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Heart of the Alpha

Page 12

by Mia Rose

  Gabriel stood at the foot of a small outcrop of rocks. He had no idea what rock type it was, but he stood and looked at it. His eyes scanned to see if he could climb. He reached the top, and he could see Tanya’s wolf form at the top. He was too far away to stare into her eyes, yet he could tell the color and pattern of her fur. She was almost white, and had a thick, silver streak that ran down the center of her back. Her muzzle was gray up to one eye. This made her look like a panda because the other was white.

  Gabriel waved, and Tanya’s wolf nodded to him as she vanished a second time. He walked to the far side of the rocks and found a set of man-made steps that scaled up the edge of the rock. They'd been cut into the earth and had worn from countless use and rainwater. Water that had gushed down them, over time. His boots stuck in the sticky mud as he climbed the steps. His hands clambered at the moist earth as he slipped on a couple of occasions. Gabriel reached the top and sat on a rock and started to scrape the mud from his boot. He looked up as he heard voices.

  He shouted the call sign to Tanya. Gabriel stood and started to walk to the main track. He saw a young kid headed his way. “Hey, what are you doing here?” Gabriel asked.

  “A trip. I’m with a few others who are way back down the hill,” he said. “What about you?”

  “I’m out with my girl, yet she’s vanished, and she might be watching us now, to try and find me,” Gabriel explained.

  “BOO!” Tanya screamed as she jumped from the undergrowth.

  “Jesus, I wondered where you went,” Gabriel stated. “What’s your name anyway, kid?”

  The kid sniffed as if he had a cold. “Drake. And you are?”

  “This is Tanya, and I’m Gabriel.”

  “Pleased to meet you, but I gotta run. I can’t let a bunch of old people beat me to the top,” Drake replied.

  “Be careful around these parts,” Gabriel said.

  Drake smiled and ran up the track and vanished. Gabriel sat on the rock and looked around to where the kid had come from. The voices had stopped. He watched as Tanya cocked her head to listen. She sniffed as the wind blew in their direction.

  “I can’t smell anything,” she whispered. “Maybe the wind where they are, is blowing into a different direction.”

  Gabriel scanned through the woods. All he could see was the trees and the thin beams of sunlight that hit the bracken and the smaller bushes. Birds flew from their roost, but that meant nothing. Further in the sky ravens circled as if something had died, and again, that meant nothing.

  “You better stay human for a while. That kid might’ve been a hunter scout, you never know,” he said. He grabbed hold of Tanya’s arm.

  “Yeah. I think we should head back, to be honest. I don’t want to risk anything,” Tanya said as she pulled against Gabriel. “It will also get dark in here pretty quickly, especially without the sun going down. Once the light shines from an angle, we aren’t gonna be able to see much.”

  Gabriel agreed, and they made their way back to the rocks and descended the slippery steps. Tanya’s foot caught on the root of a tree, and she fell forward. Gabriel heard the sickening snap as she landed on her hands. Her wrist bent at a forty-five-degree angle. Unfortunately, in the wrong direction.

  “Motherfucker,” she yelped.

  “You’ll be okay in a couple of hours,” he said.

  “I know, but it doesn’t stop the thing from fucking hurting,” she replied as they heard a voice behind them.

  “Hey, you need help?” Drake said.

  Gabriel turned. “Where did you come from?” he asked.

  “I heard a scream, so I ran back, are you okay?” he replied. “Damn, that looks painful, you should get her to the hospital.”

  Quick on his feet and not to put his foot in it, Gabriel said, “I’m taking her now. My bike is by the road.”

  “Just be careful, those tree roots are lethal,” Drake added.

  “Drake, how did you know she tripped on a tree root?” Gabriel asked, sensing something was a little off.

  Drake looked at Gabriel as to why a simple remark would bother him so much. “I came down those steps and saw the mark, it was too small for your boot, so I guessed it was hers,” he replied.

  Gabriel squinted at Drake as if he was still a wolf. “I thought you saw it happen, that’s all,” Gabriel remarked.

