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The Lost Mage 2

Page 4

by A L Issett

  “So Geoff” the king began in a tone that Jon thought was reminiscent of someone bringing up a touchy subject. “There has been many inquiries about who you are to marry. I know who you would prefer but she is not a mage and is out of the picture. Your mother and I have narrowed it down to three women, two of which are older than you by a couple of years and one that is a year younger”.

  “I am a prince father” Geoff complained sounding every bit of the spoiled brat at Jon remembered. “I can still give these women a child if that is my duty but I should marry who I want, I don’t see Gwen being forced into this”.

  “Geoff your children would be considered royal” the King stated in a tone that let everyone know it was not up for discussion. “We cannot have bastards roaming about, all of you children need to be legitimate. As far as Gwen goes she has suitors also but most are much older and your mother thought she should find someone that does not have a foot in the grave and could give her strong children and be there when they are growing up”.

  “Being a male mage is not fair” Geoff pouted as he picked up the cup in front of him and drained it.

  “Jon” the king said looking pointedly at him. “Your magic is unique, it is one I would not have outside of my control or my bloodline. I have thought about this hard, I cannot marry you off to a noble as you are. None would want to take a man with no title, no matter how valuable you may be. Starting right now in addition to being my royal healer you are now Baronet Tinsley. Geoff is the future Duke Tinsley, my birth name before I ascended to the throne. You have a small estate complete with some slaves and workers, not enough to be a real power in the region but enough in keeping with those of minor noble titles. The question though will be who to marry you off to?”

  “I don’t want a wife” Jon stated trying to get the anger out of his voice.

  “Finally something me and the peasant agree on” Geoff said angrily.

  “But you will get one and soon” the King said in a voice that brokered no argument. “The sooner I can get you an expecting wife, the better off I will be in knowing you wouldn’t risk fleeing and leaving a wife and child behind. You are saying the right things boy but I am not an idiot. Now Aquaria, when do you expect you will be ready to start teaching classes?”

  “I will need to pick from amongst your water wizards to find the best candidates” Aquaria began. “Your Majesty if you don’t mind me asking, you said you had other Mages from Magus that were allying with us”.

  “Ah yes” the King said laughing. “I have an air mage, Gale her name is”.

  “I know her, she was not very high up in Magus, I don’t think her power level was significant, I am sure you have more powerful mages in Ket” Aquaria stated.

  “Ah that maybe true Aquaria” the King said as he took a drink. “But I promised the girl the same thing you have and she made her own copies of Magus’ air magic texts. She will lead my air academy as you lead the water academy until she dies, the power level is insubstantial. She should be joining us shortly, the last mage I hope to recruit is Vulcan, Geoff has already sown the seeds of discord”.

  “Mage Vulcan is coming here?” Aquaria said excitedly. “If you are to marry him off I would like to put my name up for consideration. He is the strongest mage ever recorded”.

  “I will take that under consideration should he ever decide to take the bait. It took careful planning to identify those of you who would most likely defect” The king said as Jon noticed plates of food started being brought out. “Vulcan is the last piece of my puzzle that I need, I wouldn’t care after that if Magus falls, stands or wants nothing more to do with us. I would like a copy of the texts you have to be made and given to my high mage for safe keeping. Which reminds me, I have something for you”.

  Jon saw the king gesture to someone behind him and Jon turned around to see a guard holding an ebony wood staff covered in precious jewels. It was not quite as opulent as the one Anna always held but it was nicer than a lot of those he had seen. Jon saw Aquaria’s face light up as the staff was given to her.

  “Gwen, have you seen to your familiar yet, I am sure the beast is hungry” the King spoke as Jon turned around to see a large gray wolf. This was the beast that had attacked him but how long did Gwendolyn have a familiar. She went into the demon summoning class and had to know something about magic since she had access to the High Mage of Ket and it was likely the woman showed her how summoning worked. Perhaps they were both there to separate Jon from the class or to sow discord into Vulcan. If Gwendolyn had a familiar, did that mean Geoff did too? Jon had to be extra aware now, Mages could see out the eyes and use the other senses of their familiars like it was their own.

  “I see the peasant, I mean the Baronet had not known you had a familiar Gwen” Geoff said with a laugh as he tore into his food. “We haven’t needed basic lessons from those idiots in Magus, we were already versed in their intro curriculum, counted Ketian Mages have went through the school before and all kept great notes. If you were a true noble peasant you would know why it is important to keep up appearances. Even if Vulcan decides to stay, we have more than enough knowledge available to teach introductory fire magic”.

  “Vulcan said though that he could find other places that demons could be summoned from though father” Gwendolyn said as she looked at Jon’s plate and could see the healer had not touched his food. “We need many water demons if we are going to try and take Magus”.

  “Eat your food peasant, its time you behave like a proper noble” Geoff spat. “I heard rumors of the things you can do, fix your hair from that drab peasant shade of brown it is to blond like the rest of us and your eyes and skin too. If you are going to be on my lands you had better at least look the part, less my men whip you inadvertently thinking you are a peasant”.

