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Shadows 03 Greek Shadows

Page 18

by K C West


  The old woman sat huddled with two young girls, watching and guiding them as they mixed several powders into small round bowls. She raised her head as I approached.

  “What be your needs, Chosen?”

  Why doesn’t she call me Kim?

  “Healer, can you put some salve on these injuries to make them less obvious?”

  She pulled herself up. Even standing fully erect, she was not as tall as PJ. With surprisingly strong, bony fingers, she examined my arms and leg. “Your injuries are minor and easily fixed, but your garment’s another matter. Unless it’s cleansed, your companion will see the blood and dirt and guess what you’ve been up to.”

  “This is the only Amazon outfit I have.”

  “I’ll give you a robe. Take off your tunic and lie down on the mat over there. One of the children will see that your garment is cleaned and mended.”

  “I don’t think there’s time for that.”

  She made a shushing noise and tugged at the hem of my tunic. “Hurry. I have plenty more to do before the feasting, and you’re keeping us from important work.”

  “Sorry.” Feeling thoroughly rebuked, I did what she ordered and handed everything to the young girl who rose to assist me. “Thanks.”

  She gave me a shy smile and hurried out of the hut.

  Once on the mat, I gritted my teeth when the healer scrubbed the dirt from my cuts and abrasions. As a sponge, she used what appeared to be leaves pressed together to form a cleansing pad. It felt like I was being scoured with tree bark. The ointment she smoothed on my sore muscles smelled faintly of eucalyptus and mint. It made my skin tingle with a penetrating warmth, easing my muscle aches.

  “Rest now. We’ll give you some tea.”

  It was an offer I dared not refuse. While the old woman covered me with a soft fur, her remaining helper scattered leaves into the bottom of a thick mug and poured hot water into it. I hadn’t noticed the fire before, but apparently, small as it was, it was enough to keep water and other liquids hot for emergencies. After sipping the tea and warming my insides, I drifted into a comfortable, dreamy state. I figured I’d be on my way after resting a few minutes.

  The healer touched my forehead and began to chant something I couldn’t decipher. She waited for several seconds and then spoke.

  “Chosen, you are well-suited to your task. The Goddess is pleased with your progress, but you and your companion must be strong when you return to your world. You both face many dangers and challenges.”

  I tried to say something, but my voice wouldn’t cooperate. The old woman put two fingers to my lips. “Just listen. I know what is in your mind and heart. Your companion will be at your side as you face the challenges that will come your way, even though she has her own tasks to perform. She will always be loyal to you and your work. Your mission is to travel in search of our Amazon sisters, for they are your sisters, too, and you represent our connection to them. We have lost touch with so many through the ages. You will seek their remains, their medallions, whatever you can find. Their remains will lead you into the future. Some, you will discover, are alive and well in your time. You will come to know them. We need every one you can locate and identify. The continuation of the Amazon Nation depends upon you.”

  Talk about an impossible mission.

  The old woman’s gnarled hand patted my cheek. “You are an Amazon. Nothing is impossible for you. Some things though, will be a little difficult.”

  My vocal chords permitted a bark of laughter. “Thanks for your faith in me.”

  Her hand dropped to my shoulder. “We will talk again soon, Chosen. But, for now, rest.”


  Later, as I neared our hut, I saw that Queen Leeja, Marna, and half a dozen warriors were leaving camp.

  “We are on our way to meet and escort our special guest into the village,” Leeja told me. “She’ll be the guest of honor at tonight’s feast, and I believe PJ will be pleased and honored to meet her.”

  “Who, may I ask, is this special guest?”

  “I dare not tell you because I know PJ will wheedle it out of you. Besides, you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Before going to our hut, I watched the party leave. Keeping the mystery guest a secret from me was smart on Leeja’s part, but she didn’t realize how difficult it would be for me to fend off an inquisitive spouse, even for just a few hours.


  “I don’t know why you’re so concerned about the attire,” Kim said, when I told her that we were expected to wear our Amazon garb to the festivities. “You’ll blend in more easily and will be less conspicuous than if you insist on wearing your shirt and khakis.”

  “I suppose so.” I nestled into Kim’s firm hug, sniffing an unfamiliar scent on her body.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “My tunic.”

  “I know that, silly. I mean the fragrance. It has a medicinal smell.”

  “Oh, that. It’s nothing really.”

  I pushed against her arm and felt her wince. “Have you been fighting again?”

  “Now, PJ.”

  “You have, haven’t you?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  “You know how I feel about that. You could get hurt. These women do it every day and you’re not - “

  “I can hold my own. Besides, you’re a fine one to talk. Who was over on the archery range today playing Robin Hood?”

  My face heated, and I must have registered surprise, because she shot me one of those supercilious looks that infuriated me. I could almost hear her thinking, “Gotcha!”

  “That’s different, Kim.”

  “How so?”

  “We were shooting at targets, not people. When you poke around with those swords, there’s a person on the other end, and somebody could get hurt. I don’t want it to be you, okay?”

  She took my hand, pulling me down to our bedding and onto her lap. “PJ, we need to discuss a few things.”

