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Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale

Page 4

by Jacquelyn Faye

  "I'm here with Kara." She pointed at me.

  "You two know each other?" He was asking me, not her.

  "Neighbors," I explained, and rolled my eyes.

  He hmphed and nodded, leading us into the sanctum of the inner office. I spun and caught Margaret checking out my ass. I blew her a kiss before following Karen into the principal's office.

  "Well, let me start by saying how very glad I am that you have chosen to enroll your children in Brentworth Academy's long heritage of education–" He stopped talking when I held up my hand.

  "I did my research and everything I read pointed me to your door. Sort of crunched for time, we just got to the house last night, and I have a billion things to do. I trust you to take care of my offspring." Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the check and set it on his desk. "Is there anything you need from me?"

  His eyes roamed my chest, and he finally caught my eyes. "No. Not unless you would like a tour of the school?"

  "I'm hardly dressed for that. I was lucky to find this outfit in one of the boxes," I lied smoothly. There had to be a Starbucks around. Maybe I could entice Karen into stopping on the way home.

  "Very well, then. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the school."

  "Oh, Margaret and I are already friends. Thank you, Mr. Marshall."

  "It was a pleasure, Mrs. Dell." He stood and offered his hand. I shook it, resisting the urge to wipe it off on my shirt as I turned and walked away. The man was a creep through and through. I momentarily wondered how many MILFs he'd had under his desk to get, or keep, their kids enrolled in the snob school. Then I realized I really didn't want to be thinking about his cock in anybody's mouth. Shud. Der.

  "Coffee? I'm buying," I asked Karen as we exited the office, making it a point to pull my shorts even higher as we walked past Margaret.

  "I'd love some!"


  "Right around the corner."


  "We must have a toast to a new school year full of fun! You certainly know how to make an impression. I thought I knew how to be rude to that stick in the mud. You elevated it to an artform. You should have seen his face when you stopped him mid-speech."

  "I found myself unable to look at his face. He wasn't looking at mine, anyway."

  "Well, yes. Any guy would be staring at your chest. You should have worn a bra."

  "Keeps the guys distracted."

  She chuckled and keyed the locks to the van. We got in, and she drove a little slower—NASCAR instead of Formula 1. She circled around the Starbucks three times until she got a parking spot by the front doors, cutting off another minivan to get the primo spot. Amazing the lengths humans went to, to avoid walking fifty fucking feet. It was a wonder Karen didn't weigh more. Pole dancing and Zumba must have been paying off.

  We walked up to the counter, and the twenty-something, curly-haired kid stared openmouthed at my chest. Finally remembering he could get fired for ogling the customers, he raised his eyes. "Um. Morning. What can I get started for you?"

  "I'll have a venti coffee, black."


  "Yes. I like my coffee like I like my men."


  "Hard to swallow."

  He blushed a furious crimson color and started frantically punching buttons on the register. I caught a slight charge from him imagining me deepthroating, and I relished in the taste. He'd been around the magic beans for too long, they were starting to flavor him, as well.

  "Are you together?" He looked to Karen.

  I answered him. "Like as in a couple? I tried one night when she was drunk. Made it to second base, but then she remembered she likes guys. So, not for lack of effort on my part. But I'm paying for her coffee."

  His slight arousal swelled, as I imagined other parts of him did as well. I would have bet twenty bucks he was going to head straight to the bathroom after we got our coffee and rub one out. Maybe, if we sat close enough to the bathroom, I could collect some of that purged lust.

  If I followed him into the bathroom, I could drink straight from the source…

  Bad, Kara. Don't need a reputation as the barista blowing bitch on your first day. I need to slow down. Good things cum to those who wait.

  "You okay? You want to get something to eat? You look a little hungry…"

  "You have no idea, Karen. I feel like I haven't eaten in a year…"

  She blinked at me rapidly, leaning closer. "Huh."


  "Must have been the sunlight coming in or something, but it looked like your eyes were glowing red for a second."

  Shit. Fuck. I was hungrier than I thought.

