Alessandro (Members From Money Book 21)

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Alessandro (Members From Money Book 21) Page 19

by Katie Dowe

  “This sucks. This is more of a journal than an experience,” Emily thought as she clicked on another page. “This looks promising.”

  When I felt the cat-o-nines come down on my ass again, I cried out. I was aching to hold onto something but my wrists were bound so tight I couldn’t even move my fingers let alone my hands. I looked at him as he came around to stand in front of me.

  ‘Do you understand what happens when you cum without permission?’ he asked as he held my face. I struggled to nod but I did anyway. He undid the clasp that kept the ball gag in place and before I even took a breath, my mouth was full of his cock. He was pushing in so deep I was gagging. I felt Sid spank my overly sensitive ass making me shriek. He did the same for my other cheek before he began fingering me hard. He was going into me so hard and deep, I was afraid I was going to explode again. “Are you ready for Sid to plug you now?”

  “What the hell?” Emily thought as she scrolled down the page.

  Rocky still had his cock deep inside my mouth and he was going in and out of my mouth so hard and so deep I couldn’t control myself. I whimpered when I felt Sid push in the plug into my mouth. I would have moved if I could but I was literally between a rock and a hard place. Rocky was getting his rocks off in my mouth and Sid was readying himself to get inside me. I whimpered and felt the tears well up in my eyes. He had lubed me up but I was still surprised when he pushed the plug into me. I shrieked again when he spanked me again just before he suddenly buried himself deep inside me.

  “Oh this is fucked up,” Emily said out loud just as she heard a knock on her door. “Saved by the knock,” Emily said as she walked to the door.

  “Are you that hungry Carter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Cadence said before she walked in.

  “I was actually just…” Emily started before she shook her head. She did not understand why Cadence would even need to know that. “Never mind. Did you get the wings?” she asked and Cadence raised the white paper bag she had in her hand. “Have I been on that site that long?” Emily wondered as she stepped aside for Cadence to walk in.

  “So, what have you been up to on your day off?” Cadence asked as she walked into the living room.

  “Nothing much.” Emily was just about to sit down but the look Cadence was giving her made her stop. She looked down at her assistant.

  “You cannot hold out on me, missy. Ever,” Cadence pointed out.

  ”I’m not,” Emily shook her head. “You didn’t even ask a question.”

  “Do I have to? I mean at the very least I am trying to figure out if the reason why you are not in the office is because you are still nursing your friction burns.”

  Emily felt her cheeks go red.

  “I really wish you would be like my grandma and just stick to her code,” she sat down and reached for a spicy wing.

  Cadence raised an eyebrow. “Which is?”

  “There are three things you don’t get involved in. A married man, a Gypsy with a big eyed deer and other people’s business.” Emily stated.

  “Why would I not want to get involved with a Gypsy with a big idea? I mean those people are geniuses,” Cadence pointed out, looking a little confused.

  “Not a big idea. A big eyed deer,” Emily said but as soon as she had said it, she knew that it couldn’t have made much of a difference. “A deer with big eyes.”

  “Now why would a Gypsy have a big eyed deer?” Cadence asked with a smile.

  “You are missing the point. The whole idea of my grandma’s code is that last part…never get involved in other people’s business.”

  “If I ever have to consider that then trust me, Carter, it will be a cold day in hell,” Cadence said with a smile. Emily shook her head and took a seat next to her assistant. “Before I forget, your DVDs.” Cadence put three DVDs on the table.

  “Thanks,” Emily said as she took another bite of her spicy wing.

  There was a long silence before Cadence poked Emily’s ribs with her elbow.

  “What?” Emily asked.

  “Come on, spill. No need to make this all awkward,” Cadence said.

  Emily smiled uncomfortably. She sometimes hated how much information she divulged to her assistant but thanks to being a career woman, she never had enough time to talk to anyone long enough to befriend them. She looked at Cadence and sighed.

  “It was awesome,” she finally said.

  “I knew it would be,” Cadence squealed excitedly .

  “Well, it was good while it lasted though.”

  “What do you mean it was good while it lasted? It has barely started.”

  “I just think that we are in different places in life and I…” her words trailed off. She had no reason to give mostly because she didn’t have any.

  “Okay, what did you do?” Cadence asked as she looked at her boss who was now wide eyed.

  “What do you mean? Why do you automatically assume that I did something?” Emily asked.

  “Because Alex is cute and hot and awesome and he just screwed the cobwebs out of you and you think you are going to just walk out of this…”

  Emily had heard enough. She shook her head.

  “He wants to kink things up a notch,” she suddenly blurted out.

  Cadence looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “What?” she asked. “Don’t you mean kick things up a notch?”

  “I meant exactly that. Kink.” She was nodding now. “Apparently he likes all these cuffs and whips and…” she sighed. “I’ve been reading up on this bondage stuff and honestly, it’s not for me.”

  “You are doing the very thing that professionals advise against.”

  Emily looked at her and shook his head.

  “You realize this isn’t me researching symptoms, right? When you Google BDSM, you get BDSM.”

  “You should really read the Fifty Shades trilogy,” Cadence said as she shook her head.

