Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring Page 8

by Maggie Cox

  ‘I don’t doubt that you could find something passable and make it look like a million dollars, sweetheart, but the fact is I want you to wear this outfit. We’re going to be seen out in public together for the first time and, like it or not, people will note exactly what you’re wearing and where it came from.’

  She lowered the bag down by her side as she was reminded that the man she’d agreed to marry was not just wealthy, but famous for his achievements, as well. In a classy hotel like the Dorchester word would quickly get round that Seth Broden had returned to the UK.

  She’d seen the most incredible photograph of him on his website. In it he looked so gorgeous that she would defy any woman not to want him. He was leaning against the bonnet of a shiny red Lamborghini and the tag line underneath read, ‘The car maketh the man...’ It didn’t even mention his name. Clearly everyone in the exclusive world he moved in knew only too well who he was.

  Her teeth worried anxiously at her lip. What was she letting herself in for, and could she handle it?

  But she didn’t have time to fret about that now. ‘Okay. I’ll go and try these on. But if they don’t fit, or they’re uncomfortable, you’re going to have to let me wear something of my own.’

  Seth smilingly acquiesced. ‘Agreed... But I’ll bet my bottom dollar that everything will fit perfectly.’

  Imogen didn’t reply. She got the feeling he was supremely confident that he was right.

  She opened the door and went down the hallway to her bedroom. After putting the glossy bag down on the bed, she unpacked the fragrant pink tissue paper that enfolded the garment and murmured softly, ‘Oh, my Lord...’

  Gently lifting the lawn-green dress that was inside, she silently acknowledged that the flawless silk was to die for. Holding the material against her, she saw that the design was sleeveless and that it fell gracefully to just below the knee. It had a contemporary wrapped waist. She wasn’t nearly so confident as Seth was that it would fit her, but she couldn’t help praying that it would.

  A few minutes later, as she stood in front of the wardrobe mirror, she could hardly believe that the woman she was looking at was her. The dress was a perfect fit. More than that, wearing it couldn’t help but boost the self-esteem that had been flagging for months now. She had finally discovered what women meant when they said a new outfit made them feel like a million dollars.

  Seth had found the perfect colour for her in choosing the lawn green. Not only did the shade complement her natural colouring, the design of the dress indisputably highlighted her femininity. Imogen rarely bought clothing that would do that. Her clothes were usually practical, or quirky in some way, and that was what she stuck to.

  And then she tried on the shoes. They were a luxurious black leather court with a gold-coloured kitten heel. They might have been made for her.

  Allowing herself a small twirl, she smiled at her reflection.

  Before she went out to show Seth how she looked she hung back for a few more minutes to retouch her make-up and brush her hair. After touching perfume to her wrists and behind her ears, she collected her favourite black wool coat and returned to the living room.

  Dropping the coat onto the arm of a nearby chair, she straightened and looked at Seth. He stared. For a tense moment his jaw briefly clenched and she wondered what he was feeling. He told her.

  ‘You look incredible. You put me in mind of one of those glamorous movie stars from the fifties. Do you realise this is the first glimpse I’ve had of your legs? I guessed they would be shapely. I’m glad I chose a dress for you.’

  Letting down her guard, Imogen didn’t hide her pleasure. ‘It’s wonderful! Even the shoes fit perfectly. I’m sorry if I seemed ungrateful.’

  His blue eyes flashed. ‘I never thought for a moment that you were being ungrateful. I realise that you just aren’t used to feeling that you deserve nice things, better treatment than you’ve settled for in the past. It’s not a crime to enjoy some luxury and to expect decent behaviour from the man in your life. The majority of men would naturally want to treat you as you deserve, Imogen. I don’t think I’m unusual.’

  It was strange, having him refer to himself as the man in her life. She was still unsure around him, not quite believing that he would choose her to be his wife and companion over anyone else—but having dipped her toe in the water, she had to take a chance and swim...

