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Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale

Page 8

by Jacquelyn Faye

  Few things in this universe stank quite as much as public restrooms. Didn't matter if they were used by men or women, or both. They all reeked. Public restrooms at sporting event fields were abysmally worse. Drawing a breath through my mouth, I held it until I was done, and my hands were washed.

  Technically, I could hold my breath indefinitely. One of the perks of being a supernatural entity. It became uncomfortable after a few minutes, and I didn't like to do it. When I hit the door and it wouldn't open, I didn't panic, but there was no way in hell I was breathing in the stench. I pushed on the door, and the groan of metal became much more important than worrying about odors. I managed to peer out of the centimeter-wide gap I'd made and saw the hasp they used to lock the doors at night. Pressing my face against the door, my worst fears were true. Somebody, probably the bitch who tried to shoulder block me, had locked the padlock that had been hanging on the open hasp.

  Laughter, muted by the door and distance, set my blood on fire. Drawing back my arm, I open-palmed the door right at the level of the latch. My hand struck, dented the metal door and pulled a good chunk of the wall off with it. Concrete and metal went flying. Calmly, and coolly, I walked out of the bathroom pretending nothing was amiss. I refused to even look at her. A mortal screaming in fear was never a good thing in a public place. I'm sure she would have seen her death in my eyes. Revenge was much better when they weren't suspecting it.

  Flopping back down on my lawn chair, I reached over and grabbed my drink from Brady. I should have brought two.

  "Everything okay?"

  "Little trouble with one of the mothers. Problem solved."

  "Is she still in one piece?" He chuckled.

  "For now. Feeling cute, might rend her later, haven't decided."

  "Which one was it?" He sat up and looked over his shoulder. "Let me guess. Blonde at the concession stand, glaring daggers at you?"


  "That's Marissa Hodgins. Teaches the local cheer classes, and the mother of the previous star player on the boys' team."


  "Until your son joined the team."


  "That, and she's probably not too happy seeing you sitting next to me. She probably thinks that's why your son is doing so well on the team…"

  "She thinks I'm fucking you?"

  He blushed but nodded.

  "Want to have dinner tomorrow? I'm meeting Daniel."

  He seemed a little confused. "You want to have dinner with both of us?"


  "If you don't mind a third wheel?"

  "Not at all."

  If the bitch wanted to talk about me, I'd make for damn sure she wouldn't be spreading lies.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Seeing your offspring hoisted up on the shoulders of his teammates was not something I ever would have expected to make me sniff and rub the corner of my eye. They had played the boys team from the same school that had trounced my daughter's team, and won in the last few seconds of the game. Karl had kicked the ball between the legs of one of the players charging him, jumped and spun as the child passed him, and landed just a few feet from the ball. He reached out with his left leg, giving it a sweeping kick that put it in the upper left hand of the goal, completely out of reach of the goalie.

  Having the parents of the other kids patting me on the shoulder and screaming in my ear in excitement wasn't exactly normal, either. I had to consciously retract my talons before smiling at them over my shoulder.

  "That was amazing!" One of the dad's seemed overly excited. Then I realized he was looking over my shoulder. At my tits. Taking a small sip of his lust, I smiled and headed for the gate. Karl was being deposited on his feet just on the other side.

  Excitedly, Karl came running through the gate and nearly tackled me. "Did you friggin' see that?"

  "I did," I answered with a small chuckle, patting him on the head. "You were great."

  "Thanks!" His face got a little serious as he looked around. "Where's Rynnie?"

  "She went to the park with some of her teammates."

  "Good. Then she didn't see."

  "See what?"

  "Us winning the game. She was pretty depressed that they lost theirs."

  "You're a very sweet boy, but I'm sure she would be happy for you. She played amazing as well, but their opponents were, more than likely, recruited from the jungles of the Amazon."

  "Yeah." He nodded in agreement. I was glad it wasn't just me who saw the difference in the female teams.

