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Love & Corruption: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

Page 21

by J. A. Owenby

  “We wait for Brian and his team to find the girls. They will most likely put men anywhere a container could be shipped out, but I’m not positive. I’m not privy to those details. I delivered the information quickly so they could act on it.” I paused and cleared my throat. “I had a chat with Don concerning his family … if they’re found.”

  She tilted her chin up and held my gaze. “I offered free security for Mrs. Colbert and the girls until an arrest is made and counseling as well. They’re going to need every tool they can get to recover from this nightmare. I think I’d like to set up college funds for the girls since their father won’t be contributing financially. Maybe I’m trying to make up for the lost time with Mom, but the hardest job in the world is to raise kids on your own. If I could make it even a little bit easier …”

  Sutton’s mouth parted in surprise, then closed again. “I love you so much. You offering to keep them safe and help them move on is a huge gift.” Her full lips met mine, and everything around me disappeared for a moment while she once again filled my entire being.

  “Sir?” Jeffrey’s voice came through the door.

  “You can open it,” I called.

  Jeffrey walked in, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

  “The police are here and requesting your presence.”

  Sutton moved off my lap and gave me a hopeful glance. “Maybe they have a lead about last night?”

  I took her hand and led her to the entryway, but Jeffrey didn’t move.

  “They requested you, no one else.”

  Dammit, this couldn’t be good. Worry flashed across Sutton’s face.

  “I’ll take them to the library, so you’re not stuck in here.” I gave her a quick kiss and headed out of my office and to the front door where Sully stood next to a cop, and what I assumed was a detective. This didn’t feel right. At. All.

  Chapter 31

  One cop. One detective. Both of them watched my every move while I hurried toward them. What in the hell was going on? If there had been an update about Claire, wouldn’t I have heard from Brian?

  “Gentlemen,” I said, nodding to the men. Sully and Jeffrey stood on my right side, remaining attentive.

  “I’m Officer Powell and this is Detective Sumner.”

  Officer Powell held onto his belt buckle as though his pants might fall down at any moment. His light blonde hair was nearly white, and his beady brown eyes assessed me quickly. He was new. His posture was off for a seasoned cop, and so was his confidence. The detective, on the other hand, had seen a lot of action. His brown hair was thinning, and he had a small stomach pooch, but I’d guess it wasn’t from doughnuts. I scanned him briefly and noted the off-white color of the detective’s eyes. Cirrhosis. Mom’s younger brother had the same look when he’d first been diagnosed. I was only eight at the time, but I never forgot what it looked like.

  “Do you have a few minutes to chat?” Officer Powell asked.

  Like I was in a position to say no.

  “Of course, please come in. We can talk in the library.” I led the way. I’d not missed that Sutton had crept out of the office and joined Redd in the kitchen. I shot her a look and nodded for her to scoot. I couldn’t take the chance of her overhearing anything that would send her into a tailspin. She frowned at me but headed back to the living room as I shut the door.

  “Where were you last night?” Detective Sumner started while he and Powell sat down on the loveseat.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I asked in disbelief. I remained standing, my hands hanging at my side. They were watching my body language as much as I was theirs, but I had nothing to hide.

  “I’ll ask you again. Where were you last night?”

  “I don’t understand. What’s this about?” I held the detective’s stern gaze. What in the hell was going on?

  “Please answer the question,” Sumner said.

  I squelched my irritation. Not only might I need to work with these guys at some point, but I was now seriously curious why they had shown up at my door.

  “I was with my client and bodyguards at her house from eight until ten last night. Someone shot at her. The cops showed up so they can verify that for you.”

  “And after?” Officer Powell asked.

  “I drove my client, her bodyguard, and myself here. We arrived at ten twenty p.m. You can verify that on the lobby camera and the ones in the penthouse hallway. We were here the rest of the evening.”

  “What about before you met with your client at her house?” Powell shifted in his chair and scribbled something I couldn’t see on his little pad of paper. I wondered if it made him feel important.

