough around Sara to do something as simple as that. Even when were first together.

  Eventually the club closed and the crowds left and we made our way downstairs to my car. The end to a chaotic evening had turned perfect for some many reasons. My fingers interlocked with Becca’s as exited the club and slid into waiting car. We didn’t say much, instead just sat next to each other, enjoying each other’s company.

  It had been a long time since I arrived at the Viridian in the early morning hours. The casino and hotel lobby were still busy and it felt good and natural to walk with Becca right through the lobby, not getting a second look from anyone. She wasn’t one to draw attention to herself like Sara did.

  We made our way to the elevator and were fortunate enough to be alone. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. Becca smiled and pulled away briefly. “Don’t these places have cameras everywhere? Aren’t you scared someone is going to see you?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t care who saw us kiss, holding hands or anything else. As far as I was concerned, things couldn’t be more perfect. “They do, but there’s a bit of an unspoken rule that security doesn’t like to spy on the people that own the hotel.” I looked up at the camera in the corner of the elevator. “Besides, if they do, and I find out about it, they know what will happen.” Becca giggled as I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the elevator, leading her toward her suite.

  She fumbled through her purse as we approached the suite doors. “They’re going to hate me if they’re inside, I don’t have a key. They’re probably all drunk and passed out by now.”

  “Don’t worry, you can use mine.” I pulled out the master keycard and slid it through the lock, opening the door.

  Becca smiled as I pushed the door open a crack. “Chance?” Becca said softly. “I have to spend some time with the girls tomorrow. It’s Melissa’s bachelorette party, but after, if you’re not busy, can I see you again?”

  “Yes of course.” A sense of relief poured over me as I realized we had made it past all of the issues from earlier.

  Becca, bit on her lip as she stared into my eyes. “I had an amazing night with you.” She leaned upward and kissed me softly on the lips. “I’m glad everything worked out between us.”

  “Me too,” I said gently caressing her hair. “I hope you know how much I . . . care about you.”

  “I think I do,” She said sweetly.

  I wrapped my arms around her body as I pulled her close for one last kiss before we said our goodbyes. I didn’t want to leave her, but I knew we had to part, at least until later that day. The door quietly shut behind her and I stood and stared at it for just a moment. I thought about how quickly things had happened in just a few days, and I wondered how it could possibly get any better.

  Chapter Five


  I leaned against the door and closed my eyes. The suite was silent but I could tell the girls were already back and sleeping for the night. I took a deep breath and smiled as I calming opened my eyes. Shoes and clothes were strewn over the couch, piano and floor. Sure telltale signs that a group of drunken girls were here. I’m sure they had a great time, but there was no way it would ever compare to mine.

  The last few days had been a rollercoaster of emotions and I was happy that this ride was about to end. I only had one more night in Vegas and then I was headed back to reality and the so-called life I had waiting for me back at home. If it were possible to just live the life I was living at the very moment, I would have.

  My heart pounded as the knock
on the suite door startled me and then turned to excitement. Chance. I swung open the door, ready to see his chiseled good looks. “Hey handsome, what did you forget?”

  “Forget? I didn’t forget anything. I think maybe you forgot your place.” The woman’s furrowed brows and harsh stare almost pierced through my body.

  I took a step backward, not sure of what may be coming next. “I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong room.” I began to close the door as her foot stopped it in place.

  “No, I have the right room. You’re the girl that just finished screwing my fiancé.” She scowled at me as she continued. “Sound familiar? You were just with Chance, weren’t you?”

  I felt my throat close up. What did she just say? I opened the door wider. Standing there was a very beautiful but very angry woman with long brown hair and ocean blue eyes. She walked into the hotel room boldly, taking a look around. Her nose in the air, her designer heels tapping against the marble floor.

  “He got you this room.” She said, shaking her head. “You certainly don’t appear to be able to afford this room.”

  She turned to look at me, her eyes full of fire. I felt like a field mouse being eyed by an owl, waiting and ready to capture me in its talons. I couldn’t move, I could hardly speak. She walked toward me, the expression on her face growing tenser.

  “He told me you two broke up. . .” I mumbled softly. I felt like a complete idiot. I could still remember Chance’s eyes, his touch, how I had actually believed he was falling for me. That he cared about me. I was truly pathetic.

  “Seriously?” she exclaimed, though she didn’t really seem amused. “I’m honestly surprised he even mentioned me. That’s usually what he does.”

  “I – I’m sorry.” Usually. The word burned in my brain. He did this often. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t know. I–” I was sorry. Sorry that I had believed Chance. Sorry that I might be ruining a relationship. Just plain sorry that I had even come to Vegas at this point.


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