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Un-Shattering Lucy (The Lucy & Harris Novella Series) (Volume 4)

Page 19

by Terri Anne Browning

  Until that afternoon when she’d gotten into my apartment by telling the super that she thought I was sick and couldn’t get inside to check on me. The idiot man had let her in and she’d spent God knew how long in my place while I was sleeping. I’d woken up to her climbing into bed beside me. In nothing but her bra and panties.

  I’d threatened to call the cops and she’d gotten out quick, but I should have known that little bitch wasn’t done trying to drive me crazy with her bullshit. She was seriously unhinged if she thought I wanted her, yet that was exactly what she seemed to think.

  “She just went over to talk to the girls,” Gray informed me now. “She’s got serious issues, though, man. She wanted to know all about Lucy.”

  Fucking hell.

  I hadn’t told Lucy about what was going on because I didn’t want to upset her, but I knew I’d have to explain all the shit Peyton had been doing over the last few weeks. Especially now that Lucy was going to be living with me.

  “Where are they?” I bit out, and Gray led the way to the bar.

  I saw Kin’s red hair first, then Peyton’s blond head. She was standing right in front of the girls now and I only wanted to snatch Lucy up and get her as far away from Peyton as I humanly could. What if that bitch tried to sabotage things with Lucy and me? What if she filled Lucy’s head with all kinds of trash and lies and Lucy believed her? I wasn’t about to lose the best thing in my world to some vindictive little bitch. I’d kill Peyton with my bare hands before that happened.

  As I neared the group of girls, I saw Lucy’s face and knew she wasn’t happy. Her dark eyes were focused solely on the blonde in front of her, her lips turned down in dislike. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and kiss the breath out of her.

  “Harris and I have been together for months now and I’m not going to let you ruin that,” I heard Peyton saying. “He loves me.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah?”

  I stopped, unable to move another inch for fear of what was about to happen. She couldn’t believe Peyton’s lies. She couldn’t. If she did, and left me, it would destroy me. Lucy was the reason I got out of bed every morning. If I lost her now, that would be the end of me.

  “I was in his bed this afternoon and he was complaining about how he couldn’t get rid of you.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared down at Lucy. “I’m only going to say this once. Stay away from Harris. He’s mine.”

  Around them, the other girls burst out laughing. If I’d been thinking clearly, I might have laughed too. Beside me, Jace even released a chuckle. This chick was seriously batshit crazy and she couldn’t have spewed a more obvious lie if she’d been trying to. No one who knew me—who knew what Lucy and I had overcome—would ever believe what she’d just said.

  Lucy took a step toward Peyton, but it was the grin on her face that had all the air leaving my lungs. “That’s a cute story you got going on in your head, sweetie. But you should probably get your facts straight before you start spewing that kind of crazy.” She leaned in closer as if she was going to tell the other girl a secret. “I don’t know what happened today, but I do know Harris Cutter. He probably loves me more than any other person on the planet, including himself. He would never cheat on me.”

  Relief was like a tidal wave washing through me, and I was able to draw a deep breath. It snapped me out of my daze and I moved the last few feet forward. When Peyton saw me, her face paled. She wasn’t what was important right then, though. I wrapped a hand around Lucy’s waist. The feel of her against me made everything in the world right again. I pressed a kiss to Lucy’s temple, breathing in the scent of her shampoo and thanking God she was mine.

  Lucy lifted her head and that grin was still on her beautiful face. “Hi,” she practically purred.

  “I love you so fucking much,” I told her. Peyton made a distressed sound, but my focus was solely on the only person who would ever matter. “You look really beautiful tonight, sweetness.”

  “Thanks, babe.” Her head tilted to the side, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Why don’t you get rid of tall, blonde and crazy over there and we can have a good time with our friends. She’s kind of boring me.”

  I lowered my head and pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips. Pulling back, I saw the need in her eyes that matched my own. “On it, Lu.” Stealing another kiss, I reluctantly let her go and finally looked at Peyton. “How did you get in? I have strict orders not to let you inside.”

