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The Death Mask

Page 8

by Tom Raimbault

  As usual, the first glass was poured for Linsey and set beside her. The second was poured for Amber, and the third was poured for Michael.

  After taking a couple sips of wine, Michael announced, “Well Amber, I was thinking of having Linsey watch over you and girls while I'm gone. I'll leave her out here on the table. But please light a candle for her and offer a cup of tea at two o'clock each day.”

  Great, just want Amber wanted! But adoring Linsey meant so much to Michael. “Oh, I'd love to have Linsey watch over us. And I'll be sure to enjoy tea with her every afternoon at two o'clock.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was the morning of December 1st, exactly one week from Thanksgiving. Michael's baggage sat at the front door, and the family shared breakfast while waiting for the limousine to arrive. Michael wasn't going to drive to the airport or bother Amber to take him. A successful man like Michael travels in style. He flew first class, stayed at luxury penthouse hotels and arranged for limousines to transport him while not flying. What else would you expect from the founder and owner of Dickly's Hardware?

  Michael took a sip from his coffee before speaking. “Hey, Christmas is just around the corner. There's a large storage closet at the other end of the house that has the Christmas tree, decorations and stuff. If you feel up to it, why don't you decorate the house for Christmas? I'd love to see the place lit up when I get back.”

  It sounded like an excellent idea to Amber. “Sure! It'll definitely feel like Christmas when you get back.”

  After breakfast, Michael invited Amber into his office upstairs. It was the first time she had ever stepped foot in the impressive room with oversized desk, comfy executive chair, sofas against the walls and a dry bar next a library of business and success books.

  “I'm going to give you this.” Michael presented a check to Amber. “Not only is it your entire month's worth of salary, but some additional money for living expenses and things.” It was a check for ten thousand dollars! “I'm trusting you with that. Please take excellent care of Paulette. I know you will.”

  Amber immediately embraced Michael. “Oh Michael, you know I'll take care of her. And I appreciate everything that you've done for me and the way that you trust me.”

  The two kissed for some moments, realizing that it would be a week before seeing one another, again. And then the doorbell rang.

  “That's my ride!” Michael dashed out of the office door and down the stairs to open the front door.

  A limousine driver greeted Michael, “Good morning, Sir. I'm here to take you to the airport.”

  “Excellent! Can you load my baggage while I say goodbye to everyone?”

  “Certainly, Sir!”

  Michael kissed and hugged his daughter. It was the first time Father would travel since Mother died. “I'll be home in about a week. You okay with Amber?”

  Paulette nodded, yes.

  More kisses were given to Amber, followed by hugs and a kiss to Trista's cheek. Then Michael walked out the door and to the limousine. He waved goodbye before stepping in. Finally, the musical horn tooted as the large, white limousine drove out of the horseshoe driveway and descended the small mountain.

  Amber was now alone with her daughter and Paulette. She was the woman of the Dickly castle who was entrusted to care for the home. Her role was a far cry from what Mother accused her of nearly a week ago. But on that morning of December 1st, Amber would learn as to just how powerful a mother can be. A mother can step in her daughter's life at any time and decide what is right or what should happen. Don't think for one second that eighteen or twenty-one is a magical number that guarantees freedom and independence from over-controlling parents who cannot let go.

  It was not more than an hour after Michael left. Amber browsed the enormous Christmas closet that could have easily qualified as a workshop. A huge, towering tree was positioned on a stand with wheels and already decorated with lights and ornaments. At least she didn't have to worry about setting up the tree! Amber only needed to wheel it out to the family room. Countless decorations that could never be put up in one season were stacked and lined up on shelves. And then there were bins of outdoor decorations; statues of Santa Clause, illuminated arctic and forest creatures along with a nativity scene that could easily have been used at a cathedral. The Dickly family went all out for Christmas! Little did Amber know that there were additional workshop-sized closets for Easter and Halloween! Yes, the Dickly castle was HUGE!

