Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring Page 9

by Maggie Cox

  Her sacrosanct promise had backfired on her. He’d been driven into the arms of another woman, cruelly paying her back for not giving him what he wanted.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d reflected on these events since being jilted at the altar, and every day the memory seemed heavier. It had devastated her that Greg hadn’t seen the innocence she’d offered him as the gift she’d intended it to be.

  Glancing back into Seth’s crystalline gaze, she brought herself firmly back to the present. Jutting her chin, she declared, ‘I’m not afraid.’

  He lowered his voice. ‘I think you’re lying.’

  It wasn’t an insult. His tone was kind. But as he returned to her, using his long, artistic fingers to comb back her hair, his touch was almost unbearably seductive.

  Transfixed, she replied, ‘I’m just confused. First you tell me that you want me to be your paid companion. Then you say that I shouldn’t feel any pressure about making our relationship intimate, that we should wait and see how things unfold... But now you seem to have changed your mind and you think that we should—we should...’

  ‘Become lovers?’


  ‘Would that really be so abhorrent?’

  Imogen strangely felt like crying. Would this handsome and incredibly successful man of the world even believe her if she confessed that she was a virgin? Would he tell her that she was ridiculously naive, saving herself for her wedding night, that such a quaint idea didn’t belong in the twenty-first century?

  She moved her tongue over her lips to moisten them. ‘I’m sure it wouldn’t, but it would be crossing a line I told myself I wouldn’t cross,’ she answered.

  ‘Why? Because you’re scared I might be using you? A man in my position doesn’t have to use women, sweetheart. And I certainly wouldn’t try to trap you in that way.’ Expelling a sigh, he shook his head thoughtfully. ‘Just because we’re entering into what is ostensibly a business arrangement doesn’t mean we have to suppress our natural instincts. Why don’t you think about what I’ve said and mull it over? I’m not saying we should take things further tonight—all I’m saying is that it would be a fitting way to end a lovely evening if we kissed.’

  She couldn’t deny that she desperately wanted him to kiss her. It seemed to be the case that whenever Seth was within a few feet of her it was all she could think about.

  Because she couldn’t help herself, she lifted her hand to touch his face delicately. To her intense pleasure she discovered that even the five-o’clock shadow on his cheek had the texture of burnished velvet.

  She shouldn’t fear his getting closer, she told herself. Even in the short time that she’d known him, Imogen had come to know that Seth was nothing like Greg. For one thing, it seemed to be very important to him to be honest. Maybe, given time, he would even agree to tell her a bit more about the woman he’d loved and lost so cruelly.

  ‘I want you to set the pace, sweetheart, but be aware that you’re already testing that decision to the max,’ he admitted candidly. ‘Do you have any idea what your body does for that dress? When I first saw you I thought you were very sweet and young. Now I can see that you’re undoubtedly a woman...a very sexy woman...’

  In the next moment he was laying his lips against hers and passionately taking her mouth. With a helpless gasp Imogen greedily opened for him, taking his hot silken tongue inside and meeting it with her own. It was the most heavenly kiss she’d ever experienced.

  He was moving his hands down her back in the exquisite silk gown. They went straight to her hips and cupped them, drawing her against him. The sensation was so intimate they might have been naked together. The heat he aroused was explosive. It was akin to witnessing the incredible firework display in London on New Year’s Eve. Into the dark blazed a melee of kaleidoscope colour that absolutely dazzled her.

  As he brought her even closer with an undeniable thrill, she felt the hard ridge behind his fly and knew that she wanted more...much more. But somewhere in the middle of the shocking revelation that she wanted to give herself to him body and soul, she felt her eyes welling up with tears. A hot stream slid unchecked down her face and Imogen knew that Seth had tasted them on his lips.

  ‘Hey...’ Holding her away, he lightly gripped her shoulders. ‘Why are you crying?’ He sounded perturbed.

  ‘I suppose I’m feeling a bit emotional. But you don’t believe in that, do you? Giving in to emotion, I mean?’ She didn’t disguise her accusatory tone.

  ‘Do you think I’m so hard that I wouldn’t care if you’re upset? What’s wrong? Will you tell me?’

  Imogen knew he must see the tussle going on behind her eyes. Her heartbeat was going crazy. ‘I can tell you... But I’m not sure whether you’re going to like it, or even if you’ll believe me.’

  ‘Try me.’

  Folding her arms across the exquisite silk of her dress, she determinedly met his gaze. ‘My fiancé stood me up at the altar because I wouldn’t have sex with him before we married. He paid me back by cheating on me with another woman and chose to leave me standing there to make me look like a fool. Then he refused to return my share of the deposit on our house because he said I didn’t deserve it. It was my fault that everything had gone so wrong.’ She shuddered. ‘What I’m trying to tell you is that I’m a virgin, Seth.’

  Now she really had his attention. ‘You were saving yourself for your husband? Is that what you mean?’

  Forlornly, Imogen nodded. ‘Yes...’

  ‘Was it a matter of principle that you refused him sex?’

