His Town

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His Town Page 45

by Ellie Danes

  “Sorry? You aren’t the first, but you will certainly be the last.” Her eyes protruded and her face reddened as she yelled in anger. “After being together for all these years! I can’t believe he would risk ruining our relationship over a little slut like you!”

  I looked at Sara, speechless. I wanted to run and hide. I felt bad for her, but worse for myself. I allowed myself to be taken advantage of and to be played. I wanted to storm upstairs and tell Chance exactly what I thought of him, but I knew I would fall into his trap and get engaged by his charm.

  Maybe Chance was just one of those rich men who went around partying, and sleeping with as many woman as they possibly could. That office in the club could be his little private sex room for all I knew. I was beginning to feel sick. “Has Chance,” I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to know the answer to the question I was about to ask. “…done things like this before?”

  “You mean cheated on me?” she laughed coldly. “Did you think you were special? Did you think he would leave me for you? How cute.”

  She took a step towards me and I moved in the opposite direction, attempting to keep space between us. “Listen…Sara, right?” I didn’t wait for her response, I knew who she was now. “I don’t want any trouble, please just go.”

  “Trouble? Unfortunately, it’s too late for that. Take this as your first, and final warning.” She pointed her finger at me as she clenched her other fist. “If you care about him, or not, it doesn’t make a difference to me…but you will leave him alone. If anyone found out about you, he would lose his inheritance and everything else. I can tell you I will not allow some little bitch come and fuck up my life.”

  I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and then finally letting loose, streaming down my cheeks. A rush of emotions rushed through my body as I fumbled for the right words. “I…”

  “You what?” She barked. “You love him? You’re heart broken? Grow the fuck up. You’ve been used as his little plaything. You’re nothing more to him than a challenging fuck.”

  “Get out!” I screamed. I took a step toward her and pulled my arm back, ready to strike her in the face. I had never been a violent person, but something in this woman brought out the worst in me. “Get out before I smack the shit out of you! Go!” I took another step and she moved outside of the doorway. I quickly slammed the door shut and collapsed on the floor where just a few minutes ago I quietly remembered the perfect night with Chance.

  Melissa raced around the corner, stumbling as if though she were still drunk. She was dressed in only the blouse she had on earlier in the evening and a pair of panties. She flipped on the light in the foyer and stared at me. “What the hell was that? Are you ok?”

  Hot tears streamed down me face as I huddled in a hunched over ball at the base of the door. I wiped away the tears and looked up at her. “Chance…that asshole.”

  “Talk to us Becca.” While Melissa carefully balanced herself, Katie and Courtney filed in behind her and then made their way towards me to help me up, leading me to the couch.

  “He’s engaged…Sara is his fiancé!” I sniffed and felt myself getting madder by the minute.

  “That asshole,” Courtney snapped, Katie nudged her and told her to be quiet.

  “No your right,” I sniffled, “He is an asshole! I hate him! I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone this much! How could he do this to me! He actually made me think he cared about me!”

  Melissa made her way to the couch and plopped down next to me, wrapping her arm around me. “What was all that yelling?”

  “It was her, Sara. She must have been waiting for me or following us. As soon as Chance left she knocked on the door and started yelling at me. She told me everything, that he was just using me.” I broke down in tears again as the girls pulled in close.

  Melissa held me tighter. “I’m so sorry.” I curled into her embrace. I couldn’t stop my tears. I was so tired. So tired of all of this. “Honestly, he tricked me too. I thought he seemed like a good guy. I’m so sorry.”

  “Well, at least you didn’t sleep with the guy twice!” I shivered, I felt disgusted with myself. The memory of his hot sensual touch was nothing but a reminder of all the lies and deceit. “I can’t believe I fell for him. I can’t believe I had sex with him twice! What a fool I am.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Katie interjected, sitting on the other side of me, she gently touched my leg. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Anyone would have fallen for his lies.

  I let out a deep breath and finally collapsed in Melissa’s arm. Overcome by emotion and lack of sleep I had little strength to keep going and reliving the events of the evening. My last thoughts before I passed out were of how much I truly hated him.

  Chapter Six


  I woke up feeling refreshed, despite only having slept a few hours. The night with Becca had been amazing and I knew that following my heart, and my gut, had been the right thing to do. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, quickly sending her a text. Can’t wait until tonight. I have something special planned for everyone.

  I needed to be in the office today, even though it was a Saturday. I had plenty to plan for the girls this evening and needed to be sure that everything was set with the hotel and casino for he evening. I had also hoped to escape seeing Sara again. I hadn’t heard anything else from her since last night and I wanted to believe she took the hint and went back to New York City. It seemed I was spending more time this trip evading people than working with them. Between my Dad and Sara, that was more than enough stress to make me regret ever coming out here again. Becca was the bright spot of this trip.

  After a quick shower I made my way to the office. I was little worried about running into my father after last night. He seemed more pissed off than I had ever seen him before and he definitely seemed sure of himself as to what he wanted for my future. I thought it could actually be possible to talk things out, if he wasn’t always so stubborn about his opinions. He never really wanted to hear much of what I had to say. I thought of Mary, and how she truly wanted dad and I to get along. For her, I’ll make an attempt.

