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Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love

Page 18

by Jay Belle Isle

  Edgar's delivery was as deadpan and serious as Maddi's was earlier. Maddi stopped, fork halfway to his mouth as Edgar continued eating. "Are you serious?" he finally asked.

  "Mmm-hmm," Edgar nodded, chewing. After he swallowed, he added, "I think it would be for the best."

  Maddi's face fell as he put his fork down. He rallied and said, a bit unsteadily, "Um, OK; if that's what you want."

  Edgar drained his wine glass and refilled it, offering more to Maddi who simply nodded. Once he put down the decanter, Edgar looked Maddi in the eye, still deadly serious, and said, "I told you, payback's a bitch, buddy." He winked and broke into a grin.

  "Holy fucking shit, man! You fucker! You totally had me! Touché," he said, raising his full glass and downing half of it.

  Edgar grinned evilly. "Truce?" he asked.

  "Hell fuck yeah!" Maddi said. "I bow before the master," he said.

  "Well actually," Edgar quipped, "you haven't yet. It was cowboy earlier."

  Maddi threw a piece of bread at Edgar, "Smart-ass!"

  Together, both men said, "No, just well-trained!" They laughed and toasted each other again.


  The rest of the meal was prank-free, punctuated with laughter and good conversation about jobs, school and other general topics. Both men were thoroughly enjoying the good food and even better companionship. The music took up the few silent spaces, the rain theme coming to a close with the Weather Girls praising Mother Nature for pouring men down upon them. It switched to a mix of classic 80's pop tunes.

  They finished the meal and their wine to Milli Vanilli pretending to sing Girl You Know It's True. Maddi laughed at the ridiculousness of the "lip sync versus really singing" controversy, amazed that anyone would cheat; things just didn't work that way in the 2-4. Edgar pointed to the sofa that faced the still-churning storm outside. "Shall we?"

  "We shall," Maddi said, rising and joining Edgar. "Should I get us some water?"

  "That sounds good; have a seat, I'll get it," Edgar answered and left for the kitchen.

  "Edgar," Maddi called from the living room. "I love this music, but could we switch to something a little mellower now?"

  "Sure!" Edgar called back. "Why don't you choose?"

  "Will do!" Maddi answered and the music stopped seconds later. Edgar filled their glasses and came back to the living room as Vivaldi's La Notte concerto for bassoon and strings in B-flat major filled the room.

  "Vivaldi, eh? Nice choice," Edgar said, handing Maddi a glass and joining him on the sofa. "Perfect accompaniment to a perfect evening. What say we kill the lights and let the candles and lightning do their jobs?"

  "Mmmm... Sounds good to me," Maddi said, snuggling closer and putting his arm through Edgar's.

  Edgar ordered the lights off and took Maddi's hand in his, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss. "Just perfect," he said.

  "Couldn't be better," Maddi agreed. He fell silent for a moment then said, "Y'know, I almost didn't call you. I was so nervous; hell, I'm sure that message I left was shit."

  "Well, you were definitely nervous, I'll give you that," Edgar said. "I'm glad you did call, Maddi."

  "Me too," he said.

  "Since we're confessing, I wasn't sure I was going to call you back," Edgar said. "Not because of the nerves; more because I kinda figured you might be looking for more than a fuck and I wasn't sure I wanted that. I made the right choice though, believe me. I couldn't want anything more than having you right here, right now."

  Maddi sighed and rested his head on Edgar's shoulder, both men enjoying the companionable silence. Edgar broke it by saying, "Yeah, I think we both did the right thing. No looking back at 'what ifs'. Let's just enjoy now."

  "Deal," Maddie said. "I don't usually waste a whole lot of time looking back. There are too many reasons to stay in the moment."

  "Completely agree," Edgar said. "Which makes my next question seem out of place. What's your schedule like tomorrow?"

  Maddi took a drink and said, "I see what you mean. No worries. The only thing I have on the books for tomorrow is a two-hour class at three. No homework, no work-work, nothing." He turned and looked at Edgar expectantly.

  "Cool. How'd you like to spend the day with me?" Edgar asked.

  "I'd love to," Maddi answered. "You don't think we're moving a bit fast, do you?"

  "Probably," Edgar answered. "The better question is, does it matter if we are?"

  Maddi smiled wide and said, "Not in the freakin' least! I'm sure some people might question it, but who cares? I just wondered if you did."

  "Nope, not in the least, Maddi," he said. "You'll find that once I make up my mind to do something, I tend to be all in with both feet, usually up to my neck."