  ‘Hadn’t we better go? I’ve just noticed the time.’

  ‘You’re right. Put on your coat and we’ll go out to the car.’

  Imogen had another surprise when they went outside and Seth led her to their vehicle. Instead of the comfortable sedan that she’d expected, parked kerbside was a silver-coloured Lamborghini. Up close, its sleek, flawless lines were like nothing she’d ever seen before. It practically demanded that people stopped and stared, whether they loved cars or not.

  She caught her breath. ‘We’re going to London in this?’

  Seth chuckled in delight, and the compelling sound cascaded through her body like a shower of electrical sparks. She was tingling all over.

  ‘I thought I’d introduce you to another little luxury.’ He smiled. ‘The manager of my new dealership loaned it to me for the night. I remembered you said that you’d never experienced riding in one, and I thought it the ideal opportunity to show you what it was like.’

  Moving round to the passenger door, he opened it. Before she sat down he helped remove her coat, then waited as she lowered herself onto the butter-soft leather seat and closed the door.

  It was one of the most exhilarating experiences Imogen had ever had, travelling down the motorway in such an incredible car. But it was even more exhilarating to watch Seth handle the driving. He applied himself to the task with the kind of consummate skill and dexterity only someone extremely experienced could utilise. What must it be like to be as confident as that? she wondered.

  Briefly stealing a glance at her, he remarked, ‘I’m wondering what you’re thinking about.’

  ‘I’m thinking that I can hardly believe I’m doing this... It seems so surreal.’

  ‘But you’re enjoying it?’

  ‘Yes, I am. It’s made me realise how cautious I’ve become. I’ve shied away from doing anything remotely risky in case it backfires on me—even having fun. I really want to try to change that.’

  ‘That’s good to hear. We’re ahead of the game. Maybe enjoying yourself is just what was needed. Taking risks isn’t so bad after all, hmm?’

  Meeting his gaze, she flushed. Then she glanced away again. Maybe she had lowered her expectations for too long. What could be wrong in raising them a little? She might not fulfil her desire of meeting a like-minded soul who wanted a loving long-term relationship as she did, but perhaps being with someone like Seth would provide other things that would compensate. All she could do was wait and see what transpired.

  * * *

  After being shown to their elegantly dressed table beneath the glinting chandeliers of the dining room, Seth and Imogen took their seats. Seth schooled himself to relax. After all, what had he to worry about? Fate had dealt him a very unexpected but fortunate hand.

  Not only had he been presented with the fortuitous opportunity to become the sheikh of Ayabador’s supplier of classic sports cars, but he hadn’t been back at home for very long before it had brought the pretty and delightful Imogen Hayes into his path.

  Studying her across the table just then, he mused that she might well turn out to be the perfect companion for him. Although he personally didn’t like the term, she would be exactly the ‘trophy wife’ that his friend Ash had suggested he find.

  Not only was she pleasant to be around, but she was young and inexperienced enough to see the necessity of taking guidance from him from time to time, and he had to confess he liked that. She would definitely need his help in negotiating the glamorous
world his work had made him a part of, and he hoped she would see it as the most incredible asset. And if she was ever intimidated or unsure, Seth would be there to help her.

  ‘What an amazing place,’ she remarked, glancing round. ‘It’s so beautiful!’

  ‘I agree. Its reputation surpasses itself. The decor and ambience are superlative, and so is the cuisine. If you’ve never experienced coming anywhere like this before, it’s a very fitting introduction.’

  His glance swept over her once again. He privately thought that the lawn-green dress he’d bought her was the perfect foil for her innocent and youthful beauty. His eye for what was both stylish and classy hadn’t failed him. Tonight the brunette was positively glowing. And although Seth guessed that a couple of their fellow diners had recognised him, he noted that they were appraising Imogen just as much.

  Telling himself that it was inevitable—who wouldn’t enjoy looking at her?—he smiled up at the attentive blonde waitress who had arrived at their table with the menus and asked, ‘Can you give us a little bit longer before you take our order? Then we’ll select the wine.’