  "Mornin', ladies."

  Karen turned. "Daniel! We were just having coffee. Won't you join us?"

  "Don't mind if I do. Have a meeting at ten, so I can slack off for a bit. You don't mind, do you, Kara?"

  "Not in the slightest." Fuck yes! Breakfast.

  He ordered, and we grabbed a booth by the window while he waited for his coffee. "Girl, if you don't carpe his diem, you're gonna be sorry. He's single, but I don't see him staying that way for long. Every bitch in heat in our neighborhood has tried to bag that boy with everything from casseroles to brownies."

  "They used food?"

  "How else are you supposed to entice a man? Think they want to eat take out for the rest of their lives?"

  "Give them something sweeter to eat."


  "Cuntcakes…" I was treated to a mid-morning caffeine shower courtesy of Karen's shocked sensibilities.

  "Did you say…"

  I nodded. "The way to a man's heart isn't through his stomach, Karen. It's through his dick."

  "That might be the way to his bed, sweetie, but not his heart. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?"

  "Why buy the whole pig, just for a little sausage?"


  "Karen. I was married. It was the happiest I've ever been in my life. I'm never going to recreate what I lost, so why even try? I came here to move on, not move in." I looked at Daniel, who gave me a smile while he waited. "He has definite recurring snack qualities, but it's time to broaden my taste buds again."

  "I hate you right now."

  "Because you think I'm a slut."

  "Hell no. I'm jealous." She blushed and sipped her coffee.

  "Of what?" Daniel asked as he slid into the booth next to me.

  "How gorgeous Kara is. Can you believe she's forty? I'd swear she wasn't old enough to drink."

  He gave me a little surprised look. "Really?"

  I nodded and took a long swig of my coffee.

  "Holy hell. How do you stand to chug it when it's that hot?"

  I blinked at Karen. It had been a while since I'd had coffee with complete strangers. Ryan knew I could chug boiling water without so much as getting a blister. In fact, I preferred my coffee scalding to hot, it had way more flavor. "Hot things never really bothered me."

  "Me, neither," Daniel said and grinned.

  I chuckled softly and leaned a little closer. He smelled absolutely divine, and he wasn't even aroused yet. Yet.

  "Aren't you cold?"

  "Fricking freezing. I have a jacket, in a box, in the house somewhere."

  "I have a sweatshirt in the Jeep, if you want to borrow it."

  "It's okay. It's warm in here, and I'm heading home after this."


  Zoning out for a moment, I was almost overcome by the miasma of lust coming not from Daniel, but from the bathrooms. The barista I'd teased had succumbed to my torture, and was in the bathroom furiously pounding his meat. If I closed my eyes, I could not only see him, but the little fantasy he had going on in his little head. Karen and I were on our knees, kissing each other around the shaft of his cock. My lady parts practically spasmed under the table.

  "Yes," I managed to answer Daniel a little breathlessly. Grinning, I took another sip of my coffee.

  "You okay, Kara? You
r face is a little flushed. I hope you're not getting sick."

  I was watching the show in my head and not really listening to Karen. The kid was edging himself, taking his fifteen-minute break a little early. He wanted to make it last…

  Absentmindedly, I set my hand down beside me, I'd been closer to Daniel than I realized, and it ended up on his thigh. "Just a little dizzy. Long night," I managed to stammer.

  "I bet. I'm free after my meeting if you need help moving furniture or anything."

  Score. "I'd love to. The movers put everything where we wanted, but it's where we thought we wanted it. It was late, and I couldn't ask them to stay and shuffle it around."

  "I'd be glad to help."

  "What time?"

  "Should be free around lunch time."

  "I'll order delivery. Least I can do is feed you."

  "Don't forget, you owe me dessert." I didn't miss his subtle reminder and flashed him a little smile.

  "I would never forget to feed you dessert."

  "Awww. I have a Zumba class at noon, or I'd help, too."

  I turned from Daniel and raised my eyebrows at Karen. Her face flushed when she realized what I had planned.

