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Page 35

by David Paul

  “What exactly has been prophesied?” The vampire asked. David wanted some clarification. “You’ve touched upon it, but never really have been specific about it. It seems like you are talking around certain facts.”

  “The prophecy predicts that there will be an epic battle in the future,” Capello said, “and the balance of light and darkness will be in jeopardy. It is fated that a holy man who has been marked by the devil will be the one to sway the balances in either direction.”

  “Who was the prophet?” David asked.

  “The prophet, Leviticus Balcarum, made these predictions long before Nostradamus foretold the future. He had shared his predictions with the local clergy. He was put to death for heresy shortly after for what they called defying the Lord. They felt that no evil could ever compete with the heavens.”

  “How did you hear of the prophecy if he was put to death?” The vampire asked.

  “Fortunately for the human race,” Capello said, “his predictions were found buried in a stone chamber, and the scroll for the prophecy was recovered and studied by others. The prediction never gave the outcome of the battle, it only said that it would take place.”

  “How do you know that the prophecy was concerning me?”

  “Old friend,” Capello said. “He made mention that the holy man would hail from the Mediterranean and would bear the name, David. Also, it is said that the man would have dark features, great physical stature, and great strength. Another detail of the prediction states that the man’s mother will die during the birthing process, and the father would not live to see the boy reach adulthood.”

  David still doubts the credibility of these predictions and is hoping that the prophecy is bogus.

  “Starting to sound familiar?” Capello asked.

  “What I don’t understand is how anyone could have put so much weight on this prediction,” the vampire said. “That could be anyone.”

  “Leviticus gives your exact date of birth, your zodiac sign, and the position of the stars on that day you were born. He predicted that you would be a holy man and remain chaste well into your twenties. Leviticus even went as far as saying that the One would have a father that produced wine, and that he would come from humble beginnings.”

  The vampire is still skeptical.

  “That still doesn’t mean anything,” the vampire said. David lights a cigarette.

  “All of these predictions were made before Christ was even born. You have to forgive me, David because I am paraphrasing thousands of pages of predictions and their validity over centuries. The numbers, the dates, the stars, and everything else check out with this prophecy.”

  “Are you absolutely positive that the prophecy is correct?” David asked. The vampire smokes his butt and exhales.

  “I’ve been a watcher for countless years,” Capello said, “and everything has continued to be without fault so far. I can understand the possibility of interpreting a prediction incorrectly, but Leviticus has historical dates, events, and other solid evidence to validate what he predicted.” Capello’s eyes burn with truth and conviction. “Trust me,” he said. “This is not a false prophecy. Besides, you know firsthand about the validity of this prediction. Everything that happened with Zurelda and Regina was foretold to you.”

  The vampire is still very reluctant to believe in what he has heard. The thick-headed vampire is in denial. Life would be easier for him if all of this were bullshit.

  “I suppose,” David said.

  “Are you going to tell me that those events did not happen as they were foretold?” The fortuneteller asked with a raised brow.

  “I guess you are correct,” David said. The vampire shakes his head. “Even as a human, these predictions were hard to swallow. It is not everyday that someone tells you that the balance and fate of the world will soon be in your hands.”

  “That is a huge responsibility to shoulder,” Capello said. The fortuneteller is sympathetic to the angry vampire. “I cannot pretend that it isn’t. All I ask of you is to not give into your son or Lucifer. If you can manage to do that, then everything will be fine.”

  “Yeah right, everything will be fine,” the vampire said sarcastically.

  Deep inside his mind, David knows that it will not simply be that easy of a task to complete. David felt like he had been floating adrift in limbo for hundreds of years without a purpose. The only thing he could make sense of was using his abilities toward something positive. It is not going to be that simple. The vampire knows that he will have to endure more torment along the way. It is inevitable.

  “David, once we learned of the prophecy that Leviticus had manufactured, I waited years for your birth. His prophecy allowed me to use my abilities to examine and create my own predictions. I’ve been watching your progress for years.”

  “So you’ve known everything all along,” David said. The vampire runs his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

  “Why do you think I gave you a priceless artifact to do battle with against Zurelda?” Capello asked. “That hand axe was a piece of history, and it was infused with the strongest magick. I would have never given it to a stranger or someone of little importance to the cosmic balance.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” David said.

  “The predictions of Leviticus allowed us to prepare for the potential end of the world. Without his foresight, I would have never known to look for you.” Capello looks David in the face. “Didn’t you ever find it strange that you went through almost all of your life unharmed?” The fortuneteller asked.

  “You are right,” David said. “I never thought about that.” David recalls his entire human life, and he finds that he has never endured any major injuries. All of his painful experiences were of the emotional variety. He can’t even remember ever being sick or physically hurt. It was almost as if he had a protective force field around him or a lucky horseshoe protecting him. He never took the time to appreciate that as a human. It never occurred to him. Years later, as a monster, David tastes some enlightenment.

  “David,” Capello said. “We used magick to conceal your presence from the forces of darkness for many years. Lucifer also knew of the prophecy and wanted you to be under his control as early as possible. The evil witch Zurelda stumbled upon you almost by accident and inadvertently exposed your existence to the evil underworld.”

