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Page 6

by David Paul

  Zurelda killed both your aunt and uncle. She took your uncle’s soul for purposes of black magic, but she killed your aunt to make you suffer from more loneliness and pain.

  The evil hag watched you sleeping in your bed for so many nights. When Katerina began staying at the farm, she watched over her in bed and violated her in perverse ways without Katerina’s knowledge. Katerina mistook the violations as awful nightmares.’

  “That piece of filth,” I said.

  Capello’s facial expression never changed. He never skipped a beat of his stoned soliloquy.

  ‘The evil whore partakes in all pleasures of the flesh…man, woman, and beast. She knows no bounds, and her appetite is insatiable. Zurelda was jealous of her because she was your woman. The both of you had actually passed her in casual travel near the riverbed once, and she went unnoticed because you were both wrapped up in playful bliss.

  The Evil Eye has been upon you for quite sometime now. The jealousy and greed manifested itself in her evil heart. It is true that misery loves company. If she couldn’t have you, then the witch wanted to destroy your spirit. The only true pleasure an evil entity has is the ability to create misery and mayhem.

  Once Zurelda had learned that you were a virgin, she summoned up the Hierarchy of Evil spirits for her own gain, and Regina made the winning bid for your blood. From that point on, you have been watched. You will have to give up your soul to save Tomassino’s…an eye for an eye…tit for tat…your pound of flesh.’

  At the time, he didn’t know what Capello meant by the bizarre reference. Later on in his existence, David realized what the pound of flesh was. Capello was way ahead of his time, and the man had a true mastery of seeing into the future.

  “As fated,” he said, “you will trade your life in for the woman you love, but you may fail to save her. Flee my son. It is your only chance of changing your fate,” he said grimly. The fortuneteller wiped sweat off of his brow. “Fate can be tempted, but never completely undone without the intervention of outside forces.”

  Capello beckoned me to leave again.

  I stood speechless and frightened, but I would not flee. The prophet had more to say. This got worse by the moment.

  ‘It was Regina in mist form that came to you in your dream. She visited you more than once, and she allowed you to only remember that encounter. You were asleep for almost a month, and today is your wedding day. The dust you inhaled at the Grand Fountain was the physical component of a sleep spell. Regina tasted of the blood from your chest to confirm your virginity.

  Her trickery and deception led you to believe that you were having intercourse in the dream. She did molest you in evil fashion, but there was no intercourse. It was fellatio that she performed on you because she needed you to remain a virgin by the classic definition. She robbed you of your semen to complete the ingredients needed for Zurelda’s powerful spell.

  It would be a safe assumption that Zurelda will complete the spell tonight under the full moon. The stars are in her favor, and all the components of the spell are in hand. Regina will be there to capture you. The exchange has already taken place between Zurelda and Regina. Regina has forfeited the artifact to Zurelda because your Fate is sealed in her eyes. Even if you flee, Regina will follow both day and night to collect your soul. The jealousy of a witch and the evil bloodlust of a vampire have cursed your life, my poor boy.’

  “Then what can I do besides run or lie down and play dead?” I asked. After all that the prophet said, what could I do? I didn’t know how to kill a witch or a vampire. If it wasn’t for Katerina, I would have left Capello’s hut and never looked back.

  ‘Tomassino’s soul can be saved. Maybe, with a stroke of luck, a deity could intervene. Only you can decide how to tempt fate. You can injure Zurelda with a holy blade, but you must remove her head completely to kill her.

  This will not be easy because she can harm you without touching you, and she will be at the peak of her powers this evening. You need to somehow stun her or trick her to gain a moment of surprise. They both know that you are coming, so the element of surprise is almost gone. Regina is not needed in the ceremony, and her duties are done, but she will be lurking to collect her bounty.

  The artifact that Zurelda will be using is an ancient prism from the days of Christ. This prism is an amplifier of power and light. It works for both good and evil, and all it does is intensify the medium going through it. Monks used to use it to strengthen their prayers before it was stolen many years ago.

