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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

Page 12

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  I wanted to scream with frustration but that wouldn't get me anywhere. "I need to explain how I ended up here, working at the club." I wanted to convince him how hard working I was and that I needed a new challenge.

  "Go on."

  "The agency called me when I got off the aeroplane from Marbella. They explained that a new job had come up in the area in which I wanted to work and I went straight to the interview. At that stage I didn't know much about the job." That was the truth, he needed to listen rather than sounding off.

  "So why didn't you turn straight back around, once you realised who they were?" he replied in a clipped tone.

  "Who they were? I don't understand what you're saying dad. As far as I'm aware and the vibe I'm getting, they are nice people." I didn't understand his hatred.

  He scoffed at my comment. "They are trouble. You'll get sucked into their lifestyle and I want better for you."

  "I'm looking after one of their niece's dad. They pay good money and they are fair regarding responsibilities."

  "Their money comes from illegal sources." He stated firmly.

  "And how do you know that?" I spat.

  "I'm a police officer."

  What a fucking cop out! "We're going around in circles here dad. You were really rude to me earlier. The things you said were hurtful." He needed to know how I was feeling. In twenty-eight years, my dad had never spoken to me like that before.

  There was a long pause before he continued the conversation. "I only want what's best for you."

  His tone had changed, he was a lot calmer.

  "I know but you've got to appreciate that I'm nearly thirty years old dad. I'll cock up from time to time but I've got to learn from my own mistakes." I rubbed the front of my head as I was getting a headache.

  "Please tell me that you're not involved with any of them."

  I chuckled, "You have my word dad."

  I heard him let out a sigh of relief. "Well I'm not happy about the situation and if I get any hard evidence to prove that they are up to no good then I expect you to leave and come home." He spoke as if there was already an investigation, looking for evidence to put some of them away.

  "I promise dad. I wouldn't want to be around anyone that isn't honest." I had never been in trouble with the law and I didn't plan on doing so.

  "Okay, well I'll do my best to prove you wrong."

  His comment was uncalled for but I knew that he wouldn't find anything on the club.

  "And I'll do my best to prove that I'm right."

  "So where are you now?" he asked concerned.

  "In my room at the clubhouse." I sat on the bed and kicked off my sandals.

  "And have you got a lock?"

  "Yes!" What the fuck did he think I had moved in to?

  "Has there been any trouble this evening?"

  I found his line of questioning strange. "No, why should there have been?"

  "No reason, I'm just making sure that you're okay."

  "I'm fine dad, look it's been a bloody long day with a lot of excitement. I'm going to get my head down."

  "Okay, I'll speak to you tomorrow."

  I ended the call and let out a loud sigh as I lowered myself onto my bed. I thought that I would just close my eyes for a while and rest before I was ready to change into my nightclothes.

  I woke startled by a loud noise. I couldn't make out whether I had been dreaming or someone had knocked on my bedroom door.

  I sat upright listening hard but I couldn't hear anything. My heart raced in my chest and I tried to control my breathing. As I lay back down on the mattress, a knock on the door startled me once more.

  I sat up and shifted my legs to the edge of the mattress before standing. It was dark, I couldn't make out the time but I knew that it was late.

  I slowly made my way towards the door. I turned the handle and peered through the gap. "TUGS, what you doing here?" I asked sleepily.

  "Can I come in?" he whispered keeping the noise down because of the late hour.

  I looked down at my attire making sure that I was covered and then remembered that I hadn't changed from my clothes.

  I stepped aside and held the door open. "Sure come in. Is there any news on the dogs?" The last time I had seen him, he was rushing them to the vets.

  TUGS didn't answer my question but slowly made his way into my room. I didn't want to push him but I wanted to know whether the dogs were okay. TUGS picked up my phone from the mattress and placed it onto the bedside cabinet before sitting on the bed.

  I crouched in front of him and that's when I noticed the cuts on his knuckles.

  "How'd you do this?" I asked holding his hands gently.

  Again, he didn't answer but I knew he wanted to be with someone and that's why he was here. I didn't push further. I leaned back onto my heels and extended my arm to rummage around in my bag until I found the hard case. I removed the small first aid kit and placed it on to the floor between us. I flicked the catch and opened the lid to remove an antiseptic wipe, it would sting his open wounds but it needed to be done through fear of infection.

  I quickly ripped the packet open using my teeth. Holding his hand, I gently wiped the cool cloth over the cuts, cleaning them. He didn't once wince from the discomfort and simply allowed me to care for him. I cleaned the first hand and moved onto the second. This hand was worse. His right hand was cut badly on every knuckle indicating that he had possibly punched something or someone. I didn't know whether this meant his dogs had passed away and he had punched something out of frustration, I hoped not but otherwise I couldn't explain the injuries.

  I placed the dirty wipe into the bin beside my chest of drawers and returned my attention back to TUGS. "Why don't you stay with me this evening. There's plenty of room."

