Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2)

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Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2) Page 7

by Rhonda Lott

“Shut the fuck up the both of you.” Kane barked and went back to the window. Rain was coming down in sheets. He didn’t care what they said. His Dawn wasn’t going to be bait for a psychopath. No way in hell.



  Her cell phone beeped announcing a text. Dawn pressed the pillow down hard over her head, too tired from tossing and turning all night. She didn’t want to face the world yet. Beep, beep in steady succession her phone vibrated and blared. Groaning Dawn picked up the offensive thing.

  Good morning, I’m sorry about last night. Tear face emoji.

  Let’s talk.

  Meet me outside.

  Dawn jumped up, ten messages in a row from Kane. She held the phone to her chest. Annoying man. Dawn knew he would be pounding on her door any minute now if she didn’t reply.

  She wasn’t as pissed as she was last night but it still stung. Kane made a point of stressing how they were in this situation together and then he turns right around and dismissed what she wanted to do. She was afraid of being the bait, of course she was. But what other options did they have. The hiding thing was not working whatsoever.

  Men, when she thought Kane was different than all the others, he proved he’s as pig headed as all the rest.

  Dawn glanced down at her phone, he said he was sorry. He wanted to talk. Well, if he wanted her to talk then talk she would. Dawn shot off a text that she would be down in a few.

  Rushing out of bed, Dawn did her morning routine quickly then dressed in a long black sweater and black jeans. She pulled her hair back in a short pony tail. Pushing aside all the make-up Alex continually gave her, Dawn grabbed her lip gloss and applied a little. Checking her mirror, she was ready to face Kane.

  Opening the front door she didn’t see him right away. Each condo in the building was like a small house with private entrance and car park. David’s big truck was parked in his usual space but there was no other cars and no sign of Kane’s Tahoe. She searched the street in front. There across the way, in front of the park he stood, leaning against a shiny royal blue and chrome motorcycle. Dawn knew it was him, even though he wore a dark helmet covering his face. His fantastic body gave him away.

  Every time she saw him she wanted to lick him. Dawn plastered a frown on her face, drooling was unacceptable. No, she would be herself, cool, calm, and distant. She hoped he bought it, cause inside she was a jumbled mess of nerves, fear and insecurities. She needed a bit of his strength to make it through this. She needed Kane to fight with her.

  Dawn walked up to him and peered into the face plate of the helmet but couldn’t make out his face.

  “What’s this about then?” She asked, tapping her finger against the plastic.

  “Protecting my pretty face in case you wanted to throw a few punches.” He said, raising the visor revealing teasing eyes.

  “I won’t punch you, but I am still truly pissed.” Dawn stated firmly, crossing her arms.

  “I know, I am sorry we can’t agree on this.”

  “What’s with the bike?” Dawn changed the subject, she needed him alone before they breached this particular conversation.

  “I wanted to introduce you to my baby and take you for a ride to my favorite place.” He held out a helmet for her.

  “What place?”

  “It’s a secret. You’re the only person I’ve ever shown it to.”

  “Is it your secret hideaway on top of a mountain we have to climb to get to, or is it a private island we have to jump out of a plane into the middle of shark infested waters to access?”

  A grin tugged at his lips. “Very funny. Nothing that dramatic, sassy woman. It’s a place that means a lot to me.”

  “I hope it’s private. We have to talk.”

  “It is and we will.” He threw on leg over the bike. “Climb on and hold on tight. I drive a little fast.”

  Dawn got on behind him, putting her arms around his big sexy body. Kane kicked the bike to life. He took the streets at a normal rate of speed and

  Dawn found herself pressing close to him. He smelled of fresh spices and oranges. How lame was that, but it was true and very exciting. Kane’s back was solid and wide enough to block Dawn’s view in front of her. Holding on tightly to all his sculptured maleness Dawn smiled, making sure her breast fit snugly up against him. The flex and pull of his thick muscles against her breast as he maneuvered the bike was stimulating as hell. The exquisite machine pulsing between her legs like a vibrator on steroids. The bike and the man turning her on.

