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Love & Corruption: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

Page 23

by J. A. Owenby

  It was nearly seven in the morning when Daniel, Beth, and Claire settled in for some rest in the guest bedroom. Although I was tired, sleep eluded me, and I went into my office. Minutes later, Sutton appeared at the door.

  “Hi babe,” I said, standing and hugging her.

  “Hi.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head against my chest. “I … I can’t believe she’s home.” Sutton’s shoulders shuddered and she broke into quiet sobs.

  “She is, babe. She is.” I held her while she cried and swore once again that whoever was behind the trafficking ring would fucking suffer. The pain it had brought not only Sutton, but all the other families, was indescribable.

  As Sutton’s cries quieted, I sank into my office chair and pulled her into my lap.

  “How’s Claire?” I asked.

  “I have a smart sister.”

  “Of course you do.” I kissed her on the forehead. “What did she say?”

  Sutton stood and stretched, then sat on the corner of my desk.

  “First, she has bruises all over her side. I was also able to discreetly search for any needle marks while I helped her undress for a bath, but I didn’t find anything. She didn’t mention any drugs, either.”

  “That’s a good sign, then. I suspect she’s in shock and more of what happened will come to light as she gets some rest.” Leaning back in my chair, I studied my girlfriend. Even over the last several days, she seemed different, stronger. She was determined to fight for her sister, which made me love her even more.

  “Claire mentioned that there were a ton of girls.”

  I rubbed the back of her hand with the pad of my thumb, encouraging her to continue. “What else?”

  “She feels stupid, like this was all her fault, and I told her she couldn’t blame herself. I mean, how would she have any idea that her history professor would even think about doing something so horrific!” Sutton closed her eyes and shook her head. “Some people are sick and twisted.”

  “I know, but the best way we can fight this is by sticking together.”

  Sutton nodded. “I asked her if she remembered what anyone looked like when Mr. Colbert led her into the tunnels. She only saw one of them before a bag was put over my head.”

  My heart leaped in my chest. This was good. It was beyond good, it was amazing ... if she could point him out to Brian.

  “What else?” I asked.

  “That he was tall, maybe your height. His hair was shaved off, and he had mean gray eyes. They called him Barkley.”

  “Are you shittin’ me? She got a name?” I asked, flabbergasted.

  “Claire has no clue if it’s his real one or not, but she figured they probably didn’t think anything about using names since the girls weren’t supposed to ever come home.”

  “Babe,” I said, standing. “This could help a lot.” I folded my arms over my chest and waited for her to collect her thoughts. It had been an early morning, and with all the excitement, we were physically and mentally drained.

  “Once she was able to relax a bit, she started listening to her surroundings, what the men were saying, and trying to pick up anything that might save her life.”

  “Good girl.” If she were with me now, I’d give her a huge hug and tell her how proud of her I was. She definitely had some of Sutton in her. Courage, determination, and intelligence. Not everyone would have been able to remember to pay attention while they were being kidnapped.

  “After the tunnels, they threw the three girls into the back of what she assumed was a van. The other two that were with her were crying, but she could hear my voice inside her head asking about her surroundings. After a few minutes, the men started talking. They were going to ship them overseas to be sold at an auction, but they had to deliver everyone to someone named Hussain Abadi ...” Her words trailed off, her mouth dropping open as the sickening truth started sinking in. “She would have been a sex slave, Pierce.”

  “Babe.” I brushed a stray hair from her face. “She’s home now and safe, and so are the other women. And with the information she gave them, the FBI has more to go on.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she whispered. “Whoever did this … they have to be stopped.”

  “I want to talk to Brian, why don’t you get some sleep? Sully, Redd, and Jeffrey are trading out keeping an eye on the cameras at your parents’ and your houses.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I placed a gentle kiss on her mouth, then watched her leave my office.

  Chapter 34

  Picking up my cell phone, I tapped Brian’s number on my screen.