  “I hate to burst your bubble but I have read the books. I have them all in paperback and on my computer,” Emily said as she reached for another spicy wing.

  “Then if you have you should know that being kinky is like pregnancy,” Cadence started.

  “How would you know?”

  “I’ve heard that every experience is different. And I think that’s the same thing with sex. Every experience is different,” Cadence went on. “I mean, I slept with my college freshman boyfriend last Christmas and it was like reinventing the wheel. He suddenly knew where everything was, what lit what and which moves made me scratch his back like a crazed monkey.”

  Emily was even more confused than ever.

  “Poor college freshman boyfriend?” she said, unsure.

  “Oh please, I did him a giant favor,” Cadence said. “Anyway, what I’m saying is that there are so many factors that you have yet to consider. Like the fact that you can always tell him to stop at any time you feel uncomfortable,” she added.

  Emily knew that Cadence was probably right. Alex had told her the same thing and she had freaked out without even finding out what she was in for. She looked at Cadence and shrugged.

  “I can’t make any promises but maybe I will give it a chance,” she said. Cadence gave her a sly smile. “And no, I will not be giving you details. It’s bad enough that you know the intimate details of my life anyway,” she added and Cadence frowned.

  At that moment, Emily’s phone rang. She smiled when she saw that it was Alex calling. “Hello,” she said as she stood up. She needed to get away from Cadence.

  “Hi,” Alex said in a low voice. She could tell that he was lying down. Probably on his four thousand dollar couch. “I called your office. Someone said you are taking another day off.”

  “I am.”

  “What are you calling it? Another sick day or just a personal day?”

  “Why does it matter? All I know is that I am not working today.” She was now in her bedroom.

  “So, maybe I should come over and take care of you,” he said.

p; She took a long deep breath. She wouldn’t have minded having him there and probably having some healthy gourmet breakfast. But at the same time, she was still not sure about having him over. She shook her head.

  “Actually, Cadence just got here and we have a few things to go over,” she said hating herself for lying to him.

  “Maybe later?” he asked.

  She leaned against one wall and nodded.

  “Maybe later,” she said in a low voice.

  Chapter 7

  It took an entire week for Emily to work up enough courage to face Alex. Mostly it was because she was embarrassed at the fact that she did not trust Alex enough to just ask him straight up what kind of kinks got him off. The images her search had generated were still fresh in her mind, all so fresh. In one week she had learned more things about bondage, submission and sadomasochism than a German porn star. She was still skeptical when she received a phone call from Alex a week later.

  “Hi?” he said when he picked up. He sounded surprised and he had good reason to be. She had been avoiding his calls for the last week, so every time he called, his calls would go straight to voicemail. “I was actually about to leave you a message.”

  “What about?” she asked as she leaned back in her office chair.

  “There is a cocktail party tomorrow night for one of the companies under Brewer Inc. I was wondering if you could come,” he said.

  She felt her heart skip a beat. This would be the first time he was seeing her in an eight day period.

  “Tomorrow night? That’s so…sudden.” She heard him laugh.

  “Don’t tell me that you cannot make it. I know you are going to have a great time there.” She took a long deep breath. She wanted to go. She wanted to see him again. “I hope you remember Emily, that I rarely accept no for an answer.”

  Emily smiled and then shrugged. What did she have to lose?

  “Sure. I’ll be there.”

  “Great. It’s a black tie event. I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said before he hung up. She put her phone down on her desk and sighed. She was not sure whether she was feeling relieved or her nerves were just playing spook on her. She grabbed a few files off her desk and made her way to Chase’s office. But when she got there, Chase was not there.

  “Hey, where’s Chase?” she asked as she looked at her boss’ secretary.

  “He stepped out…something about his daughter’s pre-school,” his secretary said.

  Emily nodded. Chase had mentioned something about his kid’s show and tell that day. She handed the files to Chase’s secretary.

  “Make sure he gets these reports when he gets back,” she said before she made her way back to her office. She had just sat down when her phone rang again. She looked at it and frowned and then smiled. “Hello?” she said in a soft voice when she picked up.

  “Hey, you. Hope I am not interrupting anything,” April said and Emily shook her head as if April could see her.

  “No, not really. I’m just waiting for this day to end. It seems to be dragging on forever.” Emily began toying with a strand of her hair. “So, this is a surprise. Is there anything happening that I should know about?”

  “Actually, I am in town for a few days,” April said.

  Emily’s eyes grew wide. “What? When did you get here?”

  “This morning. One of the companies my firm represents is having a launch party and my boss sent me down since I was the one who brought them on board.”

  “Why would a company based here have a law firm all the way in Baltimore?” she frowned.

  “Well, the partners are considering expansion and this might be the first step to that effect. But enough about work. Tell me you are free tomorrow night,” April sounded excited.

  “I actually have plans. We can do brunch on Sunday if you will still be around,” she said.

  “Fine,” April sounded disappointed. “I really wanted you to come to the launch party tomorrow.”

  Emily was already wondering if she could go to Alex’s thing and still make April’s party.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll have more than enough time this weekend,” she pointed out reassuringly.

  “Sure. See you then,” April said before she hung up.