  They merged onto the freeway and the bike sped up. Kane flew down the asphalt and Dawn’s heart rate accelerated. The wind whooshed past as Kane shot pass car after car. Dawn wasn’t afraid. It felt great, freeing. She laughed, this was what it felt like to live on the edge. Maybe it was ordinary for Kane since he did it all the time, but for her it was like taking flight.

  Her heart pounded and her body zinged with excitement. She gripped Kane tighter and wished she didn’t have to ware her helmet. The wind in her hair would have felt wonderful. She loved this shit. If things worked out and she lived past the next few days, she would have Kane ride her again. Dawn giggled as Kane exited the freeway. Ride her again, mind meet gutter, Dawn thought.

  Kane pulled up in front of a book store on a quiet tree lined street. The name of the store read simply, “Book Daddy”. There were a few businesses on the street all painted in bright colors with old distressed shingled signs. The little area had a curious fell about it, as if they were stuck in a past era.

  Kane parked the bike and helped her dismount. He removed his head gear and then hers. “How did you like the ride?”

  “I loved it. The best ride I’ve ever taken.”

  “I hope it was the second best ride you’ve ever taken.” He said, with a crooked grin and lowered lids.

  A smile tried damn hard to lift her lips upward but Dawn bit her lips to prevent it and shrugged. Kane was silly, sexy, and dangerous. But she was not ready for him to disarm her with his humor. Even though she could feel her anger melting like chocolate in the sun.

  “Why are we here?” She asked, wrenching her eyes away from him to enjoy the cute little store.

  “This is my place.” He stated casually as they made their way to the door.

  Dawn’s eyes stretched wide. “This is your store, you’re the daddy in Book Daddy?”

  “Yeah you could say that and it’s my home away from the condo.”

  A chime tittered softly as they entered the store. The smell of old leather bound books, dust and coffee assaulted Dawns nose. It was a sunny little shop with shelf upon shelf of books. A few overstuffed chairs and small tables were spattered about. There was a young woman with long brown hair behind the counter. When she saw it was Kane, her big green eyes lit up.

  “Mr. McAdams, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” She gushed.

  “Hi Lucy, how’s business?

  “Steady, the usual customers and a few tourist.” Her eyes cut to Dawn and her bright smile dimmed a notch.

  “This is my good friend Dawn, Dawn this is Lucy, she runs the store for me.” Kane introduced them.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Dawn smiled.

  “You too.”

  Never had two word been said with less sincerity, thought Dawn.

  “Were going to look around then head upstairs. Lock up as usual, and thanks for everything.” Kane smiled at her then grabbed Dawn’s hand leading her away.

  “Sure, no problem.” Lucy replied, her voice as tight as her face.

  Dawn felt a little sorry for the young woman. A man as attractive as Kane must be hell to work for. Dawn knew she would be a blubbering mess if she had to work for the gorgeous hunk of man.

  Kane was so easy to fall in love with. Was she falling in love with Kane? Dawn stopped dead in her tracks, bumping into his back. He turned his face towards her tilting his head. His thick chocolate brown locks were tied back but a few loose strands found their way down his shoulders and his eyes were
alight with warmth.

  Dawn was a sensible woman and she knew what she felt for Kane was real. More than the amazing sex. Her eyes started to burn and her chest constricted as she continued to gaze up at him. How could this powerful man have taken over so much of her heart? There wasn’t another man out there that could come close to touching her soul the way Kane did. This big brute of a man, her beast, blasted through her carefully erected walls and stormed into her heart. She was in love with him. No mistaking it for anything else. She loved Kane McAdams.

  Dawn ran her hand up his thick strong arms and shoulders, with slow concentration traced his lips with her fingertips, placing her palm against his cheek. Perfect man.

  Breathing became difficult, the air in the store felt thick. Her heart tightened even more when he bent forward, still holding her gaze placing his lips to hers. He pulled her close, toes off the floor, every part of her touching every part of him. Like he enjoyed doing, he just rested his full lips on hers. It was so sweet and so intimate, breathing him inside of her, closing out the world and simply breathing in each other.

  Kane backed away a fraction of an inch. His eyes dark with emotion.

