Book Read Free


Page 36

by Susan X Meagher

  “If you weren’t so heavy, I’d have my hand between my thighs right now,” Jamie purred. “I’ll come if you so much as brush against me.”

  Ryan pushed herself up, then maneuvered so that she was sitting on the floor. Tugging at Jamie’s legs, she slung them over her shoulders and opened her lover with her fingers. Mesmerized by the glistening flesh, she delicately began to taste her, stunned when Jamie grabbed the back of her head and panted out a quiet, quick orgasm. Not moving her head, Ryan stroked her lover’s thighs, waiting until her flesh stopped pulsing to tentatively start to nuzzle against her again.

  “Wait,” Jamie moaned. “Give me a minute ...”

  But Ryan didn’t obey this time. She slipped her index fingers inside and played with her, stretching and probing at her until Jamie’s body grew relaxed and limp. “Go on,” she finally purred. “This is good.”

  Ryan dipped her head again and started to lap lazily, once again surprised when Jamie groaned, “Oh! I’m coming ... ahh ... yeah ... yeah,” while pushing her vulva against Ryan’s mouth.

  Waiting patiently, Ryan finally looked up and said, “How about a little more?”

  “Give me a few,” Jamie said. “Come up here and hold me.” She scooted over onto her side, giving Ryan room to cuddle.

  “I meant me,” Ryan said, grinning shyly.

  Jamie’s eyes opened wide. “Really? Think you can?”

  Lips pursed, she said, “I’m still really turned on. And I’ve been reading about orgasms. I haven’t found any research that says there’s a physiological reason for my not being able to have more than one orgasm in a day.”

  “You’ve had two a couple of times.”

  “Yeah, but I hate to miss an opportunity to be a glutton.” She chuckled. “And I am really turned on.”

  Jamie turned and kissed her. “Where do you want me?”

  “Would you mind if I kinda ... got on top of you? I’m dying to feel your mouth on me.”

  “Let’s go, Tiger. I’d love to be able to play with you all night long.”

  Ryan made a few adjustments, getting Jamie at just the right angle. Then she slowly lowered herself to her lover’s mouth, moaning in relief when the warm, wet tongue touched her throbbing skin. “Oh, Jesus, that feels fantastic!”

  Jamie looked up to see her lover pinching and pulling on her own nipples, her eyes closed and her mouth open just enough to show the tip of her tongue. Without thought, she reached around Ryan and started to play with her own clit, gently touching herself just enough to keep her high going.

  Moving her hips in a stunningly sexy fashion, Ryan sought more and more pressure from Jamie, finally pressing so hard she whimpered in pain. “Fuck,” she growled, lifting her hips and sliding off. Standing on rubbery legs she said, “This isn’t gonna work. But I’m desperate to come.” Her look of frustration turned to delight when she saw where Jamie’s hand was. “May I?”

  Jamie pulled her hand away. “No, not right now. I’m just keeping it warm. What can we do for you?”

  Ryan thought for a moment, then said, “Do you mind a little help?”

  “No. Not as long as it’s not another woman.”

  “Ha! Who’d want that?” She started for the door. “Don’t go away.”

  “Where would I go?” Jamie asked, looking down at her wet, slippery body.

  In a few minutes Ryan was back, carrying the small bag of sex toys she’d brought from home. “I was wondering if we’d ever use any of that stuff,” Jamie said, sitting up to look over Ryan’s shoulder.

  “Haven’t had the need,” Ryan mumbled. “Ahh ... this should work.” She pulled out a good-sized vibrator and handed it to Jamie. “Do you wanna ... or should I?”

  “You do it,” Jamie said, eyes sparkling. “I wanna watch you.”

  Ryan’s eyebrows waggled and she scampered to plug in the device. Sitting down, she said, “This is a little ... clinical. I mean, it doesn’t have the same feel that our lovemaking—”

  “I get it,” Jamie said, smiling. “I just wanna watch you come again. No biggie. I don’t think the things in your bag are a substitute for making love. They’re ... like sprinkles on a sundae.”

  “Good one!” Ryan put her arm around her partner and said, “My arousal has taken a nose-dive. Having to get up and rummage around in a closet isn’t really erotic.”