  Squirming, she sensed her cheeks flush heatedly. ‘I had good reason. When my mum got pregnant with me my father immediately told her that he was married. Then he admitted that he’d seen their relationship as “a little bit of fun” on the side. After that he walked away as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Because of what happened to her I vowed I would never be so easily duped by a man, and that I wouldn’t sleep with anyone until I was sure. I wanted someone I could trust...someone who would be glad to honour his responsibilities to both me and to our children if we were to have them.

  ‘When I fell for Greg I held on to those beliefs. I honestly thought that our union would mean so much more if we waited until we were married. At first he liked the idea. But then...then he started to show his frustration.’

  ‘Like I said before, you’re well rid of the man. You deserve better—that’s why it didn’t work out. Not because you did something wrong.’

  ‘I totally understand if you want to call off our deal...’

  Seth’s brow creased in disbelief. ‘Why on earth would I want to do that?’

  ‘Because I’m not experienced in the way most women my age are. If we get together, like you suggested, I would probably disappoint you. And, whilst I know you want me mainly as a companion, I honestly don’t know how I’d cope if we slept together and then you sought pleasure with other women because I didn’t please you.’

  With an audible sigh Seth took her into his arms, and the look he gave her was intense. ‘It’s not just about pleasing me, Imogen. If and when we make love it will be a two-way street. Your pleasure is equally important—even more so in light of what you’ve just told me.’

  His words filled her with elation. Maybe their proposed partnership would turn out to be a good thing. If she could learn to trust that he was sincere she might be able lower the protective barriers she’d erected round her heart and enjoy life once again...

  ‘I think that we need to get this marriage arranged sooner rather than later,’ he announced firmly. ‘Leave it to me. I have contacts who can help us. In the meantime, I want you to organise to take next week off. I’m going to take you away somewhere for a little holiday, so that we can really start to get to know one another without distraction.’

  His blue eyes crinkled at the corners, as they were
apt to do whenever he smiled that knee-buckling smile of his, and Imogen’s limbs turned as weak as marshmallow.

  ‘Just one more kiss,’ he said. ‘Then I have to go and you can get to bed.’

  As soon as the hot, sultry kiss began she knew she didn’t want it to end. As his hands moved down over her body Seth made her feel things that she’d never felt before—even at the height of her ultimately disastrous romance with Greg. His touch stoked a fire in her that flamed hotter as each moment passed.

  He cupped her breast through the flimsy material of her dress and teased the nipple into burgeoning life, then he nipped at her mouth with his teeth, making her gasp. But suddenly, with a groan, he fastened his hands round her slim upper arms and called a halt to the proceedings. Both of them were breathing hard.

  ‘As much as I’d like to stay, I think we need to rein things in,’ he told her huskily. ‘When we do finally make love I want it to be in surroundings more conducive to relaxation—somewhere beautiful. I’ll ring you in a couple of days and let you know about the arrangements for our trip. Now I’ll go and get your passport and birth certificate from the car, and I’ll also get the copy of the marriage agreement that I had drawn up.’

  He left her for a while to do just that, and Imogen hugged her arms over her chest in a bid to try to stay calm. Even when Seth left her for the shortest time she felt as if something vital was missing.

  He quickly returned and left the documents on the coffee table. With a slow smile he clasped her to him and kissed her cheek. ‘Remember that you’re going to need to take the whole week off.’

  ‘I know. I won’t forget.’


  True to his word, but with clear reluctance, Seth left her then, and Imogen sank down onto the couch, hardly knowing what to make of her growing feelings for this man. Her lips were aching and contused after their hungry caresses, and her body was frustrated beyond belief that she hadn’t been able to attain fulfilment.

  She couldn’t believe how much she craved his touch. He had made her feel more alive than she’d felt in years, and her blood was infused with dizzying heat when she thought about their getting to know one another more intimately in the week that would follow...

  * * *

  Hardly a moment went by over the next couple of days when Seth didn’t find himself thinking about Imogen.

  His surprise that she could have such a profound effect on him was genuine. Usually he made a point of never letting a woman get into his blood to such a disturbing degree, but just one glance from her lovely brown eyes had the power to make him forget that vow and long to know her intimately. Especially since he had tasted the sweetly drugging nectar of her lips and experienced the delightful curves of her body beneath his hands...

  Learning that she was a virgin had explained why she had that beguiling air of untouched innocence about her, and his heart had raced when she’d told him that she wanted to stay pure for her wedding night. This so-called ‘convenient’ arrangement he was contemplating now had the potential to turn into something far more serious if he didn’t take things more slowly.

  That was why he didn’t trust emotions. They were apt to make people fall into making rash decisions that could adversely impact on them for the rest of their lives. Whilst he couldn’t ever regret falling for Louisa all those years ago, the way her father had made him feel so small and unworthy was a stain on his soul that wouldn’t easily be removed.

  But Imogen was a real rarity in this day and age, that was for sure. And because her innocence wasn’t something he took at all lightly, it would be up to him to make her experience of making love for the very first time satisfyingly memorable and one she wouldn’t regret...