  “Let me show you a part of who I am.”


  She slowly strolled each isle. Kane studied her. Dawn’s eyes were shining bright, crinkling at the corners. A tiny smile rested across her lips. A secret smile she only shared with him. Tracing a finger along each book, Dawn was not just reading the title but feeling the book itself. If he had known she would get such enjoyment out of being in his store, he would have brought her here sooner. Oh, he knew she loved to read. Her head was stuck in a book most of the time. He felt a certain bond with her, reading was his thing too. Yeah, you couldn’t tell by looking, but reading was one of his passions. That is, if he allowed himself to slow down long enough.

  Kane stepped behind her. He loved her tiny waist, slipping his hand around it, he pulled her in.

  “See anything you want to read?” He asked, whispering in her ear, nipping it just for a tiny taste of her.

  “Are you kidding me? I want to read everything.” She turned, beaming up at him. “I wanted to go to school to be a librarian, before all this happened. I adore books.”

  Kane smiled. “That means you have to stay with me a while then. Who knows how long it’s going to take you to read every book.”

  “You sure know how to tempt a girl don’t you?” She gave him a side glance. “First the bike ride and now this. If I didn’t know any better I would think you were trying to change my mind about last night.”

  Kane sighed, Dawn wouldn’t be easily swayed. He knew that much. But he had to try.

  “Come upstairs with me.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the back of the store and up a narrow stairway. He used his key to unlock the solitary door at the top of the stairs and ushered his beautiful woman into his apartment.

  Kane kept his eyes trained on her face as she took in his place. His apartment spanned the entire top of the store. No doors or separating walls. He liked that it had a modern industrial feel about it.

  The kitchen area was separated from the living space by a brushed steel dining table he built himself out of scrap metal. The openness of the apartment meant that he never felt closed in. He designed and built most of the furnishings, picking out a teal and blue color scheme to soften up the hard lines of all the metal he used.

  Dawn walked into the living room area and faced his huge window wall. Kane leaned against the door watching her reaction.

  “What do you think of the place?” He held his breath, for some reason her answer felt vital.

  “Wow, Kane this place is so remarkable. It’s so open and stylish, yet comfy.” There was a hint of confusion in her voice.

  “What, you sound surprised.”

  “I am. I expected to find a man cave complete with huge a wide screen television, motorcycle parts and climbing gear everywhere. I didn’t expect to see this wonderful space.” Dawn reached her hand out to him. Kane held it. “I should have guessed though, you my beast are nothing like the carefree man you show the world. You are…” She paused.

  “I am?” He lifted one brow.

  Her eyes sparkled. “You’re a closet nerd.”

  “The fuck you say.” Kane sputtered his brows snapping downward. “I race motorcycles and jump out of planes.”

  “Um-hum. Love to read and have tech mags all over your coffee table.” Dawn gave him a little grin and raised eyebrow.

  “I know one hundred ways to kill a man and can shoot the wings off a fly at fifty paces. That makes me badass, baby.” Kane huffed.

  “Ha, the wings off a fly, you are such a liar.” Dawn sat down on the sofa facing the windows. Kane chuckled and eased down next to her.

  Outside the sun made its slow exit for the day, mellowing the skyline to a creamy peach and gold. Dawn relaxed her body into his. This moment with her by his side watching the sunset in his home cracked open the doors of his heart. The place he kept strictly hidden from the world. No one knew his shame. Dawn knew, she knew and still stayed.

  Dawn was making him believe in things that he never thought of before. That a future might not be so bad. He could slow down and enjoy a sunset with a beautiful woman. He didn’t have to push the envelope all the time. He could just chill, live. He could live with Dawn by his side.

  “You do know you have no say in if I meet with Blanco as bait?” Dawn stated softly, her body warm against his side.

  “I know that.” Kane turned to her.

  “Dawn, we went from trying to be friends to lovers very quickly, not that I’m complaining. You mean more to me than some woman I’m sleeping with. I look at you and I wonder where do you get the strength to keep going? First, your mom, then Mac and now Esteban.”