  “May I?”


  Jamie put her arm around Ryan and kissed her softly. Moving away, she stuck out her lower lip in a slight pout. “Making love to you was so incredibly hot that I’m still throbbing. Feel me,” she whispered, taking Ryan’s hand and pressing her fingers between her lips. “You made me that wet.” She kissed Ryan hard, then pulled back and licked all around her lips. “You made me shiver and shake when I came.” She grasped the back of Ryan’s head and held her still while she kissed her so thoroughly that she wound up with her knee between Ryan’s legs. When she released her grip, Ryan’s head fell back onto the sofa.

  Ryan picked her head up and gave Jamie a totally blank look, then turned on the vibrator and started running the blunt, bullet-like end of it against herself. Her eyes closed and her head fell back again as she kept the device on the outside of her vulva.

  This surprised Jamie, but the pleasured half-smile on Ryan’s face showed her that it was working. Jamie leaned over and started to kiss her again, getting hotter as their kisses got harder and needier. She moaned and Ryan opened her mouth and sucked her tongue in, pulling on it hungrily. Jamie put her hand down to feel the vibrations, amazed at how strong they were. She felt Ryan’s hand move and shifted so she could watch her.

  Ryan held the vibrator in one hand and pressed it hard against herself, using the fingers of her other hand to apply even more pressure. Jamie was amazed at how rough she was with herself, given that Ryan still tended to beg for nothing but a gentle touch when she was on the verge of orgasm. Even though she wasn’t touching her clitoris, the vibrator was thrumming against her relentlessly, and Jamie couldn’t imagine what her lover was feeling. Giving in to her curiosity, she slipped her fingers into Ryan, watching as her eyes closed and she grimaced for a few seconds before she grunted loudly and began to shake, her flesh gripping and releasing around Jamie’s fingers. The orgasm went on longer than usual, and when Ryan dropped the still humming vibrator to the floor, she looked completely exhausted.

  Jamie pulled the vibrator up by its cord and turned it off, then slid her arm around Ryan and cradled her to her body, peppering her face with kisses.

  Ryan eventually opened her eyes. “I’m gonna regret that tomorrow,” she said, grinning crookedly.

  “Really?” She kissed her temple. “Why don’t you use it on me so I can empathize?”

  Ryan’s eyes shifted and she shook her head, chuckling. “Gotta see for yourself, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes were sparkling with interest. “You almost sprained my fingers when you came. I want some of that!”

  “Oh, all right,” Ryan said, feigning irritation. “But I’m not gonna use the big gun on you. You won’t need it.”

  “Why?” Jamie hefted it in her hand. “I want the big one.”

  “Let’s start with something more ... delicate,” Ryan said. “Then we can move up if you want.”

  Ryan took out a small, lipstick sized blue vibrator and put a pair of watch batteries into it. “I feel a little like a gynecologist,” she said, grinning. “This is even more clinical.”

  “Just do me,” Jamie growled, giving her a scowl which turned into a giggle.

  Ryan kissed her quickly and knelt down. Jamie lay down and rested her head on Ryan’s arm. “Ready?”

  “No foreplay?”

  Ryan’s voice dropped. “You won’t need it. Trust me.”

  She turned on the vibrator and spread Jamie’s lips apart. Very delicately, she slid the little blue toy along Jamie’s inner lips, smiling when her partner gasped, “Wow!”

  “Uh-huh.” Ryan lifted it then slid it around a
gain, barely touching her skin.

  Jamie purred with delight, making the sexiest little moans Ryan had ever heard. Then she put her hand on top of Ryan’s and pressed the vibrator against her clit, growling and thrusting her hips as she came once again.

  Ryan started to pull it away, but Jamie opened her eyes and said, “One more.”

  “Such a greedy girl.” Ryan kissed her and started touching her again, letting the little toy bring her partner to one orgasm after another. After six climaxes in just a few minutes, Jamie pushed Ryan’s hand away and collapsed, hardly able to breathe.

  Ryan held her and pressed her ear to her heart, listening to it go from a galloping rhythm to a much more normal beat.

  “Throw those things away,” Jamie weakly ordered.

  “You don’t like my toys? Those rapid-fire orgasms belie your protests.”