  The prism is relatively fragile and can be easily destroyed. Destroying this prism mid-spell can put a halt on the outcome of the spell indefinitely.

  Basically, Zurelda will be using this prism to intensify the sheer power of her spell. Between the prism and the additional power gained from the ancient ones, her power will grow exponentially. Not only can you save Tomassino’s soul, but by destroying this evil witch, you will save this village.

  I will provide you with a blade consecrated by an elder priest fit for slaying a minion of the dark world. After you leave, I will summon an ancient magick to provide you with bravery and more strength and agility. Leave me with seven strands of hair before you go.

  It is in my best interest to help you, Davide. Our lives are in your hands as well. If Zurelda is allowed to complete her invocation of power, then we will have no chance against her. We all will suffer a miserable fate by her crooked hand. I cannot come with you, but I will do all I can to help you.

  Entering the Black Forest from the basin is the best path to take before sunset. The moon will be full in the evening, and you will have some light to guide you. I’ve only been inside the forest a few times in my life to gather various herbs for magick. Neither torches, nor campfires will burn in the forest unless they are of magical origin. The darkness literally swallows any man-made light.

  Zurelda will need to be in a clearing that allows the North Star to be seen from above. There are caves that recess into a mountain with an open view to the sky. This would be the perfect place for her dark spell. Beware of what else lurks in the Black Forest. It is filled with all of the reasons why we fear the night. Getting there could prove to be just as hard as defeating Zurelda.

  Do not drink any of the water that you may encounter; it is the stellar opposite of holy water. I’ve actually been waiting for you to come here. I’ve already had this entire conversation with you in a dream. By the way, you looked much braver in the dream. My predictions are not always totally accurate, but they are usually pretty close. Wait here for a moment.’

  Capello went digging through some trinkets and junk inside his little hut. A stale wind rustled the dirty drapes covering the windows. He came back with a glowing crystal, a jeweled silver hand axe, a potion bottle, two skins of water, and a fancy metallic necklace.

  “I was hoping that you would have given me something a little more deadly,” I said. I joked with Capello regarding the smallish size of the hand axe. In my mind, I was hoping for some kind of a sword or spear, so I wouldn’t have to get so damn close to Zurelda.

  “That hand axe was used in the ancient demon Crusades by Saint Michael,” Capello fired back.

  “Sorry,” I said, “I’m just overwhelmed by all of this. My whole life just changed overnight.”

  “It has changed, and it will never be the same, my son.”

  “Growing up, I heard stories of witches, goblins, and ghouls, but I never thought any of it was true. It seemed like old wives’ tales and foolish superstitions. Even after seeing such bizarre things with my own eyes, all of this is just unbelievable,” I said wearily.

  “My son, think of Jesus Christ, and what he was asked to do. Heroes are not born heroes. They are forged in the fires of their actions when they rise to the occasion.”

  “I just wonder why me?” I asked. I couldn’t understand why this had become my fate. “I have done my best to live a righteous life.”

  “Bad things happen to good people everyday. Fate fills in the puzzle pie
ces, and in the end, you will know why,” he said. His voice changed to a higher pitch. He sounded like a philosopher. “Why do birds fly? Why do fish swim? Why are the stars up in the sky?” Capello asked. He invited me to ponder his questions. “These are all questions that may never be answered in this lifetime or the next. Maybe, we aren’t meant to know that in this lifetime. Maybe, when you meet your maker, all of your mysteries will be known.”

  I had the feeling that I would have my answers very soon. It didn’t seem like I would be able to save Katerina. Death was around the corner for both of us.

  Chapter 3: The Black Forest

  Fiona listens intently as David tells his story to her. He truly hoped that some of this was hitting home and awakening reason inside her mind. Her fate is not to become undead as he. David has been down this path so many times through the years. Either his companion dies a natural death, and he mourns, or he gives them the curse and dooms them completely. There really is no correct answer. It has been a never-ending game of trial and error that has yet to work for him.