  She glared from me to Lucy and back again, the hate in her eyes like flames. “One of the new waitresses let me in when I told her I was your girlfriend.”

  “Right. She’s fired.” I shot a glance over my shoulder and met Nate’s eyes. He set down someone’s drink and came over to join us. When he spotted Peyton, his eyes narrowed with hostility. “Show Peyton the door and then fire the idiot who let her in. While you’re at it, remind everyone about our newest rule. Be sure and let them know that the only girlfriend I have and will ever have is Lucy Thornton.”

  “Thornton?” Peyton cried. “I didn’t know you were Lucy Thornton.”

  “Would that have stopped you?” Lucy laughed again. “Knowing my daddy could ruin your chances at ever making it in the rock world would have stopped you trying to break me and Harris up?” She moved closer to the other girl again. “It’s not my daddy you have to worry about though, Peyton. May I call you Peyton?” She winked, and I wanted to grab her and hide us both in my office for a few hours. Screw hanging out with our friends. “Daddy couldn’t care less about you and your short-lived rocker dreams with the Blonde Bombshells. Very short lived, because no one will touch you once Aunt Emmie makes sure your name is blacklisted.”

  “Au-aunt Emmie?” Peyton was as white as a ghost now.

  “My aunt, Emmie Armstrong. She loves me, too. Maybe not as much as Harris does, but not many people could ever love me that much. One little whisper in her ear and it will be like you never existed.” She stepped back. “It was nice meeting you, Peyton.”

  Nate grasped the girl’s arm and led her away. I didn’t watch them go; instead, I grabbed Lucy around the waist and tossed her over my shoulder. Fuck the club and everything else. I needed her alone. Now. “I’m not promising we’ll be back,” I told our group of friends, who watched me with laughing eyes. “Or that we’ll be around tomorrow.” I could feel Lucy laughing and my dick thickened even more. Soon I wouldn’t be able to stand upright. Rubbing a hand over her perfect ass, I headed for the elevator.

  “Night, Lucy.”

  “Night, Kin,” she called back, still laughing.

  The elevator doors barely closed behind us before I was lowering her and pressing her back against the wall. The amusement left her eyes to be replaced with a burning need that only stroked the fires of my own. “I missed you today,” she murmured.

  “Fuck, Lu. I missed you, too.” I lowered my head, skimming my nose down her neck.

  “I’m not a fan of your friend,” she said with a smirk. “What’s up with her, anyway?”

  “That bitch is crazy, Lu.” I pulled back enough to look down at her. “You know I fired her and that the Bombshells kicked her out. She’s been calling me, but I didn’t take her crap seriously until today. She got my idiot super to unlock my apartment door and let her in while I was sleeping. She tried to climb into bed with me.”

  Her entire body went stiff and I grimaced at the murderous look in her dark eyes. “Now you tell me? I could’ve scratched up her pretty face.”

  “Next time, sweetness,” I promised and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Was she naked?” I could see the jealousy plain as day in her eyes.

  “She had her underwear on.” I wasn’t about to lie about it. I would never keep something like that from her.

  “What color were they?”

  “I don’t fucking know, Lu. I wasn’t looking.” Her smile returned. “What?” I didn’t understand that look in her eyes.

  She j
ust shook her head. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweetness. More than anything.” The elevator stopped, but neither of us moved as the doors opened behind me.

  “I know and I’ll never doubt that again.” She cupped my face in both her hands. “I thought for sure I would lose you when you found out about the cutting.”

  “That’s never going to happen. You’re stuck with me for life, Lu.” I pressed a kiss into her right palm. “Are you prepared for that?”

  “More than ready. Especially now that I’m going to be your roommate.” Her eyes brightened and I felt a grin split my face. “So, Daddy called me and—”

  I cut her off with a quick, hard kiss. “He called me, too,” I assured her when I lifted my head again. “I’m sorry, Lu, but your dad is my new favorite person in the world. He gave me the only thing I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what’s that?” she teased, but I was completely serious.