  “That goddamn witch ruined it all,” David said angrily.

  “If Regina would have known your true worth,” Capello said, “she would have never let you out of her sight, but you were destined to become a vampire. Everything had to happen the way it did. You knew before entering the Black Forest that you would fall into her hands, but you went anyway to save your Katerina. Even if you had not gone, Regina would have had you as well.”

  “There has got to be something else that I can do.”

  “You cannot change your destiny, my dear friend!” Capello said. The fortuneteller showed compassion, but Capello cannot undo the prophecy. Whether the vampire likes it or not, he is stuck. “You can tempt Fate only with divine intervention. Certain events like the passing of your uncle Tomassino and his wife made you who you are today. I could not have intervened with those events because I would have altered what Fate had already blueprinted.”

  “This is bullshit,” the vampire said. He is having difficulty with his duty. It just doesn’t seem fair to him, and he thinks that he deserves better. The vampire feels like there is a way to change his existence. “There has got to be something that I can do to get around this fate.”

  “David,” Capello said, “you need to understand that every event in your life happened for a reason. Even if you knew your destiny ahead of time, you would not be able to alter it. We cannot escape destiny because it is like trying to escape your shadow, your reflection in a pool of water, or your face in the mirror. Man or beast, you cannot hide who you are from yourself. You are the only hope to save civilization. If you fail, then the world will be cloaked in darkness, and Luci
fer will reign supreme over the Earth and eventually the heavens.”

  “Why would God let anything happen that could be so detrimental to the world?” David asked. “Why wouldn’t he just strike Regina or Lucifer dead and anyone else who threatens his world? Some things I just don’t understand.” The vampire is perplexed even with all of his wisdom.

  “Without evil in this world, there is nothing to cherish. Good can only exist if there is evil. How would one know just how special love is without first experiencing pain and loneliness? How does one distinguish what is light without the darkness? Must I remind you of this?”

  “But,” David interrupted.

  Capello doesn’t let him say more.

  “God wants his children to fight for what they believe in. He gave his only son to the world to save our souls as a way to show the world what the words sacrifice and love meant. He gave us the light of life, and then so many abandoned him to worship false idols and to listen to false prophets with empty promises. We are here on this Earth to prove our worth to the Creator. We cannot become self-absorbed and ignore what we are here for. Align your thoughts and emotions, for a battle deep within your soul shall erupt. The spiritual battle within you will determine the outcome of the war.”

  The prophet expressed his words with grave concern. The vampire is aware of the dire situation. David has a very analytical mind, and he needs to wrap his thoughts around everything before he can commit wholeheartedly. The vampire is unsure of how he will do battle with his son, Devin. He wonders what kind of trickery that they will use against him.

  Normally, one would do combat a demon with a Bible, Holy Water, and a crucifix, and that is a major challenge for a vampire. David hopes that Rawley is powerful enough to oppose a demon of Devin’s power. The vampire’s meetings with Capello are always bittersweet. He respects Capello and enjoys his company and insight, but mostly despises what the fortuneteller has to tell him.

  A part of the vampire is fascinated with the inner workings of gods and devils, yet a larger part of him wants this all to end. Time has dragged on to the point of being torturous. He has taken solace in his moments with the women he has loved, the wine he has drank, and some of the finer things in life, but he truly seeks a calm soul without unrest.

  The only remedy for David in his own mind is death or the cessation of unnatural animation, in his case. The curse that drives the beast has been an eternal burden on his soul. Over the years, David has made great strides to control his urges and to not give into the affliction. This control over his urges and actions has not always been there. He has slipped at times, but regained focus after a period of chaos.

  Capello lets David reflect on what was said, and there is absolute silence in the room between the two men with the exception of a Gothic grandfather clock ticking away precious man-made increments of life. The large clock makes a deafening gong within the silence as the hour strikes. David is reminded of a different time in his life when he gave into his urges and enjoyed it immensely. David has slipped in and out of his own control. Luckily, he has always returned to his senses after short-lived indiscretions of the code that he swore to abide by within his own mind. David remembers when he briefly lived in Africa in the 1600’s.

  He had gone there to get away from the city life and to do some soul searching. This period of time was very confusing to the vampire. David’s powers had already become extremely sharp and comparable to an elder master vampire. David seemed to excel beyond that of the normal progression and learning curve due to his high-powered intelligence. The vampire traveled to Africa for solace and a plentiful food source as well.

  During his stay, there were a handful of warring barbaric tribes that had reached a peace agreement for the common good of the land. The Pacoui (pronounced pack-oow-ee) tribe had the fiercest warriors in the Sudan region. They drank the blood of their enemies and ate their hearts during victory celebrations. The Pacoui’s were feared not only for their inhuman prowess in battle, but their use of black magic and voodoo. Enemies feared death in battle as well as cursed souls in the afterlife.

  The Wanzi tribe tried adamantly to fend off their repeated attacks. The Wanzi’s were established in the region, and they ruled the land with an iron fist. They too were fierce warriors. Their clashing was basically like the two toughest kids on the block fighting for the bragging rights and control of the region.