  Fiona thinks that her fate will be different because she is ignorant to the real rules of ancient magic and such. The books that are available for popular human reading don’t touch the surface on ancient magic. Regardless, David will suffer losing Fiona when she passes away naturally or when she turns. Both outcomes would bring forth more grief.

  He is trapped in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of a situation. David spent so many of his years alone because of these very situations. The vampire is damned with no pleasant way to put it. Just when he thinks that true love is possible, David is reminded of the truth that he had come to know since his monstrous creation. He tells Fiona more about his fateful meeting with Capello.

  ‘I have done all that I can do for you, my son. Keep the crystal covered until you need light. Even the Black Forest cannot swallow up that light. The necklace is an amulet that will protect you against evil. It will dull the effect of Zurelda’s magic, but it will not render you impervious to her evil spells. Regina’s evil will not be phased in the least bit. All of her trickery and deceit will be at full strength.

  Go, my son, and may the power of good overcome that of evil. Leave me those hairs from your head, and I will prepare a potent spell to help equalize the odds. There is no more time to waste. You must enter the Black Forest to fulfill your destiny and act out the prophecy.’

  “Thank you Capello, you have been a kind stranger. I owe you a great deal for everything that you have done for me.”

  He shook my hand, and blood from his cut finger got all over my hand. I wiped his blood on my trousers.

  “All that I have done is simply making you aware,” he said. He handed me a bottle. “You are doing the village a great service. It has been prophecised that a hero of pure heart would come to our aid. Drink the contents of this bottle.”

  I took the bottle to my lips and finished the awful tasting liquid inside. The bottle was ancient in nature, and I did not ask Capello of its origin. The tar-like consistency of the liquid made the drink more repulsive. I grabbed a hold of my hair and pulled out a bunch of strands. I left them on Capello’s table and left with haste.

  Still a bit sluggish from the sleep spell and the opium, I raced home to my farm as fast as I could possibly run. Another horse would be needed as well as other equipment and supplies. Time was of the essence, and I didn’t want to try to get into the Black Forest at night. Every second of daylight will help out my cause. I filled a large backpack with rope, more water, and cured beef.

  For good measure, I took a crucifix, rosary beads, and my Bible. My longbow and a large quiver filled with arrows were also coming with me. Archery was a hobby of mine on the farm. I was no Robin Hood with a bow, but I wasn’t exactly a novice either. As long as I didn’t need to shoot olive-sized targets at twenty yards, I would be fine. At least, I hoped that.

  I tried to remain calm with an unfolding nightmare ahead of me. Strangely, I started to feel good. My nerves seemed to be letting up, and I felt quite focused. Capello’s little magic trick must have been working. I hadn’t the slightest idea what he did, but I felt like I could kill a grizzly bear with my bare hands. I wasn’t sure if it was the potion or the spell at work.

  My adrenaline was pumped far beyond normal human levels, but I felt strangely calm. All of the essentials were that were needed were in my possession, and I headed toward the basin. The afternoon sun beamed relentlessly, but it was something that I was used to. As far as I was concerned, the Sun could shine all day. The nighttime was what I was worried about.

  For the first time, Fiona has a better appreciation of who David truly is. Her mind had been warped by years of movies and popular books about vampires. It helped romanticize the notion of being a vampire in her mind. Her love for David was so strong that she would blindly damn herself to be at his side for eternity. David knew this, but he didn’t want this for Fiona.

  He seriously underestimates the power of love. Because of what he is and what he perceives himself to be, David feels undeserving of love. The curse stings on many levels, and he refuses to give into it completely because he fears losing all of his humanity. What he remembers from his former life is all he has to guide him through eternity as a vampire.