  ‘But of course, Mr Broden. The sommelier is already waiting to serve you, and if there’s anything else you’d like please let me know.’

  When they had chosen their dishes, and Seth had selected a suitable wine, he directed his attention back to Imogen. ‘I’ve had the agreement for our marriage drawn up today by my solicitor,’ he said, ‘and I’ve had a copy made for you to look over. When you’ve read it, you can sign the original.’

  The smooth skin between her delicately arched brows puckered. ‘I told my boss that I might be handing in my notice soon. She was very surprised when I told her why.’

  ‘Because you’re getting married or because it’s to me?’

  ‘Both. I had to tell her who you were—especially as she’ll be looking over the agreement with me. But don’t worry—she won’t tell anyone. In her profession she has to be discreet.’

  ‘It will inevitably come out sooner or later. We’ll both have to learn to handle it.’

  ‘Will your friends and colleagues be surprised that you’re getting married?’

  Linking his hands and resting them on the table, he lifted the corners of his mouth with a touch of irony. ‘The people who know me call me the Ice Man. It’s not meant to be insulting. It’s just that it’s common knowledge that I’m not swayed by my emotions, either in business or in my private life. I’ve certainly never professed to being interested in one particular woman, so it will definitely come as a surprise when they find out I’ve got married!’

  Looking hesitant, Imogen asked softly, ‘Do any of them know what happened...before you went to the States, I mean?’

  Seth handled the flare of disagreeable discomfort that erupted inside him and then ignored it. ‘No. There’s been no need to tell anyone.’

  ‘Not even any of the women you’ve dated? Most females I know would want to express their sympathy and offer consolation if you told them.’

  ‘I make it a point not to discuss my past. I prefer to keep my focus on whatever’s going on in the present. Besides, my relationships don’t tend to be deep and meaningful. They happen purely to fulfil a mutual need.’

  He stared into the dark brown depths of her gaze and was aware that he was challenging her to contest the admission. She didn’t rise to the bait.

  Reminding him of the quintessential, very ‘proper’ English school prefect, she lifted her chin and said, ‘I’m not going to comment on that. But I would like to know how you could bear not telling anybody about what happened to Louisa. It was such a significant event in your life.’

  He stiffened as his heart momentarily thudded. ‘I didn’t need to talk to anyone about it. I handled things in my own way and didn’t need to look for sympathy. Let’s drop the subject, shall we?’

  Imogen knew it wasn’t the time or the place to persuade Seth to talk some more about his heartache at losing the love of his life, but she wanted to.

  Yes, it must be painful beyond imagining, but how was he going to move on if he didn’t lay the ghosts of the past to rest and concentrate on creating a new and more positive chapter in his life? After all, he had grieved for ten long years, and Imogen was going to play a major part in this new phase of his life when they got married. She wanted to help make things good for both of them if she could.

  Thankfully, their food arrived at exactly the right moment to prevent the atmosphere from souring, and Seth was diverted as he enthusiastically told her about the exquisite cuisine. He loved the artistry of the creation that went into it, he explained, and Imogen soon intuited that whatever he applied himself to—whether it was selling the most desirable cars in the world or choosing a beautiful dress for his girlfriend—he would do so with the confidence only gifted to the lucky few.

  As they sat and enjoyed their food he continued to impress her when he relayed the story of the building’s history and why it had become so famous throughout the world. But even as he transfixed her with the breadth of his knowledge she couldn’t help but be fascinated by the man himself. She was learning to love the rich bass tone of his voice, the way his incredible sapphire eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled...the way they drew her in and made her not want to look anywhere else.

  By the time they got up to leave Imogen was not just heady from the wine she’d drunk, but mesmerised by the magical time she’d spent with Seth...

  * * *

  She’d fallen asleep on the car journey home.