  When Emily looked at her phone on Friday evening, she took a long deep breath. It was almost seven. She had chosen to go with a short black dress that she had bought a few weeks earlier. It was long sleeved and V-necked. The dress was perfect to conceal her curvaceous body and still make her look sexy. She had coupled the look with a pair of strapped silver heels and silver earrings. Her hair was straightened and swept to one side.

  “Simple and elegant,” she thought as she looked at her reflection. She was still standing in front of the mirror when she heard a knock on her door. She took a calming breath and walked to the door.

  “Damn,” Alex said under his breath when he saw her. She smiled at him and let her eyes run from his perfect Italian leather footwear to his gray suit and light blue shirt. “You look breathtaking,” he said.

  She was thinking the same about him at that very moment.

  “You look great too.”

  “You’re ready to go?” he asked and she nodded. She took her purse and a coat from the rack. “Let me help you with that,” he said as he held the coat for her to put it on. “Come on, Carter,” he said as he led her out to the stairs.

  “You sound like Cadence,” she rolled her eyes.

  “I think I understand why she calls you that.” They were now on the ground floor heading towards the exit. “It kind of gives you some weird sense of power calling someone by their surname.”

  She looked at him as he opened the door and held it open for her.

  “I will not even ask what that means,” she said as they walked out. She looked at him and then turned her attention to the car he had for them. “This is a little over the top, don’t you think so?” she asked as the driver held open the door for them.

  “What?” Alex asked. She climbed in and he followed before the driver closed the door and walked to his side of the door.

  “This car,” she said.

  “What? This is too much? I thought this would be better than the limo,” Alex pointed out. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “This is a freaking Rolls Royce,” she was laughing cynically.

  “No, it’s a Phantom.” He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “And nothing is too much when it comes to you. You deserve the world.” She looked into his eyes and then took a long deep breath. “What?” he asked.

  “About…what you asked,” she started.

  “You thought about it?” he asked and she nodded.

  “I want to try it. With you,” she said in a whisper. They were now driving downtown.

  “You do understand that this is it. You are mine once we do this?”

  She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?” she was confused. Did this mean that he owned her after this?

  “I mean that if you become my submissive, that is exactly how it will remain. You will be mine.”

  Her heart was beating hard in her chest as she looked at him. She has never been into his situation. She didn’t understand what it meant to be someone’s sub. She opened her mouth and wondered what she was supposed to say.

  “I don’t know what to say, Alex,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Let’s just see how tonight works out,” he said. The driver was now pulling up in front of the Beaumont, the fanciest hotel in the area. She looked outside as the car came to a stop.

  “This is where the party is?” she asked. She didn’t know why she was surprised. She didn’t expect any less from him. He got out and walked around to the other side where he opened the door for her. He held his hand out for her and helped her out.

  “Emily?” The voice was too familiar. She turned around and smiled both surprised and excited to see April.

  “April, wha
t are you doing here?” Emily asked as she threw her arms around her cousin.

  “This is the launch party I was telling you about and…whoa…is that Alex Brewer?” she asked as she looked at a smiling Alex.

  “Nice to see you too, April,” Alex said. April walked towards Alex and gave him a quick hug,

  “Damn he has grown to be so cute,” April whispered to Emily who smiled. Boy, didn’t she know it. She looked at Alex and shrugged. “So, we are all here together. Just like we were when we were kids,” April said excitedly.

  “Yeah just that this time you are not wearing your underwear on your head,” Alex said with a smile.

  “That is definitely something I don’t want to talk about,” April frowned and Emily stifled a laugh. “So, what is your relationship with this company?” April asked.

  “Alex asked me to come with him.”

  “I started the company and handed off the organization to the young guys throwing this party,” he said.

  April’s eyes got wide.

  “I think I’m talking to my boss,” she said. Alex looked at her and then at Emily confused.

  “I’ll explain this to you later,” Emily said as she led him into the party.


  Emily and Alex only stayed at the party for two hours before they decided to leave. When they walked out of the elevator in his apartment, Emily was a little nervous. She looked into his eyes and felt a cold chill run down her spine. She didn’t know what to expect and Alex could see the fear in her eyes. He took a step forward and kissed her softly.

  “Don’t look so scared, Emily. We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready,” he said and she shook her head.

  “I want to,” she said in a soft voice.

  He was looking into her eyes as he slowly took her earrings off one by one. He went on to pull down her side zipper and then helped her out of her dress. Alex exhaled loudly when he saw her beautiful satin and lace underwear she had underneath. Her underwear alone was enough to drive him wild. He took her hand and led her out of the living room to the bedroom and then turned around to look at her before he kissed her deeply.

  “Any time you want me to stop, you can let me know and I will stop,” Alex said in a soft voice when he pulled away. She nodded as he lowered his head to kiss her again. He held the back of her neck and let her hair brush against his hand. He pulled away and gently pushed her on the bed before he began tracing his kisses down her body. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her neck and then on her shoulder. He went on kissing her ever so softly brushing his lips against her soft skin. She gasped silently when he kissed the tops of her breasts. She was longing to feel his lips on her nipples, to feel his tongue tormenting her.


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