Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2)

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Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2) Page 2

by Rhonda Lott

  “I’m sorry Allie, but there’s a lot on my shoulders right now. I should have told you. I knew you wouldn’t agree with me leaving but, I needed to go to the gardens.” Dawn said, blowing out a weary sigh.

  Alex’s face softened. “I get it. I do. You feel closer to your dad when your there.”

  Dawn grabbed Alex’s hand, stopping her movements.

  “When Mac had me, doing all those awful things to me. I would keep the image of us with daddy at the gardens in my mind. I didn’t feel the pain. I felt the sun shining on me. I didn’t smell the blood or the burning flesh. I smelled the perfume of the many flowers. I didn’t hear his filthy words in my ear. I heard us laughing or daddy telling us about the flowers.” Dawn turned away, walking to the window.

  She never told Alex in detail what happen to her and Ann. She wanted to forget it. Alex had enough on her plate dealing with the guilt of not being able to save her sister. Dawn didn’t want her to feel guilty about her as well.

  Dawn felt Alex’s arms encircle her waist, as she pressed her face against Dawn’s back. The sun was setting, the world was settling, quieting. Dawn placed her hands over Alex’s on her stomach. The two friends absorbed the stillness together. For two years they ran from city to city, fighting for survival hand in hand. Dawn knew that if she asked, Alex would run away with her once again, but Dawn would never ask that of her. Alex was about to marry the man who saved them. She was happy and Jordan was safe. Dawn would have to go it alone.

  “Do you remember when you told me that David and Kane looked like two bad asses who could save us from Mac?” Alex asked, turning Dawn around to face her.

  “Yeah, I remember.” Dawn answered.

  “Well, David is working to find out what Esteban is up to and Kane is going to stick to you like glue until this is over.”

  “Aw shit, I was afraid you were going to say that.” Dawn dropped her head against the cold window pane, sending up a silent prayer that she would survive, not only the threat of death, but also her frustratingly sexy protector.


  “Get out the car D.” Kane demanded.

  “No, take me back.”

  Kane hit unlock on the key fob for about the sixth time. Dawn slammed the lock button down.

  “Stop being childish, I mean it, open the damn door.” Kane’s frustration was rising. During the long ride up here she hadn’t said one word to him and now this.

  “You never said we were going to a mountain cabin, away from other people. You got to take me some place else.” Dawn looked through the window, panic shown through her eyes.

  Kane didn’t get it. She was with him almost every day. Was she still afraid of him? “What is it Dawn, You know me. I won’t do anything to you. Tell me what’s the problem and I’ll fix it, but right now we have to distance ourselves from Atlanta.”

  “I know, but I thought we were going to hide out in a hotel or something, not up a mountain.” Dawn paused, shaking her head and blowing out a breath. “Kane, I haven’t been alone with a guy since Mac had me. I…I don’t think I can do it. It’s not you specifically, it’s more the situation.”

  Kane crouched down so that her face was in front of him. He could see the beginning of tears in her brown eyes. Lord no, Dawn was not gonna cry. Kane could take her cursing him out and being stubborn but he knew he couldn’t stand to see her cry.

  “Dawn, listen to me. I will not ask you to trust me because I know you have a problem with that. I can tell you that I promise to be your friend and never try anything with you that will make you uncomfortable. You have my word, I will never hurt you.”

  Their eyes met and held through the glass of the window. Kane felt swallowed up in her gaze. He placed his hand on the glass. Dawn eyed it for a few seconds, then she placed her smaller hand against the glass, aligning her fingers to his. Kane felt everything in his body still. He focused on their hands. Her silent show of acceptance was the first time since they met that she showed a measure of trust in him.

  “Friends then, you promise?” she asked.

  “Yes, on my life, I promise.” Kane reassured her.

  The lock popped up, Dawn opened her door. Kane wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be alright. But, he gave his word to be her friend and holding her would surely start a blazing fire in his body. Slow and easy was the only way to go. He must keep his distance if this friendship had any real hope of working.