  “I was with Brian Martin from the FBI. Listen, I’m happy to help with anything you need. My whereabouts are documented, but why are you here and asking questions?” Maybe Mr. Colbert had shared his interrogation experience with them. Not that it would matter much, he was in FBI custody.

  “Jaci Hernandez was found murdered last night,” Detective Sumner explained. “We know that there was an altercation a few days ago in the mini-mart parking lot.”

  Holy crap. Although I shouldn’t be surprised, I was, but if there was one thing I’d learned, living a life like Jaci’s came back to haunt you.

  “Almost an altercation, but there wasn’t. Jaci and I have known each other since high school, but I haven't seen him since the day at the convenience store.”

  “A homeless man was Dumpster diving and stumbled over Jaci’s foot. Most of his body was positioned behind the trash container. When we arrived, it was clear he’d been shot in the head.”

  Son of a bitch. The bastard was finally taken out, but what I wanted to know was by who. If we learned the who, then the why would fall into place.

  “How can I help?” I asked. Dad taught me to never turn down an opportunity. It might be beneficial to establish a relationship with these two now.

  Ten minutes later, Sumner and Powell left but this time on friendlier terms.

  Sutton darted out of my office straight toward me, her eyes wide.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  I didn’t miss the hope in her voice and my stomach dropped. She’d be disappointed it wasn’t good news about Claire. We both hoped to hear something positive soon.

  I led everyone into the living room, and she sat down on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her.

  “Someone shot and killed Jaci. Sumner and Powell were definitely interested in my whereabouts, but I obviously didn’t kill him.”

  “What?” She shook her head in shock while her brows knitted together as she processed the information. “I think I’m relieved he’s out of our lives for good. Is that wrong to say?”

  “No. I feel the same way.”

  “But … Why would they suspect you anyway?” Sutton asked, confused with the visit.

  I cracked my knuckles and paced the room. “They knew about mine and Jaci’s encounter a few days ago, so they wanted to know where I was last night.”

  “Did he finally piss off someone who had the guts to get revenge?” Sutton chewed on her bottom lip, deep in thought.

  “That’s what it sounds like. One bullet to the head and he was gone. But so was our lead for Claire,” I stated. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No,” she whispered. “No.” She shook her head as though she could change the facts, fear and grief consuming her expression.

  “We’ll figure this out.” I sat next to her and took her small hand in mine.

  “I’ll talk to Brian as soon as we’re done. But I think I might require your special skills. We need to know about any leads the police have, and no one would tell me anything today. Can you hack into the National Crime Information Center? We might be able to identify who would take Jaci’s place, or at least get some leads to look into. Once we figure out that piece, the FBI can tail him and possibly find the girls.”

  “Yeah. It will help me feel like I’m doing something, too.” Relief danced across her features.

“Let’s start there, all right? We can use the office.” I nodded at Redd and Jeffrey.

  “I’m going to grab my laptop. I’ll meet you in there.” Sutton stood and hurried toward the bedroom.

  A few minutes later, we settled in at my desk.

  “Did they say anything else about Jaci?” Sutton asked.

  “They found his body behind a Dumpster at the 7-11 on Killingsworth.”

  “It sounds like someone wanted some time before he was located.” Sutton’s fingers danced across the keyboard.

  “How long will it take you to get in?” I watched her in amazement. Although I wasn’t surprised to see Sutton hacking into a website, it was interesting to witness.

  “It depends on how much security and encryption they have in place … and … bingo.”

  “Seriously, you’re in already?” I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her, the thrill of locating information illegally coursing through my body.

  “I was taught well, what can I say?” She gave me a half shrug, then focused her attention to the screen.

  Sutton typed Jaci’s name into the system and scrolled through the data on him.

  “He’s got a hell of a rap sheet,” she muttered.

  “Wait. There.” I pointed at a name on the screen.