  "That deep, huh?" Maddi kissed him. "Just kidding. I like the fact that you're taller than me. I'm pretty OK with the all-in approach myself. It hasn't let me down so far."

  "Sweet!" Edgar replied. "No worries, then. Speaking of sweet..." he leaned in and kissed Maddi deeply.

  "Hmmmm... Oh yeah," Maddi said when they came up for air. "Very sweet."

  They sat, enjoying the concerto in silence. Once it was done, Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor Opus 64 began. Neither spoke, choosing instead to watch the storm and the flickering candles, transported by the beautiful strings. Outside, the storm seemed to increase in intensity. It was the proverbial night 'not fit for man nor beast' and Edgar was relieved that Maddi was staying the night. He hated the thought of his young companion fighting the wind and the rain to get to Altair Station. The magnas were perfectly capable of handling even this storm, but Edgar was already feeling protective of the younger man.

  Maddi, for his part, was thinking almost the same thing, from the opposite angle. He was not only overjoyed to be spending the night in Edgar's arms, but doubly so that he didn't have to travel in the storm. He wasn't particularly afraid of inclement weather, but he didn't relish the idea of going out in it unnecessarily. He liked the feeling of protectiveness he sensed from Edgar. It somehow felt comfortable, like being home.

  Both men were also taking advantage of the quiet time to marvel at how natural they felt together. Fast or slow, neither cared; they only knew that it felt right and they wanted to take it wherever it went. They each felt a bit of uncertainty, but it was eclipsed by the joy they felt. Neither had any idea of how the future would play out, but they both knew they were ready to explore it.

  Mendelssohn gave way to Chopin's Nocturne in Bb minor Opus 9 No. 1 and the two snuggled closer together as the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled. Maddi looked up at Edgar and found him with eyes closed, lost in the music. Maddi sighed and rested his head back on Edgar's shoulder, feeling safe and content, and closed his own eyes. They stayed like this through Chopin and Verdi's Caro Nome. Neither moved until Einaudi's Le Onde began. Edgar looked down at Maddi and gently kissed his forehead. As Maddi roused, Edgar said "Sweet, would you like some sweets? We still have dessert."

  Maddi leaned up to kiss Edgar and said, "That would be wonderful, hon." They lingered over the kiss before letting each other go and rising. "First, a trip to bathroom," Maddi said.

  "Not a bad idea," Edgar said, gently rubbing Maddi's shoulder. "I think I'll go myself."

  When Maddi returned, he found Edgar in the kitchen, putting fresh raspberries on two servings of fluffy vanilla-bean mousse. "That looks amazing, Edgar," Maddi said. "You really did go all out for tonight."

  "Thank you, Maddi," Edgar said. "I really wanted it to be special. Coffee?"

  "Yes, please; cream, no sugar. You were more successful than you can imagine, Edgar," he said.

  "Go me!" Edgar said, smiling. "You're here with me, it couldn't be more special. I really want to compliment you on your taste in music. It's impressive!"

  "Thanks," Maddie said. "Up until tonight, I only really listened to classical. I'll definitely be branching out and exploring what you've shown me. I honestly can't stand what passes for 'popular' music today. Too
damn much synth and reverb. I'd rather listen to nature in Gridley Park than waste my time on it."

  "You took the words right out of my mouth," Edgar said. "Some of it, very little actually, is OK. I usually run in the Park every day and I leave my 'bud at home. It's time to just listen to nature. Do you run?"

  "When I can," Maddi answered. "My schedule gets pretty tight some days and there just isn't time. Typically, those are the days that I have work at the clinic, classes and homework. I usually go either really early in the morning or late evening, just before it gets dark. I'm surprised I haven't seen you."

  "I'm not," Edgar said. "I don't do much in the early mornings," he laughed. "I usually run about mid-day. Evenings, I'm either out or home, reading or working. It's nice because, as a freelancer, my schedule is super-flexible."

  "Makes sense," Maddi said. "Someday, mine will be more manageable, but ya do what ya gotta do."

  "That you do," Edgar agreed, carrying the desserts to the living room. Maddi followed with the coffee. "And I'll say that you seem to be doing a fine job of it, too." Edgar ordered the lights up, but not to full, and they sat.

  "Thank you, Edgar," he said. "That really means a lot to me. I've had to sacrifice a lot to work toward my goals. It isn't always easy and sometimes, I'd love to just quit; but, it's worth it and I believe in my goals enough to do what I have to do."

