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The Grisly Grizzlies: Kneecap (The Grizzly Bear Shifters of Redemption Creek Book 3)

Page 10

by Kim Fox

  The red dragon circles overhead and then swoops down to land on the ranch. Every wolf is gone and if it weren’t for their shiny motorcycles still sitting on the grass, you’d never know they’d even been here.

  A heavy feeling settles in my stomach when the dragon’s scaly feet touch the ground. He’s not alone. I didn’t see him up high, but there’s a man riding on his back.

  Jessie and I both watch in stunned silence as he hops off and straightens his suit jacket. He’s wearing an expensive suit that’s tailored to his slim muscular frame. His brown hair is perfectly styled and he looks like he’s ready to walk down a runway, not scold a bunch of rowdy bears.

  He looks unworldly handsome, every feature is nothing short of perfection. He has dark aviator sunglasses on, but I can see his orange eyes glowing behind the dark lenses.

  The bears start shaking as they all phase back. Maximus reemerges first, then all the others. My father looks around nervously, not knowing what to do. He pulls a revolver out from his belt and holds it with both hands, ready to use it.

  I take a breath of relief when Kneecap is beside me once again in his human form. I always feel safe and protected whenever he’s nearby.

  But this time, he doesn’t look too confident as the strange man approaches with the red dragon waiting behind him.

  “Is it over?” I whisper.

  Kneecap looks at me with a heartbroken look on his face. “Far from it. If you thought we were in trouble before, just wait.”



  I guess The Hell’s Howlers were causing too much of a racket with their bikes that it caught the ears of the dragons. Vesuvius is strutting over in a new suit as Kilauea hangs back, looking bored in his dragon form.

  Two of the three. This isn’t good. At least Galeras isn’t here. You know you fucked up when all three dragons show up.

  Still, this is pretty bad.

  Every crew in Redemption Creek knows not to disturb the peace or you risk the wrath of the dragons. And we just shattered the peace with our furry brawl.

  “Enough of this!” Nora’s father Emanuele shouts, swinging his gun around like a madman. “I don’t know who you are, or what the fuck that thing is,” he says, pointing the gun at the red dragon. Kilauea just stares back at him with a bored look on his face. “But I’m running this show. Now, I’m bringing my daughters back and that’s that!”

  Vesuvius walks toward him and stops two feet from him. “No one is going anywhere,” he says in his smooth voice.

  “We’ll see about that,” Emanuele hisses as he raises his revolver and points it at Vesuvius’ forehead. “You’re going straight to hell.”

  He grits his teeth and fires the gun over and over again until the smoking revolver clicks repeatedly.

  I shake my head as Vesuvius grins at him, completely untouched. The dragon shifter moved so fast that the bullets hit nothing but the hot air around him.

  Emanuele’s eyes grow comically large as he shrinks in front of the dragon shifter, staring at him in shock and horror.

  Vesuvius turns to Maximus with an amused look on his face. “Is he with you?”

  “No!” Nora and Jessie both shout at the same time.

  “Definitely not,” Jessie says, glaring at her dad.

  Vesuvius shrugs then shoots his arm out, grabbing Emanuele by his suit jacket. With the flick of his wrist, Nora’s father goes flying into the air behind him. He screams as he sails as high as the trees.

  “Kilauea,” Vesuvius casually says without looking back. “Would you mind?”

  The red dragon lifts his head, opens his huge jaws, and blows a jet of flame that consumes Emanuele and incinerates him instantly. When the rush of fire stops, a cloud of ash that was once Nora’s father slowly floats back down along the gentle breeze.

  Well, that takes care of that.

  No more father-in-law issues.

  “Finally,” Jessie whispers.

  I turn to Nora but the only look on her face is relief as she watches.

  “Vesuvius,” Maximus says, stepping forward. “Let me explain.”

  “Explain, explain,” Vesuvius says with a twirl of his hand. “That’s all you bear shifters do. Fight and explain.”

  Maximus lets out a huff of breath, looking discouraged. “This wasn’t like the last time.”