  “Yeah! As if. You would have seen me,” Drake replied. But you didn't see me, neither of you did. “I gotta go, our group is making their way back to the cars. We’ve seen enough.”

  “How come the noise stopped from them? We heard them, and then it fell silent,” Gabriel asked as an afterthought.

  “Food. The gang stopped to eat. They don’t talk while they’re eating,” he said, with a smile.

  “Did you eat?” Tanya asked.

  “Yeah, I grabbed hold of something earlier.”

  “Hot dog?”

  “Nah, it was a slab of juicy meat.” With that, he made his farewell and ran back along the side of the rocks. He vanished into the thick bracken which hid him from view.

  “What a strange kid,” Gabriel surmised.

  “I’m not sure if he was strange or just not telling us the whole truth.”

  “You think he was a wolf or a hunter?” Gabriel asked.

  Tanya shook her head and frowned. “Today, I think he was a bit of both.”

  Noelle ran at Declan and jumped up against him. He staggered back to the bed and crashed against the soft mattress with Noelle still hanging around his neck and waist.

  “You’re not much use in a fight, are you? A liddle thing like me can take you down boy,” she squealed. Declan tensed his body and called on his inner wolf, just enough so he stood on his hind legs and dropped Noelle flat on her back.

  “Who’s not much use?” he asked as he snapped back into his human form.

  “That’s the sign of a cheat if I ever saw one,” she replied as she got to her knees. “So, you think I want to be your alpha mate, huh?”

  “It had crossed my mind. That would seal everything, but as a human, I’m not sure you’re up to the task,” he said with a cocky tone. “It takes a special breed to be an alpha or an alpha's mate.”

  “So, you don’t think I’m speci—” Noelle started to say as Declan lifted her t-shirt over her head and left her helpless.

  His hand pushed the top of her head as she fell backward. Her arms wriggled as she tried to get free from her shirt. Declan knelt on the bed and pulled at the button of her jeans. He tugged the zipper and then dragged her jeans and panties over her slender hips. He giggled to himself as he left her wrapped in a bundle of clothes.

  He heard Noelle's muffled screams from inside her shirt. “Declan, don’t be such an ass,” she yelled as she wriggled from side to side. “Get me out of these god-damned clothes!”

  Declan pulled at her jeans; Noelle kicked her legs. Her foot planted itself on Declan's chin. She stopped wriggling. “Sorry, I couldn’t see.”

  He dropped her jeans into a heap and pulled her arms free from her shirt. Her ruffled hair looked as if she'd just woken up. He smiled as he leaned his muscled torso over her. He stared into her eyes. He'd felt the same way about her since that very first day when he'd met her in the coffee shop.

  Declan thought about their whole relationship. He had no chance, really. From that very first moment, she had him. Hook, line, and metaphorical sinker. He bent his arms as he lowered himself toward her. Noelle squirmed in only a half-hearted effort as she “attempted” to escape. Her mouth fumbled, biting her bottom lip, and she started to feel his hot breath fall over her.

  Declan leaned closer. His broad chest pushed against the lacy fabric of her bra. His leg pushed between her thighs and rubbed against her womanhood. Noelle wrapped her leg around Declan’s muscled thigh. His head got closer, and his mouth opened. She sucked in a startled breath as their lips touched. The soft, plumpness of her lips pushed hard against Declan’s, as his tongue fumbled and flicked against her delicate skin. Noelle's eyes c
losed as shallow pants made her chest heave. Her breasts pushed and rubbed against the hard muscles that rippled under his skin. Declan slipped his tongue between her lips, and he swept like wildfire inside the wetness of her mouth. Their tongues touched and intertwined as shivers flooded through Noelle's entire body.

  Declan felt her hips; the junction of her thighs gyrated and rubbed against his muscled thigh. The silky touch of Noelle's lips pulled his tongue deeper inside the wetness of her mouth. She took him in and sucked the pureness of what he offered. Her hands caressed the strong jawline on his face. His chiseled features melted under her touch.