  "Awesome," Edgar said. "That impresses me even more. I'm honored that you made me a priority in your schedule tonight."

  "Well, like I said, I give up a lot, but at some point I have to draw a line," he said. "Normally, I wouldn't even be thinking about dating. There was just something about you that I couldn't get out of my mind. I'm glad to see I was right, too. Believe me, Edgar, you're totally worth it."

  "Again, I'm honored, thank you," Edgar said. "You are worth it to me, too. Whatever I can do to make seeing each other fit better with your schedule, please know that I'll try to do it."

  Maddi blushed a little at this statement, and kissed Edgar before thanking him. "I appreciate it. I promise, I'm not a high-maintenance kinda guy."

  "I appreciate that, Maddi; I can't see you as high-maintenance either," Edgar said. "Believe me, I'm about the lowest maintenance a guy could get."

  "Somehow, I already knew that," Maddi said with a smile. "I think we'll be fine."

  "I know so," Edgar said. "Try the mousse; I really wanna know what you think of it."

  They both took a spoonful, Edgar nodding once in approval of his handiwork. He looked at Maddi and the boy's eyes were closed, head back as though enjoying a good blowjob. Edgar grinned; it was obvious that dessert was a hit. Maddi opened his eyes and looked at Edgar. "This," he said, "this should come with a warning: 'Uncontrollable taste bud orgasms may result.' You've gotta give me this recipe; my roommates will kill me if I don't get it."

  Edgar laughed, "'Uncontrollable taste bud orgasms?' I have to remember that one! I'm glad you like it; I'll be glad to give you the recipe. It's an original."

  "What?!" Maddie gasped. "You created this recipe?"

  "Yep. I've been cooking since my teens," Edgar said. He left out the fact that his teens were near half a millennia ago. "I fell in love with it and never looked back."

  "It shows, man," Maddi said. "I hope there's more," he added, grinning.

  "Thanks!" Edgar said. "There's just enough for another serving each."

  "My stomach thanks you," Maddi said, taking a huge spoonful of mousse with a couple raspberries.

  "Tell your stomach it's welcome," Edgar said, following suit. He reached over and patted Maddi's abdomen. "It's a sexy stomach," Edgar smiled.

  "My stomach is flattered," Maddi said. "But my ass is feeling left out."

  "Well," Edgar said, "my sincerest apologies to your ass. It is, indeed, an ass among asses, a truly fine ass, an ass that would make Michelangelo's David weep. If it requires proof, I will happily and eagerly provide such after dessert."

  Maddi had to set his mug on the coffee table he was laughing so hard; Edgar soon joined him. When Maddi finally caught his breath, he said, "My ass is gratified and satisfied, though I expect it will be even more so later tonight."

  Edgar caught his breath and said, "Please extend my assurances to your ass that it will, indeed, be further gratified as well as satisfied later tonight. Several times, if your ass is interested."

  "My ass gratefully accepts your assurances and promises not only its interest, but its ability to handle such appreciation," Maddi said. "In fact, my ass wants you to know it's very eager for this promised attention."

  "Hmmm... I think I may be able to oblige not only your sweet tooth, but your sweet ass at the same time. Come with me," Edgar said, rising and taking Maddi's hand, pulling him off the sofa. Maddi moved to put down the mousse and Edgar stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Oh no. You need to bring that with you."

  Maddi's eyebrows shot up. "You have my full attention," he said.

  "And soon, you'll have mine. Now, follow me." Edgar led the way to the bedroom.

  Maddi set the mousse on the nightstand just in time as Edgar grabbed him and the men fell to the bed. They were soon lost in each other's kisses, hands wandering, robes open. Edgar pulled away from Maddi, looking down at the younger man's flushed face and flashing a playful smile. He retrieved the mousse and dropped a dollop on Maddi's chest.

  "Oh!" Maddi started. "That's kinda cold!"

  "Not for long," Edgar answered, dipping his head and slowly licking up the mousse. "Still cold?" he grinned.

  "Uh, I'm going with no," Maddi replied.

  "Good," Edgar said, sitting back and placing small dabs of the dessert on Maddi's nipples. Again, he ducked his head and licked up the sweet treat; this time, however, he spent a while working each of Maddi's hard nubs with his lips and tongue causing him to squirm with pleasure. Edgar gently bit down on one of Maddi's nips and increased the pressure when his young bedmate moaned.

