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Page 11

by Brenda Rothert

  Our combined heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. He pressed his face into my neck and I took in the minty scent of his hair. I pushed back on his hands, eager to break free and wrap my arms around his back. The hot pressure was building fast, and I wanted to bury my nails in his skin.

  He raised his face and looked down at me. “You’re close. I can feel it, baby. Your pussy is so sweet. I’ll never get enough.”

  He moved my hands together, pinning them both beneath one of his large palms. When he leaned up and wrapped his other hand around one of the wrought iron rails of my headboard, my body clenched in delicious anticipation.

  His thrusts got hard and fast, my bed banging against the wall with each one. I cried out, close to the edge.

  “So fucking hot, Sid,” Killian said, his voice strained. “Give it up for me.”

  I arched my body against him, his words pushing me into a blissful spiral. He pressed my wrists harder into the mattress, pumping his hips against me hard until he let out a long deep, guttural cry. He shuddered and held himself completely still inside me for a few seconds, and then we both went slack.

  “Thanks for not letting me work out,” I said, panting and laughing at the same time.

  “Baby, I will work you out like that any morning.” He laid down on his back and blew out a breath. “Damn, that was good.”

  “It was. Maybe morning sex is better,” I said thoughtfully.

  “Morning sex with me is better.”

  “I’m gonna agree, though I have nothing to compare it to.”

  Killian looked over at me, pulling his forearm off his forehead. “What do you mean?”

  I sat up and reached for my phone, deliberately not meeting his eyes. “That was the first morning sex I’ve ever had.”

  “You’re serious?” he said, surprise in his tone.

  I stepped out of bed and reached for my t-shirt, pulling it over my head. “Yes. You’re the first man I’ve allowed to stay the night with me. I’m going to make some coffee.”

  I busied myself in the kitchen, putting away dishes while I waited for the coffee to brew. My words to Killian swirled in my mind. What did they mean? Why was I so powerfully drawn to this man that I’d let him stay overnight in my bed? Wanted him to, even.

  I was an expert in delivering the ‘I have an early morning meeting’ brush-off to men who’d assumed they’d be staying the night. They had all understood my message: Thanks for the lay, now get the hell out.

  Yet this morning he’d made me want to stay in bed for the pre-workday sex my friends were always raving about. I’d never wanted it until now, and I was just deluding myself to pretend otherwise.

  Killian wandered into the kitchen, now dressed in his wrinkled clothes from last night. “I’ve gotta go,” he said. “I’d never hear the end of it if I was late for practice. I’ve never had to put money in the can.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you’re late for practice, you have to put ten bucks in the coffee can we keep in the locker room, and then you have to skate ten laps with the whole team chirping at you.”

  In the hockey world, chirping was the same as razzing, and I figured Killian was better at dishing it out than taking it.

  “What happens to the money?” I asked.

  “We donate it to charity.”

  I nodded slightly, impressed. “That’s a good thing for Orion to do.”

  Killian approached and wrapped his arms around my waist. “It’s not his thing. It’s mine. I started it when I became captain.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, his warm gray blue eyes reminding me how much I’d enjoyed starting my day with him.

  “You being charitable turns me on,” I said.

  “Save it for me,” he said, leaning down to kiss me.

  I covered my mouth with my hand self-consciously. “Morning breath,” I mumbled through my fingers.

  “I already kissed you this morning.” He moved my hand aside and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. “Have a good day, boss.”

  “You too. You want coffee to go?”

  He shook his head and let go of me, turning for the living room.

  “When do I get to see you again?” he called over his shoulder.

  “Probably later in the hallway.”


  This was starting to feel like the beginning of a relationship, which made my stomach churn nervously. I wanted it, but I still worried about the implications for both of us.

  “No one can know about this,” I said. “It’d be bad for both of us on so many levels.”

  He walked back over to me, sliding his arms into his hoodie. “I get that.”

  “Promise me you won’t brag to your teammates about bagging the team owner.”

  “I didn’t bag you, Sid. And this is only between you and me. I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Not even if you’re pissed at me?”

  He gave me a playful grin. “Impossible.”

  I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

  “Not even then,” he promised.

  “I want to see you again…you know, when you want to see me. I know you travel a lot and I’m sure you like sleeping in your own bed sometimes, too, so—”

  He put a finger on my lips to silence me. “Be quiet. I want to see you tonight after the game. Do you want to see me?”

  I nodded. He brushed his thumb across my lips and kissed me one more time. “Good, then I’ll see you later.”


  I reached over to the nightstand to turn off the alarm. My fingers touched a vase of flowers and then a lamp. And finally, I found my cell phone. I turned off the alarm, wishing I could wrap my arms back around Sid and go back to sleep. Spending the night with her for the second time had been just as good as the first. Maybe even a little better. We were both more comfortable now, knowing we both wanted this and neither of us regretted a thing.

  She moaned a little in her sleep and turned toward the spot where I’d been laying. I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead. Damn. No time for morning sex today, unfortunately.