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Who could it have been? Amber scurried across the marble-tiled floor to the grand foyer. Opening the door yielded the ugly site of seething Mother who was seconds from slapping Amber.

  Amber wasn't scared. This was her house and her life, now. “Well hi, Mom. I see you found Michael's house. Come-on in!”

  Stepping aside to let the woman in, it almost felt as though Mother believed she was fearsome. She was such a delusional woman!

  Once inside, Mother whispered harshly, “Get Trista and get your coat! It's time to come home. And where's Mr. Dickly?”

  “Michael's out of town, Mom. I'm taking care of his house and his daughter.”

  One could nearly see the steam pouring out of Mother's face. “You had no business leaving without telling us where you were going! And I told you not to come here anymore! What are the new rules? Do you remember the new rules?”

  “Mom, in case you haven't realized, I moved out. I'm living here now. Michael is my boyfriend and I'm taking care of his daughter.”

  Mother didn't care about that. “Well does he have family who could take care of her?”

  “No Mom, they all live out of state!”

  “Well how long would it take for someone to get here?”

  Amber sighed, “I'm watching his daughter, Mom! I'm not just going to leave her alone with someone else.” Amber noticed Paulette watching from the other side of the family room. She felt it best to introduce her to Mother. “Why don't you come into the family room and meet Paulette?”

  Mother followed her daughter and then stopped in front of Paulette's wheelchair. Her mood changed to being friendly to disguise her delusional and psychotic personality. “Hi, is Amber really taking care of you while your father is gone?”

  Paulette nodded.

  “You actually trust her? I'm her mother.”

  Paulette maintained a blank expression.

  Amber informed Mother, “She can't talk, Mom. She had a head injury as a little girl and lost the ability to speak. Plus, she's paralyzed from the neck, down.”

  Mother sighed and looked at the floor in a brief second of contemplation. Then she looked up at her granddaughter who stood next to Mommy. “Alright Trista, come with me. We're going home.” Trista was one aspect in Amber's life that Mother could control.

  Amber immediately scooped up Trista. “I don't think so! You're not taking her anywhere.”

  Although her blood boiled, Mother remained calm. “Amber, give me Trista. I'm taking her home. You are not responsible enough to take care of her. Plus I'm not leaving my granddaughter in an environment like this.”

  Amber nearly exploded. “Like what, Mom? What's so wrong with this? Is it because I've moved out and you can't control me anymore?”

  “Give… me… Trista! I'm not going to tell you again!” Seeing that her daughter had no intention of surrendering the child, she aggressively approached with her arms out, ready to snatch Trista from Amber's arms.

  But Amber quickly retreated, turned around and ran for the stairs with Trista in her arms. As if she had wings, Amber soared to the second level and into the guest bedroom where Trista was safely placed in the portable crib. She dashed out of the room and shut the door behind her. By the time she reached the stairs, Mother could be seen on the lower level with her foot on the first step.

  Like a tigress that protected its offspring, Amber screamed down to her mother, “Don't you dare come up here! Don't you dare come up those stairs!”

  Mother remained calm while making a slow and
careful ascent. “Amber, I am taking Trista home with me. It's for the best.”

  Amber screamed in return, “I'm calling the police!”

  Mother yelled back, “Fine, call the police! You'll see that they take my side once they arrive.”

  Mother was crazy! Did she really believe that she was in the right? As the woman of the house who now found it necessary to protect her home and children, Amber ran into Michael's office and dialed 911. “Yes, my Mother is at my house and trying to take my daughter from me!”

  Of course it was a strange call for a police dispatcher in Sillmac to receive. Did the grandmother have custody of the caller's child? And once given the address of the Dickly castle, the call was all the more peculiar.

  It's interesting to consider Mother's actions in that very moment while Amber called the police. She certainly could have run to the bedroom and snatched up Trista while Amber talked on the phone. Perhaps she was fearful that any screaming and fighting would have been recorded by the dispatcher.