  He brushed a finger down the warm soft skin of her cheek. Dawn pressed her face into his palm, Kane smiled at that. She revealed her sweet side to no man but him. Precious woman.

  “I marvel at how brave you are. But, I can’t agree to use you as bait. So many things can go wrong.” Kane said.

  Dawn stiffened, she pulled back eyes searching his face.

  “Then we are at an impasse. I can’t hide away forever, Kane. He found us at the cabin, at the motel and he will keep coming until he finds and ends us.”

  “But Dawn listen—“

  “No, you listen.” Dawn crawled onto his lap, placing her hands on his chest and leaning in so that their faces were inches apart. “He asked for me. If I go he might leave you alone. He’s a liar I know, but if there is the slightest chance, we have to try. I trust you and David to keep me safe. You will take him out and we won’t have to hide ever again.”

  “Dawn please tell me you’re not thinking of sacrificing yourself for me.” Kane gripped her shoulders, rougher than he expected to. She couldn’t ever think like that, he wouldn’t allow it. Who was he to allow anything? He understood that this ultimately was her choice, but shit he had to keep her away from Blanco.

  “I don’t want him to kill you Kane. You’re important.” She said the last two words soft and low. Kane watched as she swallowed thickly.

  “You’re just as important to me, Beauty. It would kill me if something happened to you.” Kane said, pushing her hair away from her face and looking deep into her eyes. They were swimming with unshed tears.

  “I couldn’t save Ann, but I might be able to save you. I love you.” She said, her voice strong and sure with only a trace of fear.

  Kane felt his heart constrict then gallop. This woman who survived hell on earth, who showed such love and compassion for her little family, who was willing to go back into hell on the hope of saving his life, loved him.

  He never believed he would hear those words from her. Kane pulled her down to his chest and held her as tight as he could without hurting her. He felt emotions rushing through him, his love for her, his pride in her, and his fear. Yeah he did a lot of dangerous things in his life but letting the woman he
loved face a killer was more than he could bare.

  “God, baby I love you too. I don’t even have the words to tell you how much. I want to say I’ll protect you and not let anything happen to you if we do this. But, the truth of the matter is, I’m scared shitless of losing you.”

  Dawn pulled away, shaking her head. “I trust you Kane.”

  “Dawn, do you wonder why I do the high risk shit I do?” he asked.

  “Yes, but what does that have to do with this?”

  “I race and climb and parachute because I didn’t care if I lived to see another day. I felt like I was unworthy. Dirty. After what happened with my aunt and that sicko. I believed that in some way I asked for it.”

  “Kane, you know that’s not true.”

  “I know that’s not true now, but I relived that night over and over again in my nightmares. In my waking hours, I did about anything thrilling to push myself to the limits, maybe even end it all.” It was killing him to admit all this.

  “My Beast, it sucks hairy balls, I know, I’ve been there.” She said, face scrunched up.

  “Big hairy ape balls, yeah.” Kane tickled her ribs and kissed her quick. “D, I see how you survive and thrive. You have the fierce will to live and be happy. You inspire me to do the same.” Kane gazed deep into her dark eyes.

  “I haven’t had a nightmare since that night in the cabin and I credit that to you. I dream of you now. I dream of us together. That’s why I want to find another plan. It’s not that I don’t want to lose you, my beauty, it’s that I cannot lose you, ever.” Kane’s deep voice broke on that last word and when he looked up into her face, tears flowed. She held a look of acceptance and love.

  “Ok.” Dawn sighed. “I understand, but I don’t see any other way out of this mess.”

  “Can we put all that aside for now? I would love to show you one more special place.” Kane told her, holding her hips flush against his straining erection.

  “Oh,” She moaned, a slow smile unfurled across her face. “I think I know the place you’re thinking of.”

  Kane let her pull him up from the sofa, one slow step at a time, sultry eyes stuck to his, Dawn drew him to his bed. She beckoned with lush curves and a seductive half smile. He allowed his own smile to mirror hers. His grin hungrier than hers, his thoughts definitely dirtier. The big bed was right where he wanted them to be. His little innocent beauty knew him so very well. Kane took a deep breath. He hoped she was ready for what he had in store.


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