  The curse affects everyone differently. It is hard to have the self-awareness to know that you are a monster and still have a conscience. David had been cursed long before he had become a vampire. The curse of vampirism was taking its toll more than his misfortunes in human life. A mortal man would be dead and buried with his misadventures. A mortal man could have a shot at redemption in the afterlife, if he was lucky.

  David has no such comfort. Hell is his sentence on Earth. His afterlife prospects seemed even worse. Fiona has yet to speak a word even after David stopped to light another cigarette. He wet his palette with more wine. Maybe his story was reaching her. He needs for it to reach her. David tells Fiona more.

  As I rode to the basin, everyone I encountered stared at me as if I was already a dead man. On the outskirts of the village, peasants shut their doors and windows when I rode by. News traveled like lightning in a small village, especially bad news. Everyone seemed to be afraid of me as if it were my fault that all of this happened. I felt like maybe they owed me some gratitude because I was also trying to save the village from Zurelda.

  The constable had called for the witch’s head, but no one volunteered to come into the Black Forest with me. I supposed that they would try to capture her if she came back into town. If I fail, then the constable will be unable to stop her anyways. I rode at a hurried pace to get to the basin and came upon an elderly woman. She flagged me down and motioned for me to come over with in a sweet voice. I dismounted from my horse to address her. She had a kind and gentle face like that of a typical loving grandmother.

  “My poor boy,” she said, “I know that you are Davide of Menfi, and I know where you are going. Please go with God, my son.” She made the sign of the cross.

  “Thank you, kind elder.” Her words and gestures comforted me greatly. It was really nice to not have someone run in the opposite direction of me. She kissed me on both sides of my cheeks, nicely in European fashion. She grabbed my earlobe firmly, and she growled at me.

  “Katerina’s flesh tastes soooooo good, you doomed fuck!” I jumped back from her, and she had an evil unsettling smile. “We’ve tasted her flesh,” she said. She then seemed to transform right back to that of a sweet grandmother. A bizarre uneasy feeling came over me as all of the hairs on my body stood at attention. I wasn’t sure if I was imagining things at this point or if that was more evil trickery.

  The old woman looked at me. Her blank stare was emotionless. I jumped back onto my horse and rode off. Her stare could be felt for almost a mile. Everything had seemed very eerie since the altercation with Zurelda. I didn’t know whom I could trust because it seemed like evil spirits could possess anyone, at anytime. I wasn’t sure what was real anymore.
/>   After an hour, I arrived at the basin. The entrance to the forest was thick with vines and overgrowth. My horse drank from the river, and we rode into to the entrance from the clearing. After about twenty paces inside the Black Forest, it was evident that I could not bring my horse any further. Not only was the forest too dense, but the horse refused to move forward as if the stallion knew what lie beyond the dark thicket.

  Luckily, I didn’t have an exaggerated amount of gear. I wasn’t planning on staying in the Black Forest for too long.

  It was truly unbelievable how many vines and plants grew in this forest. It looked more like a jungle terrain than a forest in a sense. The huge thick trees towered above the ground ominously and blotted out the Sun. The entire forest was shaded, and there was a slight drop in temperature, which was refreshing.

  Oddly, there was almost no noise at all. I hadn’t seen one bird, squirrel, or wild boar. There were almost no signs of animal life anywhere so far. The soil was soft and a dank mossy smell was thick in the air. The air felt heavy in my lungs like I shouldn’t be breathing it in. This evil place looked like it has been undisturbed for centuries. The vibe that I got from this place was ominous.

  Bad things have happened here in these woods, and it was obvious. Everything looked so dark and twisted like the beginning of a horror movie opening. There would be no way to escape this place in a hurry. Anyone that was foolish enough to come here probably never left. I was another fool testing my luck in the Black Forest. Finally, I got off my horse and led him out of the forest. Why should he have to suffer such a miserable fate? I laughed to myself and ventured deeper inside the forest.


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