  But in the moments of waiting for police to arrive, Amber had all she could do keep Mother from passing her on the stairway. Mother appeared convinced that she had every right to take Trista, and stood at the middle of the stairway. Trista cried and cried in her crib. It was too early for a nap, and there was no reason to be abandoned in the closed room.

  Mother continuously announced, “I'm coming up, Amber.”

  “No you won't! The police are on their way!”

  Finally, the doorbell rang. Amber ran down the stairs and past her mother to answer it. But wouldn't you know it? Mother went right up the stairs and into the guest room to save crying Trista.

  Amber was a frantic mess while letting the police officer in. “It's my mother! She's trying to take my daughter!”

  The police officer took sight of the calm, gentle grandmother who slowly descended the stairs while comforting a child who was in tears. “There, there; Grandma has you. It's not right that Mommy locks you in the room like that.”

  Then Mother greeted the police officer. “Well hello; I suppose my daughter called you out; probably didn't tell you how she puts my granddaughter in danger. Look, she's locked in her room to cry. My daughter is not responsible, and I wish to take this little one home with me.”

  The officer shook his head in disbelief, “Folks, I don't have time to settle stupid, domestic disputes.” Unfortunately for the officer, he did have to investigate the call and make a report. He looked over to Amber's mother who was now on the main level. “Ma'am, do you want to come outside and answer a few questions so we can get to the bottom of this?”

  Amber immediately noticed that the police officer was older, and was possibly able to relate to Mother, more-so than her. Would Amber be discriminated against in this moment because of her young age?

  Mother answered the police officer, “Certainly, I'd be happy to. Seeing that my granddaughter is finally calm, I would expect to bring her with.”

  The officer didn't care at that moment. “That's fine; it'll only be a minute.”

  Amber watched in maddening disbelief as Mother walked out of the house with Trista in her arms! Then Mother sat in the police car while speaking to the officer. This was unreal! What on Earth was there to talk about? Amber called the police to have Mother removed from the premises in a means to protect her own daughter. Instead, Mother now sat in a police car with Trista in her arms! There was no way that a child could be taken away just out of words and accusations alone!

  Amber paced the floors, nearing lifting her hands to punch the air in frustration. Every second was painful, knowing that Trista was in a police car and surrounded by discussions of how bad Mommy was. But Amber did nothing wrong! Instead, Mother was crazy! It's not a crime to grow up and move out of the house. By next year Amber could be married to Michael. Amber was a functional, contributing adult to society.

  Five minutes later Mother, Trista and the officer emerged from the police car. The three walked into the Dickly castle, and then the officer spoke to Amber. “Alright, your mom seems to have your little one under control. Wanna step outside and have a little chat for a few?”

  Amber glared at her mother while passing by.

  Mother snapped back, “Don't you look at me like that young lady! You did this all to yourself!”

  Once outside, the officer shut the door of the Dickly castle behind him and put a firm grasp on Amber's shoulder. “Alright, cool it! Show some respect to your mother, huh? Let's go in the car and talk.”

  While Amber sat in the back of the police car, Mother stood in the Dickly castle with little Trista in her arms. How did this happen? How did Amber lose control?

  The officer asked, “Alright, the one thing I'm curious about: who are you? I mean why are you at Mr. Dickly's house? Where is Mr. Dickly; is he here?”

  Amber loudly and clearly answered with the only truth there was, “I'm Michael's girlfriend and I live here. Michael is away on a business trip and I'm taking care of his daughter.”

  But at that moment, Amber was guilty until proven innocent. “Oh, so you're Mr. Dickly's girlfriend? Right; so Mr. Dickly lost his wife a couple months ago, now you're living here as his girlfriend and taking care of his kid?”

  Amber nodded her head, yes.

  “See, I have a problem with that. Your driver's license does not list this as your residence…”

  Amber quickly interrupted, “I just moved in last week!”