  “You, Lu. You.”



  The weak January sun was trying to find its way through the drawn shades. I cracked open an eye and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Five after three.

  I’d slept for over twelve hours without even hearing Harris leave for the club. We’d had a good time the night before with his parents and my own celebrating my birthday a day early, and I’d fallen into bed with him while he gave me the only birthday present I could ever want. I’d fallen asleep on top of him and hadn’t even opened my eyes until now.

  Turning over in our bed, I looked up at the ceiling and felt a little sad. This was the first time since I’d become Jesse and Layla Thornton’s daughter that they hadn’t woken me up with a chorus of “Happy Birthday” and a cake flaming with candles for me to make a wish on. I couldn’t be too sad, though, since I’d gotten to do just that the night before with them. I missed them nonetheless.

  It was the only drawback to living with Harris. I didn’t get to see my family every day like I once had. Between school, my weekly therapy session, and my support group every Wednesday night, there was little time left over for anything else. Normally I only saw my parents on Saturday afternoons when I drove out to Malibu with Marcus to spend the day with them and my brothers.

  That was the only complaint I had about it, though. Hell, it was the only complaint I had, period. Since moving in with Harris, my urge to cut had faded to the point that it only popped up on a few rare occasions. I was happier than I could ever remember being in my entire life and I wouldn’t have traded my life now for anything.

  From the nightstand I heard my phone go off and I blindly reached for it. Seeing the name on the screen, I lifted it to my ear. “Hey, Kin.”

  “Happy birthday,” her excited voice filled my ear. “You ready? We should be there in, like, two minutes. I’m getting in the elevator now.”

  I shot up in bed, groaning because I was very much not ready. Kin and the girls were taking me out for my birthday and I’d completely forgotten. “I need fifteen minutes.”

  Kin laughed. “Okay. I get it. Harris kept you up late again, huh?”

  I couldn’t deny it. I loved how he kept me up and I would never—ever—complain about it. “Sorry.”

  “No problem, babe. Kassa, Caro and I will just head up to Jenna’s and grab her and Angie first.” She laughed. “Then you can forget all about your delicious boyfriend for a few hours because you are all ours.”

  “I promise. All thoughts of Harris will be put on hold while I let you and the girls pamper me.” I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. “See you in a few.”

  I rushed through a shower and didn’t even try to wash my hair. Once I was clean, I put on just a little makeup and got dressed in a simple pair of black leggings, knee-high boots and a top that was a little dressier than I normally wore. I figured the girls would take me to dinner and I wanted to be prepared for anywhere they wanted to eat.

  As I left the bedroom, I found Marcus in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. Harris had decided to change apartments from a one-bedroom to a two-bedroom when I’d moved in with him so that Marcus could stay with us. Between Harris and my dad, Marcus would always have a part in my life and I could honestly say I was glad.

  “Happy birthday,” Marcus greeted with a smile. He had gotten more laid back with me ever since I’d confessed to the cutting. He was no longer the emotionless bodyguard that he’d always been in the past, but a more open friend who I was happy to have to talk to every day.

  “Thanks.” I gave him a short hug and took the mug of coffee he offered. “Everyone will be here soon. Are you ready?”

  “Of course.” He opened one of the cabinets and I thought he was getting a travel cup for his coffee but when he turned around there was a small present in his hand. “For you.”

  Touched by his gesture, I took the present and quickly opened it. When I found the silver pen inside, engraved with the simple words ‘never stop dreaming’, tears stung my eyes. “This is beautiful. Thank you so much, Marcus.”

  I thought I saw pink filling his cheeks, but he turned away before I could question it. “I’ll grab my keys.”

  Still smiling at his thoughtful gift, I drank my coffee. By the time I was finished, the doorbell rang and I rushed to answer it. Kassa, Jenna, Angie, Carolina and Kin were all standing in the corridor. Grabbing my coat and purse, I stepped out with them and was enfolded in one hug after another.

