Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2)

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Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2) Page 6

by Rhonda Lott

  A short, slouchy Latino male holding the gun on Ace roughly pushed him into the room. Another scarred faced, steroid enhanced man muscled his way in behind them. Without words being exchanged, the two men worked simultaneously giving both Kane and Ace gut punches that had them falling to their knees.

  “Ok man put the guns away let’s talk this out. I could make you a very generous offer, you could walk out of here and Blanco would never know a thing.” Kane said as loud as he could without giving himself away, he hoped to warn Dawn to what was happening.

  As the two men snickered between themselves the bathroom door squeaked opened and a very nude Dawn Collins stepped slowly out. She held her head tilted to the side with a wide eyed innocent expression on her face. The motel could have blown sky high at that moment and the killers wouldn’t move to do a damn thing about it. They stared slack jawed at Dawn’s curvy body, angelic face, and full golden upright boobs. She was a sight not many men saw in a life time. The two stood there, struck motionless by the sight of so much perfection.

  Kane wanted to gouge their eyes out. He could feel the lust emanating off them. Their filthy intent was unmistakable. His brave beauty stood there blinking like a doe caught in headlights. Her arms behind her back causing her breast to thrust up high on her chest. Dumb fucks didn’t stand a chance. He could almost laugh if he wasn’t so enraged by them ogling what was his.

  Ace didn’t hesitate, he tackled the smaller man slapping the gun out of his lose grip. The gun skidded across the room. Kane attempted to raise up and deliver an uppercut to the muscle bound brute. He only succeeded in bruising his knuckles as his fingers all but crumpled against stone like muscle. The behemoth laughed, stunning white and perfect teeth gleamed in his scarred face. Kane kicked his legs, using all his power to unbalance the man. The killer grunted and stumbled, but didn’t go down. He training his weapon at Kane’s chest.

  “Drop it.” Dawn yelled, raising her arm from behind her with the gun Kane had given her. She tentatively advanced toward Kane and the big goon. Kane disarmed scare face as Ace pounded away on the other thug.

  “I think he’s out man.” Kane told Ace.

  “This bitch put a gun to my head, I ought to wake his ass up and beat the shit out of him again.” Ace said, chest heaving.

  Kane nodded in complete understanding. Nothing worse to a man’s ego than to get caught slippin. Ace was a smart street wise detective, this shit had to sting.

  “You were awesome D.” Kane complimented Dawn, wrapping his arms around her. He could feel her body shaking. “I know that was hell for you babe. Thank you for saving our asses.”

  Dawn had to go from virgin to exhibitionist in a scant few hours. His fearless beauty. Kane stripped the sheet from the bed and draped it around her. Ace non to gently hand-cuffed both men to the motel table that was bolted to the floor.

  “I’m going to get dressed, time to put the goodies away.” Dawn gave a shy smile, clutching the sheet around herself.

  “Not on my account, please.” Ace grinned, giving her a lecherous up and down scan. “The goodies look delicious.”

  Dawn turned and gave Ace the shut the fuck up face.

  Kane stepped in front of Ace, blocking his view until he heard the click of the bathroom door. “My goodies bro.”

  Ace gave him a raised brow glare. “First David and now you. How is it fair that you two get the beautiful sistas and I get shit? I’m not doing something right.”

  “Yeah, you complain too much, hater. Besides you have enough women following after you to form a small army, player.” Kane shot back. “Will these fuckers ever stop coming?” He gestured to the men while gathering his bag. Blanco’s men were getting way to close.

  “About that, this was delivered to the condo yesterday. Your brother has the tech boys busy tracking it but we haven’t had any luck so far.” Ace handed him a plain business size envelope.

  The envelope felt heavy as a stone in his hand, something told him that this was going to be beyond bad. He pulled out the letter. Demands from Blanco, hand written in scrolling elegant script. It looked like the asshole was inviting him to tea or some shit.

  The wording was anything but cordial. The bastard had balls that’s for sure. Kane slammed his fist through the wall as molten rage overtook him. There was not a chance in hell that Esteban was getting what he asked for, but Kane would give him something all right. He had to keep Dawn hidden until he found and cut off the head of the snake.