  "Should we go get some pizza?"

  His grin was answer enough. "I'll go get Ryn. Meet you at the car!"

  Smiling at his back as he headed for the park, I was utterly grateful for an end to the soccer induced hell I'd been subjected to.

  "Need a hand?"

  "Hey, Brady," I answered without turning around. "Thank you, but I can manage to carry an aluminum framed seat all by my lonesome." Or a small bus. Definitely a hunky soccer coach. Especially if he were chained up…

  "I know you can, I was being all gentlemanly."

  "Then you should have thrown me over your shoulder, slapped my ass, and taken me to the back of your van."


  "Even better. Especially if you have an air mattress."

  "Nope. Nor a topper."

  "That's okay. I don't mind people watching, but I'm not getting my ass bruised."

  "If I didn't think you were totally joking with me, I'd be seriously drooling over my shirt right about now." He folded his chair up and gave me a nervous chuckle.

  You have no idea, mortal… "Yep. That's me. I'm such a tease," I answered drolly.

  "Wait, you were serious?" His eyes bulged out of his head.

  I gave him a wicked grin, shrugged, and headed for my SUV. His eyes were burning holes in the back of my skirt, I could feel the heat from his gaze. Not to mention, I could smell his lust, which the cool wind at my back was wafting toward me and hardening my nipples with its delicious aroma.

  Then, I saw my vehicle sitting in the grass on four deflated tires. The lawn chair slipped from my grip as red tinged my vision.

  "What's the matter?" Brady caught up to me, and even the delicious smell of his arousal didn't cool my murderous mood. "Oh. Shit." He passed me and set his chair by my bumper, walking around my car, inspecting the damage. "Well, the good news is they weren't slashed. Somebody just let the air out of them. Would you be impressed if I told you I had a compressor in the back of my truck?"

  Hope fluttered through me. "Impressed? I'd blow you if you did!"

  "Damnit. Makes me wish I had an air compressor in the back of my truck."

  "You don't?" The hope fluttered away. I think I might have actually pouted. I'd been looking forward to blowing him.

  "No. I just asked if you'd be impressed if I did." He blushed in embarrassment. His joke having taken a horribly wrong turn and smashing into oncoming traffic. "But I can run you down the street to the Home Depot and buy one."

  "That would be…delightful. Let me text the kids." I whipped out my phone and let my fingers fly over the keys at inhuman speed.

  "You're going to leave them here?" His voice left little doubt that would be bad parenting.

  So much for the blowjob. "No! You don't mind if they ride along, do you?"

  "Not at all."

  Chapter 8

  "So, let me get this straight…You're dating Daniel. The most eligible divorcée in Shady Oaks, if not all of Bickering, and now you're screwing around with Coach Drake? The second one on the same list? And you have Daniel's permission?"

  "Well, not that I need his 'permission,' but I do have his blessing." I nodded at Karen and gave her an impish grin as I pulled the red plastic cart out of the corral. "He thinks it's kind of hot."

  "It is. But I still hate you," she answered with a little pout, pulling a second cart out for her. The pout lasted all of three seconds, the exact time it took her to eye the discount bin in the front of Target. She squealed and ma
de a beeline for the display of Halloween merchandise.

  "Technically, we're not screwing around. Yet."

  "But he gave you a ride to the hardware store, and then inflated all your tires for you?"


  "He wants you."

  "I know."

  "Lucky bitch. Ooh! These are adorable!" She reached into one of the bins and pulled out three wooden carved pumpkins and unceremoniously dumped them in her cart.

  "I'm going to grab a coffee. Want anything?"

  "Grande caramel macchiato, extra shot, half nonfat, half soy, extra caramel."

  I stared at her with half-lidded eyes, resisting the urge to slash her throat and let her life's blood drain into the black coffee I was about to purchase.

  She looked up and saw the look on my face. "Coffee's fine…"

  "Cream and sugar?"