  This was the first time that TUGS acknowledged me. His eyes briefly met mine before kicking off his boots. He scooted across the mattress closest to the wall and leaned back to lie on my pillows. I then regretted asking him to stay because there wasn't much room on the bed. I would need to snuggle up to him to not fall on the floor but I didn't want him to think that I had orchestrated this in order to get close. I lay on my left side, my body pressed hard against his but he didn't seem to worry. I wasn't comfortable though and wriggled a couple of times trying to find a comfortable spot.

  TUGS grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. This position meant that I was now resting my head in the crease between his arm and his chest. He had pulled my arm so that it was now draped over his body and he kept hold of my wrist holding me tightly in place. This allowed me to cuddle him. He obviously needed this and I wasn't going to protest because it had been a while since I had been in anyone's arms.

  His chest rose and dropped in a regular pattern. I knew that he was still awake but I didn't want to interrupt his thoughts.

  "They are both alive although Troy is critical."

  I raised my head slightly to look at him. "I'm so sorry TUGS. Did they say what had caused it?"

  "Poison, some motherfucker poisoned them." His words were angry but his tone wasn't. He'd had time this evening to process this information and although upset he looked like he had it together but I needed to ask about his knuckles.

  "And what about these?" I wriggled free of the hold on my wrist and interlocked my fingers with his.

  "I was angry, I need to punch something."

  "Phew, I'm pleased that it was something rather than someone."

  He squeezed my hand slightly, "Well there may have also been a someone."

  I rolled my eyes, although knowing that he couldn't see me in the dark. "And are they okay?"

  "They'll live." He gave my hand another little squeeze. "Anyway, enough chatting. I'm shattered and have work in the morning."

  Consider me told, I thought but wasn't brave enough to say it aloud. I lay in the darkness considering all different scenarios when sleep took hold of me.

  "Good morning," I opened my eyes to see a cheerful TUGS place a cup of tea onto the
bedside cabinet.

  "You snore."

  "And that's why I've brought you a cup of tea."

  I glanced at the mug. He had remembered that I didn't take milk.

  "Because you snore?"

  "Yes. My way of apologising for gate crashing you last night."

  "If you bring me tea in the morning, you can gate crash whenever." The words had left my mouth before my brain had processed them.

  He raised his brows with a smug expression.

  "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I mean I don't want you staying over every evening because that would just be weird and stuff." I heard myself babbling and now I sounded like a dick.

  "Don't try and explain, I knew what you meant."

  I sat up and smiled. "Thanks for my tea."

  "You're welcome. Now I've gotta get to work." I glanced at his attire before he left the room. He looked freshly showered and ready for his working day.

  I took a sip of the hot liquid and was grateful for the drink.

  "Knock Knock!"

  I glanced at the door to see Poppy walk in. I was pleased that she hadn't seen TUGS in my bed this morning.

  "Good morning gorgeous," I lifted the blanket encouraging her to come in for a snuggle.

  "What should we do today?"

  "Go to the park?"

  "We could but we also need to buy you some uniform." She looked at me confused. "For your new school."

  Poppy smiled. "What do I need to get?"

  "Shirts, trousers, skirts, jumpers and a pair of shiny black shoes." I reeled off the long list.

  "What about a bag and packed lunch box?"

  "That as well. We are going to be really busy today."

  I glanced at my watch to see that it was only 6.45am. I groaned at the early hour but knew that it was best to make the most of the day.

  "We need to get breakfast first and then get ready." Poppy needed something to eat before we went shopping otherwise we would need to eat out.

  "Can I have toast?" she asked staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

  "Of course little lady. Right let's get up."

  Poppy threw back the covers and wriggled from the bed. I picked up my mug and walked towards the now opened door. Following Poppy down the corridor, we made our way into the clubhouse.

  No one was around which was a relief because I was still wearing yesterdays clothes.

  Poppy made her way across the room and into the kitchen. Her tiny feet patted against the hard surface as she opened cupboard doors looking for the bread.

  "Found it!"

  I smiled, "You sure did. Now take out four slices."

  Poppy unravelled the packaging and counted out loud as she removed four slices and placed them on to the work surface.

  I lifted her and placed Poppy onto the counter. "Place them into the toaster."

  Poppy's face brightened as she grabbed each slice of bread and placed them into the toaster.

  "How long will it take to pop?"

  "About a minute so we will need to get the plates out." I opened the cupboard above her head and removed two plates.

  "Are you going to butter them?" I asked trying to give her simple jobs to do to encourage certain skills.

  Poppy nodded enthusiastically. I passed her a knife and got the butter from the fridge, placing it on the counter close to where she was sitting.

  Poppy waited patiently until the bread was toasted, then proceeded to butter each slice. It took a while and by the end, we had more butter than bread but she was pleased with the outcome.

  "Ta-dah!" Poppy held her arms out wide pleased with her efforts.

  "Well done, you've done a marvellous job." I lifted Poppy from the counter and placed her onto the floor before gathering the two plates. I carried them into the bar area so we could sit down and enjoy our breakfast together.

  "Where do you want to sit?"

  "With Lyric." She shouted loudly.

  I hadn't realised he was here. Poppy ran across the bar and sat next to him in one of the booths.

  "Good morning." I greeted him as I sat opposite.