  “That sounds ominous.” I settled myself and hugged her waist. “But this is a nice position to be in, if things get ominous.”

  Her fingertips brushed my cheek. “I don’t mean it to sound that way. I just think there’re a few things we don’t know about each other, and it’s time to clear the air.”

  “Okay. You go first.”

  “It’s the swordplay. I must confess that I’m not a novice.”


  “No. I was on the fencing team during my undergraduate years in California.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “The subject never came up.”

  “That explains one thing.”

  When she didn’t respond, I continued. “I’ve read that fencers have the tightest butts from all that lunging and squatting, and you have a mighty firm ass, my dear.” I moved my hand to the focus of my commentary and gave it a pinch.

  “Ouch. Thank you, I think.”

  “No. Thank you.”

  “We don’t have time right now to pursue that line of discussion further.”


  “Don’t pout. I’m sure there’ll be time later on. Besides, you seem to possess a talent that I was unaware of until this afternoon, and I’d like to hear more about it.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “How long have you been an archer?”

  “Oh, that.” I took a deep breath. “Summer camps have tons of archery facilities. I got bored with braiding lanyards one day and thought I’d give it a try. Since I didn’t suck at it, I kept it up for a while.”

  “You won the contest today.”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “You haven’t practiced as long as we’ve known each other.”


  Kim’s hand came around my upper arms and it was my turn to wince. “A bit sore there in the shoulders and pecs?” Her hand gently probed my chest.

  “Hey, okay. I’ll admit I’m a tad sore from the effort. And yes, I was good at
it, once upon a time, long, long ago. Today, I just got lucky.”

  “Uh-huh.” Kim continued to massage my upper body. “I remember reading that archery develops your chest muscles.”

  I felt my face flush again. “I suppose that’s possible.”

  She leaned in and kissed my neck and trailed several feathery kisses downward to the tops of my breasts. “Mmm. I’ve always admired the firmness of your chest.”

  “Glad to hear that, tiger, but we don’t have time to pursue that line of discussion any further, either. We’ve a feast to attend.”

  Kim pulled her head up. “You’re right. I’ll have to save the chat I had about our mission for later.”

  I grabbed a fist full of her tunic. “Kimberly Elizabeth Blair. You heard something more about our reason for being here, and you’re just now mentioning it?”

  “Easy.” She put her hand over mine. “I’ll confess all, if you stop wrinkling my one and only good Amazon outfit.”

  “Sorry.” I smoothed the top of her garment, giving her chest a little extra attention. “All better. Now, talk.”

  “I dropped into the healer’s hut on my way back from sword practice.”

  “Uh-huh. I knew it. You got hurt and you needed first aid.”

  “A few scratches, here and there.”

  “I’ll examine you later. Thoroughly.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  “So what did the healer have to say? She’s also the shaman. Did you know that?”

  “Yes, I became aware of her dual role once we got talking. Actually she talked, and I listened. You were mentioned, too.”

  “I should hope so.”

  “She called you my companion and said you’d be a big help to me on my mission.”

  “Which is?”

  “We have to find missing Amazons, medallions, artifacts, remains, and the like. It seems that it’s up to us to preserve the Amazon Nation.”

  “Oh, is that all? I was afraid it was going to be something hard.”

  We remained silent for several seconds, pondering the colossal task ahead of us. I recalled the talks that Leeja and I had about my part in the scheme of things, but it didn’t seem to fit together. Kim’s mission would be necessary before my job could kick in. I slid off Kim’s lap so we could face each other as we talked.

  “In light of what you just said, I don’t understand Leeja’s plans for me to chronicle the Amazons’ history. She seems to think it’s my destiny to teach the world, our world, that the Amazons are not a myth. They’re still with us, not as a single nation, but as individuals scattered across the globe, trying to correct the wrongs of modern civilization. How can I do that unless you find the missing links first?”

  “Good question.”

  “And why me? I’m not the one who has studied and followed the Amazons for all those years. That would be you.”

  I hated the expression of patience on Kim’s face. She exhibited it sometimes, and it made me feel patronized.

  “Leeja must think you qualify, or she wouldn’t have chosen you and brought us here.”

  “Are you saying that it’s because of me that we’re here?” I felt some anxiety threaten to break through my self-control.

  Kim’s shrug was her only response.

  “You know how unsettled I feel about this whole thing. I have to believe that we’re in some sort of dream state, and the sooner we get back to where we belong, the better for both of us.”

  “I thought by now you were getting with the program, that you were starting to believe we’re in a time warp for a reason. I doubt we’re here just to mollify my anger or to bring you to terms with what’s happened in your life. These things are important, certainly, but they aren’t enough to warrant the energy it’s taken to bring us here to this place and in this time. There has to be more to it than that.” She put her hand on my arm. “Maybe you’re the chosen one.”

  I pushed her hand away. “No, I’m not the one they need for their future. That’s you, Kim. They can’t prove I’m anybody special. They don’t know what to do with me, so they’ve made up a job. I’m supposed to be a reporter. You know how I hate those vermin. Shit, I might as well be your body slave for all the importance I am.”

  Kim held up her hands. “You’re in one of your moods, so it’s no good trying to reason with you when you’re like this. Still, the body slave idea has merit.”