  Declan felt the eagerness filling his shaft. His heart and pulse raced as his body started to respond to Noelle's readiness for love. He raised his hand and tugged at the strap of her bra. The lace frayed and tore. Noelle gasped again as his hand moved to the side of her body and cupped her breast with fervor. He massaged her softly as his masculine fingers fumbled with her pearled tips. Noelle panted with excitement as she felt Declan's shaft rub its heat against her hips. The heat of his manhood seared into her skin. It crept up her body as it hardened between their entwined bodies.

  Noelle reached her arm around Declan's muscled back and sank her nails into his firmed buttocks. His hips pushed forward as the smooth power of his muscled thigh rubbed against her moistness. She tightened her grip as Declan rolled onto his back. Noelle writhed her body against him as he laid on his back. Noelle pushed her hands against the bed. Her shoulder raised as her body arched like a cat. The dampness between her legs slid across the hard muscle of Declan's thigh. She lifted her leg and straddled him. Her head lowered as her breasts rubbed against his bare chest.

  She looked down into his eyes. The amazing hint of silver glimmered in the light that shone overhead. Noelle could see the animal that laid deep in Declan's soul. His inner wolf was waiting to make its move. Noelle had turned the tables. She had ended up on top. She had the control. Declan would be at her mercy once she offered herself to him.

  “Declan, are you ready? You feel ready —you smell ready, and you look ready,” Noelle murmured.

  Declan nodded, signaling that he was ready as Noelle stared deep into his wanting eyes. He was in love with her. He had always been in love with her.

  “Guess what, Declan?” she cooed as she rubbed her flesh further up his thighs.

  “What?” Declan replied through waiting lips that he licked with anticipation.

  Noelle winked and ran her tongue across Declan's perfect lips. “I’m very ready!”

  “Don’t let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen.”

  Chapter 15


  “If you like it you lick it, everyone knows that.”

  Maria and the rest of the pack had returned to Vista View. Kelvin hadn’t returned and had been missing for a good ten to fifteen minutes. She paced up and down the parking lot, the gravel crunched under her boots. In fact, she had absolutely no interest in the panoramic view that she could’ve seen if she'd turned her head forty-five degrees to the right. Maria could have cast her eyes over the valley, and to the beautiful large lake where the water shimmered in the afternoon sun. She would have seen the power boats with the water skiers if she’d felt like it. She wanted none of it. Maria only wanted Kelvin to get his ass back to the parking lot, so they could make their way back to the Towers.

  Maria kicked her boot into the gravel as a food truck came around the corner and passed her, on her side of the road. The truck driver gave the obligatory hoot of his horn as he fixed his eyes on Maria, and that was usually what truck drivers did when they saw a gorgeous woman. They seemed to think it was their duty to inform the hottie that they'd been spotted —weirdly enough.

  Maria raised her head as she looked at the logo and the slogan on the side of the truck. It read, “Killer Griller—The best grill this side of heavenll.” Maria smiled and shook her head at the same time. As she stood and watched the food truck pass her, something caught her eye above the roof of the vehicle. A figure had jumped from the ridge in the forest and flew through the air toward her. Maria looked around as Kelvin cleared the road and his hand ran over the roof of the truck. His body flailed as he landed on the side of Maria. Gravel sprayed away from his boots as his impact brushed it to the side. Kelvin knelt and panted for breath before he stood.

  Kelvin looked up at Maria and smiled. “What a fucking rush that was.” He looked at his fingertips, the dirt from the roof had made his fingers black.

  Maria grabbed ahold of the hood on Kelvin's sweatshirt and shook him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked.

  “Relax, what’s the worst thing that could’ve happened?” he replied.

  “Well, you wouldn’t have been hurt for long, but you could have hit that truck and if he’d driven off the ridge… sweet Jesus, what would you have done then?”

  “We would have driven off back to the Towers and said no more about it,” Kelvin replied.

  “That would never happen, and you know it!” Maria replied in a tone that Kelvin never really wanted to hear —ever again. She might be hot as hell, but she had the look of thunder on her face as she shouted at him. “Now, get your ass in the car so we can go home.”