  The officer was outraged, “Excuse me; I'm talking! Please don't interrupt me when I'm talking, alright? You wanna see your baby go home with your mom? I can do that!”

  Amber's eyes roared with flames at the officer's threat.

  The officer continued, “So I'm going to talk to Mr. Dickly's daughter and find out exactly who you are, so you better not be lying to me!” The officer lit up a cigarette before continuing. “So let's talk about you. Your mom seems to think that you are irresponsible and that you put your little one in dangerous situations. She says that you are gone for over ten hours a day, running around with guys and stuff. I guess you sometimes leave for over twenty-four hours. You think that's good for your kid?”

  Amber calmly replied, “We're here at Michael's house. I've told my mother that plenty of times. And I moved in with him on Saturday.”

  The officer exhaled cigarette smoke, “So you want me to believe that your mom is making up all these lies about you, just to control your life and take your daughter away from you?”

  Amber remained silent.

  “Look, why don't you just let your mom take your kid home. She obviously has some concern and feels you can't take care of your daughter. I guess you leave your kid locked up in a room to cry? Let Grandma take care of her.”

  Amber shook her head, “I'm not letting anyone take my baby. And my mother has totally exaggerated everything to you.”

  The officer was persistent. “Come-on, just give your mom the baby.”

  “No! She will not have her. I love my daughter and she lives here with me!”

  Frustrated, the officer opened his door, walked around the vehicle and let Amber out. “I still want to talk to Mr. Dickly's daughter and get her side of the story.”

  Inside the house; Amber and her mother (who still had Trista in her arms) were ordered to wait in kitchen out of Paulette's view. The officer could be heard walking into the family room and greeting the paralyzed girl.

  "I just want to ask you a few questions. First of all, I'm sorry about all the commotion today. Is your father out of town…? Is Amber here to take care of you while he's gone…? Are you unable to talk; that's why you only nod…? Okay, I'll just ask simple questions and you nod yes or no.

  Amber says that she is your father's girlfriend and that she lives here. Is that true…? Does she treat you right…? Does she treat her baby alright…? You don't see her hitting the baby or leaving her in the room to cry…? She doesn't leave the diaper unchanged for hours and hours…? She feeds her baby…? Do you ever see Amber bring o
ther men in the house while your father is gone…? Do you think I should let Amber have her baby…? You think she's responsible enough…? Should I give Amber's mother the baby…?"

  A police officer who played judge, jury and executioner: who the hell did this guy think he was? Did the officer really believe that he had the authority to conduct an investigation and give sole custody of a child to a grandmother? You would be surprised of the power that police officers have in rural, isolated areas. And even if he had no authority to operate in such a manner, imagine the time lost and frustration endured while Amber legally battled for returned custody of her own daughter.

  The police officer entered the kitchen and spoke to Amber's mother. “Alright, legally your daughter hasn't broken any laws. She's of legal age, and according to Mr. Dickly's daughter, she lives here.” The officer turned to Amber with a harsh voice, “And get your driver's license updated, you understand?”

  Amber nodded.

  The officer turned back to Mother, “I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have no choice but to let your daughter have her baby.”

  Mother was outraged, “What? You've got to be kidding me!”

  “I'm sorry. Go ahead; give the baby back to your daughter.”

  In a most bizarre moment, little Trista began to cry as Amber pulled her baby out of Grandma's arms. This was terribly embarrassing! Why was Trista doing this?

  Grandma immediately pointed out, “Why, she doesn't want her mother. She doesn't want to be left alone here with her. Can't you see that?”

  The officer replied, “Ma'am, there's nothing I can do about it. That's her daughter and she's of legal age. Let's go, time to leave.”


  “Let's go…! Let's go…!” It was necessary for the officer to physically remove Mother from the Dickly castle and escort the woman to her car. The officer followed Mother out of the horseshoe driveway and down the mountainous, spiraling driveway to ensure that she left the premises and made her way back onto the highway.


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