  Seth had done likewise when he’d brought her home from Evergreen that first time, and had ended up spending the night on her couch after he’d surrendered to the emotions that had welled up in him when Imogen had given him the letter. Now she had let her own guard down and done the same.

  She was surprised when he asked if he could accompany her into the house. He was acting as though he enjoyed spending time with her.

  Thinking she should at least make him some coffee, she agreed. Flicking on the lamp just inside the door, she remarked, ‘I’m sorry I fell asleep like that... I think I drank a little too much wine.’

  A faintly teasing smile touched the edges of his mouth. ‘You relaxed enough to enjoy yourself. That’s not something you should regret.’

  ‘I had a wonderful time.’

  ‘So did I.’

  Closing the space between them, Seth reached for her hand and drew her in against his chest. The throb of her heart turned hot and heavy. In fact it thumped so loudly she was convinced he must detect it.

  His gaze was intrigued as he asked huskily, ‘Do you still feel like adhering to the idea of no intimacy between us, Imogen?’

  Pausing, because his arms had gone around her waist and she was only too aware of how seductive his strong, fit body felt next to hers, she breathed out a sigh. She knew her naturally pleased response to him might easily betray her true feelings about that...

  Intoxicated by the wine she’d drunk at dinner, and the dangerous attraction that was building inside her, Imogen strove hard to think clearly. ‘I think it’s sensible to have some boundaries in place as far as that’s concerned. After all, this isn’t a real relationship. It’s a partnership that’s come about purely for convenience. That being the case, we can’t afford to make it more personal and spoil it.’

  She started to pull away, but Seth surprised her by holding her fast. She felt the warmth of his breath drift across her face, scented his masculine cologne and turned worryingly weak. The provocative blue eyes watching her suggested that he was amused and aroused at the same time.

  ‘What’s wrong with us enjoying a little intimacy? We shouldn’t deny our natural needs. It might even make the arrangement more compelling if we gave in to them.’

  ‘And it might also complicate things...big time.’

  Frowning, Seth
drawled lazily, ‘Just exactly what are you afraid of, Imogen?’

  His questions were getting too close for comfort and, wanting to divert him, she retaliated. ‘I might ask you the same question. Is it honestly true that you never feel like engaging your emotions? Why is that? Is it because you’re afraid you’ll get hurt?’

  He immediately released her and stepped away. There was a slight flush beneath his cheekbones. ‘I put myself wholeheartedly into a relationship that damaged me in more ways than one. Not only was the love of my life killed in a devastating accident, but in the lead-up to that I was belittled and scorned by her father. I vowed never to put myself in such a predicament again. Instead, I focused on becoming successful. I won’t ever let anyone degrade me again, nor give my power away by being at the mercy of my feelings.’


  ‘I SEE.’ HEARING THE pain and regret in his voice, Imogen honestly felt for him. Having to endure both those things would surely come close to seriously damaging anyone.

  But Seth wasn’t in the mood for her commiserations. ‘Do you?’ he flashed irritably. ‘I’ve answered your question. Now why don’t you answer mine?’

  She could see that she wasn’t going to wriggle out of this easily. She could tell that Seth had already somehow intuited exactly what was on her mind. Had he gleaned that she was far more inexperienced than a woman of her age usually was? If he had, he was right.

  The truth was that she’d kept herself untouched for her wedding night. Since she was very young she’d nursed the romantic notion of giving her virginity to her husband—the man she loved. If she respected herself in that way, then surely the man in her life would, too. She wouldn’t end up with a loser, as her poor mum had.

  But after what had happened with Greg her once heartfelt wish now seemed like a joke. When they’d been together he’d frequently tried to persuade her to have sex, but she’d always refused. Whilst he’d appreciated that she had certain principles, he’d said that it was wrong of her to deny him what was only natural. He’d been furious and frustrated, but she had somehow convinced herself that he would be more than pleased that she’d kept to her vow on their wedding night.


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