  Kane grabbed their bags. Dawn was standing by the car still as a picture, her dark expressive eyes darted around. He was going to have a tough enough time keeping his hands off her with her sassy attitude, but with her giving him her trust, he sooner cut off his offending body parts. Well, maybe he wouldn’t go that far. He would however attempt to treat Dawn like one of the guys. A mouthwatering beautiful, desirable one of the guys. He was never gonna be able to pull this shit off. Kane felt his arousal pressing down on him every time Dawn looked his way. What kind of friend could he be with his dick hard as stone for her at all times?

  “Kane you good?” Dawn asked from the porch.

  Kane realized that he was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding the bags. He snapped out of his thoughts and smiled. “Yeah, I’m good, beauty.”

  “Beauty, beauty. Damn it Kane. Will you stop calling me that name?” Dawn put her hands on her hips and leveled a severe look at him.

  Kane shrugged. “I’ll stop calling you beauty when you stop being beautiful.” He paused in front of her, reaching for the door. “If you want to, you can give me a pet name.”

  “Hum.” Dawn crinkled her nose and looked him up then down. She tilted her head and smiled at him.

  Kane’s brows shot up. “Well, what is it then, you got a name for me, beauty?”

  “Yup, I sure do. If I’m beauty, then I’m calling you beast.” She laughed, strutting past him into the cabin.

  Kane stood in the doorway, letting her laughter fill him up. Dawn Collins actually laughed. A genuine expression of joy over something. Kane’s sole focus shifted, from here on out he was going to bring her laughter every single day. OH yeah, beauty your beast has plans for you, he thought, as he stepped into the cabin behind her.


  The McAdam brother’s cabin was breathtaking. The smell of fresh wood and lingering smoke tickled her nose. Dawn admired the light colored exposed wood that made the three room cabin appear bright and welcoming. One huge all- inclusive main room sported living area and kitchen combined. Sunlight spilled in from a large window facing the front. Two doors, most likely the bed room and bathroom were off to the right and that was all there was to the place. Dawn felt anxious at the prospect of spending time with sexy Kane in such close quarters.

  “Where will you sleep?” Dawn asked Kane as he entered behind her with her lonely beat up backpack.

  “Um… I can take the couch and give you the bed or Vice versa.” He grinned.

  “What a gentleman.”

  “Of course I would never suggest we share the bedroom.”

  “Oh, of course not, we just established our little test friendship and that would make me suspicious of you, wouldn’t it?” She lifted her head gifting him a blank faced stare.

  “Did the room suddenly get frosty? I feel a chill.” He shivered, dramatically. “I’ll take your stuff to the bedroom and then start a fire.”

  Dawn eyed his sexy ass as Kane ambled across the room to the bedroom door. She would have to stop checking him out. He was too tempting to be real. Dawn had no experience with men, not normal men anyway. The only love she ever received from a man was from her daddy. Kane’s every movement, every word was alien. Dawn accepted the fact that her life expectancy was very low on her own, at least with Kane she had a shot at getting out of this horrible situation breathing.

  “Earth to beauty,” Kane said coming back into the room. “We have about ten bags of food out there, want to help me bring um in?”

  “Why so much food? How long are we staying here?” Dawn c
roaked out, as they went back outside.

  “I don’t know for sure, but I’m a growing man. I need my protein and everything else.” He patted his tight mid-section before leading her out the door.

  They loaded up with the bags, carrying as much as their arms could hold back into the kitchen area.

  “Stop joking and answer my question.” Dawn commanded in a voice she only hoped sounded strong and demanding. She had a hard time pulling those two off. She had pissed and sarcastic down pact, but strong and demanding not so much.

  Kane’s bright blues sought her face. Dawn allowed them to capture her gaze. Lifting her chin she pushed her shoulders back, daring him to call her out on how absolutely intimidated by him she actually was.

  Time died as they stood inches from each other with bags of food all around them. Dawn was the first to break eye contact. Her mother taught her growing up to be a good daughter was to lower your eyes when in the presence of men and elders. Old habits sometimes were like weeds always popping up when not wanted.