  “I want to see this also” King Jafe said as he stared at Jon. Jon complied but felt like he was going to be sick, he made his hair their shade of pale blond and lightened his skin to the point veins and arteries could be clearly seen beneath them. His eyes he mimicked the color of Geoff’s and hated himself for it. Geoff was a very handsome man, whether Jon wanted to admit it or not. Now he and Jon looked like they could be brothers, something Jon would change back at the first chance he received.

  “You look almost like Joff” Gwendolyn gasped. “You look very much like us now”. Gwendolyn pulled out a mirror and handed it to him which made Jon’s heart drop. He did look like Joff, almost too much like the crown prince and Geoff. Changing hair and skin shouldn’t have done that, other nobles have the so called noble features and none of them looked like family. Jon’s mother had never told him who his father was, only saying that it was some noble. Jon had the King’s nose, it was plain to see now that he changed his features a little. The King had sex with his mother and she probably didn’t say anything in fear that Jon would be hurt. It didn’t matter whether or not the king knew Jon’s heritage, Jon knew and that was enough.

  “You do look like us peasant” Geoff exclaimed. “That should be enough to shut and of the nobles up when they question the validity of a new noble. Father when is our allies getting here, I am tired of waiting”.

  “They should be here sometime today” the King replied as he stared at Jon. Jon saw recognition dawn on the King’s face and knew the king had pieced it together also. He would probably tell his wife that he had made Jon style his features after Joff to avoid explaining he had sex with a slave. “Our other subjects at the school were all packing to leave and should be escorting them here quickly, changing horses as need be”.

  Jon heard a slight ruckus coming in from outside as a messenger ran over to the table Jon was sitting at with the royal family and whispered into the King’s ear. The king smiled and nodded as the messenger left, seconds later the door swung open and when Jon turned to see who it was it made his heart almost stop. Mage Vulcan walked inside but he was not the shock, the fact that he had Jon’s sometime lover Terra Lax with him along with several other Orcs Jon d
id not know along with Elwen and Eloen and at least five other elves. Chairs and additional tables where quickly brought in and Jafe must have had this planned Jon thought. The elven mages were given no meat, as they were strict vegetarians as the orcs were given nothing but rare meat to eat. Neither Lax or the elves met Jon’s eyes as they seemed tired from the road. Jon wanted to hide his shock and began eating the food on his plate so rapidly that within moments it was all gone.

  “Slow down peasant, the food isn’t going to get up and walk off of your plate” Geoff said as Jon noticed Lax’s head snap up and look towards him.

  “Jon?” she said unsure.

  “Yes it is the healer” King Jafe began with a sly smile that made Jon want to rip the tongue out of his head. “He had to be persuaded to come back to his country, but he is enjoying himself now, he even looks like a proper Ketian now”.

  “I see” Lax said as Jon could tell she was thinking hard. “When are we to strike Magus” Lax said pointedly. “The orcs are ready for the assault, and we appreciate your help in the matter”.

  “The elves are ready also” Elwen said in his singsong voice. “We are more than willing to give up our land to the orcs if it means we can take control of Magus and the Dead man’s land. Magus would provide a welcome refuge and would naturally keep others from showing up uninvited. On the way here I have had a chance to speak to the orcs human, I am much older than you and your motives do not match up. Why risk attack from other kingdoms to help our cause, we are not humans, you owe us nothing. You must stand to gain a lot and you are not telling us what. We have already made our move and we demand the whole picture now. Your Kingdom was already talked about as I left about the kidnapping of Jon, so far the elves and orcs are not a part of the war officially, what are you not telling us?”

  “Perceptive” King Jafe said as he took a long drink out of his mug. “I want all the magical knowledge you find in the city and a decree that states if any one of us is ever attacked, then the other two will send help. I want to be the home of the greatest mages in the world, I cannot do that without your help”.

  “I thought as much” Lax began. “When you contacted us about your plans I wondered what will humans get out of attacking their own kind and now I know. My ruler thinks we should attack at the end of the school year, humans from other places are in the school and their nations will be drawn into the war”.

  “They will attack anyway” King Jafe said with a smile. “Magus has stood too long without her defenses being tested; we will attack as soon as the rest of my army gets here. My son Joff will lead the charge, with him will be all of our water mages to help combat the demons and other dangerous animals patrolling the lake around Magus”.

  Jon listened and had heard enough, he was young but with Drommul’s help he quickly pieced together what was going to happen. If Jon were king the first thing he would do is make Vulcan prove he could find new demon hunting spots. If he could then if Jon was King he would force all the magic users too young to go to the academy to quickly learn the affinity class. Now that Jon looked back on it, it shouldn’t take longer than two weeks for anyone with any type of talent to first find their affinity then try to summon a demon. Those that were successful would be pressed into war. They didn’t need to know any magic, just how to control their demons. The first Jon needed to do was get word to Magus, they probably already knew, but Jon had to make sure of it.

  “When will your son reach us?” one of the elves Jon did not recognize spoke. “The elves are ready also, and we have history on the times Magus has been attacked. Never have more than two nations attacked together, and those that did, did not have access to earth mages. We can cross the great lake with help from the orcs, but it will be up to your forces to clear the wall”.