  “You’re right,” Vesuvius says, making a show as he looks at all of the motorcycles lined up. “The last time there was only this big fella and four tiger shifters.” I drop my eyes as he looks at me. “This time there were more than four. This time, a whole gang of bikers was riding through my town because of you Grisly Grizzlies.” He says our name with a sour face.

  “The rules are simple,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “No crew fights. Why is that so hard for you to get through your thick bear skulls?”

  Lachlan’s eyes drop to the floor as Vesuvius turns to him. Same with Caleb.

  When the dragon shifter looks at me, I stare right back at him. I’m not afraid of a little fire.

  “This reeks of the famous Kneecap,” he says as he takes off his sunglasses and narrows his fiery orange eyes on me. “I always knew you were too volatile to stay. Your alpha has too much confidence in you and your savage bear. He always has.”

  “Vesuvius,” Maximus says, stepping forward in a panic. “Things are different now.”

  “Things are different now,” Vesuvius repeats with an impatient breath. “Isn’t that what you told me the last time? Right before the great Kneecap burnt down a restaurant after he shoved a rhino shifter’s head in the oven?”

  This guy is really starting to piss me off. That rhino shifter deserved it.

  I grit my teeth, trying to control my temper. Nora is standing beside me and although I’m not afraid of being bathed in flames, I’m terrified of them touching her.

  Vesuvius tucks his sunglasses into the inside pocket of his expensive jacket as he stops in front of me. He takes a deep breath and sighs as he looks up into my eyes. I can feel the heat radiating off him in waves.

  “If your wild bear can’t play nice with others,” Vesuvius says, “then he doesn’t belong in Redemption Creek.”

  “Are you kicking me out?” I ask as I stare him down.

  He rubs his chin as he looks up at me. “It appears so.”

  My hands clench into fists. I’m about to clock him when I feel Nora’s soft hand cover mine.

  “It’s okay, Kneecap,” she says, looking up at me with the softest blue eyes. “I’ll follow you anywhere. As long as we’re together, we’ll be home.”

  The anger rushes out of me, replaced with a deep love for my girl. I release my fists and slide my fingers between hers as I smile down at her.

  “Who is this?” Vesuvius asks, looking at Nora with an amused smile.

  “His mate,” Nora says proudly.

  Vesuvius smiles. “His mate? You mean someone actually tamed the monstrous Kneecap? I didn’t think he had a heart to steal.”

  “He has a big heart,” she says, raising her chin as she stares back at the dragon shifter with a defiant look. “The biggest heart I’ve ever felt and I love him completely. Kick us out if you must, but he’s not a monster. Don’t ever call him that again.”

  Vesuvius leans back and grins. “Or?”

  Nora raises her fist. “Or, I’ll knock you the fuck out.”

  Vesuvius laughs and claps his hands in delight. “You two are perfect for each other!” he says, looking ecstatic. “I like her, Kneecap. You picked a fierce one.”

  “He’s changed,” Maximus says, pleading my case. “The bonding has calmed his grizzly bear. Nora has calmed his grizzly bear. She has a soothing effect on him. Please just give them another chance.”

  Vesuvius rubs his chin in thought as he looks around. “And the puppies?”

  “They won’t be back,” Maximus promises.

  “How can you be sure?” Vesuvius asks.

  Maximus sighs. “You just burnt the guy who was signing the
ir paychecks.”

  My back straightens as he turns to Nora.

  “You,” he says.

  “Nora,” my girl answers, correcting him.

  “Nora,” he says with a smile. “You going to keep this big-hearted boy on a short leash?”

  “Yes, sir,” she says, nodding her head.

  Vesuvius studies her for a few seconds and then sighs. “One flash of fur in the wrong place and you’ll be spending your honeymoon in Siberia. Permanently. Understand?”

  She nods.

  Vesuvius turns to me. “Understand, Romeo?”

  I take a deep breath and nod as well. As much as I hate submitting to anyone other than Maximus—or Nora for that matter—I do it. These three brothers have been fucking up shifters tougher than me for centuries.

  “Well, then,” Vesuvius says as he pulls out his sunglasses. “I’m late for my dinner plans, so I’ll bid you adieu.”

  We all watch with held breath as he struts back to the bored red dragon and climbs onto his back.