  She clicked on it, and another image popped up.

  “Mateo Hernandez. Son of a bitch. It’s Jaci’s younger brother, and from his rap sheet it looks like he might have been groomed to take over one day. Look at the notes. Apparently the cops share our thoughts. That’s what we needed. Now that we know who, we can confirm the information and have eyes on him,” I said and leaned forward in my chair.

  “I’ve never met him,” Sutton said while she continued to scan the data concerning Mateo. “Good grief, he’s been in more trouble than Jaci, if that’s possible. Theft, robbery, drug possession, and that’s just the little stuff.” She shook her head in disbelief.

  “It looks like Mateo was arrested for prostituting girls, too. It could easily tie in with the trafficking ring. I’ll reach out to Lionel and see if he knows who will take Jaci’s place, but I’m leaning toward Mateo. Regardless, Jaci had other men handling the transportation of the women. When I talked with Brian, he’d mentioned his guy had identified Claire, but there were at least ten others with weapons in the tunnels. It’s just a matter of finding out who is taking over for Jaci.”

  “I’ll be waiting to see what Lionel says. I’m tired of hoping for something good to work with. I want to bring my sister home.”

  “I know, babe. We’re getting closer. Let me make some phone calls.”

  “I’ll call my parents, too. I haven’t told them I was shot at while at my house yet, and I’m not looking forward to the conversation. I thought they would have already seen it on the news, but they’ve not called.”

  Sutton logged off and closed her computer. She pushed up on her tiptoes, giving me a quick kiss before she left.

  Chapter 32

  “Yeah?” Lionel answered on the third ring.

  “It’s Pierce,” I said, staring out of my office window.

  “I figured I’d hear from you today.”

  A shuffling noise filled the line, and I imagined Lionel at his desk with the messy stack of papers and a glass of whiskey in his hand.

  “I got a surprise visit from a homicide detective,” I began. “They wanted to know where I was last night when Jaci was murdered.”

  “The entire community is buzzing about Jaci,” Lionel said. “Can’t blame them. Someone finally got pissed enough to take a shot at the motherfucker.”

  “Do you know who?” I cut right to the chase, not wasting any time.

  “Wasn’t us, but we’re certainly keeping our ears open. If they’re for hire, I’d like to take advantage of some more trash removal.” Lionel snickered as though he’d just told a great joke.

  I shook my head. Lionel had enough men to kill for him, he didn’t need to employ anyone unless he did it for shits and giggles.

  “Now that Jaci is gone, who do you think will step up and take his place?” I wasn’t going to share Sutton had hacked into the police database and we had our suspicions already. I was more interested in confirmation.

  “My money is on his brother, Mateo. He’s been grooming him for years, but I’ll let you know if we learn anything different.”

  “Thanks. I’ve got a few more calls to make, so I’ll catch up with you later,” I said.

  “Watch your step out there, son. Somebody is looking for revenge and until we know more about why Jaci was removed … well, stay alert.”

  I appreciated Lionel’s heartfelt concern. “I will. Thanks.” I tapped the end call button and immediately dialed Brian’s number. It went straight to voicemail, and I left a message.

  Leaning against the window with my shoulder, I mentally reviewed what facts we did have. According to Lionel and Don, Jaci was behind the human trafficking. Jaci had told Sutton the Sons of Chaos were responsible for it. He was a smart guy, and there was no doubt in my mind he’d planted the information so that she’d tell me, and I’d communicate it to the FBI. But what Jaci hadn’t known was that Lionel and I were still on good terms, so I had access to the truth. But who shot Jaci and why? Something in my gut told me it wasn’t a hot-headed argument gone wrong. There was more to it, especially since the delivery of the girls had gotten messed up. Now that Jaci was gone, someone would step into his shoes, and that someone would make a mistake. And when they did … I’d be waiting.