  Maria pushed her hand in the small of Kelvin's back as he bowed his head in shame. His feet scuffed in the gravel as if he was a school kid who had been reprimanded for chewing gum. He pulled open the passenger door and fastened his seat belt. His hands tugged on his sweatshirt hood as he pulled it over his head and slumped into his seat. Maria placed her hand on the chrome door handle. Her other hand rested on the roof. As she pulled the handle, she heard a rumble pass the log cabin café that sat overlooking the valley. Her head raised just past the roof line of the car as she caught a glimpse of a black and chrome Chopper that rode into view.

  Maria ducked as the rider and the girl glanced in her direction. She saw the girl hang onto the rider with one hand as she held the other one in front of her. It looked like she'd hurt herself. Maria pulled open the door and slipped inside. The Chopper roared past with no sign of slowing. Maria looked from her window as the bike rounded the far corner and headed off down the road in the same direction as the “Killer Griller” food truck.

  Maria and the other three cars headed back to the Towers, slowly. It had been a good first session, and the pack had performed well. They had split into three. One pack had run directly forward as one flanked to the left and one flanked to the right. The hunters would have a shock when all the pack from the Towers were in their attack formation. The pack members laughed and giggled as they returned to the Towers. It had been a fun day out after all the time they'd stayed at home, and when Gabriel had been in charge.

  They ran up the steps and vanished inside as Maria and Kelvin followed last. They entered the lobby and Dustin was there, sitting behind the reception desk. “Have you got a spare room for an hour or two, mister?” Kelvin yelled in a pitiful, Texas accent.

  Dustin sniggered to himself as he saw Maria grimace at Kelvin's suggestion. And she’d already spent an hour or two with him. No way sunshine, not after the stunt you pulled, she thought.

  “How was it?” Dustin asked.

  Maria walked up to the counter and rested on the large, chipped, oak counter. Her fingers ran over the grooves that had been caused by years of use. She looked at Dustin. “They did good, and we didn’t see anyone in the forest,” she replied.

  “I did,” Kelvin mentioned.

  “Who —who did you see? Was it that dude and girl on the black Chopper?” Maria asked. Kelvin pulled the hood off his head. He frowned a little as he thought for a moment.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see them on the bike. It was a guy and a girl who I bumped into. Twice,” he replied. “I was running ahead of you lot, and just as I was about to leap into the clearing, I changed back to my human form and jogged the last few paces until I saw them.”

  “Do you think they were hunters scouting?” Dus
tin asked as his boots slipped from the far side of the reception counter and thudded onto the floor.

  “Nah! They weren't hunters. The guy smelled funny, and not anything I've smelled before, apart from when I met Declan,” Kelvin explained. “Declan’s smell though, was a hell of a lot weaker than this guy.”

  “Why would two guys smell similar?” Dustin asked. “I don’t think Declan has a link with anyone.”

  “Did they ask where you were from, or ask you your name?” Maria asked.

  “Yeah, I told them my name was Drake. There’s no way I was gonna tell them my real name, or where I live.”

  “At least you did one thing right,” Maria said with an assertive look.

  “That sounds as if something happened,” Dustin said as he walked from behind the counter.

  “Kelvin thought he was Wolverine or some other superhero. He only jumped from the forest ridge at Vista View over a passing food truck,” Maria explained.

  “At least we know you have some power behind you,” Dustin said as he smiled. Kelvin grinned as Dustin wacked him across the side of his head. “Now, don’t be such a dumb ass in future. Hunters will only need a tiny excuse to spread the word about us.”

  “Sorry! I won’t do it again,” he replied. “So, do you want to know what happened with this dude and the girl he had with him?”

  Maria and Dustin looked at Kelvin because they both thought he'd already finished talking. “Of course!” added Maria.

  “The girl wasn’t there when I first approached. The guy made some stupid remark about her running off and hiding from him. That was complete bullshit; she was a wolf,” Kelvin explained. “I’m not sure if she noticed I was, or if she did, she had doubts.”

  “So, where did she come from when you were there?” Maria asked plainly.

  “Well, she jumped from the bushes and shouted out as if they were playing hide and seek or something,” he replied. “That’s when they asked who I was. I ran off then, and left them to it.”


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