  “That’s two strikes for you Grisly Grizzlies,” he says as he straddles his brother’s scaly back. “One more and you’re out.”

  Nora steps closer beside me as the red dragon stands up and starts flapping its massive wings. The wind hits our faces and blows our hair as he takes to the sky and flies away.

  “Dragons?” Jessie says, staring up at Vesuvius and Kilauea with a face that’s as white as a ghost. “You guys never told me there were freaking dragons living here!”

  Lachlan swallows hard. “Must have slipped my mind.”

  Two days later, Nora and Jessie are standing at the top of a cliff with their father’s ashes stuffed into a Mason jar while me and Lachlan hang back behind them. They said they wanted to be better than he was and give him the proper respects so they collected his ashes and are ready to release them.

  I think it was more that they didn’t want his ashes scattered all over the ranch where he would constantly be around them. I can tell they want him as far away from them as possible, which I completely understand.

  “You weren’t the best dad,” Nora says, as she clutches the jar to her chest. “Or maybe even a good dad, but you were always…” She looks around, stumped for something nice to say. I feel for her. It’s hard to think up a nice thing to say to a father who tried to kill you. Twice.

  “You always had shiny shoes,” Jessie says, helping her out.

  Nora laughs. “The shiniest.”

  “You also…” Jessie pinches her lips into a line as she thinks about it. “You also always had gum. People who always have gum on them are so underrated in society.”

  Nora nods in agreement. “Gum people do rule. It doesn’t make up for the fact that you tried to have your own daughters mauled by wolves, but still. You always had gum.”

  “To the gum,” Jessie says as she puts her hand on the jar.

  They both hold it and turn it over, watching as the ashes float over the cliff in a grey cloud.

  That’s one in-law I won’t fucking miss.

  When their father disappears on the wind, they both turn around, looking ready to move on.

  “What should we do now?” Nora asks, watching me with a big smile on her face.

  “Let’s go horseback riding to the lake,” Jessie says as she bounces up and down.

  “Or, we could go kayaking in the river,” Nora adds.

  “Hold on, girls,” Lachlan says, looking disappointed. “Maximus wants us to get rid of the motorcycles today.”

  All twenty-six of them. When the dragons showed up, the Hell’s Howlers didn’t stick around to grab their bikes and now they’re still on the ranch.

  “What are you going to do with all those motorcycles?” Nora asks. “Sell them?”

  “I say we smash them into a big metal ball and mail it back to them,” I say with a grin.

  “Aw, that sucks,” Jessie says, pouting. “It’s so hot today. I wanted to go swimming.”

  “We can go hang out with Abigail at the beach,” Nora says with a smile. “She’s lifeguarding today.”

  The two girls look thrilled as they make their plans. I’m a little jealous. It is really hot today and swimming sounds much nicer than dealing with motorcycles.

  We’re all sweating by the time we hike back down the mountain and arrive in the camp. Just in time to see Mastiff, the alpha of The Hells Howlers, come strolling in from the road.

  “Hey, Kneecap!” he says, waving at me like we’re old friends.

  My bear hovers at my surface as my muscles tighten. If he’s looking for trouble, then he’s going to get it.

  Maximus bolts out of his cabin and charges over as Lachlan and I rush forward to join him.

  “You have a lot of audacity walking in here,” Maximus says, looking furious with his hands squeezed into fists by his side.

  Mastiff laughs. “Audacity is something I’ve never been short of, old friend.”

  “Old friend who tried to rip my throat out with his grey wolf only two days ago,” Maximus says. He’s grinding his teeth as he stands in front of the old wolf.

  I can smell Max’s grizzly bear and he smells ready to fight. Mastiff, on the other hand, looks as relaxed as a businessman at the end of happy hour on a Friday afternoon.

  Mastiff rolls his eyes and grins. “I didn’t realize the powerful alpha of the Grisly Grizzlies was so sensitive. It was only business. Don’t make it personal.”

  “Personal?” Maximus yells. “You tried to take our women. You tried to kill us.”

  Mastiff looks ready to yawn. “For a million dollars,” he says, staring at Maximus like he’s being daft. “The ruthless Grisly Grizzlies would have done the same.”

  “No, we wouldn’t have,” Maximus says, crossing his arms.

