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Limits of Destiny (Volume 1)

Page 16

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  “You can open them now,” he said uneasily.

  I saw him holding open a large jewelry box lined with black velvet. Inside was a set consisting of a diamond necklace, bracelet, and flower-shaped earrings. The low light in the room made them shine in different hues of blue, yellow, and orange. My eyes hadn’t seen such beauty, such exquisite workmanship before. I was standing there like a stuffed animal, mouth gaping.

  “Do you like them?” asked Alexander, watching me intently with his wide-open blue eyes full of hope. “I’d like you to wear them at the charity ball.”

  “Do I like them…? Hell yes, they’re wonderful.” I covered my mouth with my hand. “But I can’t accept them. They must cost a fortune. What would people say? What would your parents say?”

  “I don’t care. Let them think what they want.” He pouted.

  “The designer clothes, handbags, and shoes you bought are more than enough. This, Alexander, is too much, far too much. Please, don’t expect me to accept them. I don’t want your parents to think you’re wasting your money on me.”

  “I can waste my money however I want. They benefit from it too,” he hissed through gritted teeth.

  He was angry, absolutely furious. I remembered he didn’t like it when someone said no to him.

  “So you don’t like them,” he said sourly.

  He really refuses to understand what I say to him.

  “Alexander, look into my eyes,” I ordered. And he did. Hmm, it is so easy ordering people about. Why have I not realized this sooner?

  “These are the most beautiful jewels I’ve ever seen.” They were gorgeous. Real eye candy.

  “Then make me happy by wearing them at the ball. I’ve never bought anything for a woman, except for my mother, and this is something… new for me.” He grabbed me in his arms and kissed me passionately.

  He does not accept a NO, so just give in and don’t fight with him. I heard a reproachful voice in my head. I pondered what to do. Should I accept such an expensive gift?

  “Put on the dress and let me put the jewelry on you,” he said, his face beaming with joy.

  I went into the walk-in closet and undressed. Then I put on the cream Chanel dress and tried to zip it up by myself, but I only managed to get halfway. I went over to Alexander, who was sitting on a white leather armchair by the window, waiting for me.

  “Can you help me with this?” I asked.

  “It would be my pleasure.” He stood behind me, pulling my hair to the side. He leaned in, inhaled deeply, and then ran a finger along my spine. His tender touch sent tingles of pleasure throughout my body. I closed my eyes. How little I needed, just a slight touch, and I was his.

  “You have no idea how much I want to undo rather than zip up this dress,” he whispered in my ear and slowly moved the zip upward. “Now it’s time for the jewelry.” His voice was upbeat. “Put on the earrings.”

  I first put on the right and then the left earring while Alexander carefully closed the clasp of the bracelet on my wrist. He carefully slid the necklace about my neck and closed its clasp too. He stood in front of me and took a few steps back to get a better look.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said in a husky voice, his eyes locked on me. His eyes shone brighter than the diamonds. Desire, passion, and great admiration shone in his eyes. “My fairytale princess. If I could only describe how happy you make me…”

  “Well, I do my best.” My heart rate increased. I loved him more than life itself. And I was prepared to do anything for him.

  He came over to me, took hold of my hair, twisted it, and lifted it up. “You have lovely hair, baby, but it hides your beautiful face and shoulders. On Saturday, I’d like you to put your hair up. What do you think?”

  “I was also considering that option.” I smiled faintly at him.

  “Great, so we agree. And now I want to take this dress off you so we don’t get it dirty or rip it, but the jewelry… I want you to keep that on.”

  It was like some sort of magic electrified the room, hanging over us, surrounding us and amplifying our incredible attraction toward each other. All I had to do was look at him to start burning with desire. My skin prickled when I again felt the movement of his fingers down my spine. His hot breath brushed over my shoulder and it drove me wild. I felt almost dizzy from excitement. My desire was tearing me apart on the inside.