  Invisible clouds of vanilla and peaches permeated my bedroom. I closed and locked the door behind me. It had been a long day, and the only thing I wanted was Sutton. Removing my shirt, I tossed it in the hamper and sauntered into the steamed-up bathroom. Sutton’s silhouette caught my eye through the shower glass, and I watched her move underneath the spray of the water. My brain immediately shut off, blocked everything out around us, and my dick twitched with anticipation of being in her. Touching her. Tasting her.

  “Sutton, I’m in here with you,” I said, alerting her of my presence.

  She popped open the door and peered out at me while little droplets trickled between her breasts. Her eyes lit up, and I quickly removed my jeans and boxer briefs. I wrapped my hand around my cock and eyed her. “Can I join you?”

  “Please.” She smiled and wiped the water from her face. She stepped back out of the entry, and I joined her.

  “Mm,” I said, circling my arms around her waist. “You are in my shower—naked.”

  A giggle escaped her. “I’m all yours.”

  The majority of my adult life, I’d longed to hear those words from her. She sucked on my ear lobe and gave it a little tug. My mouth crashed down on hers as my hands hungrily caressed her body. I needed to touch every sexy curve.

  “Turn around,” I grunted. Sutton did as I asked, and I grabbed her ass cheek, digging my fingers into her warm flesh. The water traveled over her skin, and I licked at a droplet streaming down her back. “Bend over the seat.”

  Her perky little ass tipped up in the air as she placed her hands on the shower bench and bent over for me. I sank to my knees and spread her legs apart for better access. My dick throbbed while I circled my finger over her wet core. I’d missed her all these years, and I planned on making it up to her over and over again.

  My tongue moved in her, the taste of her consuming me. A moan escaped her as I licked and sucked her sensitive flesh. Biting gently at her bud, she pushed against my mouth, and I looped my arms around her legs for leverage. Her body quivered beneath my touch, driving me crazy. I needed her. I needed her hot pussy clenching my cock while she shuddered with an orgasm.

  “Pierce,” she cried. I slid my finger into her as she came. I lapped her juices up like it was my last meal. Seconds later, I rubbed the tip of my dick along her slit. She purred as she gazed at me over her shoulder. “Fuck me.”

  Jesus Christ. I thought I was going to lose it hearing her say that. I guided myself inside her
just enough to make her beg for more. My eyes closed. It would take all of my control not to shove deeper.

  She wiggled against me, but I held her hips in place and pulled out. Her fingers curled into fists. Easing the head of myself into her again, I rocked back and forth at the edge of her entrance.

  “Pierce, my God,” she said, pleading with me.

  I grabbed a handful of her long hair and gave it a solid tug.

  “What do you want?” I moved in and out of her, forcing her to beg for the full length of me.

  “All of you,” she whimpered.

  I wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. Not yet. I turned her to face me and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her to her knees. “Suck me off.” She smiled seductively and rubbed my dick over her well-rounded tits. If I weren’t careful, I’d come now. I had to have her mouth on me first. She swirled her tongue along my shaft and stroked me with her hand. No one else ever gave me a blowjob like she did. Her rosy lips wrapped around the tip of me, and she peered up while she took me into her warm mouth. She moaned as I hit the back of her throat. I placed my hands on the walls and watched her.

  “That’s it, baby.” I leaned into the spray, the water of the shower streaming over my body. Placing a hand behind her head, I guided myself in and out. I was going to explode. “Ahh! Stop. Stand up and turn around.”

  The moment she had her back to me, I pushed my hard cock into her.

  “Is that what you needed?” I fondled her breast from behind and teased her nipple.


  I pumped in and out of her, our bodies slamming against each other. Her core tightened around me while we climaxed together.

  “Baby.” Panting, she leaned against me, and I cupped her chin with my fingers.

  “Do you feel better?” I grinned at her.

  “So, so much. Thank you.”

  “I love you, Sutton.”

  “For infinity,” she replied.

  We took our time and washed each other, then crawled into bed.


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