  “A decade ago, you would have,” he says, grinning. “Before the dragons burnt off all of your testicles.”

  Maximus has nothing to say to that. The Grisly Grizzlies would have done a lot of things for a million dollars a decade ago. I’m glad those days are over.

  “So, what the hell do you want?” Maximus asks impatiently. “Your motorcycles?”

  Mastiff shoots a longing glance at the row of chrome choppers. “That would be nice. My legs aren’t as strong as they used to be. It’s much easier to roll around on wheels.”

  “Too bad,” Maximus says. “You left them here. They’re ours now.”

  I want to let out a groan. Let him take them so we can go hang out at the beach.

  “I wouldn’t come empty-handed,” Mastiff says, opening his empty hands. “I have news.”

  Maximus looks skeptical. “Of?”


  Maximus’ face pales as his whole body goes still. I haven’t heard that name in years. I would have been happy to never hear it again.

  Maximus explodes forward and grabs Mastiff’s jacket, lifting him off his feet. “Where is he?!?” he shouts in a vicious growl. “Tell me!”

  For the first time ever, Mastiff looks nervous. But this is Mastiff after all, and he quickly recovers. He clears his throat and smiles. “Put me down, give me my motorcycles, and I’ll be happy to fill you in all about your old number two.”

  My alpha is breathing hard as he drops Mastiff to his feet. “Take them,” he says, staring at him with cold eyes. “Now tell me!”

  “Bledsoe is still with Colton and Rigs,” he says with a grin. “Changed their name to The Beastly Bears.” Mastiff rolls his eyes. “Lame, I know. They should hire a PR agency or something.”

  All of these names, Bledsoe, Colton, Rigs—I haven’t heard them in years.

  Before the dragons came, there were eight of us in The Grisly Grizzlies. We were a biker crew of some of the toughest shifters in Red Dead Creek. Maximus was the alpha and Bledsoe was the second in command. After that, there was me, Lachlan, Carter, Skin, Rigs, and Colton.

  Eight bears were just too much for one crew, especially for a crew as tough as ours and eventually, the cracks in the foundation starte
d to appear.

  Bledsoe always had a different idea on how to run the crew. He was a true outlaw and wanted to bring the crew into more dangerous roles like drugs, extortion, and selling weapons.

  Maximus thought differently and wanted to move the crew into more legitimate businesses. He was wild in his youth, but when he fell in love with Kennedy, it all changed. He wanted to be legit for her. He didn’t want anything dangerous around her or anything bad happening to her.

  The dragons arriving was the spark that ignited the underlying tensions in the crew. They gave us an ultimatum: One chance to clean up or you’ll be an enemy of the dragons.

  Maximus jumped on the chance to turn the crew around, to finally try and do some good in the world.

  Bledsoe didn’t like that at all. He resented the dragons telling them what to do, and then he resented Maximus telling him what to do.

  The crew split. Maximus, Lachlan, me, and Skin on one side. Bledsoe, Carter, Rigs, and Colton on the other.

  We became bitter rivals. Skin got killed in the fighting. Bledsoe killed him.

  All days back then were hard, but those days were especially hard.

  Carter was Lachlan’s cousin and he took his betrayal very hard. They had always been best friends as well as cousins, but Carter’s bear was always a wild one. There was no way he could be on the right side of the law. People could say the same about me, but I was always loyal to Maximus. I was following him no matter what.

  Maximus was worried that Bledsoe would hurt Kennedy, and he was right. Bledsoe always blamed her for Maximus’ mellowing out.

  The old second in command ordered Carter to kidnap Kennedy who was only a teenager at the time, but Lachlan and Maximus got wind of it and raced over. They confronted Carter who turned into his crazy bear and poor Kennedy got caught in the middle.

  A flying paw cut four deep gashes across her face. Maximus raced her to the hospital while Lachlan finished Carter off. He was forced to kill his cousin and best friend.

  That’s when it all fizzled. The heat from the dragons was getting so hot that Bledsoe, Colton, and Rigs were forced to take off. They haven’t been back.

  Kennedy survived but she was deeply scarred, inside and out. When her parents saw her, they took her away, moving in secret and disappearing completely.


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