  "Well, next time," she said, and sipped her coffee nervously, just as the kid in the bathroom got a little too close to the edge.

  I could feel his cum seeping from the tip of his cock onto his hand as he used it for lube, making long slow strokes up and down his length. My nostrils flared as I caught the earthy scent all the way at our booth. My lips parted, and my tongue slid over my lips.

  I'd forgotten my hand on Daniel's thigh until his arousal hit my senses. I groaned as I sat back in the booth, sliding forward just a bit until my jean shorts dug into just the right places. A tiny quake shivered through me. A fact that didn't go unnoticed by Daniel. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Did you just come?"

  "A little," I grinned at him.

  He chuckled and kissed the lobe of my ear. "How?"

  I turned my face to his and whispered in his ear. "I've been on edge all morning. My shorts are rubbing my clit."

  He nodded in understanding. "Want me to call off my meeting?" He said it loud enough for Karen to hear.

  Glancing over at her, I almost laughed. She was staring at us over her cup of coffee, watching in rapt fascination. "No. That's okay. It will give me some time to unpack and find the necessities."

  "Longer shorts?" Karen asked bemusedly.

  "Sheets," I replied honestly. I didn't mind sleeping on the bare mattress last night, but there was no way I was fucking on it.

  "Oh. Wow." She shuddered like she was living vicariously through me.

  Daniel chuckled. "Well, I should get this meeting over with so I can help you move that furniture."

  "Come on over whenever you get back. I'll be around."

  "See you then." He gave me a sly smile, got up, and headed for the door.

  The kid in the bathroom blew his load at the same moment, and I threw my head back and came with him, taking all his pent-up lust and energy back into me with one long, quiet shudder. I bit my lip as I sat up and saw Karen was wearing the same expression I was.

  "I think I just had an orgasm," she said quietly, glancing around nervously. She had obviously been caught up in my backlash.

  "Why?" I asked innocently.

  "Why? The two of you! That was the hottest thing I've ever seen! No games, no doubts. You two knew what you wanted and made it quite clear. You just met him last night! How is that even possible?"

  "Easy. He's divorced, I'm a widow. We're using each other."

  She blinked in surprise. "And you're okay with that?"

  "Why wouldn't I be? I have needs, too."

  "Looks like your needs are about to get filled…"

  I chuckled. "Hopefully, he'll fill more than my needs… I'll let you know."

  "You fucking better." It was the first time I'd heard Karen swear. She sounded almost like an addict.

  Chapter 4

  Ding dong.

  If my doorbell was going to be going off that much, I needed to find something a little less annoying sounding. I set my coffee down on the counter next to the Keurig I had gleefully found while rummaging through boxes, and headed to the door before they pressed the button again.

  "Sorry, meeting ran a little longer than I expected," Daniel said as soon as the door opened, giving me an apologetic look.

  "No worries. Come on in. Coffee?"

  "Please." He looked around the entrance and living room. The furniture was about the only neatly placed items in the house. Boxes were strewn everywhere, labeled by room. "Love what you've done with the place," he said with a chuckle.

  "Yes. I was going for disaster chic with a little bit of apocalyptic Feng Shui. Think I nailed it."

  "I'd say you nailed it. With every missile strike."

  "Oh, come on. It's not that bad."

  "I'm teasing," he said, and held up his hands defensively as we walked into the kitchen. "Nice furniture. I mean that."

  "Thanks. The hubster decorated our last house. I have all the fashion sense of a stripper."

  "I didn't see any poles."

  "It's coming next week. Putting it up in the bedroom, though. Figured the HOA would complain about putting it in the front window."

  "Yeah, the Donaldsons might bitch. Especially after Mr. Donaldson has a heart attack when he walks Mr. Whiskerbiscuit."

  "They seriously named their dog that?"

  "Whiskerbiscuit the Third. Mrs. Donaldson believes in a strict pet diet of half the food off her plate. She takes the dogs for brisk morning drags, since their little feet have trouble reaching the ground."