  The dress slid down to my feet, and I stepped away from it. Alexander picked it up and carefully placed it on the armchair. I turned to him. He raised his hand and took a lock of the hair strewn over my shoulder, watching me in amazement.

  “Sebastian Romer was completely right,” he said quietly.

  “About what?” I asked apprehensively. Let’s not start with these absurd conversations again… I want you…

  He ran his index finger across my face. “Your skin is so smooth, Alexia, and your eyes glint in different hues of green under your long black lashes. You’re like a sculpture… And those full lips… Sebastian wants you, Francesco wants you, your coworker also dreams about you, but I… I won’t let anyone else have you.” He leaned in and pressed his lovely lips against mine.

  Oh, what a good kisser he was.

  “And now I want to fuck you—hard.”


  As always, the sensation was sublime. Alexander was incredible, an amazing lover who knew how to make every woman’s head spin. When we came together, he hugged me even more tightly and kissed the tip of my nose. He looked at me lovingly—or at least I hoped that’s what he felt—with his unearthly beautiful sapphire eyes, which entranced me with their hypnotic power.

  We took a shower, and then I decided to brush my teeth. Alexander went to put the jewelry back in its box. I heard my iPhone ring and ran into the bedroom to pick it up.

  “Hi, Dad, how are you all? How’s Johnny?”

  “Hi, kid. Johnny is much better, but he has to spend a while longer in the hospital. I’m calling you from the airport, honey. I’m flying to Zurich. I have a meeting with a very important client.”

  “And we’ll get to see each other.” I was glad and felt butterflies in my stomach.

  “What time do you land?”

  “At eleven on Terminal 2. God, how glad I am that I’ll see my girl.” I could tell by his voice that he was excited.

  “I’m glad too, Dad. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too, honey. See you soon,” he said and hung up.

  I held the phone against my chest. I loved my father and not being able to see each other often weighed heavily on my heart. A few years back I decided to stay in Zurich because of Daniel. Even though my relationship with him was not what I wanted, I held hope that things between us would work out in the end. I wanted it work out. My life changed after that—I got a job, met Ralph, and I simply liked living in Switzerland. But I still missed my family, regardless of how many years had passed.

  I wondered, where is Alexander? He was not in the bedroom and I really wanted to tell him about my father’s visit. I asked myself, would Alexander and my dad want to meet? I had not introduced any of my boyfriends to my father before, but Alexander was different. He was not simply my boyfriend—he was the love of my life.

  I put on panties, nightie and wrapped a silk robe around myself. In a hurry to locate him, I quickly descended the stairs to the kitchen. I was very surprised to find him sitting at the island bar and talking to some man. He had not told me that he was expecting a guest. They noticed me and turned to me.

  The man was tall and well-built, with short reddish hair, small brown eyes and had a severe expression. He was wearing black jeans and a checkered shirt.

  I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable as my robe was not particularly long and showed most of my legs. “Excuse me… I had no idea that you were not alone, Alexander. You should have told me you were expecting a visitor.” I pulled up the neckline of my robe. “I’m sorry for the intrusion. I just wanted to get some water,” I said quickly. I was not actually lying—I was thirs
ty and the bottle of mineral water in the bedroom was empty.

  Alexander came over to me, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, “I’ll come up to you soon, baby.”

  I noticed by his demeanor that something was wrong.

  “Kraftberg, aren’t you going to introduce us?” asked the stranger, slowly looking me up and down as if to undress me with his eyes.

  This made me extremely uncomfortable.

  “Bert, meet my girlfriend Alexia,” said Alexander with forced calm in his voice. “Alexia, this is Bert Gras.”

  I froze. Standing in front of me was the man from whose message I’d found out about the sex club. Perhaps this was why Alexander looked so apprehensive. He was probably afraid of my reaction.

  I had no intention of shaking this creep’s hand, this perverted, nasty guy who I disliked instantly, even before I knew his name. I felt the blood drain from my face. I was probably white as a sheet.