  “Happy birthday,” Jenna murmured, the last to hug me. Keeping an arm around my shoulders, we all turned toward the elevator with Marcus right behind us. “We were thinking nails, then a little shopping, some dinner, and last but never least, back to First Bass so Harris won’t lose his shit.”

  I laughed. “Awesome plan.”

  Over the next few hours, I let my friends treat me to all kinds of pampering and goodies. I ate way too much at dinner and then shared a huge dessert with the others before we headed to the club. Like I’d promised Kin, I’d tried to keep Harris off my mind, but I couldn’t help missing him. I hadn’t talked to him all day and I was a little sad he hadn’t texted or called. Normally he texted me every few hours to tell me how his day was going and to ask about my own.

  It was the typical Thursday night with lots of people trying to get into First Bass to see the Blonde Bombshells. Their contract was coming to an end in a few more weeks and Harris already had a new band lined up to take their place. Since they had dropped Peyton, the Blonde Bombshells had gotten some serious offers for managers and record labels. Aunt Emmie was still on the fence about dealing with them, but Harris had confessed that Natalie was thinking of taking them on as her clients. As an equal partner in the company with Emmie and Annabelle, Natalie had the right to take on whichever bands she wanted.

  “Happy birthday, Miss Thornton,” Tiny greeted me as we entered the club.

  I gave him a warm smile. “Thanks, Tiny.”

  “The boss is already upstairs with Jace and the others,” he informed us. “I hope you enjoy your evening.”

  Kin and Jenna pulled me up the stairs to the VIP floor. We didn’t go downstairs on Thursday nights because the crowd could get rowdy with all the guys in attendance to watch the Bombshells. Harris’s security had broken up many fights because of it.

  Unlike the year before, there was no surprise party waiting on me when we got upstairs. I had to admit I was relieved. I didn’t want any repeats from my eighteenth birthday to follow any other birthday for as long as I lived. Jenna and Kin didn’t give me time to look around as they pulled me into our usual corner where we would normally relax and watch the show.

  “Lucy!” Jace and Caleb stood to hug me, then I was being pulled down onto the couch with the girls.

  I glanced around, disappointed that Harris wasn’t up there yet. “Is he busy?”

  Jace shrugged as he retook his seat and pulled Kin down onto his lap. “I think there was a technical issue earlier and he went to take
care of it. Don’t worry. He’ll be up soon.”

  “Oh,” I muttered and sat back.

  “How about a drink?” Caleb suggested. “I’ll grab a waitress and get us something.”

  “Sure.” I nodded. “The usual is fine.”

  We sat and talked for a long while, but I couldn’t get into anything being said. I kept glancing at my phone and then around to see if I could find Harris. I was surrounded by all my friends, but I honestly felt alone because all I wanted was Harris. It was ridiculous because I saw him every single day—woke up with him each and every morning. Yet, I missed him like crazy. My need to be with him every second of every day hadn’t lessened with getting to see him so freely on a daily basis. I doubted it ever would, and I was perfectly happy with it never getting any easier to be without him.

  “Are we late?”

  My head snapped up at the sound of my sister’s voice. Confused, I watched as Lana and Drake walked toward us. Standing, I hugged her. “Late for what?”

  “To tell you happy birthday,” Drake said with a grin and wrapped his arms around both me and Lana. “Damn, my little Lucy is nineteen now. You’ll always be that six-year-old who climbed on my lap and asked if I was a real demon to me, though.”

  “Can we crash your party?” a new voice asked.

  Glancing over Drake’s arm, I saw Natalie and Devlin Cutter walking toward us with Aunt Emmie and Nik right behind them. As I watched, Shane and Harper appeared at the top of the stairs, followed by my parents. Confused, but happy to see them all, I hugged each of them. Natalie gave me a tight squeeze as she released me and turned back to her husband, but I couldn’t stop to question the look I’d thought I’d seen in her eyes as my mom’s arms wrapped around me.

  Dad was the last to hug me and he didn’t let go as we turned to face the others. I was so glad he was there that some of the sting of Harris still being gone faded. “Did you have a good day, Lu?” Dad asked.


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