  “You’re cute when you talk like that. You sound like an 80-year-old English teacher.” She kissed Ryan gently. “And yes, I like your toys. I like ’em too much. You don’t have to throw ’em out, but don’t make ’em too available. They’re like crack cocaine.”

  “Okay, baby. We’ll stick to nature.”

  Jamie opened an eye. “Maybe once in a while ...”

  Ryan kissed her gently. “Can I take you to bed?”

  “I’m begging you,” she said dramatically, “truly begging you to.”

  Ryan got up the next morning and got into the shower, waiting for Jamie to join her. She grinned at her partner when she entered the steaming shower. “How do you feel?”

  “Great! You?”

  “Itchy. And not good itchy.”

  “Really?” Jamie frowned and patted Ryan gently between her legs. “Here?”

  “Yep. I’ll itch all day.”

  “Why? Do you know?”

  “Not really. All I know is that when I force myself to have a second orgasm I always feel kinda swollen and irritated the next day.”

  Jamie let the water wash over her face, then sputtered some of it at Ryan. “Then why do it?”

  Ryan kissed her. “’Cause you make me hot, goofy. I get turned on and want more sex. But my body doesn’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “That’s a damned shame. ’Cause I could get the vibrator out and peel off another dozen.” She giggled, showing Ryan her teeth.

  “Yes, I’m jealous,” Ryan said. “You know, some of that research I did says that multiple orgasms can give you a kind of high. Did you feel that?”

  “Hmm ... kinda. If we’d kept going I could have gotten into a zone I think.”

  Ryan started to wash Jamie’s hair, since Jamie still couldn’t bend her left arm. “Every time you come, you release endorphins. If you don’t rest between them, you just keep releasing endorphins and they aren’t dissipated. So you can literally fuck yourself into a stupor.” She laughed and blew a raspberry against Jamie’s bare back. “Who’d’ve thought a stupor could sound good, huh?”

  “I’m trying to think of what I’m not gonna get done today,” Jamie teased. “My stupor calls!”

  Ryan sat in Ellen’s office on Thursday morning, tapping her feet and moving her shoulders a little to a beat only she could hear. “You know, Ryan,” Ellen said, “I would hardly believe you were the same person who first showed up for group therapy. Are you feeling as good as you look?”

  For a few moments Ryan was perfectly still, then she nodded slowly. “I ... guess I am.” She smiled and shifted her gaze from Barb to Ellen. “I’m not sure when I started feeling better, but I really do feel good.”

  “You seem much more comfortable talking about the things that upset you,” Barb said. “You don’t look like you’re being tortured any more.”

  “It doesn’t feel like torture. You know, the first few times, I felt like I had lead in my pockets when I left here, but now I feel energized most days. Talking in here lets me live my life without stuffing all of my fears down.” She met both of their gazes. “Being here has really helped me, and having it be just the three of us has made me feel safer.”

  “That’s very good to hear,” Ellen said. “How’s your travel schedule? I know you were having trouble when you had to be away from home.”

  “It was more when Jamie had to leave, but I didn’t like to go, either. But I’ve got to go to Seattle this afternoon, and then to Los Angeles from there on Friday, and I’m looking forward to it. Of course, Jamie’s going with me, thanks to her broken elbow. I never would have thought that her being injured could be such a good thing, but it really has made my life better.” She grinned impishly. “I’m not sure she’d agree, but her break has helped me heal.”

  Jamie woke up on Friday morning, reached out, and patted an empty space next to her on the bed. “Where’s my teddy bear?”

  Ryan got up from the chair and walked over to the bed, sitting down and wrapping Jamie in a warm hug. “Right here. I was going over some conjugations. Now that my project is mostly finished, I’ve gotta start breathing French.”

  “I’ll speak French at home if that would help. Speaking of home, why aren’t we in our bed?”

  “’Cause we’re in Seattle. And it might help if you speak French at home. But you have to talk as if you’re talking to a small, dull-witted child.”

  “That’s how I think of you.” Jamie smiled sweetly and winced when Ryan pinched her.

  “I’ve got to go to breakfast soon. Want me to bring you something?”