  Bert stood, took my hand, and kissed it, staring into my eyes the entire time. His face couldn’t hide his satisfaction. “Madam, the pleasure is all mine. Won’t you join us?” He pointed to a chair.

  Feeling nauseated, I pulled my hand away and threw a glance at Alexander.

  “Mr. Gras, thank you for the invitation.” I haughtily raised my head. “But you don’t really believe I would keep you company dressed like this, do you? If you can call it ‘dressed’ at all. Now, gentlemen, would you excuse me?”

  I went over to the cupboard, took a bottle of mineral water, and as I was exiting the kitchen, added, “I wish you a pleasant evening.” I looked over my shoulder and saw Bert’s mouth hanging wide open and his eyes narrowed to small slits.

  I went up to the bedroom, barely managing to contain my rage. I paced nervously back and forth across the room and couldn’t calm myself.

  Why did this asshole come over? To arrange with Alexander to go the club? Why? Dammit all to hell, everything was going so well and now…

  Negative thoughts bounced around my head like a pool ball. I felt like I was going to be sick from worry. My hands shook uncontrollably.

  I don’t want to lose him. Please, God, I beg you. Let Alexander, if he has to choose between me and the club, choose me. I don’t want us to split up. I love him and want to be with him. Please, God, I kept repeating in my head.

  The door opened and Alexander entered without saying anything.

  “Why was Bert here?” I was unable to hide my anxiousness.

  “Vanessa has problems.”

  Oh no, now Vanessa too…

  My insides felt like they were on fire.

  “And you’re the only who can help her.” I barely recognized my ironic voice, changed by the lump stuck in my throat.

  “She’s an old friend, Alexia. We’ve known each other since we were kids,” Alexander replied softly.

  “But that didn’t stop you from sleeping with her.” I couldn’t hide my fury. My eyes were welling up. I looked up and took a deep breath. Right now was the wrong time to show how weak and vulnerable I felt.

  “Are you going to the club?” My voice came out as a whisper.

  Alexander held out his arms to hug me, but I took a step back. “Alexia, I have no intention of ever going back there again.”

  “If you go and I find out, I’ll leave you and never come back.” I licked my dry lips and made fists with my hands.

  “I know,” he said. Lines of worry appeared on his forehead.

  “If I frequented such clubs, how would you feel?”

  “Awful. Completely crushed,” he replied quietly and continued. “Vanessa has a massive drinking problem and doesn’t want to get professional help. Bert asked me to talk to her.”

  “So Bert can’t convince her, but you can? What am I supposed to think about that?” I ran my fingers through my hair and put it into a ponytail to cool myself down.

  “They’re always fighting.” He sat on the bed.

  “Well, that doesn’t surprise me. I can’t even imagine what’s keeping their marriage from falling apart. If they loved each other, they wouldn’t go around fucking other people.” The thought sent chills of disgust through me.

  “I don’t get involved in their relationship. That’s their business.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You really want to have a fight right now?” He watched me intently.

  “No, I don’t want to fight,” I snapped and then continued in a softer voice. “I don’t like it when we fight.”

  Alexander sensed my weakness. He came over to me and took hold of my wrists. “Let’s not fight, then. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. Tomorrow, both of us have to get up early for work.”

  I had no intention of continuing the row, as I knew it wouldn’t get me anywhere. Vanessa was his friend and, as far as I could tell, he valued their friendship. The most important thing for me was he didn’t want to go to that sick club. Not for now at least. I had no idea what the future held for me, but at least for now he only wanted me.

  “I liked how you surprised Bert with your reply. I was surprised too. Did you see his expression?”

  “Yes, I did. I can’t pretend, Alexander… I don’t like Bert.”

  I took off my robe and tucked myself under the covers. Alexander was undressing. I stared at his beautiful muscular body and thought I could watch him for hours, days even, without getting bored. While I was drinking him in, I remembered I hadn’t told him about the conversation with my father.

  “I forgot to tell you my father called. He’s landing in Zurich tomorrow at eleven.”