  I dressed in the semi-darkness. The sun wouldn’t be all the way up for a while, but I had to catch the bus for our next road trip, which was to Columbus, Ohio.

  Last night I’d brought an overnight bag with me so I could clean up and go catch the bus without going home. I crept into the ensuite bathroom, closing the door before I turned on the light. Hopefully I wouldn’t wake her up. I’d only slept about three hours, between the late night, the early morning and an hour of hot sex. The sex had been even better the second night, which was a first for me. I’d been fired up from our win last night and we’d barely made it through the front door before I had my hands all over her.

  After we had exhausted ourselves in her bed, I went into the kitchen and found the ingredients to make one of my mom’s famous omelets. As we shared it I told her about my mom making me and my teammates ham and vegetable omelets after games when we were in high school. Strangely, telling that story hadn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

  I brushed my teeth, careful not to splash water all over the place. The marble counter was spotless. I’d commented about how clean her place was last night, and Sid had told me a housekeeper came daily to take care of everything from laundry to grocery shopping. She confided that she was a neat freak and I sure as hell wasn’t going to mess with that.

  We were so different. I’d never cared too much about money, and what it could buy. Probably because Mom and I had never had that much. I’d never given it a second thought until now. Sid had things I couldn’t afford on my salary. She had a fancy apartment and expensive-looking clothes, and she hired people to take care of life’s mundane shit. I didn’t even have a washer and dryer; instead I used the laundry room shared by the guys who lived in team housing.

  She probably liked expensive vacations. She struck me as the type of woman who didn’t really want for anything and she had earned all o
f it. She worked very hard, and she deserved to spend her money on the things that made her happy.

  The only travel option for me was a ride on the team bus, and I sure didn’t spend much money. I tried to save as much as I could and I’d had the sense to let a financial guy manage my meager savings. I didn’t even know how much money I did have, come to think of it.

  This thing with me and her was crazy. She belonged with some rich guy who could buy her jewelry and fancy wine. How long would it be until she figured out I had nothing to offer her but hot sex?

  I honestly didn’t know, but until then I planned to keep pretending I could actually be with her. I’d never wanted this with a woman before, and it felt good and it felt natural. I’d deal with reality when it caught up to us.


  Killian dropped to his knees and slammed his fist into the ice. He punched it several more times before finally getting to his feet.

  He was frustrated, and I knew why. The guys on the team were sluggish tonight and it was as if they had lead weights in their skates. Orion and Bruce were both stone-faced behind the bench, their arms crossed for the entire game, other than when they were throwing their arms in the air and yelling at the players. I’d learned a while ago that crossed arms were not a good sign. It meant they were inwardly furious.

  The guys had been playing their hearts out. The travel schedule was grueling and they were tired. We were eight and one for or last nine games. No team won every game. But apparently I was the only one who wasn’t that upset about the loss that was thirty seconds away.

  “Are you seeing him tonight?” Keri whispered to me.

  I looked around the owner’s box, confirming what I already knew. We were alone and the door was closed.

  “Why are we whispering?” I whispered back.

  “I don’t know. It just seems like secret stuff should be whispered.”

  “I don’t think so,” I said in a normal tone of voice. “We’ve seen each other every night this week except when they were on the road. I’m sure he wants to go out with the guys.”

  “Liam’s not going out tonight.”

  I arched my brows, giving her a knowing look. “Oh, really?”


  “How that going?”

  She gave me an innocent look. “How’s what going?”

  “You’re no good at being coy, Keri. Your face is like an open book.”

  “It’s just a fun thing. Nothing serious.”

  “Famous last words,” I said. “Be careful.”

  “I am. And I’ll give you the same advice. The stakes are a lot higher for you, Sid. I’m just the team P.R. person.”

  I nodded, not wanting to acknowledge out loud how right she was.

  The ice was clearing. Killian congratulated the row of players on the other team and then headed right for the tunnel. I had a feeling he had a lot of drinking and swearing ahead of him tonight.

  “Why doesn’t Nicole come to the games anymore?” Keri asked.

  I shook my head. “Things have been tense since our talk a couple of weeks ago. I’m guessing she is avoiding me as much as she can.”

  “She’s still mad about that?”

  “I guess. To be honest, I think she is just being childish. She knew she was wrong, but she can’t seem to admit it, even to herself. I’m keeping an eye on her and she’d better pull herself together or she’s not going to like our next conversation one bit.”

  Keri shrugged and said, “Geez, it’s always something, isn’t it?”

  I yawned, smiled, and said goodnight to Keri and headed for my car when my phone dinged to announce a text message.

  A message was displayed on my screen.

  Killian: Meet up at ur place?

  I wrote back.

  Me: Sure you don’t want to go out with the guys? I don’t expect you to spend every night with me.

  Killian: U tired of me?

  Me: Not at all.

  Killian: Hope u don’t mind if I work out my frustration in bed.

  Me: What? You’re upset about something? I hadn’t noticed.

  Killian: I think you need to wrap that smart mouth around my cock.