  After Ace handed the hitmen over to the local police, promising to fax back required reports, the three of them headed back to the city. It was a cold day with a misty sprinkle of rain blurred the passing cars outside the window. Threatening dark clouds hung low in the sky. Dawn didn’t know if it was the dreary weather of her imagination, but there was a big bubble of tension hanging in the air.

  The attack was shitty of course but by the glances passing back forth between the men up in the front seat, something even worse had happened. Kane was stiff, his laughing eyes dull. Ok, that was scary. If she didn’t know any better she would have thought he was afraid. But no, Kane was never afraid. She would leave it up to him to tell her what was up. Right now, her poor body was rebelling. Running, climbing, dodging bullets and hitmen, and losing your virginity played havoc on a girl’s energy.

  Dawn lulled back against the head rest and let her body relax into the seat, she remained silent, examining the two men up front. Ace and Kane were a contrasting pair. Ace had warm chocolate skin, muscular body, and drop dead pretty boy looks. Kane’s body was bigger, sun kissed, and his face was ruggedly handsome. They were similar in the fact that they were both stunningly handsome males. The type of men women couldn’t help but take second and third looks at. But right at this moment though they both looked constipated.

  “Kane, will we be safe at the condo? Will Alex and Jordan be safe?”

  Kane turned around, reaching back to stroke her cheek. “Yes, sweetheart. My brother owns a security company. He’s not letting anything near his family. A team will be set up round the clock outside.”

  Blanco seemed to have men everywhere. His men found them at the cabin, tracked them through the woods, and then at the motel. Dawn felt as if there was nowhere to hide. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the cold glass of the window. The patter of rain against the windshield and the hypnotizing swish of the wipers made her eyelids heavy. The image of Kane’s magnificent body stretched out on the motel bed took root in her mind. The hot passion they seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Dawn came awake with a start. Kane was nudging her arm and calling her name softly.

  “Hey, everything’s fine love. We’re back.” Kane said, holding her door.

  “Oh, great.”

  Dawn was still a little woozy from her nap. It felt like she had just closed her eyes for a second. Kane place one arm around her waist and carried his ever present duffel bag in the other hand, they made their way up the small steps to the condo. Ace followed close behind. The door looked the same as when they had left but there was a new metal device next to it with a numerical screen and a camera.

  “I see big bro had the tech guys out here.” Kane said shaking his head. “Hope you got the code because knowing my brother, if you punch in the wrong number your ass might be incinerated on the spot.”

  “He didn’t give me any code.” Ace frowned at the screen.

  “Seriously, are we going to stand out here all day? Why don’t you just knock?” Dawn asked Kane.

  “I’m not touching that door babe. When I tell you David McAdams is serious about protecting his family, I mean it. This door might fry my ass if I touch it. No, I’m calling in there.” Kane reached in his pocket for his phone but before he could pull it out the door burst open.

  Alex rushed out to greet them a whirlwind of energy and wild curls. She pulled Dawn inside leaving Kane and Ace standing, staring in her wake.

  Alex plopped down on the big leather sofa, drag
ging Dawn down with her. Alex’s smile was wide and her golden eyes sparkled, there was a glow of happiness all over the woman. She carried herself with the air of a woman who had everything she ever desired. Alex happy, now that was something to smile about. Her little friend carried a heavy burden for so long. The guilt of not being there when her sister was killed had been soul crushing for Allie. Looks like big old grouchy David McAdams was doing something right.

  While Alex chirped a mile a minute, Dawn swept her gaze over to where Kane stood talking to Ace. As if he could feel her watching, Kane’s eyes sought her out. Their gazes held, a slow smile spread across Kane’s face. Dawn felt her face grow warm. Sexy Beast.

  Was he remembering their night together? She knew she was. Dawn thought about how strong and forceful his body felt moving on top of her, inside her. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together. Kane was a demanding lover and even now in a room with others around, the sexual tension between the two of them had her body humming, her nipples pebbling.