  After a decade of constant and bloody battles, the land itself began to suffer. Food was scarce because the two tribes had no time to cultivate food. Often, the winning party burned entire fields of crops. Both tribes wore out the land, and soon famine spread throughout. Kun-tilki was the reigning chief of the Pacoui’s, and his daughter Nephra had fallen in love with a Wanzi general named Azul. This was a secret relationship until they were discovered.

  This relationship helped bring the two warring tribes together. Kun-tilki met with Shaka Zhune who was the tribal chieftain of the Wanzi. The men reasoned with one another and realized that their war has cost them many lives and also the fruit of the land. A peace treaty was formed and the two tribes merged into one great family.

  At first, David feasted on the intruding warriors, but things changed after the treaty. As a remembrance to the ways of the warrior, and as a way to appease the violent nature of the tribes, they came up with weekly games. Each weekend, they would hold a feast that consisted of slaughtering livestock that would then be prepared for the entire tribe. These festivities were capped off by a gladiator style combat exhibition very similar to that, which was seen in ancient Rome.

  The tribesman dug a six-foot deep trench that had a diameter of about twenty feet, and they lined the walls with jagged stones and spikes. Two warriors would enter the pit with their choice of hand-held weapons, and they would fight it out until someone was dead. There was no judge or jury. There was no sentence to be given. The howls of the crowd reflected the action.

  Tribesmen would bet on the results like a sick precursor to betting on a boxing match. The whole thing became a tradition and also a way to resolve disputes. When two men or even a group of men had a dispute, they would take it to this bloody courtroom. No blood was supposed to be spilled outside of this arena as part of the treaty. Violators were punished with death, and there were no exceptions. The law was feared and respected. Most importantly, it was upheld.

  The blood of the fallen was never washed away or cleaned as a constant reminder of those who shed their blood in battle. This was a rather barbaric ritual, and the people loved it. Each weekend dozens of participants died. Slaves from other tribes were used like props for the entertainment of the crowd. This place was called the Bloodstone (translated from African) and got its name from the blood covered stonewalls and floor. The blood flowed, and on some nights, it was almost ankle deep.

  It was here that David slipped and became a slave to his addiction. It is here that he enjoyed being who he was. The vampire could not resist the allure of fresh blood spilled. David was drawn to it. He embraced his dark powers and went into a bloodlust. Being a white man, he was very unlike everyone else in the region. One evening, he witnessed the games and wanted to be a participant. The smell of fresh blood led him to the arena. His first request yielded laughter even though he spoke their language fluently.

  They did not respect him or his combat skills. These warriors were hardened veterans that were able to handle knives and spears with proficiency. They even had their own unique form of hand to hand combat which was much like that of judo with a hint of karate-like strikes. David challenged the fiercest warrior of the tribe named Doom-te.

  Doom-te had quite a following and was the odds-on favorite.

  “Doom…Doom…Doom,” the bloodthirsty crowd would shout as he entered the stone-clattered, blood-spattered ring. At first there was laughter, but Doom-te mistakenly accepted David’s challenge. David entered the pit empty handed, and Doom-te had a large primitive dagger, which was his trademark weapon. Doom-te stood about six-foot-nine, and hi
s body was painted with various symbols in white war paint. Dozens of small bones and voodoo-like decorations adorned his black trunks. He was already covered in blood from a previous battle that he had won earlier with ease. Doom-te was a menacing figure whose head stood well above the edge of the six-foot deep pit.

  Torches burned wildly in the whipping wind. A giant gong was rung with a rhinoceros leg bone, and that indicated the start of the combat. This gong sounded very familiar to the grandfather clock in David’s library, and that is what reminded him of this period in his life. Doom-te played to the crowd and tried to intimidate David. The bloodthirsty crowd howled and chanted their usual chant for the crowd favorite. They wanted to see him take down another in glorious wicked fashion.

  Doom-te deliberately shifted his dagger back and forth between his hands preparing for his methodical attack on David. The incumbent put on a show for his crowd. David stood there unfazed by Doom-te’s taunts. The wildness in his eyes didn’t worry David. The vampire could smell the fresh blood on his foe. David could hear his opponent’s heartbeat. The barbaric warrior thrust forward with a stabbing attack that was thwarted when David caught his hand and broke his arm in three places.

  The crowd gasped as Doom-te cried in pain and amazement that his arm was destroyed and now hung sickeningly limp by his side. David took the dagger and cut his own throat with it while smiling. The vampire’s blood gushed onto the stunned Doom-te. The crowd was absolutely silent. Doom-te tried valiantly to attack David, but he was no match for the vampire. The vampire beat him mercilessly. David pulled his punches so that his opponent wouldn’t die on impact. The fierce warrior was battered severely.

  David tore off his other arm off at the shoulder and threw it into the crowd. He wildly drank the blood that sprayed from the wound. The vampire went into a kill-crazy frenzy and pulled out Doom-te’s still-beating heart from his chest. The beaten warrior actually saw his own heart beating before he expired. The crazed nightwalker then separated his opponent’s head from his body and threw it into the horrified crowd, and he received a large audible gasp. He ate the heart, and the crowd went wild.


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