  “Nah. I saw some decent looking places when we came in last night. I’m gonna poke around Seattle and then come to your game.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to come. You’ve seen enough softball for three lifetimes. Why not go shopping or do something fun?”

  “Hmm ... I’ve never been to Pike’s Place. I’d like to see them throw fish.”

  “Then do that. Go there and hang out and check out Puget Sound. It’s really beautiful!”

  “I’ll see. If I miss you, I’ll come to the game; If not, I’ll wander around.”

  “Cool. Just be at the softball field at the end of the game to catch the bus.”

  “I think I’ll just take a cab to the airport. I don’t wanna have to rush.”

  “Okay. The flight’s at 4:15. Alaska Airlines.”

  “I won’t miss it. And don’t worry about me, okay? I have years of experience in getting to airports on time.”

  Ryan kissed her, lingering for a few moments. “Have fun. That’s your job today.”

  “Yes, ma’am. And your job is to have fun and play well.”

  “If I play.”

  “I always assume your coach will figure out a way to use extra players. He’s smart.”

  Fifteen minutes before their flight was scheduled to depart, Ryan was standing at the gate, scanning the crowd. She let out an audible sigh of relief when Jamie came rounding a corner, her cheeks flushed and a charming grin on her face.

  “Told ya I’d make it,” she panted.

  “Barely! What took ya?”

  “I’ve been shopping. You know I lose track of time.” Jamie held up the shopping bags that filled her hands. “I bought you stuff!”

  “Oh, boy!” Ryan said, her lack of enthusiasm apparent. “New clothes?”

  “Yep. If you’re dressing up to please me, I might as well choose your stuff.”

  Ryan took her hand to board the plane. “There’s a certain logic to your actions. It eludes me, but I know it’s there.”

  They arrived at their hotel at 7:30 p.m. Jamie got their room key while the rest of the team was standing in the lobby waiting for the student manager to get everything sorted out. They slid away from the group and got on the elevator before anyone saw them.

  “I hate to admit how nice it is to be able to just check in and get out of that crowd,” Ryan said. “I don’t even mind having to pay for a separate room ... which is remarkable in itself!”

  Jamie put an arm around her and hugged her. “You’re so cute.”

  Giving her the hesitant smile she always showed when
she wanted Jamie to elaborate on a compliment, Ryan said, “Cute? Why?”

  “I was just looking at you downstairs. Everybody else had on warm-ups or sweats or jeans and T-shirts. You, however,” she snuck her fingers into the placket of Ryan’s neatly ironed pink and white checked shirt, “look like you thought about what you put on today. You look put together.”

  “I want to look like I belong with you.” She auspiciously eyed her partner. “You look fantastic. Heck, you’ve even managed to wear clothes that don’t show you’ve got a broken arm! I don’t know how you do that.”

  They reached their floor and made the short walk to their room. “Ooo ... right by the ice maker,” Ryan said, chuckling. “They must have saved a special room just for us.”

  “Wanna move? Just say the word.”

  “No. I don’t care about that. I don’t hear anything when I sleep with you. It’s just when I’m alone that I hear every cockroach.”

  “Eww! Did you have to say that? Now I’m gonna be itching!”

  Ryan dropped her bag and wrapped Jamie in an enthusiastic, unexpected hug. “I’ll scratch you. Anyplace you want.”

  Jamie stood on her tiptoes and kissed her. “I’ll consider your offer. Hungry?”

  “Yep. And if we hurry, we can make our reservations.”

  Smiling with delight, Jamie looked up at her. “Reservations? What kinda reservations?”

  “Restaurant reservations. What else?”

  Jamie gaped at her lover. “You know how to make restaurant reservations?”

  “Ha. Ha. Wash your hands, put on your lip gloss, and get your bag. We’re going out.”

  “Is it my birthday?” Jamie asked, tapping her chin with her finger.

  “No, but it’s gonna be the day we go to bed without dinner if you don’t shake a leg!”

  Ryan knew the absolute best way to make dinner reservations: she’d called Catherine and asked her where Jamie might like to go. Always happy to lend a hand, Catherine had called a friend in LA to ask what was new and notable. She’d made the reservations, dropping her friend’s name to make sure a good table would await the girls.


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