  I nodded and turned around, heading for the Starbucks by the registers. Taking a sigh to calm my nerves, I got in line. Thankfully, it was only three people deep and only took a few minutes to get my order in and take my place at the serving counter.

  "Two coffees for Kyra."


  The eighteen-year-old barista blinked at me in shock. Apparently, she wasn't used to people correcting their names. Surprisingly. One would think they would actually get a round of applause with every one they got right. I made a mental note to start doing that, if it ever happened. Usually, I was Cora.

  "Cream and sugar are over there." She pointed at the small countertop by the carts.

  "Thanks," I paused to look at her name tag that said, 'Mary.' "Marie," I finished, and picked up the coffees, walking away before the poor girl registered what I said.

  "Are you following me?"

  I smiled as Brady's voice slithered over my neck like lips. Shuddering, I looked over my shoulder at him. "Since I was here first, I should be the one asking that question."

  "How do you know you were here first?"

  "Because if you were here when I got here, I would have known it and come found you."

  He grinned and leaned against the coffee station. "Fine. I just walked through the door and saw this hot girl pouring milk in her coffee."

  "Friend's coffee."

  "Her friend's coffee. I couldn't resist saying hello."

  "The bigger question is, what brings you to Target? I thought this store was reserved for lonely housewives."

  "Alana needed some stuff, so I drove her."


  "My sister. Your daughter's coach." He looked around. "Where are the kids?"

  "Playing with Karen's. Her husband is watching them."

  He chuckled. "Rick's a nice guy. I'm assuming that coffee is Karen's?"

  I nodded and snapped her lid back on, stuffing the cup into one of those cardboard thingies so she didn't scald her human skin. "Want to hang out with us?"

  "No. I'll let you go. I'll see you and Daniel for dinner on Friday?"

  I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks again for everything you did yesterday."

  "My pleasure," he answered dreamily and absentmindedly trailed his fingers over his jaw where I'd kissed him.

  I just chuckled. The kiss was for taking me to get a small air compressor for my car. The pleasure for actually inflating my tires and making sure I got home would come later. When he did.

  Bumping his hip with mine, I headed back for the discount bins. My cart was there, but Karen was across the aisle, standing in front of a rack of sports bras and staring at me jealously.

  "I swear you're a magnet. They find you no matter where you are."

  "He's shopping with his sister."

  Karen nodded knowingly. "Yeah. He moved in with her when he got divorced."

  "She's not married?"

  "No. She's a…uh. She likes women."

  "They can get married, too, Karen."

  "Oh! I know that, silly. I meant she's not married to anybody."

  "And you were letting me know she likes women."


  "Why?" I wasn't angry, just curious. I was a succubus. Lust was our bread and butter. It didn't matter if it was loaves or biscuits. We just loved sandwiches.

  Karen shrugged, embarrassed. "I don't know. I'm so used to hanging around people who would have been shocked by the revelation. I forget stuff like that doesn't faze you at all." She took her coffee and set it in the holder in her cart, frowning slightly.

  "Do you want me to pretend to be shocked?"

  "No. I like this better."

  Our discussion kind of felt like when Ryn had scored the goal, or Karl had won the game. Karen won a small victory, and I was almost proud. Instead of making a big deal out of it, I gave her a small smile and pretended to rifle through the sports bras beside her. Why anybody would wear one of the gods' awful things was beyond my comprehension, but then again, I didn't have large breasts or engage in sport activities. I'd stick to free fall or lingerie.

  "Oh, that's adorable!"

  I stopped rifling and looked at the neon pink monstrosity in my hand. "It looks exactly like every other one on this rack."

  "But it has a bow printed on the front."

  "You need help, Karen."

  She giggled. "Come on. I want to look at shoes."

  We headed toward the shoe aisle, each of us pushing our own coffee laden cart. She stopped short, and I almost slammed into the back of her, swerving my cart into the aisle at the last moment and avoiding a major wreck on the highway. "Karen!"