  I placed the plates onto the table and sat back into the chair.

  Lyric raised his brows looking at our toast.

  I smiled. "I know what you're thinking. If I didn't have a heart problem before, I'll certainly have one after eating it."

  He smiled as he reached for something in his pocket and pulled out several folded notes. Lyric placed them onto the table and pushed them towards me.

  "You mentioned that you were taking her shopping for a new school uniform."

  "Thank you."

  "There's a little extra there to buy you both lunch."

  I smiled, "That's very kind of you."

  "Just doing my bit." He turned his attention to Poppy as she licked the excess butter from her now soggy toast.

  "And you're doing a good job." I took the money from the table and held it firmly.

  "Remember that the social worker is coming again today but at 4.00pm."

  I nodded, "Yep I haven't forgotten." I turned my head and smiled as Buster walked past holding a bucket of water.

  "Have you got any more news on your sister?" Lyric hadn't mentioned her lately and I wondered whether there had been any news.

  "She's called me a few times to let me know how she's doing but I need to chase the solicitor later today."


  Poppy sat happily munching her toast. I couldn't face it because of the amount of butter she had used but I pretended as best I could every time Poppy looked up.

  "How did the conversation go with your dad?"

  "I think it went well. I explained a few things and he seemed okay." My words weren't convincing.

  "You seem a little hesitant." Lyric passed his glass of juice towards Poppy and she eagerly picked it up to tag a sip.

  "He's upset with me for still being here but he appreciates that I'm a grown woman."

  "Are you sure." Lyric raised his brows.

  "What do you mean?" Lyric was really pushy this morning.

  "All of a sudden he just changes his mind and accepts you being here." He pursed his lips.

  I nodded not understanding where he was going with this.

  "Oh okay." He scoffed.

  "No come on what do you mean?" His comment had piqued my interest.

  He shrugged, "Well you know your dad better than me."

  "Yes but you have something on your mind so spill it."

  "I just think it's a bit weird that he is now okay with the situation but yesterday he sort of implied that you were getting it on with all of us." Lyric obviously didn't trust my dad.

  "I made him see sense." I replied firmly.

  "Well then that's good."

  I wasn't convinced that he thought it was okay but I didn't want to think that my dad was playing any kind of game either.

  "Finished!" Poppy said loudly as she chewed the last of her toast.

  "Excellent well let's get you showered and then we'll go shopping." Poppy slid along the chair and jumped to the floor.

  "See you later Lyric." She waved at him as she rushed from the room.

  "I better go after her. I'll see you at 4.00pm this afternoon."

  He nodded before sliding from the booth himself.

  Lyric had given me some things to think about this morning. He obviously knew one side of my dad where I knew the other. He could be kind, considerate and caring but the person the guys had told me about yesterday, was the completely opposite. I needed to prove to my dad once and for all that these were good people and they didn't do anything illegal. Only then would he be happy with the new job that I had chosen.


  "Good morning." Tyreese greeted me as I walked into the room.

  I glanced around my surroundings, noticing the packages going out like they had the other day.

  "Morning, it looks like you have another busy day." I stated referring to the production line.

  Tyreese smiled, "E
veryday is a busy day." He took his fag from his mouth, "Let's take a seat."

  I followed him to the corner of the room away from the hustle and bustle and joined him on the sofa.

  "Have you managed to talk to Duke yet?" He asked stubbing out his fag in the ashtray.

  "Not yet, I plan to do it later this afternoon."

  Tyreese nodded, seeming pleased that I would approach Duke regarding the ACES working with the Dyers.

  "I wanted to see a little more of your operation first so I have all the answers for him."

  "Well feel free to look around and speak to Katie. She'll be able to answer any of your questions."

  "Thank you. Is she around now?"

  "Yeah, she sorts the kids out each morning. She's like a fucking mother hen at times and forgets that they're just workers." He rolled his eyes.

  I smiled at his comment as I may have just found a chink in his armour.

  "Here she is."

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Katie breeze through the room.

  She heard his comment and looked in our direction, "Hi, I'll be with you in a minute."

  Tyreese's phone rang, he quickly delved into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

  "I've gotta take this." He stood, "Fazer, how you doing?" Tyreese strolled to the other side of the room out of earshot.

  I stood and slowly walked around the room. I was surprised by the amount of packages that were on display but they were quickly placed into rucksacks and given to the children with clear instructions. All their runners knew what they were doing. Some were as young as ten and should've been in school but instead they were here, running drugs and lining the Dyer's pockets.

  A kettle had just stopped boiling on the side so I decided to make myself a hot drink while I waited.

  I grabbed a mug from the draining board and checked inside that it was clean before taking a tea bag from the packet left on the worktop.

  "Can I ask you a question off the record?"

  I glanced to my side to see Katie. I nodded, "Of course." I continued to make my drink and poured the hot water into the mug from the kettle.

  "How's Mitchell doing?"

  I drew my brows and placed the kettle back onto the worktop. "Mitchell?"

  "Yeah, Mitchell Groves."

  "As in Duke, President of the ACES?"


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