  As long as I could remember, Dad was a morning person. He was always up early and ready for work long before most people even got out of bed. It was his work ethic, but I knew he wasn’t always like that. I had hoped that because it was already late morning, he had made his office rounds and was off playing golf or doing whatever it was he did in his spare time. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Dad sat perched on the edge of his desk, deep in thought as he stared off into space. “Chance? Glad you can make it in to the office today.” He grumbled.


  “It’s nearly the afternoon Chance,” He said nonchalantly, looking at the large picture of my grandfather, the founder of our business.

  “Well, it’s still morning.” I tried to say jokingly. “That counts for something.”

  “Sometimes I think my father would cry if he saw how his business was going.” Whenever my father talked about his father, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t remember my grandfather that well; I was only seven when he had died. Dad always talked about him both a powerful man, and a rather scary one. “Sometimes I don’t think you take your job seriously Chance.”

  “I do. You just choose to look at what you want...”

  “Enough Chance…” My father cut me off. “You’re always ready with excuses. But honestly it’s not just you. I see myself in you, probably a bit too much of myself in you in fact.”

  “Dad.” I protested, not really wanting to be compared to him. Not when he was in one of his moods.

  “Trust me Chance, I’ve made many mistakes. And I see you making the same ones. You think I’m trying to control you? No, I’m just trying to prevent you from following the same path I did. I lost out on happiness because I was too focused on the wrong things. Woman, money and booze. Those things will only lead you to a life filled with loneliness Chance.”

  “That’s not who
I am.” I said, trying not to sound defensive. I didn’t want to fight. But I wanted him to just trust in me, in my choices.

  “I partied too hard son, just like you. I wouldn’t get to the office till noon, if at all. I missed out on love, on security. Trust me Chance. You need to settle down. Start a family of your own. I know I’ve been hard on you, but I don’t want you to miss your opportunity of having happiness. Settle down and work hard.”

  “I do want all of that.” I said slowly. “But I’m not going to marry someone that I don’t love to get it. I’ll find love, and start a family with that person. Whoever that may be.”

  Dad turned towards me, his head dropped to his chest and his eyes closed as he shook it back and forth, finally looking back up at me. “Chance, you just don’t see it. You don’t get it. I busted my ass for what you have now, despite all of the mistakes I made. Your grandfather rode me hard and I did everything I could to defy him. If it weren’t for my own determination, you would be doing something else right now instead of living the good life that you are. Enough of the playing and spending money.”

  My eyes narrowed as they met his gaze. I crossed my arms and stared, letting his harsh words sink in. “You haven’t been to the city for over two years. You don’t know all that I’ve accomplished. The clubs, the new hotel, all of those things are just a blip on your radar because this casino and hotel are all that you truly care about. Look at the numbers I send you each week. Look at that folder I handed you the other day. Everything I have been working on has turned more of profit than anything else in this family business. You look at the numbers. The money for all of these other projects is being funded by things I’ve done. You think you could be happy for me, support me. Are you evening coming out next week for the launch?”

  “Chance, I’m happy your little pet project is finished. But I’m far too busy to leave Vegas for even a day. You’ll understand later.” Dad turned to me, his face almost blank.

  “Alright,” I said softly. My shoulders slumped as I took a step towards the door. I wasn’t going to fight. “You know, I just wish that you would be happy for me. Maybe show some support, I just want you to be proud of your son’s accomplishments for once.” I made my way to the door and paused. “And Dad…all of your bitching about me spending money or staying out late…that’s not me. That’s the bitch Sara you so desperately want me to be with. The woman the does nothing but spend money and drag me from place to place. The reason you don’t think I work hard, it’s because of her. Looks like she has you fooled.”

  I left without saying another word.

  Chapter Seven


  After having collapsed on the couch, I somehow made it into my room just before the sun came up. I had closed the drapes and buried myself under the heavy down comforter. I couldn’t keep her face and voice out of my mind. Her ocean blue eyes penetrated my soul as she screamed at me. I thought about his touch on the plane, our evenings together and all the while he was cheating on her with me. I was the other woman. I had been many things, but never the other woman. I felt nauseous and talked myself out of getting sick as I wrapped the pillow around my head.

  Even through the heavy down I could still hear my phone vibrating on the nightstand. It had been going off for the last few hours. It started just as I made it into bed. Chance. Excited for tonight. Chance, wondering what the girls would like to do. Chance, missing me. He was the absolute last person I wanted to hear anything from. I grabbed my phone and delete the most recent message without reading it.