  “Pierce,” he answered. “How’s Claire?”

  “I’ve not spent much time with her, but Sutton got her into a bath and she talked. I think she shared some great info."

  “She gave us our best leads to date,” Brian added. “I know Claire and the other women are home, but this isn’t over yet. Someone shot at Sutton and Jaci Hernandez is dead.” Brian paused for a moment and I imagined the frown in his forehead as he continued to put things together.

  “Do you think Jaci’s death is related? I mean he had enemies. Powerful ones.”

  “We’re not sure,” Brian said. “There are a lot of moving pieces we’re dialing in.”

  Rubbing my neck, I glared out the window. Portland was now in full rush hour traffic downtown. I didn’t miss it at all. “For today, we’re all here with each other and safe. Everyone is worn out, and my brain is on overdrive. We don’t have all the pieces, but something … something feels off.” I just wasn’t sure what it was yet, but I needed to share it with Brian. Maybe he had the same gnawing feeling I did.

  “I agree. Trust your instincts, Pierce. They’ve always been spot-on when you chose to listen,” Brian encouraged.

  I hoped like hell he was right. Whoever was behind this needed to be taken down, but no matter how much I wanted to dismantle the entire human trafficking ring, I knew better. I’d have to find some peace going after the men who took Claire.

  “Hang on.” Brian muted his line, and I waited in silence for a full minute.

  “You still there, Pierce? I just got more information for you.”

  “Whatcha got?” I asked.

  “There were fifty-three girls in all, and Don Colbert’s wife and daughters were in the container with Claire and safely at home now.”

  “That’s fantastic news.” Relief flooded over me. “I’d like to talk to them when I can, and I’ll probably reach out sometime tomorrow. They need a day or so to rest. Thanks, man.”

  “All right, I’ll keep you posted and please do the same,” Brian said.

  “You bet.” I tapped the end call button.

  The next afternoon, Jeffrey drove me to Mrs. Colbert’s home. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Maybe Don had told her everything, if the FBI had released him, but she wouldn’t have learned any of that until early yesterday morning when she and her daughters were found along with Claire.

  I wondered what Mrs. Colbert would think of my proposal. It certainly wasn’t your run-of-the-mill offer, but I couldn’t stand what she and her children had gone through.

  Jeffrey pulled into the driveway of a quaint, blue-gray Cape Cod style home. The house was surrounded by maple and aspen trees. Their leaves had started to brighten from green to red and yellow. Although the rainy season had begun, the sky was crystal blue today, and the light breeze carried a cool undercurrent.

  Sully moved in front of me with confidence and rang the doorbell. If I were Mrs. Colbert, I wouldn’t answer after what she’d just been through, but I hoped she would.

  The door cracked open, and a woman who appeared to be in her forties answered. Her brown eyes were rimmed in red and dark shadows beneath them.

  “Mrs. Colbert?” I asked, stepping up. “Please don’t be alarmed. I’m Pierce Westbrook, I own Westbrook Security firm. I knew one of the young women who had been kidnapped with you and your daughters. I’m here to help.”

  “Help how?” Her ex
pression tightened as she surveyed us. I’d shown up in jeans and a burgundy-colored polo shirt, but Jeffrey and Sully were in suits, sunglasses, and earpieces. They were dressed like top-notch security.

  “May we come in? I know you’ve been through a lot, and I won’t take much of your time.”

  Fear flickered across her face, but then the door widened, and she allowed us to enter. She tightened her light blue housecoat around her narrow waist and smoothed her sandy blonde hair.

  “Please, sit down,” she said, motioning to the living room.

  Sully remained by the entrance while Jeffrey and I took a seat on her black suede couch. Pink and purple backpacks were propped up in the corner, but that was the only indication of any children. The area was spotless.

  Mrs. Colbert gave a terrified glance at us and continued to stand near the coffee table.