  Me: Perhaps. I’m also in the mood to ride you.

  Killian: Yes. I want lots of sex and some pancakes.

  I laughed as I read the message.

  Me: Deal. See you at home.

  I’d just pushed ‘send’ when my mouth dropped open in horror. I’d said ‘home’. It was only my home, and the word made me feel like a clingy girlfriend trying to speed things along.

  Killian: Be in the kitchen making pancakes in something lacy and revealing. I’ll make it worth your while.

  My anxiety over saying ‘home’ faded in an instant. Now I just felt an intense need to get home and change into some of the new lingerie I’d ordered. The lacy red bra and panties with garters would be perfect.

  I’d never felt so feminine and desirable. When he held my hands hostage during sex, I was at his mercy. Since I was accustomed to asserting myself during sex to make sure I got mine, this was a new sensation. He knew exactly how long I could stand it slow and deep, and when I needed it hard and fast. He knew how to touch me so I came longer and harder than I ever had.

  Sexually he made me feel very safe and, slowly, I was testing the waters by starting to talk dirty back to him. It was a first for me, but it turned me on as much as it did him. I trusted him completely and I was quickly coming to a place where nothing was off limits.

  I smiled as I remembered that first meeting with my reckless team captain. Things had changed a lot since then. I only hoped this unyielding passion was something that could be sustained.

  Chapter 9


  Once the game was over I sat on the bench in the locker room and listened as Orion and Bruce unleashed the fury they’d been holding in for the past three hours. The raked everyone over the coals and I couldn’t blame them—for the most part, everyone had played like shit. When they were finally finished I showered and changed and got the hell out. I didn’t want to spend another second with these assholes. All I could think about was forgetting the whole shitty mess with my head between Sid’s legs.

  I jogged up to her front door just as she was trying to unlock it while balancing a paper sack of groceries on her hip.

  “Here,” I said, taking the bag and keys from her. “Let me do this.”

  Her face fell. “I was hoping you’d take a bit longer. I had to stop for pancake mix and syrup.”

  My heart tugged with happiness.

  “You didn’t have to do that. And it doesn’t matter what I said in that text message. I’m just glad to be here.”

  “I know.” Her cheeks pinked a little. “But I wanted to. That thing about working out your frustration – I liked the sound of it.”

  I turned the key and pushed the door open, allowing her to enter first. I followed, closing the door and setting the sack of groceries on the table at the front door.

  “Hey,” I said, reaching for her hand and pulling her toward me. “I’m still plenty frustrated.”

  She smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I helped her slide out of her wool coat and tossed it on top of chair. “Get on your knees.”

  She dropped to the ground and gave me a hungry, pleading look.

  “Suck my cock, baby,” I said, unzipping my suit pants and sliding the button open. She nodded compliantly, her eyes widening when I slid my boxers down and my cock stood at full attention in her face.

  I wound my fingers into her hair and pulled lightly, tipping her face up toward me.

  “Suck it good and I’ll fuck you,” I said. “Start with my balls.”

  She opened her mouth eagerly, wrapping her hand around my shaft and flattening her tongue to lick my balls. The warm, wet caress made me grit my teeth and groan. When she took my whole sack into her mouth I tightened my hold on her hair.

  “Goddamn, baby,” I ground out. �
��That’s fucking good. Yeah, suck my balls hard. Get your spit all over me.”

  She sucked and licked and I groaned at the building ache in my balls. Just the sight of her, down on her knees pleasing me, was enough to do me in. I was dying for her to put my cock in her mouth when I realized why she hadn’t. She was waiting for me to tell her to.

  So fucking hot. This powerful, confident woman wasn’t just letting me take sexual control of her – she wanted me to.

  “Now my cock,” I said, tugging on her hair to pull her mouth away from my balls.

  She descended on me, taking me so deep I felt the back of her throat against the tip of my dick.

  “Ah, yeah. Good girl. You really want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

  Her answer was a desperate whine that I felt against my cock. The animal in me took over and I pulled her hair back. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and glazed with lust.

  “I’m gonna fuck that gorgeous mouth,” I said, tightening my hold on her hair. “Open.”

  Her pink, soaking wet lips parted and I drove myself into her mouth. She whimpered and reached for my ass, squeezing her nails into my clenched cheeks.

  She took every thrust, her lips clamped around my cock.

  “You like me fucking your mouth?” My words were strained with the effort of holding myself back. She moaned against me. “I want to come in your mouth so bad, Sid. I want to watch you swallow it all.”

  Her nails suck into my skin. She wanted it, too. I forced myself to pull all the way out of her mouth. Her moan was desperate. She looked up at me, pleading.

  I put my hands under her arms, pulled her up and turned her to face the table in the foyer. She was all business in a suit and heels. I unzipped the back of the skirt and worked it around her hips.

  “Step out,” I said, reaching for my pants on the floor. I found a condom in my wallet and ripped it open. Sidney turned to me, looking for direction.

  “My panties, too?”

  “No. Take the jacket and shirt off, then turn around and watch in the mirror.”


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