  "That's horrible!" I couldn't help but laugh as I put the pod in the machine and hit brew. "Cream and sugar?" I started to panic, not knowing where they were or in which box. I had the powdered creamer, but had yet to make a trip to the store. It hadn't been a priority since I drank mine black.

  "Black is fine," he said letting me off the hook. I knew he was, because he'd ordered it with both at the coffee shop. Daniel was sweeter than he looked. Not that he looked bitter, but he was a cross between bad boy and businessman. I wondered what he did for a living, and finally, my curiosity got the better of me.

  "How'd your meeting go?"

  He frowned. "Not as well as I'd hoped."

  "That sucks. What do you do for a living?"

  "Software developer. I was meeting with a potential investor. They're willing, but for a larger cut than I was willing to give." He saw the lost look on my face. "Blah, blah, blah. Boring stuff."

  I was, in fact, sorry I'd asked. My eyes must have glazed over.

  "So. What about you? What's does Kara do for money?"

  I tilted my head in confusion. "Stripper. I wasn't kidding when I said that was my fashion sense."

  "Holy shit. Really?" He didn't seem turned off, merely curious.

  I was grateful it had come up before we went any further. People tended to react badly if they found out you were a stripper after you started dating. Or fucking. If they found out before, they were either good with it, turned on by it, or ended it before it started. Ryan was a rare find. He wasn't just good with it, he got turned on by me dancing for other people, as long as it didn't get out of hand. At the end of the day, I was his and his only, and I was good with that.

  Now… I was a succubus. Falling head over heels with a human was a once in a lifetime event. I'd never tie myself down like that again. And no more offspring. Ever. That fucking hurt.

  "Yes. Does that bother you?"

  He sat down on the barstool in front of the kitchen counter and thought about it for a moment before answering. "Nope."

  I pulled the mug out of the machine and set it in front of him. "You sure? Not that I'm employed right now, and probably won't be seeking employment, but it's who I am. I take my clothes off and dance for people for money. No jealousy flare ups when you think about it?"



  "I like you. I like you a lot, and I have from the moment I saw you last night. I'd love to date you. My social life since the divorce has been…almost nonexistent. I work crazy hours and hardly ever see my kids. It's one of the main reasons my wife left me for her personal trainer. I'll probably never have the desire to get married again. Are you okay with that?"

  "Yes?" I didn't understand the question.

  "Well, I'm fine if you want to take your clothes off and dance for other guys." He grinned at me and then narrowed his eyes a little, not angrily. "In fact," he looked down at his lap, "I seem to like that idea very much…"

  I walked around the corner of the counter and looked. He wasn't rock hard, but I could definitely see the outline of his cock through his trousers. I lifted my eyebrows in appreciation. Definitely not a little sausage. I laughed and leaned against the counter beside him. "What about seeing other people?"

  "An open relationship?"

  I nodded. We'd literally just met, and to be discussing relationships rules and boundaries before we started dating was kind of gross. I just really didn't want any misconceptions before we did. He was my neighbor. Did I love him? No. Was I attracted to him? Yes. Did I want to sit on his cock and suck every ounce of lust from him? Fuck yes. Did I want him getting all possessive and jealous? Fuck no. Best to nip it in the bud.

  "If you want to date other guys, I'm fine with that. Hell, I knew my wife was fucking her trainer for three years before she left me."

  Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.

  "What about you? You ever cheat on your wife?"

  "No. I barely had time for her."

  "So, if I date other guys, you're not going to date other women?"

  He laughed. "Why would I? Not going to find anybody else as hot or intriguing as you."

  I set my coffee down on the counter next to his and leaned over, locking my lips to his. When his tongue slipped in my mouth, I sucked it like I wanted to suck his cock.

  "Fuck, you're hot," he managed to stammer.

  "Abnormally high body temperature. It's why I freeze my fucking nipples off when it's cold outside."

  He chuckled. "I meant sexy. And beautiful. But yes, your lips are warm."


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