  “He’s here to protect you and the girls. You can walk right by him, out on your front porch, and to your car if you want to. We’re not here to keep you in your home,” I assured her.

  She nodded and sat on the edge of the navy-blue recliner, her slender fingers wringing together.

  “How are the girls doing?” I leaned back in my chair. If she paid attention to my relaxed posture, it would help her see I wasn’t here to cause any harm.

  “Tired and scared that the men will show up again.” She visibly swallowed. “I don’t understand what happened. One minute I was in the kitchen in the rented cabin, pulling items out of the fridge to cook for dinner, and the next I had a bag over my face. They tossed the girls and myself into the back of a van from what I could tell.” Her shoulders trembled as she spoke.

  Her account was sounding familiar and supported Don’s story. The same men who he’d worked with had taken his family.

  “The FBI has a few leads. I talked to my connection today. Claire, my girlfriend’s sister, was also in the … she’d been …” How did I tell this poor woman her husband was the reason for this horror she’d just lived through? I leaned forward in my seat, my hands steepling together. What would Dad say to her?

  “Mrs. Colbert, I can tell you what information I have, but let’s start with what you know. Where’s Don?” I made sure to keep my tone even and gentle. This woman was a baby deer in front of an eighteen-wheeler. This wasn’t right. She should be at work and the kids at school, laughing and spending time together at the end of the day.

  She quirked an eyebrow at me. “You know Don?” she asked. “From the college?”

  “No, ma’am. I met him a few days ago. He showed up at my place and begged for my help after you and his daughters went missing.”

  “I’m so confused.” She glanced at the floor and shook her head. “He’s still with the police for questioning. I know it sounds bad that I’m not there with him, but after what the girls and I went through, I’m scared to leave, and my babies need their sleep.”

  I nodded. “That’s understandable, and I think it’s a wise choice. I’m so sorry to tell you this, but your husband got tangled up with the wrong people. He’d been approached by a street gang to deliver some young college students to the Shanghai Tunnels. They offered him money, but he declined. Don realized there was something illegal going on, and he refused to have anything to do with it. But … they showed up again and asked for the ladies by name. Claire Forrester was one of them. He declined to help until they threatened to take you and the kids, then he complied.”

  Mrs. Colbert twisted the end of her bath robe belt and heaved a sigh. “I know. The FBI interviewed me and told me what had happened. What I don’t understand is why didn’t he report it to the police and talk to me about it? We could have left for a while … and no one would have been hurt.”

  “That would have been the right thing to do.” I paused and allowed her to process. Even if she already knew the truth, it would most likely take her time to muddle through it all. “The victims were supposed to have been transported overseas and auctioned off as sex slaves. Something went wrong, and that’s when they came after you.”

  “But Don delivered the girls. I mean, I know that sounds horrible, but was it his fault they didn’t move them out on time?” She stood and paced the small living room, biting her thumbnail.

  “The operation … it’s a dark world that you had a glimpse into. When there’s a problem, they go after everyone that’s involved. Don knew too much. There is nothing fair or logical with organizations that abuse and treat humans like animals.” My jaw tensed as anger rumbled through my body.

  “How could he not have told me?” Tears slipped down her cheeks. “Are we safe, then?” Panic threaded through her voice.

  I couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. One minute she’s snatched from her home, then returned only to learn her husband was responsible. A dull ache pierced my chest. All I wanted was to give her a life back. Moving forward, she’d be a single mother while Don spent time in prison.

  “I don’t know, and that’s why I’m here. I’d like to offer you and the girls protection while the case is still open. There will be no cost to you.”

  “Really?” Her body visibly relaxed as her hand patted her chest. “Why? Why would you do something like that for us?”

  My eyes locked with hers. “Because there is nothing more important in this world than the relationship between a parent and child. It should be cherished and protected. You deserve to live a safe, good life. I’m here to help you do that. Also, if you’re interested, I’d like to pay for any counseling for you and the girls.”