  She started unpacking the food. Kane softly placed a large hand on her arm, stalling her. “I understand this is gonna be awkward for you, Dawn. I promise not to leave you in the dark about anything. As soon as I hear from my brother, I will tell you, ok?”

  “Fine, we’re in this together no matter what, so I’ll give you my trust but only to a point. You’re the world’s biggest joker and I find it impossible to take anything you tell me seriously.” Dawn shook her head and stepped away from him to put the things away. “The tough part is going to be not telling you to go to hell, or calling you a dick.”

  Kane laughed, “I won’t hold my breath, baby.”

  Tension in the cabin faded to the background as together they organized their supplies.

  “Let’s take a stroll. I can show you around the place.” Kane said.

  “No, I’ll just read for a while.”

  “Come on, stretch your legs after that drive. This place is amazing, there are a few spots I would love for you to see.” Kane pulled a pleading, pouty face.

  “Spots, what spots?” Dawn asked, suspicion coloring every word.

  “I want to show you a rock face that is a bitch to climb, but when you reach the top, it’s a hang gliders dream drop, and an honest to goodness hot springs.” His voice was at once exhilarating and frighteningly passionate.

  Kane turned up the wattage of his bright smile. Dawn felt as if her body would singe if she stared at it too long. But how could she not, that smile was an enticing, addictive thing to behold.

  “The rock face, hell no, the hang gliders wet dream, hell, and hell no. The hot springs, sure we can go there.” Dawn said.

  “Do you have one adventurous bone in your whole body?” Kane asked strolling to the door.

  “Not a one and I plan on keeping it that way.”

  “Oh, now that’s a shame. You only know you’re truly alive when you stare death in the face.”

  “I don’t want to stare death in the face, the back, or anywhere else. I’ve been trying for quite some time now to keep that fucker away from me as a matter of fact.”

  “Feisty little woman.” Kane said with a grin.

  “Crazy death staring man.” She shot back. “By the way, for the springs, should I bring my swim suit? Will I get wet beast?”

  Dawn watched under lowered lids as his whole body went rigid, she stifled a wicked giggle trying to break free of her throat.

  “Oh Beauty, the things you do to me.” Kane groaned. “Friends remember? New rule, you cannot ask me questions with the word wet in them at all, ever.”

  “Oh sorry Kane, I know it’s incredibly hard for you.” Dawn turned towards the bedroom to the unmistakable sound of Kane’s head thumping against the outer door.

  “I’m making another rule.” He said to her retreating back.

  “Your rules are making things really, really hard.” Dawn laughed softly, entering the bedroom.

  “You have no fucking idea how hard.” His low murmured reply reached her ears before she could close her door.



  The cabin was quiet, way too quiet. Dawn lay still listening for some sound of Kane moving about in the outer room, but there was none. The only noise at all was the sound of cicadas calling to each other in the night. Dawn thought about their little hike to the hot springs that afternoon. The hidden springs was secluded, surrounded by trees. It felt as if she and Kane were the first humans that had ever stumbled upon it. The spot was beautiful and relaxing, but Kane’s fine body in nothing but swim trunks had her eyes wondering all over him the whole time.

  It wasn’t lost on her how he tried to keep things light and friendly between them. It worked a great deal in putting her at ease. He could be the funniest man alive, Dawn believed. He made her laugh more times than she could remember in the past few years.

  Something about being with Kane felt different. He didn’t ogle her body, or make innuendoes. He talked about his job and the crazy things he had to do as a bodyguard/security specialist for McAdams Securities. The McAdam’s brother’s company catered to the rich and famous. The men were very well off, but Kane didn’t put on any airs. He was just Kane. He treated her like a good friend, never a potential bed mate. It felt strange, but oh so good, not to have to stress over when the sex question would be dropped. Sleep was calling to her, so Dawn closed her eyes. The image of Kane’s laughing face in her mind’s eye.