  I stared at the time on my phone. It was already late morning. The girls had gone out for breakfast. I just wanted some time alone. Probably the worst thing I could have had. All it did was give me time to think about my poor, pathetic, fucked up life. I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the full size refrigerator. It was stocked with every kind of liquor, beer and mixer and was also filled with a ton of fresh food and fruits. All I wanted was a big scoop of ice cream. This fucking suite has everything except what I need right now. I groaned to myself and settled for the diced pineapple and strawberry platter on the top shelf. I grabbed a handful, shoved them in my mouth and trudged back to bed, immediately regretting my decision as the cold fruit froze my teeth, sending shiver down my spine and pain into my jaw. I cussed again and realized I had become someone I wasn’t. Vegas was supposed to be fun. This trip wasn’t.

  I plopped into the cozy white sheets and tossed the pillow over my head as the door to the suite slammed shut. I heard the girls giggling to themselves as their voices got closer.

  “Her door’s open…maybe she’s up… Hey Becs…you still sleeping?” Katie whispered as she got closer.

  I thought about the rule regarding poking a sleeping bear. “Yeah…” I pulled the pillow from my head and stared at her as the other girls found their way to the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “How are you feeling?” Melissa asked, “Any better?”

  “Yeah, a little.” I lied. “More pissed than anything right now.” I lied again. I felt the depression setting in and I just wanted to escape.

  “We brought you some food. We thought maybe you’d be up to hit the pool. Maybe get a little wild and get the official bachelorette party started.” Courtney’s eyes grew big and she raised her eyebrows. It was obvious she was ready to get into some trouble.

  “Umm, about that. Can I talk to you for a moment Lis?” I looked at Katie and Courtney and hoped they understood I needed some private time with Melissa.

  Melissa took the more direct approach. “Sure. Alright you two, give me some time with my roomie…” I watched in amazement as neither Katie nor Courtney put up a fight and left, closing the door behind them.

  “I don’t think I can stay here any longer.” I paused. Not sure how to continue. Even though I slept I was still tired. Both mentally and physically.

  “What do you mean?” Melissa asked, I could see the concern on her face.

  “I just. I don’t know I’m exhausted. Nothing has been working out well for me here. After everything that happened last night, I just don’t feel comfortable staying here. The idea of running into either of them is just so unbearable. Not to mention I lost my job. This whole weekend has just been fucked up. I need to go home and regroup. I hope you won’t be angry. I know this is your weekend and I’m sorry that I’m being selfish.”

  “No, Becca it’s ok,” Melissa hugged me. “You’ve really had a rough time the past few days. I’m just thankful for the fun we managed to have...and besides, we still have plenty of time before the wedding, we can have another little party back at home. Far away from all of this.” Melissa looked around the room mockingly.

  “Well, at least if nothing else, we stayed in one nice place and had a ton of fun thanks to Chance…that’s the only thing I want to remember from this weekend and of him.”

  Chapter Eight


  I had spent most of the day still furious at my father and trying to focus on both work and getting things setup for the girls and Becca. It was getting late and I hadn’t heard anything from Becca, but I figured she was probably having a great time with her friends. I had gotten ready for the night, and decided to make my way over to the girl’s suite. I had sent over a few bottles of champagne and a note telling them I would have a limo for them tonight for their special night. I grabbed my phone and sent one last text to Becca letting her I know I was headed down to see how things were going. I was excited to see her again and pick up from where we had left off the night before.

  I grabbed my wallet from the table in the foyer of my suite and headed out the door. Sara stood there alone, waiting for me. “Sara, I told you last night. It’s over.”

  “You don’t know what you’re doing Chance. It’s not too late. We can definitely work through this. Let’s go out tonight and talk.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck as I shook my head. “Sara, I do appreciate what you’re doing, or at least attempting to do…but it’s
too late. There hasn’t been an us for a long time.” I attempted to move past her down the hallway.

  “Please…” Sara reached out and grabbed my arm, causing me to pause for a minute. “Chance, do you really want to just toss three years out the window.” She stared at me waiting for my answer and then quickly added. “Besides…where are you going right now… have a hot date or something with that bitch?”

  “Mind your own business Sara.” I felt myself getting annoyed. “Why are you even still here?”

  “You are my business Chance.” Stay here with me. Let’s talk.”

  “I have nothing more to say to you.” I pulled away and walked to the elevator. “Just go back to the city Sara, there’s nothing left here for you.”

  * * * *

  As I approached Becca’s suite, the doors opened and the group, led by Melissa, filed out of the room. Just like the previous night, the three girls whispered to themselves as I approached. This time I had left the stress of the previous evening behind. Becca and I had straightened things out and were about to have an amazing evening when Melissa’s bachelorette party was over.

  “Hey girls…did you get the champagne? I’ve setup some things for you this evening. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”

  Melissa shot me a grim smile and a half wave. “I’m sure we will, thanks Chance. Thanks for giving us…” Melissa paused for a moment as she looked at the two other girls. “A memorable weekend.”

  “I’m sorry, did Becca not tell you we straightened things out?” I smiled at her as I waited for Becca to come through the door. “Where is she by the way?”

  “Yeah Chance, we heard all about everything last night. It sounded like you had a great start to the evening.” Melissa pursed her lips as she continued. “So great that Becca decided to head home tonight. She left this morning.”

  “Home? As in New York City?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Your fiancé came by last night.”


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