  "You like?" he asked.

  "Fuck yeah!" Maddi gasped. "That feels so good!"

  "Then you're going to love this," Edgar said, painting more mousse on Maddi's nipples. When he returned to his dessert, Maddi's moans became louder, punctuated with the occasional gasp. Edgar captured a nip between his teeth and bit hard while flicking it with his tongue. He smiled, feeling Maddi's erection rubbing against his chest, his own cock leaking pre-cum onto the sheets.

  Maddi enjoyed a final round of nipple play before Edgar painted a trail of mousse from Maddi's chest to his pubic hair. "Really?" Maddi asked, smiling.

  "We've only just begun," Edgar answered with a grin, lapping his way down the mousse treasure trail. When he reached Maddi's hard-on, he poured some of the mousse on it from head to base. Maddi shivered with pleasure as Edgar licked it up, stopping at the head to gently kiss it.

  "More?" Edgar asked, sticking his tongue out at Maddi.

  "No. I hate it. What do you think?" he answered, returning the gesture.

  Edgar replied by spooning more mousse on Maddi's cock. This time, he started eating at the tip; instead of licking his way down, he took Maddi's cock in his mouth licking the mousse off as he went further down. Maddi gasped as Edgar's lips encircled the root of his cock, his throat gripping tightly.

  "Unnnggh! Stop, stop, or I'm gonna go!" Maddi cried.

  "That would be bad how?" Edgar laughed.

  "Because I'm not ready yet," Maddi answered. "I have the feeling there's more to come and I'm greedy," he winked at Edgar.

  "You're also quite perceptive," Edgar said flipping Maddi over onto his stomach.

  "Mmm, I can't wait to feel where this is going," he said, wiggling his ass at Edgar.

  "I'll just bet," Edgar said. "Though a bright boy like you should have that all figured out by now," he slowly spooned the mousse in a thin line from the nape of Maddi's neck to the small of his back, eliciting a sigh of pleasure.

  The sigh became a moan as Edgar gently tongued the trail of mousse from beginning to end, placing soft kisses on the
space where the swell of Maddi's firm cheeks began. He planted a last kiss on Maddi's back before rising. "Where are you going?" asked Maddi.

  "Just getting this," Edgar said, grabbing his own dish of mousse and handing it to Maddi. "Enjoy!"

  "Thanks, Edgar," he said, dipping a finger of mousse into his mouth suggestively.

  "Oh, the pleasure is all mine," Edgar smiled.

  "Not yet," Maddi winked. He opened his mouth to say something else but stopped as another dollop of mousse spread from the top of his ass crack to the tender area just before his full balls. He turned back to his own mousse, scooping some into his mouth. "Mmm... This mousse is so good, Ed-" he stopped as Edgar's warm tongue bathed the mousse from his taint, hopping over his hole and finishing at the small of his back. "Ohhh..." he sighed.

  "Mmm-hmm. Enjoy!" Edgar said, dolloping more mousse on Maddi's tight bud before feasting again. Maddi's response was to push back against Edgar's tongue.

  "Ohh, count on it," he moaned, grinding up against Edgar's face. Edgar took the opportunity to reach under Maddi and grab his stiff rod. "Mmmmm!" Maddi moaned again, shifting his hips higher, giving Edgar more access to stroke him. Moments later, Maddi began shaking as he lost control, Edgar's ministrations too much to resist. Edgar kept lapping at Maddi's ass as he pumped his load onto the sheets, stopping only when Maddi cried out and grabbed Edgar's stroking hand to still it.

  Edgar kissed each cheek softly before sitting back, one hand drifting over one of Maddi's quivering legs. "Well, that was certainly fun!" he said.

  Maddi rolled over, eyes still closed. "Hell yes, it was," he exhaled. Finally, he looked at Edgar, a slow, satisfied smile on his face. "You, sir, are damn good at what you do," he said.

  "Thank you," he said. "It's very easy with a man as hot as you."

  "It's my turn to thank you," Maddi said, licking his lips suggestively.

  "Far be it from me to argue with you," Edgar chuckled, flopping down next to Maddi, planting a mousse-tinged kiss on Maddi's lips.

  "Good," Maddi said, rolling on top of Edgar, licking the mousse off his lips. The lick became a kiss, as tongues dueled and Edgar grabbed Maddi's ass, grinding the young man against his cock. Maddi eventually broke the kiss and lathered Edgar's pecs with mousse, dropping a spoonful on each hard nipple.


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