  "Slow down. Drive responsibly."

  "These are what I was looking for, though!" She pulled a pair of white tennis shoes out of the box, from the middle of the rack, and ran her finger along the pink swoosh.

  I looked down at her feet. She was wearing the exact same pair. "What's wrong with the ones you're wearing?"

  "I scuffed the top in Zumba class."

  I'd had enough for one day. "I'll be in electronics." I needed a new phone and to keep my sanity, anyway.

  "Okey dokey."

  I waved over my shoulder, gripped the cart, and pulled my coffee from the holder. I started guzzling it, hoping the caffeine would get rid of my rapidly increasing headache.

  It took me a moment to find the electronics department, but thankfully, it was mostly empty. I needed a break from people. Parking my cart in front of the display of cell phones, I regretted not bringing Karl. He kept up with technology and knew the latest models of every brand, from gaming console to televisions. He would have pointed at the phone I should buy. "Maybe, I'll just wait."

  Daunted, I turned my cart and looked down the main aisle of home décor. Brady wore a disinterested expression while his sister was picking out a floor lamp. Even bored, he was hot. His hair wasn't long, but it wasn't short either, pushed back and messy. I wanted to run my fingers through it.

  He was wearing a white T-shirt stretched over his chest and a pair of jeans that had seen better days. They would have looked much better off of him. Leaning back against the counter, I paused to watch the show. He wasn't even aware I was drooling over him.

  Until he turned his head and caught me watching the Brady Show. He blushed and waved, pointed at his sister and rolled his eyes. She was oblivious, focused solely on the selection of lamps before her.

  It was time to have a little fun.

  Letting my hands slide down over the front of my skirt, I let the hem slip between my fingers and gave it a little tug upward. His eyes were directly connected to it and widened as I brought it higher and higher, stopping just below the lips of my pussy and letting it go. You could see the disappointment, and relief, in his eyes. He looked around nervously and gave me a look like I was crazy.

  Maybe, I should take one more look at the cell phones.

  Turning, I bent over the display. He had to have been getting an eyeful, but it wasn't time to look yet. The show had just begun. I ran my finger over one of the more expensive models and bent over
to see if they had any in stock in the locked case below. I had to hold myself up with my hands to make sure I could see the tiny little model numbers printed on the box. From the angle I was bent over, Brady had to have a pretty good view of my box, too.

  Someone coughed behind me, and it wasn't Brady.

  Looking over my shoulder, I grinned at the nerdy looking sales guy standing there, averting his eyes like a gentleman. "Can I help you find anything?"

  "Just looking. Thanks."

  "Well, if you need anything, I'll be right over there." He pointed at the kiosk in the middle of the department.

  "Will do. Thanks."

  He smiled and walked away. I looked over at Brady. He was red and practically crying with laughter. He still had a bulge in his jeans, but he was laughing.

  I shrugged and lifted my skirt, giving him an unobstructed view before dropping it, and pushing my cart toward the Halloween section. I could feel his lust behind me, racing to catch up.

  "I can't believe you did that." He fell into step beside me.

  "Neither could the clerk."

  "You're going to be in his dreams tonight."

  I stopped at an endcap, pretending to peruse the pumpkin colored garland and lights. "It's not his dreams I want to be in."

  "Why do you want to be in mine?"

  "Well, you're playing hard to get. Might as well be in your dreams." I let go of the garland and pushed the cart around the corner, entering the main decorating aisle. Pumpkins, black glittery cats, and green faced witches assaulted my senses.

  "You're dating my best friend. I'm playing not to get."

  "Then what are you doing here?"

  "Can't seem to stay away from you. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to you. But I won't hurt Daniel."

  "And I've told you, Daniel is okay with it."

  "So he says. But what if he isn't?"

  "You haven't smelled his lust when he thought about it."

  "Um…smelled? Ew."

  "Seen. I meant to say seen." I barely managed to refrain from smacking myself in the forehead.


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