  She sat down in the chair across from me wiped away her tears. “That would mean a lot. My entire world spun upside down in just a few short days, and I’m scrambling to put my family together again.” Her chin wobbled with her words.

  “If you need anything, ask Sullivan, he’s here to stay with you. Also, here’s my personal cell phone number.” I pulled a business card out of my wallet and scribbled my information on the back of it. “Please don’t hand that out to anyone.” I stood. “I’m sorry about what you all went through.”

  “Me too.” She stood along with me.

  “Did they … did they hurt you or the girls physically?”

  “No,” she whispered. “They were rough, and we have a few bruises, but we weren’t assaulted or raped.”

  “Good.” If she’d said yes, if those little ones had been harmed, I’d take the motherfuckers out myself.

  “Since you’ve accepted the security, I’ll send another man over soon. I’ll call when I know who it will be.”

  “Thank you,” she said, this time extending her hand to me.

  Jeffrey and I stepped out of the house, and I inhaled deeply. A part of me felt like I should do more, but at least I could help one family, and maybe that was where it started. Changing one life at a time.

  “You’re a good man,” Jeffrey said while we got into the car.

  “I’m not. I’ve killed people in battle, I’ve broken a lot of laws, and I’ve lived on the darker side, but when it comes to women and children … that’s my soft spot.”

  “Sounds like a good spot to have.”

  If it all worked out for Mrs. Colbert and the girls stayed protected, it would definitely be an excellent one to have.

  Chapter 35

  Two weeks later I’d finally consented and allowed Sutton’s parents and Claire to return home. I assigned Claire a bodyguard so each of them would have someone with them at all times. From Claire’s demeanor, she wasn’t ready to return to school or join the outside world much, even though she had constant security.

  The house felt ridiculously empty after they left, too.

  After spending the day at the corporate office, I was more than ready to see Sutton. Accompanied by Jeffrey, I opened the door to the penthouse and immediately tuned into Redd’s voice coming from the living room.

  “Besides, I suspect the boss would want you to actually do some work around here.” Redd’s words carried a teasing tone.

  “Ha! I’ll give him s
ome work time all right,” Sutton replied, giggling.

  “Give who some work time?” I asked, rounding the corner and grinning. I’d be happy with whatever Sutton had planned as long as it involved her naked.

  “When did you get back? I didn’t even hear you and Jeffrey come in. I’m not sure I like that.” She stared at me, her eyes narrowing in thought. “Since there are more people who have access to your place, what about I install some additional security that will alert us when someone is in the hall?”

  “I think it’s a good idea. Jeffrey, I assume that Dad has cameras in the hallway?”

  “Yes sir, they’re located in the light sconces. They’re very small but powerful.”

  “Do your thing, Sutton. Why don’t you have alerts sent to all our phones. We can dial it back as needed, but since we’re all in and out, I think it would be helpful.” I stated.

  “You got it, boss.” Sutton flashed me a wide smile.

  My cock hardened in seconds. I think I liked how the word “boss” rolled off her tongue.

  “Feel free to take my office, and I’ll be in the library if you need me,” I said.

  An hour later, I knocked on my office door and walked in. Sutton wrapped a strand of her hair around a finger and glanced up at me.

  “How’s it coming along?”

  “Good, I’m just about finished.” Her agile fingers danced across the keyboard while she talked. “By the way, I’m going to meet Dick tomorrow and he’s going to show me what he’s working on. I think he wanted my input before he showed it to you.”

  “Yeah?” I sat on the edge of my desk. She was stunning when she was focused. All she needed was a pair of black rimmed glasses, her hair piled in a bun on the top of her head, and a short little skirt ...

  She leaned back in my chair and she beamed at me. “This girl needs some nerd time, boss.”

  I bent down and rested a hand on each of the armrests. “You’re amazing.” Her lace bra was visible from this angle, and desire stirred through every part of me.


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