  It was one night in the middle of the week before Seth called her to confirm the details of their vacation. The demands of his day had been relentless. As well as driving into London for another meeting at the Lamborghini dealership, and being introduced to two important new clients there, he had been firming up the details of their marriage with the agency he’d hired to organise the wedding and finalising the arrangements for their trip away, It felt as if he had hardly stopped to draw breath.

  It came as no surprise when Imogen confessed that she’d gone to bed. She hadn’t expected him to be ringing so late.

  Glancing at his watch, he realised she was right. It was very late. ‘Sorry about that.’ He grimaced. ‘I feel as if I’ve been on rails today. I haven’t stopped.’

  ‘That can’t be good for you...’

  He heard her stifle a yawn.

  ‘A body needs rest as well as activity. Did you get something proper to eat?’

  Seth didn’t answer straight away, because the sleepy cadence of her voice was seriously making him tingle. It didn’t help that he couldn’t help wondering what kind of nightwear she wore to bed—if she wore any at all. There wasn’t one other woman in his sphere who dispensed care and concern as she did. It was a revelation that such a quality could be so alluring.

  Gravel voiced, he replied, ‘Yes, I did. I sent out for a sandwich during my meeting.’

  ‘You only had a sandwich?’

  ‘That’s all I needed.’

  ‘Surely just a sandwich won’t give you the energy you need when you’re working?’

  ‘It was good enough.’

  ‘You should have gone out and had a proper lunch...that’s all I’m saying.’

  ‘Don’t be so concerned. Do I look as if I’m in need of feeding?’

  ‘I don’t deny that you certainly look pretty fit and strong...’

  Grinning with satisfaction, and not a little male pride, Seth commented, ‘So you’ve observed that about me, have you?’

  At the other end of the phone it went ominously quiet.

  ‘Imogen...are you still there?’

  She sighed, and it was as though the warmth of her breath drifted through the telephone and touched his cheek.

  ‘Yes. I’m still here. Was there a particular reason for your call?’

  ‘I wanted to tell you about the arrangements for our trip.’

  ‘You’ve decided where we’re going, then?’

  ‘Yes, I have.’

  ‘So where’s it going to be?’

  ‘I’m not going to tell you the destination because I want it to be a surprise. All you need to know is that we’ll be leaving early on Saturday. I’ll come to the house around eight to collect you. Bring an assortment of clothing in case we have to contend with bad weather at some point.’


  ‘You still trust me not to do wrong by you, don’t you?’

  Seth found it hard to keep the doubt from his voice. There was always the potential that Imogen might change her mind about their deal. He hadn’t forgotten that she’d warned him about that. He wished he’d gone to the house to see her face-to-face rather than rely on the phone.

  ‘I do. I’ll make sure I’m ready on time.’

  ‘Good.’ Low voiced, he confessed, ‘I’ve missed not seeing you these past couple of days, you know...’

  ‘You mean you’re not regretting asking me to marry you?’

  ‘Absolutely not!’

  ‘Well, then...’

  Hearing the distinct smile in her voice, he was satisfied that she wasn’t going to back out after all.

  ‘I’ll see you on Saturday.’

  ‘Goodnight, Imogen. I’d better let you get some sleep.’

  ‘Goodnight, Seth. Make sure you get some rest, too. Even Superman must have had to have some down-time now and again, to recharge his batteries.’

  Chuckling, he rang off, knowing that it would be her face that he took with him into sleep that night and no one else’s.

  He was surprised at how reassured he felt about that...

  * * *
  Saturday arrived, and Imogen had been on tenterhooks from the early hours, knowing that today she was going away with Seth. She’d been up and dressed at the crack of dawn, and now busied herself making some last-minute checks on her packing as she nervously waited for his arrival.

  She attested to feeling as Fanny Robin must have done in Far From the Madding Crowd, when her sweetheart Troy hadn’t appeared because she’d been waiting for him at the wrong church... She knew what it was like to be stood up on what was supposed to be the happiest day of a woman’s life, and—dear God—she didn’t want to experience such a devastating scenario again.

  Seth would show up so they could go away together, wouldn’t he?

  She was checking her appearance in the sitting room mirror, trying to maintain her optimism and miserably failing, when a loud thump on the front door—the bell still hadn’t been repaired—signalled that her visitor had arrived. Even as she stared into the mirror she saw the cherry-bright colour that seeped into her cheeks.

  Turning away, she whispered, ‘Thank God he kept his word...’ and hurried out into the hallway to let him in.

  He looked wonderful. Scratch that. It wasn’t just the fact that he looked amazing that overwhelmed her, but the sheer charisma he exuded that stole her breath. Wearing another immaculate tailored grey suit, he wasn’t a man anyone could ignore. With his sculpted features and chiselled jaw he was as handsome as ever, and even at such an early hour his dazzling blue eyes shone with an almost preternatural brightness that rendered Imogen as weak as a kitten as she stared back at him.

  His gaze was unwaveringly direct... ‘Hi.’

  ‘Hi,’ she greeted him back. ‘You made it on time, then?’

  ‘Did you doubt that I would?’

  ‘Why don’t you come in? It looks cold out there.’

  Not answering his question, she let him inside the hallway and when she’d shut the door stole one or two precious moments to try to steady her nerves.


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