  The sound of a low moan roused Dawn from the brink of dozing off. She perked up her ears but didn’t hear anything more. As she was about to chalk it up to her imagination, the sound came again, this time louder and more anguished. Kane must to be in distress to make such horrible sounds. Had Blanco found them? Was someone attacking Kane?

  Getting out of bed, Dawn went to the door and put her ear against it. Her bedroom was dark, only a sliver of moonlight peeked through the curtains. Dawn cracked the door, her heart in her throat. The long low moan came once again as she peeked into the darkened living area. Kane was on the couch with a blanket barely covering his expansive bare chest as he thrashed about.

  Dawn silently moved across the room. Kane’s cries caused her heart to squeeze in her chest, her breath stilled in her lungs. He appeared to be fighting off someone by the way his big powerful arms swung about. The gut wrenching moans cut Dawn to the core. What could cause her beast to have such a violent nightmare? Her beast, where did that come from, Dawn wondered, as she bent over Kane and touched his shoulder.

  “I’ll kill you asshole.” Kane screamed, grabbing her arm.

  The breath left her body as she was slammed to the floor and a wild looking Kane straddled her, hands wrapped around her neck squeezing the life out of her.

  Kane was a huge man and he wasn’t fooling around. He was killing her. Dawn didn’t panic, which was odd. She did however pound him with all her strength across his head with her fist, all the while her heart beat double time.

  “Beauty, what the hell?” Kane stammered as his eyes snapped opened and he realized what was going on. He snatched his hands from her and quickly scrambled back towards the wall. A look of abject horror on his handsome face.

  “It’s ok, Kane I’m fine.” Dawn’s throat was sore, but she didn’t dare tell him that. He looked guilty as hell and so damn vulnerable right then. Kane stared at her, then his hands. Hanging his head, shoulders slumping he whispered something Dawn couldn’t make out.

  “What Kane?” She asked, crawling closer to him.

  Kane raised his head, sorrowful blue eyes rose to hers. “I’m sorry D. I’m so fucked up. It’s not safe being with me.”


  The crunch and snap of leaves and twigs beneath their boots echoed through the silent woods. Winter was announcing her presence by whispering cold air across their exposed faces. Dawn walked a little ahead of him with a backpack slung over her shoulder. His gaze lingered on her lovely ass as she maneuvered around and under bare tree limbs. She was so
spectacularly made in face and form that Kane found himself mesmerized whenever they were together. It didn’t matter he promised to be friends only. His treacherous heart wanted her for himself.

  Remembering how she scooted up next to him last night, lacing her small fingers through his, brought fresh waves of guilt. After witnessing his nightmare and him almost strangling her, she didn’t say a word. She simply sat with him letting her silent solace comfort him. As hazy sunrays of morning caressed the cabin, Dawn’s head slumped onto his shoulder. Kane picked her up, taking the opportunity to hold her sleeping body close. She smelled of rosemary and felt perfect in his arms.

  “Where to now Beast?” Dawn called back to him, breaking him out of his musings.

  “Just through the trees up ahead.”

  “So what are we doing out here in the cold anyway?”

  “Since you’re determined to stay with me, I’ve got a surprise for you.” Kane said.

  After she woke late and had a late breakfast, Dawn made it clear that she didn’t want to go back to Atlanta. She wouldn’t put Alex and Jordan in danger. If he didn’t want to stay with her, she would leave and make it on her own. So what the hell was he supposed to do? He reluctantly agreed they would remain together until Esteban made another move or until Kane put a bullet in the man’s head.

  Stepping out of the trees into a clearing, short brown grass and colorful leaves made the area feel forlorn, or maybe it was just him projecting his feeling onto the place. He was shitty that he’d put his hands on Dawn, even while in a nightmare. After her treatment by the hands of Mac, being alone with a huge snarling man must have scared her badly. Kane blew out a heavy breath. He would keep his shit together.

  They were at the edge of the McAdams’ property, a low wooden fence separated the open grass of the clearing from another ridge of thick trees beyond.

  “This is the spot.” He told Dawn. “That fence is exactly what we need.”


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