  “Go ahead, make jokes. All I want is for us to be back in present day Greece, doing what we were trained to do. This is science fiction, and I want no part of it. I’m sorry to rain on your parade, but I’m having a hard time processing all of this.”

  I stood up and paced the length of our hut. “And what guarantee do we have that we can get back to where we belong? What if we’re stuck here forever?”

  She waited until my movement stopped, then she took me in her arms and rubbed my back, bringing me gently back to an even keel. “Easy does it, honey. Do you feel better now?”

  I took a deep breath and resolved to change the subject to a more pleasurable topic. “I think so, for now anyway. Besides, we have to start thinking about this evening’s shindig. I wonder who this important guest is and what makes her so special.”

  “See, you are better, and at least part of you is back to normal. You’re curious, so don’t go giving me this you’d-rather-be-elsewhere story.”

  “I guess stuff like this doesn’t happen every day, and the experience will be something to tell the grandchildren about.”

  Kim’s eyes widened. “What grandchildren?”

  “Not mine, for sure. Pup’s maybe.”

  “Don’t depend on him,” she said. “His gun doesn’t have any ammunition.”

  Chapter 15

  “I’m hungry,” PJ said, as we walked to the clearing where the fires were already burning brightly.

  Several warriors passed us as we made our way to the center of the activity. One of the women walked with a pronounced limp, but they were wearing masks, so it was hard to identify anyone. To my surprise, PJ turned around and spoke to the limping warrior.

  “Reena? Is that you?”

  The woman lifted her mask to reveal a couple of fresh cuts on her cheek and jaw.

  “What happened?”

  “Ask her,” Reena said, nodding at me, before continuing her walk in the other direction.

  PJ grabbed my tunic, halting my forward progress. “Let me guess. Sword-fighting.”


  “And your sword was bigger… and badder.”

  “What can I say? I whupped her ass, but good. I’m sorry about the facial cuts, though. That was unintentional.”

  Shaking her head, she poked her index finger into my stomach and chest, emphasizing her words. “Dangerous, reckless disregard for human life.”

  “Ouch! Hey, it was a fair fight.”

  “I’m talking about consequences, tiger.” She abandoned the pointy finger in favor of a hands-on-hips posture of disgust. “You could have been seriously hurt.”

  Aw. She was worried.

  “Me? Not a chance.”

  “And you’re so modest, too.”

  I put my arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “That’s what you like about me.”

  “Correction. That’s what I love about you. And to be perfectly honest, I hoped someone would give her an attitude adjustment.”

  “Then I’m happy to have helped.” We took some more steps toward the gathering.

  “But it doesn’t change my opinion on your fighting.”

  I stopped walking. “PJ, you can’t have it both ways. Sometimes fighting is necessary. Sometimes it’s the only option.”

  “Let’s discuss it later. Right now, I’m drooling too much.”


  Joints of pork and venison turned slowly on spits above the red coals, and mouth-watering scents rose from the cooking pots. Hand in hand, we strolled along the path that led to the tribal activity area. Drums beat quietly in the background, adding t
o the surreal effect of our situation.

  “I wonder who this mysterious guest is going to be.” PJ stopped in her tracks. “Are you sure that Leeja didn’t say anything to you earlier today? You wouldn’t be holding back on me, would you?” Her voice held an accusatory tone, which I chose to ignore.

  “I told you. I asked her, but she wouldn’t tell me for fear you’d coax it out of me. Those were her words.”

  PJ narrowed her eyes.

  “Honestly, honey, I have no idea.”

  “Then I believe you.”

  “Thank goodness. I was afraid you were going to shove bamboo slivers under my nails.”

  She took my hand, and kissed each fingertip. “You know how I hate surprises. I’d like to know ahead of time, so I can prepare.”

  “Prepare for what?”

  “I don’t know. That’s the problem.”

  “If I knew anything, believe me, I would tell you.”

  “I know you would.”

  “Good. So, let’s drop it for now. We’ll both find out soon enough.”

  We continued toward the festivities.

  “It’s just that - “

  “PJ, please. I’ve about reached the limits of my patience with this subject.”

  She stopped and raised an index finger toward me, as if preparing to debate the issue further, but then she lowered her hand. “You’re right, as usual. Let’s just go and enjoy some of this fantastic-smelling food.”

  We were directed to the queen’s large oval table. Its rough hewn surface was covered with a silk cloth of many colors. Goblets and tankards were placed at each setting, waiting to be filled with ale and wine. Our seats were located across from the three set aside for Queen Leeja, Mania, and the mystery guest. We waited to be seated until the Her Majesty arrived. Before we could speculate further on who would occupy the guest seat, Leeja appeared, attired in a flowing silken, two-piece outfit, the color of cranberries. Marna followed with a tall, olive-skinned beauty on her arm. The woman had almond-shaped eyes, full sensuous lips, and dark hair, braided with flowers. She wore a simple dress of pale green with a cape of the finest weave. Leeja motioned for her to stand on one side of her, Marna the other. All of us were served wine, but we waited to drink until Leeja gave the order.


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