  “Ok, why?” Alex asked, breaking through Dawn’s passion stare down with Kane.

  “Why, what?” Dawn pulled her attention back to Alex.

  “Why is my soon to be brother in law eyeing my best friend like he’s about to come over here and do some very nasty things to her?” Alex asked, cocking her head to the side, blinking big owl eyed at her.

  “Alexandrea, please tell me you didn’t open the door again, after I expressly forbid you to.” David McAdams voice shook the room. He walked down the stairs carrying Jordan in his arms. David was big and intimidating, dark hair cut short, serious face with eyes of intense steely gray. The brothers looked a lot alike. If you overlooked the fact that David never smiled and Kane was free with his teasing grins and his big almost goofy smiles.

  “Mr. McAdams therein lies your problem. You cannot forbid me from doing anything. You asked me and I agreed. Yet, when I saw on the monitor that it was our family. I made the decision to open the door. Grown ass woman, remember?” Alex stood up and placed a hand on her hip, frowning at her future husband.

  Dawn had to grin. Her friend wasn’t intimidated by the stormy man. David with his usual calm demeanor put a squirming Jordan in Dawn’s lap, giving her a kiss on the cheek, then picking Alex up he kissed her soundly. He then walked over to the other men without a word.

  “What, that’s your punishment for having a sassy mouth?” Dawn asked between Jordan’s sloppy smacks to her face.

  “Yeah, he does that if I happen to be right. If I were wrong the punishment would last all night.” Alex rolled her eyes, giving a little slow grind in her seat.

  Dawn couldn’t help but laugh with her friend. Alex would never change, thank God.

  Dawn let Jordan hop down from her lap to go play with the numerous toys he had about the room. The living area of the condo had gone through a change. Gone was the orderly bachelor pad in it’ place was a warm family environment. Pictures of Alex with David and Jordan were on the walls. A few pictures of her with Alex, or Ace with Kane were on table tops. There was even a carpeted area with toys for Jordan to play.

  Alex leaned in to whisper, “You still didn’t answer my question. You and Kane have been in the same room for more than ten minutes and you haven’t fought once. What’s up with that and what’s up with the looks between the two of you?”

  Dawn smiled and shrugged. “We decided to be friends. Well, a little more than friends.”

  “I knew it. I fucking knew it.” Alex’s light brown eyes were shimmering with mischief.

  “You little sneak. You set me up didn’t you? You and you’re ‘go to the cabin with Kane, he’ll protect you’. All along you were hoping something would happen between us.”

  “Yup, I admit it. Anyone with eyes could see Kane had it bad for you. I didn’t know if you would let him in or if you would keep that damn wall of yours up.” Alex squeezed her hand, smiling. “I love you and want you to be happy and safe. You look happy and I know he’ll protect you. That’s just how he’s wired.”

  “Who’s wired?” Kane asked, as the men joined them. Kane sat next to Dawn putting a possessive hand on her knee.

  “No one.” Dawn said quickly. She didn’t want to talk about their relationship in front of everyone, not yet anyway. “What’s up with the serious conversation you three were having over there?”

  Dawn felt Kane’s body stiffen next to her. She looked over at him and saw that his eyes were a stormy dark blue. Damn that was absolutely scary and sexy.

  “What’s happened now, Beast?”

  “Beast huh?” Ace barked out a laugh. “Suits you to a tee.”

  “Tell her brother. She has to know, before we can make a plan. ” David remarked.

  Kane took hold of her hands and sighed. “We got another message from Esteban. He has demands. He will continue to send men after us unless we do one thing.”

  “What could he possibly want from us? His son was a loony toon who deserved to be put down. He would have killed David if not for you. I’m sick and tired of this shit.”

  The room was silent.

  “Well, what does he want?” She asked.

  Kane stared deep into her eyes. “He wants you babe. He simply wants you.”


  Angry dark storm clouds were gathering outside, sitting full and waiting. The gray of the evening skies was nothing compared to the darkness of Kane’s thoughts. Dawn and his family were talking behind him. David was the only one stone faced and silent. Planning no doubt. It didn’t matter what his brother was scheming. The time for planning was over.