  “This we can do” Jafe smiled. “Baronet Tinsley, it is time for you to travel to the palace. Please change back to your original appearance, I only wanted to see you gift in action while I wasn’t weak unlike the last time when the great pox had me, Gwendolyn will see you settled in”.

  Jon stood without saying a word and walked out of the inn. Behind him he noticed two other Ketian mages he had not seen before following behind him along with his so called personal guard. Jon laughed at this predicament as he climbed into his carriage. He thought he should attack Ket alone or at least break free and warn Magus but Drommul kept interrupting that line of thought. It was likely they would get killed or at least severely injured trying to fight an army, even if they escaped it would be to a life of war. If he just went along with the Ketians, he would be relatively safe and pampered, something that Drommul did not have since he was disposed and he was aching to get back to it. Jon was ready to shut the carriage door when the two mages he had seen following him climbed into to carriage behind him.

  “Get out” Jon said coolly as the first of the mages, a female about ten summers older than him sat down across from him. She was plain looking; obviously a peasant who had gotten lucky and discovered she had the talent.

  “I am on your personal detail, courtesy of his majesty” the Mage smiled as she made way for the other mage who looked to be the more accomplished out of the two. This mage was older, at least 30 and had a stern look about her. Her hair was pulled into a severe looking bun and Jon thought her scowl was reminiscent of one he would get when he was trying to pass a particularly large piece shit through his colon. The older mage closed the door and sat down across from him and just glared. Jon stared back at the woman and thought about what he had done to Gwendolyn when she got out of line and Drommul was all for it. Jon smiled at the older mage and teased her nerve endings near her sex and made sure she was wet. The mage for her part didn’t budge or change her demeanor as Jon gave her a small orgasm. The woman still didn’t budge as Jon thought to himself at least he could have a little bit of fun during his trip.

  “So how long do you have to follow me around?” Jon asked as he started bothering the other mage now, reveling when he saw her face change expressions.

  “We are with you for your protection, and to make sure you do not do anything that will endanger Ket” the stern faced mage replied. “Your tricks you are pulling do not faze me, Amelia may give you sport, but you will not distract me”. Jon stopped what he was doing and smiled a little, he thought he could see disappointment on the other mages face briefly. The sterner mage began to speak again, this time with a little more confidence in her voice. We will travel with you until you get to the palace, we are both at level 8 and we know you are at level 1. We are both fire mages and in case you get the bright idea to escape somehow, my familiar is one of the horses pulling this carriage, Amelia’s is a hawk that has been circling this wagon to make sure we have eyes on you”.

  “Well that sounds a bit creepy” Jon replied. “What if I want to bathe or enjoy the pleasures of a woman, I don’t want you watching. Would you want me watching while you used the bathroom?”

  “Do not flatter yourself” the mage Amelia spoke. “I am older than you are and can attract way better”.

  Jon thought about one of his demons and summoned Flit to sit beside him. His link was stronger with this demon than it was with the other ones Jon could tell, he only had to think and Flit got the general idea. Flit looked around nervously Jon thought although with his bug like appearance it was hard to tell. Jon saw a little apprehension in the older mages face as Jon began to speak. “Flit, I want you to stay here and watch these women’s every move. Whenever they go to the bathroom especially, do not take no for an answer and follow then around whenever they are out of my sight”.

  “Yes master” Flit replied, his voice taking the women by surprise. Flit then gazed at them, at least Jon thought he did, the bugs compound eyes made it hard to tell. The women looked like they were ready to complain but stayed silent. Jon upped the ante by summoning Alura, who was just as Jon thought, was scandalously naked. Alura had a hard time fitting inside the carriage swished into the seat next to Jon, her wings were bending in
what had to be uncomfortable angles. Jon could practically hear Drommul begging as he decided to make the female mages uncomfortable. Jon pulled the succubus onto his lap and she got the idea quickly, pulling up Jon’s robes and exposing his naked flesh underneath. Jon entered her as the succubus gasped as Jon started firing off all of her erogenous zones. Being a demon, Jon had nothing to worry about as far as life stealing and was made even happier as the women in the carriage were gasping in shock. Jon stroked her harder as the succubus dug her clawed fingers hard into his flesh, the disguised scales held though as the demon started moaning loudly. A mischievous thought played through Jon’s mind, every time he entered the demon, he made the other mages vaginal muscles contract like he was stroking inside them also. Jon stroked inside of her deeply, leaving the demon panting as the older mage grabbed ahold of the side of the carriage from the sensation. Jon felt himself about to explode and did not try to fight it, instead he used his gift to make sure all three females came with him, a symphony of moans filled his ears as he couldn’t help but laugh. The demon made a sound not unlike a cat’s purr as Jon banished her back into the pit. Drommul was silent now, Jon could tell he really needed that as the only feeling he was receiving from the demon was that of being content. Jon fixed himself and could see the older mage was sweating heavily, her stern demeanor replaced by a ‘what the fuck just happened’ look. Jon laughed temporarily forgetting about Flit who looked uncaring about whatever had just taken place. Jon fell off to sleep after that, he could piss off the mages later, he did in fact have all the time in the world to do so.


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