  “What?” He turned to me in surprise. “What do you mean tomorrow?”

  “He has an urgent meeting with an important client.” I shrugged. “I was surprised too.”

  “Let’s go out for dinner at some classy restaurant,” he proposed. “I’d really like to meet him.”

  “Really?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Yes, what’s so strange about that? Haven’t you introduced him to any of your exes?” He took off his IWC watch with a black face and an exquisite black strap and left it on his night table.

  “To be honest, I haven’t.” I settled comfortably on the pillow.

  “Why?” he wondered.

  “Because I didn’t want to,” I replied tersely. I didn’t want to discuss the men that had been in my life. I wasn’t in love with them.

  My former boyfriends had a sense of humor and made me laugh, but none of them had managed to find the key to my heart. What would have been the point of introducing them to my father? Perhaps I might have fallen for Daniel if he hadn’t cheated on me and we’d stayed together longer. But we ended our relationship too quickly. Then I started to go out with Ralph in the hope it would happen with him. Ralph was staid and gave me the security I needed. But that couldn’t change the way I felt about him. I had no other option than to break up with him and move on in the hope my dream would come true—that one day I would also hear the bells of love ringing.

  “And do you want to introduce me?” Alexander asked. He watched me with slightly narrowed eyes, full of hope.

  “If you want me to… so do I.” I smiled at him. “And now come to me, please.” I patted a spot on the mattress next to me.

  “With pleasure, Miss Welson.” He came over and kissed my hair. I snuggled into his arms, resting my head on his shoulder and gently caressing his powerful chest with the tips of my fingers.

  “I have to go to my place tomorrow, to pick up my car. I want to go to the airport in it.”

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning,” he said sleepily.

  “I need to find some time to buy a present for my father. And I mustn’t forget to book a table in a nice restaurant, but I wonder which one?”

  Raising my head, I looked at Alexander. His eyes were closed. He was asleep. My heart filled up with love. He was so handsome. Lightly, I placed my lips on his muscular chest.

  Completely certain about my feelings for him, I whispered very quietly, “I love y

  Then I pressed myself even tighter against him and sleep came over me.

  * * *

  I parked the Audi in the airport lot and headed toward the elevator in quick strides. It was nearly eleven and I still hadn’t seen exactly where my father was arriving.

  As usual, the airport was crammed with people, quickly passing by with their suitcases, thinking about their own problems.

  I thought about how nice and cheerful Alexander had been this morning. Was it because he was about to meet my father or was there something else? He told me he would have his secretary, Nicole, book a table for three for seven p.m. at one of the best restaurants in Zurich—Pavillon. I was very happy and touched by his nice gesture.

  I spotted my father as he was coming through the sliding doors with a small suitcase, dressed in black jeans and a pale-blue shirt. I felt warmth in my heart and tears started to well up in my eyes. We hadn’t seen each other for months.

  I raised a hand and waved at him. He noticed me and headed my way in long strides, smiling. His hazel eyes gleamed and, as always, his brown hair, peppered with gray here and there, was neatly combed to one side.

  “Alexia.” He grabbed me by the waist and spun me round with ease, as if I were a small child.

  For his fifty years, Colin Welson looked great—enviably so for people his age. He was burly, almost as tall as Alexander, with wide shoulders, and quite muscular. Like my boyfriend, my father was the sort of man that made women on the street turn around after him and sigh, even those who were much younger. It was no accident his wife, Melanie, was very pretty and a whole ten years his junior.

  “Dad, I’m so glad to see you.” A tear had escaped from my eye and was slowly sliding down my face.

  “Me too, my girl.” He gently kissed me on the cheeks.

  “How was your flight?”

  “There was some turbulence, but it was a good journey on the whole. How are you, honey? You look dazzling, like a true lady.” He smiled warmly at me.

  I had put on a glossy satin Gucci skirt in orange and a sleeveless ivory-colored blouse. “Thanks.” I smiled at him. “Are you hungry?”


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