  Blanco had the nerve to come into his city and demand his woman. Fuck no. That was never going to happen. It was time for action, no more hiding. If he had to search the streets night and day, he would find Blanco’s ass and finish this.

  Kane wasn’t about to let Dawn get within ten feet of the crime lord. His insides were shredded and he couldn’t focus. It felt the same as when he was a teen. Trapped in a situation bigger than him. Esteban had limitless numbers of henchmen to send their way. He wasn’t a kid anymore. It didn’t matter how many men he sent. All Kane needed was a shot, one shot and it would be over.

  His brothers, Ace and David would fight for him and Dawn. Even tiny Alex was fierce in her own way, would do anything for Dawn. No he wasn’t alone this time.

  Kane turned back towards the room. Alex sat next to Dawn holding her hand. David was talking to them and Ace leaned against the side of the sofa watching the women, from time to time shooting him a worried glance. Yeah he wasn’t fighting alone this time and that made things infinitely more frightening.

  David had found happiness with his Allie. Dawn was coming out of her shell. She was beginning to open up to him and he felt a surge of pride in her. She didn’t overreact to the news of Esteban’s demand. She was angry, as was her way. But she looked to him for guidance, and he had nothing. A big fat fucking nothing.

  Her beautiful brown eyes called to him from across the room. “Kane?”

  In three strides he was by her side. “I’m never going to let that fucker near you. You know that right?” Kane asked, kneeling down so that their faces were even.

  She gave him a small smile, pulling him to her and pressing her lips to his. She held him there, breathing him in, barely touching. Kane loved the way they simply basked in the presence of one another. It was a gentle show of her acceptance and trust in him, in front of everybody she loved.

  Kane felt his heart stutter. Damn but this had complete control of his heart. He felt her warmth seep way down, past all his fucked up past, past his secrets. She didn’t know it yet, but she was his and he had every intention of keeping her right there in his heart, in his life.

  David cleared his throat. “I thought you two hated each other. Even though I knew it was coming, it looks so wrong somehow.” David said with the slightest upturn of his lips.

  Kane leaned in and kissed Dawn again quick and hard, before turning to his brother. “No bro,
this is so right, you have no idea.”

  “Yes, and it will complicate matters I’ve no doubt.” David motioned for Kane to take a seat. When he sat down next to Dawn, David continued, “I want to set up an exchange with Esteban, using Dawn as bait to draw him out. Of course he’s aware of how we dealt with his son and will be weary of any meeting. He will in all likelihood send one of his men to get her. We will have Dawn wired and monitored the whole time and when she’s taken to the big boss’s location we will be there to take him down.”

  “Yes that sounds like it could work.” Dawn said nodding her head in approval.

  “Fuck no.” Kane jumped to his feet. “There is too much risk to Dawn in that situation. She’s not going to be the bait. Out of the question.”

  “This plan can work Kane. We can’t hide forever and frankly I want my life back. I don’t want to hide anymore. I want this over.” Dawn stood, fire in her brown eyes melting them to pure black.

  “There is too much risk to you, babe I can’t allow you to do this.”

  “Last time I looked you were my lover not my daddy. Who are you to allow me to do anything?” Dawn punched him on the shoulder and shoved past him. “Let me tell you a little something I learned from my best friend. Grown ass woman, Kane McAdams, I’m a grown ass woman and I do as I see fit. Asshole.”

  Kane watched with his mouth set in a tense line, hands clenched as Dawn stomped out the room.

  “Jesus Kane, have you learned nothing?” Alex asked. She gave him a stern stare then followed Dawn.

  “Bro, I feel your pain. But my plan is a good one.” David told him as he strolled over to the rolling bar and put ice into three glasses then poured in some cognac.

  Ace plopped down on the sofa, shaking his head and giving Kane a pitying look.

  “What, you got nothing to say?” Kane challenged Ace.

  “Yeah, I say give her to the motherfucker. I promise he’ll bring her back within an hour.” Ace and David broke out in deep laughter.


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